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December 11, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-11

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2 The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 11, 1998


Continued from Page 1
see the breadth of the University in
its richness that I think few people
outside the administration can do,"
Neidhardt said, adding that he was
constantly excited to see researchers
from all levels and disciplines work-
ing together.
Neidhardt said that closing his lab
will allow him to return to a society that
has always supported him along the
"For me, it's also payback time as a
citizen," he said.
Starting Jan. 1, Neidhardt will

become the president of the Foundation
for Microbiology. The national organi-
zation was founded by Nobel Laureate
Selman Waksman, discoverer of
In his capacity as foundation pres-
ident, Neidhardt will appropriate
funding to promote the awareness
and understanding of microbiology
through educational programs,
including those targeting K-12 stu-
Neidhardt said he will operate the
foundation out of the new office he will
have in the Medical Science II
Chair of the department of microbi-


ology and immunology in the Medical
School Michael Savageau, one of
Neidhardt's first faculty recruits when
he headed the department, said
Neidhardt was "very fair and compas-
sionate" and that those qualities
reflected in the offices he headed.
Savegeau described Neidhardt as a
visionary scholar in the field of micro-
biology and noted Neidhardt's serious-
ness as a teacher.
"Even as an administrator, he
takes the time to teach a course," he
A more local medium through
which Neidhardt will give back to the
community is through a program
called Helping One Student to
Succeed. The program connects
Neidhardt with Ann Arbor elementary
school kids who need to develop their
writing skills and encourage them to
With only a few exceptions,
Winter Term
Apply now at the Law Library-
*non-Law Students
*Law Students
*S.I. Students
Apply in person:
Room S- 180 in the
Law Library's
underground addition,
8-noon and 1-5
Monday through Friday.

549 E. University" 662-3201

Neidhardt plans to partner up with his
wife Geri Chipault for much of his
"payback" work.
And finally, Neidhardt said, he will
enjoy learning new skills for "playing"
in retirement.
After flying in a four-seater plane,
Neidhardt wanted to learn how to fly.
Currently, he's a student pilot and hopes
to get his private pilot's license next
Neidhardt said he also plans to
visit his grandchildren and three
children and do some of the wilder-
ness activities he enjoys, such as hik-
ing and camping.
Throughout his years and different
positions at the University, Neidhardt
said he was enticed to leave, but always
resisted the offer.
"When it came down to it, U of M
and Ann Arbor offered me everything
for my career that I couldn't leave," he
said. "I just loved it here."
Continued from page
expected to receive 20 to 30 percent of
the books' original value back from the
Engineering junior Patrick Bonnell
agreed the prices were not fair.
He said that in his first year he
bought more than $580 worth of books
and did not receive much in return,
especially since the store refused two of
his books.
"It depends on what books are being
used in Ann Arbor," said Christina
Abbey, who works in the Michigan
Book & Supply textbook department.
Michigan Book & Supply also buys
back books that are being used in other
universities for less than half of the
retail price. They are distributed out of
a company in Nebraska, she said.
She said a student receives more
money for a book used at the
University and that the prices go up
once the store receives a list of needed
books from faculty.
At Michigan Book & Supply, she
said, the store has a no-value shelf for
books brought back that are not being
used by anyone.
Students receive no money for those
books, Abbey said.
Battaglino said the Michigan Union
Bookstore also buys back books unus-
able on this campus for a lower price.
"Most of our books carry the 'deal'
stickers," Battaglino said. Deal stick-
ers guarantee students they will
receive half of the new retail price
regardless if the store needs the book,
he said.
Episcopal Center at U of M
721 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 665-0606
The Rev. Matthew Lawrence, Chaplain
Holy Eucharist with live jazz
Steve Rush and Quartex
Lord of Light Lutheran Church(ELCA)
801 S. Forest (at Hill St.) 668-7622
Sun. Worship 10 am, Bible Study 9 am
Tuesday 7 pm: Issues of Faith Group
Wednesday 7 pm: Evening Prayer
Thursday 7 pm: Conversation on Race
John Rollefson and Donna Simon
Campus Ministers

(Anglican Communion)
306 N. Division 633-0518
(2 blocks north and 1 block west
of intersection of Huron and State)
SUNDAY: Eucharists-8am and 10am
Adult Education-9am
Call for weekday service times,
to get on mailing list,
or if you have questions.
1511 Washtenaw, near Hill
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Ed Krauss, 663-5560

Study finds fewer
facilities offer abortion
Nearly one-third of the nation's met-
ropolitan areas lack any facility that
offers abortions, and in many rural
parts of the country women who want
the procedure performed must now
travel hundreds of miles, according to a
comprehensive survey of abortion
facilities to be released today.
The study by the New York-based
Alan Guttmacher Institute found that
nationwide the number of facilities
offering abortions decreased 14 percent
between 1992 and 1996, nearly twice
the rate of decline of the previous four
years. That left the nation with 2,042
providers, nearly one-third fewer thalt
the peak number in 1982.
In Virginia, the number of providers
has fallen by 30 percent since the early
1980s, from 81 to 57. The District of
Columbia is one of the few jurisdictions
in the country where the number
increased, from 14 in 1982 to 18 in 1996.
While there has been spotty evidence
that the pool of hospitals, doctors' offices'

and clinics performing abortions has
been shrinking, the figures offer firm
evidence that the drop is far more pre-
cipitous than many had realized and that
the trend, rather than slowing, is acceler-
ating. The study is the first broad nation-
al survey in four years and the onlo
national source of information on the
number and location of providers.
Aetn to bu
Pnudential ealthCare
Aetna Inc. said yesterday that it will
buy rival Prudential HealthCare for $1
billion, making it the nation's largest
HMO company and provider of healt
benefits for one in 10 Americans.
The deal, experts said, will increase
Aetna's power to raise medical premi-
ums and cut payments to doctors and
hospitals even as it reduces the already
diminished choices available to con-
sumers and employers shopping for
health coverage.
Aetna said the deal would offer con-
sumers access to a broader network of
physicians and hospitals.

Scientists complete map of worm genes
WASHINGTON - Scientists for the first time have mapped the entire gene pat-
tern of an animal, a tiny worm that already is providing clues to human problems
such as cancer, aging and Alzheimer's disease.
Experts called the achievement an important advance in the ambitious effort to
map the human gene structure and to someday use that knowledge to find the caus
es and cures of human disease.
The worm, a type of nematode called Caenorhabditis elegans, is as common as
dirt. A handful of garden soil contains thousands.
But the animal provides a crucial keyhole view of the vast world of genetics, said
Robert Waterston, leader of a Washington University, St. Louis, team that joined
with British scientists to find the worm's genes.
"This worm is really an animal just as we are," said Waterston. "It has muscles
and many different kinds of cells. And it also ages, just as we do. By and large, it
uses the same genes that we do"
By studying genes shared by worm and human, researchers will learn at a mol-
ecular level what can go wrong and how to fix it. Such microscopic studies are vir-
tually impossible in humans.
Waterston's team and a group at the Sanger Centre in Cambridge, England,
worked together for eight years to identify the worm's 20,000 genes.


Palestinians to void
offensive passages
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - The
Palestinian leadership yesterday
scrapped constitutional clauses rejecting
Israel's existence and said it would try to
stem violence that has jeopardized the
peace - moves that may smooth
President Clinton's visit to the region.
A group of senior Palestinians led by
Yasser Arafat voted overwhelmingly to
declare clauses of the PLO charter call-
ing for Israel's destruction null and
void, a key condition of the Clinton-
brokered Wye River agreement two
months ago.
Jibril Rajoub, the Palestinian securi-
ty chief, said the Palestinian Authority
would take steps to curtail riots sparked
by Israel's refusal to release prisoners
jailed on anti-Israel charges.
Selim Zanoun, who announced the
decision by the Palestine Central
Council to nullify the offending pas-
sages, said the larger Palestine National
Council will not vote again on the mat-
ter when it meets Monday.
Israel insists the full council formally

vote to void the passages and has said
that if there is no vote on Monday, it will
not implement the next troop withdraw-
al scheduled under the Wye Agreement
The Monday meeting "will be only
listen to President Clinton's speech and
President Arafat. ... There will be no
vote," said Zanoun, chair of the PNC.
Iraqi party bars U.N.
weapon inspectors
BAGHDAD, Iraq - In a dramatic
and direct challenge to U.N. weapons
inspectors, an official of Iraq's rulin
Baath Party declared yesterday tha
U.N. teams would be barred from a
party office they tried to inspect a day
If they return, "they won't enter;"
Latif Nsayyif Jassim, a member of the
party's leadership, told a news confer-
ence on the steps of the two-story, stuc-
co building in Baghdad.
The U.N. inspectors, who are carry-
ing out an intensive week of searches in
Baghdad and elsewhere, insist then
have the right under U.N. resolutions to
examine any site without conditions.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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