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January 11, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-11

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One hundred nine years of editorialfreedom

January 11, 2000

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Despite shots,
flu epidemic
dot subsiding

GOP descends 0n state

By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA first-year student Lydia Coble
said she felt sick this past weekend with
a "dry cough, headache and body
Yesterday, as she waited at University
Health Services for a prescription to
bat her flu - dressed in blue jeans,
Slack shirt and a black and blue win-
ter coat - she said in a low octave, "I
wish I got a flu shot so I wouldn't be
Although Coble did not receive
the flu vaccination several months
ago, the shot may not have necessar-
ily protected her from the illness this
flu season.
UHS Interim Director Robert
Winfield said as of yesterday, about 5.6
cent of the 3,000 people who
received a flu shot from I HS between
Oct. I and Dec. 31 have reported symp-
toms of the flu.
In comparison to previous years,
Winfield said this percentage is
small but added that the numbers
also indicate that there is "a substan-
tial number of people coming in for
As of yesterday, the University
fspitals were "85 percent full, which
is pretty high," said Hospitals

spokesperson Kara Gavin.
"The emergency room is still tak-
ing about 50 percent more patients
than normal with both the respirato-
ry and intestinal forms of the flu,"
she said.
But why has the number of people
with the influenza illness increased
significantly if a "substantial num-
ber of people" received flu vaccina-
"Even people who have got the
flu shots are getting the flu. There
are several strains of the flu going
See UHS, Page 3
Staying healthy
- Symptoms of the flu include
high fever, cough, runny nose,
headache, muscle aches and
The flu can be fatal if it
develops into pneumonia. Every
year, the flu causes about 20,000
deaths nationwide.
- I In addition to flu shots,
washing hands, getting enough
sleep and eating healthy are
steps to preventing the flu.
Source: u.s. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Website

on moral
By Yael Kohen
Daily StaffReporter
GRAND RAPIDS - At the outset
it seemed as if candidates would con-
tinue their daily sparing over tax poli-
cies and social security issues. But it
was the moral fiber of America that
kept candidates on their toes for the
majority of the Michigan Republican
Presidential Debate in Grand Rapids
last night.
Tension between front-runners
Texas Gov. George W. Bush and
Arizona Sen. John McCain were sub-
dued, and the two pledged not to run
negative ads against each other at one
point in the 90-minute debate.
The topic was addressed twice
during the debate, which featured
all six GOP candidates including
conservative activist Gary Bauer,
millionaire magazine editor Steve
Forbes, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch and
former ambassador Alan Keyes,
Bush and McCain.
Forbes, whose latest promotional
blitz includes claims that Bush failed
to live up to a pledge not to raise taxes
in Texas, insisted that he was just
telling the truth.
"One thing that makes American
people cynical is negative advertise-
ments on TV," Bush said of Forbes'
recent ad campaign.
The issue of negative campaigning
returned in the third segment of the
debate when questions were asked by
moderator Tim Russert on behalf of
the students.
"I do mind Republicans tearing
each other down. The mission is to
pick the best person so we can
capture the White House," Bush
McCain agreed with Bush and
stepped off his podium to make a
pledgewith his most formidable
"I would like to shake hands right
now. We will not run a negative ad,"
McCain said.
But Forbes was wary about such an
agreement. "If it is negative to tell the
truth, then I will tell the truth," he
Earlier in the debate, Bush asked
McCain how he felt about
Washington's attitude toward public
lands in the West. McCain thanked
Bush for the question and for the
See DEBATE, Page 2

Last-minute addition of Bush
draws support from students

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
GRAND RAPIDS - Texas Gov. George W Bush was the
last of the six Republican candidates to commit to appearing
at last night's presidential debate at Calvin College, but his
tardiness did not affect the spirit of his followers.
Watching the debate on a large screen, a group of 400
Bush supporters, including 13 University students, gathered
at the Hilton Hotel just minutes from the debate site. The
rally had attendants ranging from young children dressed in
Boy Scout uniforms to senior citizens and included a post-

debate appearance by Bush himself.
LSA junior Adam Killian, co-chair of the campus
Students for Bush group, said he was pleased with the
turnout of University students. "For 13 students to travel
across the state to attend a rally is impressive," he said.
Killian attributed this to the fact that several members of the
Students for Bush contingency had previously met Bush when
he traveled to Warren in November.
"He's like a rock star," he said. "Everyone who meets him
falls in love with him."
See STUDENTS, Page 2

'U' provost reiterates value of diversity

University President Lee Bollinger presents the Raoul Wallenberg Medal to U.S.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) at Rackham Auditorium last night.
US ep. ewis
rcv hn

By JodieKaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
University Provost Nancy Cantor reaf-
firmed the University's defense of using
race in its admissions process, answering
faculty members' questions at yester-
day's Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs meeting.
"We are absolutely strongly behind
what we do," Cantor said, adding that
the University is "vigorously" going to
defend its affirmative action policies.
In 1997, the Washington, D.C.-based
Center for Individual Rights filed two
lawsuits against the University charging
that race was unfairly used as a factor in

"Diversity is critical to our program.
Nancy Cantor
University Provost

its admissions processes. They filed
two suits, one against the Law School,
and the other against the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts.
CIR charges that lesser qualified
minority appli nts were accepted
while three whi applicants, who the
firm represents, were denied admis-
Cantor explained that a number of

prominent political leaders, including
former President Gerald Ford and for-
mer Michigan Gov. William Milliken,
have written editorial pieces support-
ing the University that have appeared
in publications. Also, national organi-
zations, such as the U.S. Department
of Justice, have voiced their support
by filing reports backing the

Cantor said the University's "race
conscious policies are critical to diver-
sity here, and diversity is critical to our
The trials are scheduled to begin this
summer in a federal court in Detroit.
Until then, Cantor said "any way we
can educate people, we will."
She referred faculty members to the
University Website containing "exten-
sive" information and many speeches
about the lawsuits.
SACUA also discussed other issues,
such as the faculty parking crunch.
University monitors currently patrol
See SACUA, Page 2

By Tiffany Maggard
Daily Staff Reporter
Civil rights pioneer U.S. Rep. John
L is delivered an intense oration last
night to what seemed like an intimate
crowd of several hundred who sat in the
orange glow of Rackham Auditorium to
hear a founder of student civil rights
activism who was arrested 45 times for
the cause.
About 500 people gathered for the
Georgia Democrat's speech, which he
gave for the University's ninth annual
ul Wallenberg lecture and medal
p sentation.
"Both had a strong sense of mission
- pursued at all costs - that would
not be abandoned, even in the most
unhopeful experiences," said Irene
Butter, a Public Health professor
emeritus and member of the

Stockholm, both took to the same
character," she said.
When awarding - the honor,
University President Lee Bollinger said
Lewis, as a major figure during the
Civil Rights Movement, fought for
humanitarian ideals - the basis of the
Wallenberg honor.
The University president has present-
ed the medal for nine years to outstand-
ing defenders of human rights in honor
of Wallenberg, a 1935 University alum
who saved the lives of thousands of
Hungarian Jews during World War II.
Lewis was chair of the Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee from
1963-66. Through SNCC, which he
helped develop, Lewis played an
important role in the Freedom Rides
across the South in the summer of

Ladies Home journal ranks A2
second best city for women

By Jessica Weiss
For the Daily
This month's Ladies Home Journal announced
its third annual listing of the best cities for women,
and Ann Arbor rated second out of 200 cities
nationwide behind Irvine, Calif.
"Even though I didn't pick the school based on
its location, it's good to know that women across
the country value Ann Arbor," Art and Design

the ones they valued most.
A low crime rate has consistently been a prima-
ry concern for women and carried the most weight
in this year's rankings, Ladies Home Journal
reported. Ann Arbor scored in the 90th percentile
for low crime.
LSA first-year student Noah Gibson agreed
that Ann Arbor is a safe place to live, and said
that though the ranking was aimed at women,



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