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April 11, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-11

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One hundred ten years ofeditori'alfreedom



April 11, 2001

ass ault
Male student was
attacked from behind
ar Stockwell
Rpsidence Hall yesterday
* sten Beaumont
Staff Reporter
male University student report-
e ing robbed by two armed men
a' 1:30 a.m. yesterday morning near
Stockwell Residence Hall, said
Department of Public Safety
spokeswoman Diane Brown.
- A crime alert issued about the
incident yesterday by DPS comes at
a~n e of heightened awareness fol-
i ng last week's alert regarding
the sexual assault of a West Quad
Brown said the robbery victim
was returning home after stopping
at an automatic teller machine
when one of the perpetrators put
his hand around his neck and a
blunt object up against his back.
The victim told DPS one of the
s*jects asked, "Where is your
money?" while the other subject
reached into the victim's pocket,
removed his wallet and took $60 in
The crime alert stated the two
perpetrators fled the scene toward
South University Avenue.
Brown said crime alerts are
issued when there is the possibility
of a threat to the general public.
"We send out crime alerts when
tAe is a crime, committed against
a person," she said. "This armed
robbery would fit that category."
Brown added that usually a
description of a suspect is needed
before a crime alert is issued.
"We need to have something to
war people about' she said. How-
ever, she added that it is rare when
zictims are unable to give some
So of description of their
Crime alerts are not issued for
date-rape cases or instances when
the perpetrator can be identified,
Brown said.
Despite yesterday's incident, few
students expressed concern for
their safety at ATMs located on
"I always look around and make
sure that no one is creeping up on
tI but I have always felt pretty
sATe," said LSA senior Andrew
The crime alert described one of
the suspects in yesterday's robbery
as a black male, approximately 22
years old and wearing baggy
clothes. The other suspect was
described as a 23- or 24-year-old
white male with short hair and a
nyone with information about
to this incident is asked to contact
DPS at 763-1131.

*. 4 < g

to be OK'Id
By Anna Clark spokeswoman Diane Brown, but it w
Daily Staff Reporter likely be improved by the buildine




University alum Kevin Olmstead made television history last night by winning $2.18 million on the popular ABC
television show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." ABC claims it's the largest game show payout ever.

By James Restivo
Daily Staff Reporter

alum is a millionaire


University alum and Ann Arbor resident Kevin Olm-
stead made television history last night with his "final
answer" that gave him the largest game show payout ever
- $2.18 million from ABC's popular "Who Wants to be
a Millionaire."
Olmstead, a professor at the University of Detroit
Mercy and assistant to the University of Michigan's quiz
bowl team, was able to answer that Igor Sikorsky invent-
ed the first mass-produced helicopter to obtain the huge
He reached the "hot seat" on last's Friday episode but
only had a chance to reach the $200 level before the
show ended. He used the last of his three "lifelines" on
the $250,000 question.
Last night's episode was actually taped last week in

New York, but Olmstead kept quiet about his win,
unplugging his telephone and left town until after the
show aired.
The show's last million-dollar payout occurred in July
and was awarded to David Goodman, another University
alum and friend of Olmstead. Since then, for each show
that did not have a winner, ABC added $10,000 to the
pot - with Olmstead's victory coming on the 118th
episode since. Host Regis Philbin allowed Goodman to
call into the show to wish his friend luck, adding, "Go
Olmstead, 42, is not married and he brought his moth-
er on the show with him. He holds a doctorate in envi-
ronmental engineering from the University of Michigan,
as well as chemical engineering degrees from Case
Western Reserve University in Ohio and the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology.

In 1935, former University President
Alexander Ruthven asked for a building
that would be "the very heart of the
campus." Judging by the reactions of the
current University community as it
looks toward the major renovations set
to close the Horace H. Rackham Build-
ing for up to two years, it looks like
Ruthven got what he asked for.
"It's a landmark on campus," said
University planner Fred Mayer. "It's a
great old building that just needs some
"It's an absolute old treasure;" echoed
Homer Rose, Rackham assistant dean
for academic programs. "It's a part of
the life of the campus, so the life of the
campus will be changed for a couple
The building that saw Jonas Salk's
original announcement of the polio vac-
cine on its auditorium stage is scheduled
to close early next month for the second
phase of an extensive renovation initia-
tive, pending the University's Board of
Regents' authorization of the $24.2 mil-
lion project at their regular meeting
While an earlier, nearly completed
phase targeted exterior work, including
roof repairs, terrace work and safety
issues, the second phase will upgrade all
major infrastructure, with specific
improvements to the ground, first and
third floors. Technology upgrading will
also be a major focus of the project.
The auditorium will not be altered in
this.phase, said Facilities and Operations

enhanced mechanical systems.
Brown added that there are currently
no plans for renovations beyond this
No substantial changes will affect
Rackham's art deco exterior - a style
that was fashionable in the 1930s during
the building's construction.
"I don't think too many people would
be happy if there was any change to the
style of the building," Mayer said.
All Rackham offices - including
those of the deans, the Office of Gradu-
ate Admissions and the Michigan Quar-
terly Review - are being relocated to
two separate locations: the Argus Build-
ing on the corner of Fourth and West
William streets, and a location at 413
East Huron Street.
"That's going to be a complication,"
Rose said.
Rose, whose new office will be in the
Argus Building, said the location will
take some getting used to.
"For those of us used to being on
Central Campus, that's going to seem
fairly remote" Rose said. "The Argus
Building is still in Ann Arbor, but it
feels pretty west to me."
The effects of Rackham's closing will
extend beyond the graduate school's
offices. Performances and other events
that regularly use the Rackham Audito-
rium and Amphitheater are temporarily
losing an important venue.
University Musical Society Program-
ming Director Michael Kondziolka said
the loss of Rackham will make the
See RACKHAM, Page 7

Dingell promotes
patient rights act

By Louie Meizlish
.Daily Staff Reporter

An enforceable patients' bill of rights
would protect against insurance compa-
nies that refuse to pay for necessary pro-
cedures, U.S. Rep. John Dingell told
University Medical students yesterday.
"The patient ought to be able to hold
the insurer accountable,"he said.
Dingell (D-Dearborn) was invited to
campus by the student section of the
American Medical Society. He, along
with Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-Ga.), is
a co-sponsor of the so-called "Biparti-
san Consensus Managed Care Improve-
ment Act," which Dingell said will
allow for more accountability among
health maintenance organizations.
Similar pieces of legislation were
approved by the Senate and House of

Representatives in 1999 but the bill died
after no agreement could be reached in
a conference committee designed to rec-
oncile the two different versions.
Dingell blamed that circumstance on
the Republican leadership of both hous-
es of Congress, who he said engineered
a process by which the bill could be
defeated. He said he expects the bill to
have a better chance this year.
"Quite frankly, the last conference
was one of the most adroit practices of
obfuscation I have ever dealt with and I
hope that we can avoid that being
repeated," he said.
Dingell said he was "pleased to report
that no one is harmed by this legisla-
tion," explaining that doctors and
employers who contract with health
maintenance organizations will only be
See DINGELL, Page 7

U.S. Rep. John Dingell (-Dearborn) talks to students
yesterday at the Medical School about the Bipartisan
Consensus Managed Care Improvement Act

would allow
Engler to stay
By Louie MelziIsh
Daily Staff Reporter
With candidates lining up to replace Gov. John Engler in
next year's election, proposed legislation to extend Michigan's
term limits would allow Engler to seek a fourth term in office.
The governor currently is prevented from seeking re-elec-
tion because of the term limits initiative approved by Michi-
gan voters in 1992. That amendment to the state constitution
limits governors to two four-year terms, although Engler was
allowed to run for a third term in 1998 due to his first term
beginning before the limits went into effect.
A proposal by an original supporter of the initiative, Sen.
Glenn Steil (R-Grand Rapids), would extend the term limits
for the Legislature and state offices, including the governor, to
12 years, and, due to its grandfather clause, would allow
Engler to seek a fourth term in 2002.
But Steil's office said that that was not the reason for the
"It's certainly not the intent of this thing," said Steil
spokesman Brandon Stewart.
Susan Shafer, Engler's press secretary, said the governor
would most likely not run again, even in the event of the
extension's approval.
But Michigan Democratic Party spokesman Dennis Denno
said the governor cannot be taken at his word.
"During the 1994 campaign the governor said that that
would be his last campaign for governor," Denno said. "He
quickly broke that promise when he ran again in 1998."
Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.) said the
chances of Steil's proposal getting on the ballot for a special
election this year - a date which would be required for
Engler to run for another term - are slim.
"I think if you are looking to kill a proposal that language
will kill it," said Smith, who plans to run for governor.
Since Steil's proposal would also extend the term limits for
members of the Senate to 12 years, Smith expected the House
of Representatives - many of whose members would not be
serving had it not been for term limits - to change the provi-
sion so that sitting officials would have to relinquish their
"They are going to say to the Senate, 'This was your bullet
and you are going to bite it,"' she said.
Expectations are that Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus will
announce his candidacy this summer. Republicans had gener-

Rec buildings to extend hours in the fall

By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter

Students, faculty and staff who like to
work up a sweat early in the morning or late
at night will welcome a change in Intramural
Building, Central Campus Recreation Build-
ing and North Campus Recreation Building
In response to years of requests, the three
recreation buildings will open at 6 a.m. Monday
through Friday starting this fall. Each building
will close at 11 p.m. The facilities currently open
at 7 a.m. during the week and close at 10 p.m.
Sunday through Wednesday and 11 p.m. Thurs-
day through Saturday.
"Over the years we have had requests from two
groups. Students want us to keep buildings open
later in the evenings. Staff and faculty prefer that
we open the facilities earlier in the morning so
they can exercise before going to work," said Jan
Wells associate director of Recreational Snorts.

Public Health graduate student.
"In response to users' suggestions, we have
been phasing in longer hours by keeping the
buildings open until 11 p.m. on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday evenings," said Dick Pitcher,
NCRB Building Director. .
Michigan Student Assembly President Matt
Nolan, a member of the Advisory Committee for
Recreational Sports said the request for extended
hours was approved last week.
"After speaking with students, we noticed that
they just don't work on a nine-to-five schedule.
Attendance studies taken at the buildings show
that it will be beneficial to keep them open
longer," said Jessica Cash, a committee member
and MSA vice president.
New equipment was added to the IM Building
after spring break this year and a building-to-
building equipment overhaul is gradually occur-
ring, Cash added.
Mandeep Grewal, an LSA sophomore, said
regardless of the longer hours. she still prefers to

7 ,.


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