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February 11, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-11

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See Editorial Page


Sir igau

D~ali 1

High- 6
Cloudy iwith
Possible rain

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Trimester: No Help Now

Will the University's new tri-
mester system help the literary
college accommodate the in-
flow of students during the
next three years?
Hardly at all, according to a
report on literary college growth
released Monday by the execu-
tive committee of the literary
college and approved in a vote
by the faculty the same night.
The college will just not have
access to enough new faculty
-along with commensurate in-
creases in classrooms, office
and research facilities-to take
advantage of full-time use of
University facilities during the
coming summer, the report
To Be Revised
According to Dean William
Habereofrthe literarydcollege,
the report "will no doubt be
refined and revised before be-
ing submitted to the adminis-
tration for consideration and
appropriate action."
The report estimated that
the college would need about
238 new faculty members to
operate a full third term. The
number of extra faculty and
matching facilities needed
would fluctuate depending on
four main factors:
-The admissions office be-
lieves there will be very few
freshmen entering at either the
beginning of the Winter term
or the Spring term because of
the opening dates. However,
the administration has recently
revealed that it plans to defer
a maximum of 400 students.
from the Fall to the Winter
terms. This will balance ad-
missions, helping to eliminate
the crush in the fall followed
by empty beds five months
later. This could increase sum-
mer enrollment.

-Estimates differ on how
many students will enroll in
the summer term. According to
Dean Stephen Spurr of the
graduate school, as high as
two-thirds the number of nor-
mal fall enrollment could at-
tend. Others say this is high,
and their estimate is 50 per
-Where under the old sum-
mer schedule, the college taught

calendar "has the potential for
increasing the capacity of the
college" through summer use of
facilities, "it is not likely to do
so in the near future.
The report stressed that the
,ollege wishes to limit its en-
rollment through 1968 by not
increasing the planned admis-
sion figure of 1965 until then.
Under this plan, the college will
have expanded from its current
enrollment of 9300 to 11,800 in
The committee voiced several
complaints about the trimester,
and offered an alternative.
"Experience with the first two
terms of 1964-65 has shown
that new problems are intro-
duced by the more rapid pace
of t shortened academic term."
Perhaps it might be expedient
to re-examine the value of
"other academic calendars, such
as the quarter system," the
report suggested.
Quarter System?
Several high University ad-
ministrators are reportedly
leaning toward the quarter
system, but so far no study
groups have been set up.
Perhaps one of the greatest
disadvantages of trimester is
that the student is deprived of
time to study independently,
the report said, noting that
"such problems will have to be
worked out before the three-
term system can realize its full
The report concluded by not-
ing that the major roadblocks
of staff and space will have to
be solved before three equal
terms are fully established on
a permanent basis. "Any sig-
nificant contribution of the
three-term system to our abil-
ity to teach more students must
therefore wait for the solution
of such problems."




gBo mbing









Uni on Merger
Regent Approval BOOST IN FALL
Still Neesay*f *~ ~

Proposal Passes

S Quiet on Rate Hike

"IL l.luictV-0


a total of only 24,000 credit
hours, under the new system-
using the figure of ar, atten-
dance equal to 50 per cent of
the fall term-it will teach
about 100,000 hours in the
summer. The added load would
require added personnel.
-"Most present faculty mem-
bers would be very reluctant to
teach on a year-round basis,"
thus necessitating the recruit-
ment of new members.
The committee concluded
that, though the three-term

An important step was taken University officials remained for more money if the Legislature
yesterday in the student activities mum this week on whether does not add to Romney's figure
merger of the Michigan Union and chances for tuition hike this fall of $50 million. Officials have noted
the Women's League,dasa sparse are increased by Gov. George that, though the request is $6 mil-
turn-out of male students at the Romney's recommended $5.7 mil- lion above last year's budget, the
University passed all four consti- lion cut from the University's percentage increase is only 13.7
tutional amendments on the n- budget request. per cent, compared .to 19.4 per
ion referendum. Many have speculated that the cent for all 10 state schools and
Passage of the amendments University will ask its students colleges.
was necessary for the two organi- According to Vice - President
zations to procede with merger. s Marvin L. Niehuss, the University
plans.owreais nlf h ehas not yet had time to redraw
It now remains only for the its tentative budget to fit the gov-
administration and Regents to ernor's recommendations. He de-
accept and approve the University BTined to speculate on whether the
Activities Center. Both executive e cut in funds could prompt a tui-
groups have agreed to the idea in . tion increase.
the past, but their final endorse-.
ment is needed before the new or- By LEONARD PRATT Administrators a r e currently
ganization merger plan can be conferring on budget plans, and
implemented. Gov. George Romney's proposal the Office of Academic Affairs
------------------------11 JA. hn ,ni mnvhnv, n. - -t-- - - ..ndn b- ..nlw


Asks Coverage of Dangers'

In response to the rumors of
rapes and murders that have been
circulating on campus, .Student
Government Council unanimously
passed a motion last night urging
The Daily to inform students of
the dangers which exist in the
campus area and to quiet un-
founded rumors which would cause
In response to the SGC action,
Daily Editor H. Neil Berkson, '65,
issued the following statement:
Editor's Statement
"In conjunction with the Office
F' of Student Affairs, which compiles
such information, The Daily is
currently investigating the possi-
bilities of a more regularized cov-
erage in these areas.
"At the same time it must re-
main perfectly clear that The
Daily, has shied away from any
sensationalistic display of crime or
death and will continue to do so
as a matter of policy.
y" "The time may 'be here when
consistent coverage of these events
is a necessary service to the com-
munity, but we don't intend to
transform ourselves into the New
York Daily News."
Romney Letter
In further action, SGC accepted
a letter, drafted by Yee Chen, '65,
t to be sent to Gov. George Romney
Wayne Councfl.
Lists Students'
'Bill of Ri hts'
The Student-Faculty Council of
Wayne State University submitted
a bill on students' rights and re-
sponsibilities to University Presi-
dent Clarence Hilberry last Mon-
day. The bill is a clear statement
of the students' relation to the:
university in all areas.
After 21/2 years' work, the bill
was finally compiled and sent to'
the administration for approval.
The bill provides that:
-Students should be protected
from religious, political and racial
-Students have the right to
competent instruction and ade-
quate facilities;
-Students have the right to be
informed in writing of any com-
plaints against them by the ad-

expressing dissatisfaction w it h
Romney's proposed budget for ed-
The letter, to be signed by all
SGC members as representatives
of the student body, expressed'
support of the statements made
by President Harlan Hatcher and
other University officials de-
nouncing the budget.
SGC also passed a motion man-

dating the Off-Campus Advisory
Board to make a study of the
rents to be charged in 1965-66 by
the owners of apartment build-
ings less than three years old and
to compare the rents with those
charged now.
Also, petitioning for the United
States National Student Associa-
tion delegation will continue until
Monday, Feb. 15.

Specific Provisions
The constitutional revisions will
permit the addition of a coordi-
nating vice-president to the three-
member senior office presently
representing the students on the
Union Board of Directors. Further,
they will allow women to become
senior officers and provide for a
joint officer selection process with
the League. Finally, to keep voting
power among the students, fac-
ulty and alumni equal at three
votes each, the new coordinating
vice-president and administrative
vice-president will only have one-
half vote each.
However, only 300 students
voted in the referendum. All males
currently enrolled h e r e and
alumni who attended the Uni-
versity for at least eight semes-
ters were eligible to vote yes or no
on the amendments; the final re-
sult was 233 yes and 73 no.
The merger of the Union and
League activities has been under
careful consideration since a com-
mittee report, published in May,
1963, recommended a similar plan.
The plan at that time was to fuse
all aspects of the Union and
League, including business opera-
tions, but the idea eventually nar-
rowed down to merely merging the
activities structures of the two
organizations into a new Univer-
sity Activities Center.
An activities merger would
mean that events such as Home-
coming, Michigras and Winter
Weekend would be co-sponsored
by the united Union and LeagueI

to hold up expansion o the Uni-
versity's Flint branch will be in-
vestigated this morning when the.
Senate Appropriations Committee
begins public hearings on the gov-
ernor's budget.
Romney hurt Flint expansion
plans last week when money for
the plan was not included in his
budget requests for state educa-
The governor's recommendation
has already come under heavy
attack. Monday, nine members of
Flint's board of education, the
group that originally requested the
University to expand its two-year
branch at Flint, sent a letter to
Romney expressing their "shock"
at his proposal.
Yesterday, t h r e e Republican
legislatorsmet with Romney and
encouraged him to support Flint's
Sen. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) and Reps. Marvin L. Escb
(R-Ann Arbor) and Thomas G.
Sharpe (R-Howell) attended the
Bursley reportedly told the gov-
ernor that the C. S. Mott Founda-
tion has already donated $2.4 mil-
lion to the project, thus easing the
strain on the tax dollars involved.
He urged Ronney to provide the
money needed for Flint's fall ex-
pansion, which he estimates at
between $300,000 and $400,000.
Romney has said that consider-
ation of a four-year college at
Flint should wait until an over-all
policy for state education is de-
veloped, either by his Blue Rib-
bon Citizens' Committee or by the
,State Board of Education.

may nave a report reaa yDy eariy
next week on the request and
University's plans.
University Par es iden t Harlan
Hatcher indicated that there has
not yet been enough time for con-
sultation, and that he "would not
care to comment now" on whether
the possibility for a tuition hike
this fall is increased.
One major worry of adminis-
trators is that Romney's budget
recommendation allows no funds
to backup plans already laid for
expansion of the University's
branch at Flint. The University
had planned for Flint's expansion
from a two-year to a four-year
college f r o m the anticipated
budget increase.
But Romney's request allows no
Abel Has Lead
In Steel Vote
clung to narrow unofficial lead
last night in his bid to topple
United Steelworkers Union Presi-
dent David J. McDonald. Returns
were incomplete.
The closeness of the voting
pointed up two possibilities:
-If a clear-cut winner does not
emerge, the election may wind up
in a time-consuming court fight,
delaying the resumption of vital
steel contract negotiations.
-An Abel victory would con-
stitute one of the most unusual
upsets in the history of the
American labor movement.

funds for expansion there, prefer-
ring to wait until the governor's
"blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee
on Higher Education releases its
long-range report on the advisa-
bility of branches before it makes
further commitments.
Niehuss noted earlier this week
that "freshmen have already been
accepted at Flint, so it is difficult
to make any changes in plans
there." If the University was de-
termined to continue Flint expan-
sion but got no more money from
the state, its most obvious method
of financing would be to raise tui-
tion to cover the money the state
is cutting out.
The University faces the same
problem in many areas: it has
thoroughly planned expansion and
improvement, but may have to ask
for more money from the students
if it wants to expand and the state
holds back the money.
Fee Hike Set
Despite Rally
More than 1500 Canadian stu-
dents staged a rally in -11 degree
weather to protest a $75 tuition
hike at the University of Mani-
toba in Winnipeg.
But yesterday the university's
president, H. H. Saunderson, an-
nounced that the fee increase
would take effect next fall and
that any further protests "would
be a waste of time."
Monday's demonstration was
highlighted by a march on the
Legislative Building and the pre-
sentation of a brief to the law-
makers, but an attempt to start
a sit-in at the building failed. The
Canadian Union of Students, a
powerful national organization,
voiced its full support of the
demonstrations and its president,
Jean Bazin, flew to Winnipeg to
attend the rally. The CUS is en-
gaged in an attempt to forestall
other tuition hikes at campuses
all across Canada.
While the students' attempt to
forestall the tuition increase prov-
ed ineffective, there were signs
that further protests would take
place next fall.

Fleet Activity
Hints More
Air Attacks
Death Toll Uncertain
As Rescuers Search
Rubble of Barracks
By The Associated Press
SAIGON - Another American
air strike at North Viet Nam ap-
peared imminent'early this morn-
ing in retaliation for the Viet
Cong bombing of a United States
enlisted men's billet.
Top U.S. officials hinted strong-
ly that the raid would be announc-
ed later in the day. It would be
the third since Sunday.
Several U.S. Navy combat jets
from 7th Fleet carriers landed at
the Da Nang Air Base-usually a
sign that air strikes outside South
Viet Nam are in the making.
Wave of Attacks
The bombing of the U.S. enlist-
ed men's billet came amid a wave
of Communist attacks that killed
hundreds of Vietnamese.
Rescue workers probing the
rubble of the four-story hotel for
American soldiers at Qui Nhon,
270 miles northeast of Saigon,
reached one American serviceman
pinned in the rubble of the bar-
racks bombed by the Viet Cong.
More teams tunneled toward two
other GI's known to be alive.
Twenty others were missing.
Workers report that one U.S.
serviceman. was known 'dead, 15
were inured, and 23 were trap
ped in the rubble.
The rescuers made voice contact
yesterday with three of the trap-
ped men.
Helicopters Strike
While the rescue efforts were
under way, armed helicopters
swarmed down on a fleet of 50
junks which Viet Cong infiltrators
were sailing toward the Qui Nhon
city wharfs 300 yards from the
wrecked American billet. The
junks turned back under intense
A U.S. adviser said the Viet Cong
apparently had infiltrated the
funk crews and forced them to sail
across the bay.
Other armed helicopters were
bombing Viet Cong positions in
the swamp near Qui Nhon.
Washington Meeting I
President Lyndon B. Johnson
met in a Washington emergency
session with the National Security
Council, but gave no hints about
U.S. reprisals, if any, for the blast
that turned the hotel into a mass
of rubble 25 to 30 feet high.
Military spokesmen said the
Viet Cong hit two other spots
besides the billet-a national po-
lice sationcanda power station-
and also carried out diversionary
strikes against an outpost and an
air strip.
Two of the Viet Cong terrorists
who planted the explosives at the
billet were killed. There were in-
dications in Washington that
they may have been shot instead
of killed in the blast.
Officials said the terrorists
planted one charge in the lobby
of the hotel and chargesIin.the
front and back of the building.
When the explosions went off the
building buckled and collapsed.
Other Action
There were these developments
on other fronts:
-Perhaps 600 South Vietna-
mese government troops were
wiped out in the northeast Binh
Dinh mountains in one of the
worst defeats of the war.
-Four U.S. army advisers were
missing after a Red Viet Cong
band attacked a town 80 miles

north of Saigon.
-The toll of American combat
dead rose to 268 with the killing
of a helicopter crewman and the
death of a captain wounded
-Government forces claimed
60 Communists killed in fighting
south of Saigon.
Earlier Incident
Qui Nhon, scene of the bar-
racks bombing, is 80 miles east of

MS U Students Protest
Over-Protective Policy
Seventy-five Michigan State University students have formed a
Committee for Student Rights to promote the abolishment of the
university's"in loco parentis" attitude toward students.
The Michigan State News reported that CSR's goal is to promote
discussion of the university's regulations and attitudes. According to
the members of CSR, the group is not radical and does not want to
hold demonstrations to protest student rights. Instead they want to
discuss their grievances with uni-T
versity officials. TERGMA T YBOUY I
The committee is protesting BER A, BOU
what it calls the "in loco par-
entis" attitude of the adminis-
tration as it hinders the students D"g a
chance to grow. duls
According to the philosophy of Dy icLgIA
CSR, as developed in a "Point of
View" column in the State News, While President Lyndon B. J
the development of each individ- yesterdays Viet Nam bombing i
ual to the fullest extent should be yterotstUitStts Viet Na obigic
let o teuerity o acit: to protest United States Viet Na
not to control. analyses and ended in vigorous Dia
John Van Gieson, editor-in- Prof. Kenneth Boulding of th
chief of the Michigan State News, Frithjof Bergmann of the philos
said in a telephone interview with sponsored by VOICE, the IndepE
The Daily that CSR is not an Socialist Alliance, the Women's I
officially recognized organization Freedom and the Ann Arbor V
as yet, and the group has made America's presence in Viet Nam.
no move to get an organization Boulding stressed the lack o
charter from the All-University the embattled country.
Student Government.
Outlines Demands "If the Chinese Communists
In a meeting last Sunday, the would certainly protest-even if th
committee adopted a platform of he told the crowd of approximately
10 recommendations for liberali- He advocated negotiation wi
zation of university regulations on U.S. cannot solve the problems of
student housing and enforcement ment is reached with the Red Chin
of regulations on and off-campus. Bergmann saw the Viet Nam
The recommendations included: light, insisting that the root of
-Students over 21 should be South Vienamese don't want Amen
allowed to live in housing of their
own choice, subject only to local, "Everyone in Viet Nam aids
state and federal laws. the official South Vietnamese arm
-All university regulations that wishes, and Buddhists incinerate th
discriminate against female stu- He foresaw no end to incide
dents shall be abolished no later nredicted that even if the Viet 1

ly Protests American Policy in Viet Nam


ohnson fretted in Washington over
dent, a rally held at the University
am policy began with professorial
g debate.
he economics department and Prof.
ophy department opened the rally
endent Socialist Club, the Young
International League for Peace and
Women for Peace by denouncing
f legitimacy behind U.S. power in
were fighting in Mississippi, we
ey wore United Nations armbands,"
500 people.
ith Communist China since "the
f Southeast Asia until some agree-
n situation in a somewhat similar
all current trouble is that most
ican intervention.
the Viet Cong guerillas. Men in
y feel like traitors to their people's
hemselves," he said.
ants like the recent bombings, and
Nam nroblem is solved U.S. policv

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