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December 11, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-11

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Center Aims
Going into its fourth month of operation, the Center for
Research on Learning and Teaching 'is working "to bridge the
gap" between the human learning research laboratory and the
classroom, Prof. Stanford C. Ericksen, director of the center,
said yesterday.
"We want to make available to University faculty members
the accumulated-knowledge of experimental psychology, the other
behavioral sciences and education research," Prof. Ericksen-
himself an experimental psychologist by training-said.
The center has a number of programs, some already in
operation and some still in the planning stage. These programs
fall into two broad areas.;
First, there are service programs designed to aid University
faculty members and departments in improving teaching and :
in the training of future college teachers. Second, there are I





research programs on all phases of college teaching and learning.
The latter are all in the planning stage.
Prof. Ericksen has been working with a number of faculty
members on setting up programmed learning in their courses.
He is also planning a series of workshops and symposia on
programmed learning with faculty members throughout the
University which will include discussions on "whether or not
programmed learning is relevant" to particular areas.
The center will also hold discussions on closed circuit tele-
vision and its use in the college classroom.
Teacher Training
Another area that the center will be exploring 'i the training
and orientation of new teachers within the individual depart-
ments. "Every department owes its graduate students some re-
sponsibility in preparing him to handle them in future classroom
responsibilities," Prof. Ericksen commented.

The center will also act as a clearing house for literature
on all aspects of University teaching.
In the area of research, there are no specific proposals ready
yet, but Prof. Ericksen is working on several projects and will ask
for research grants later this year. He also plans to continue his
own research on the basic thinking process.
Purely Voluntary
Emphasizing that the center's services are offered on a
purely voluntary basis, Prof. Ericksen said that he "hadn't realized
that so many different teachers in so many different areas would
be so anxious to investigate any and all methods of improving
their teaching."
Prof. Ericksen came to the University last year as a visiting
scientist in the Mental Health Research Institute from Vander-
bilt University where he had served as chairman of the psychol-
ogy department for 15 years. At present, he is the only full time

staff member of the center although Frank Koen, also of Vander-
bilt University, will join the center as a full time staff member
February first.
The center's efforts will be concentrated on "those areas
where the squeeze is tightest," in freshmen and sophomore dis-
tribution courses, Prof. Ericksen said.
Individual Experiments
He also noted that he has found much informal experimenta-
tion taking place at the University within individual departments.
Describing the need for the center, Prof. Ericksen said that
programmed learning and other automated learning aids "brought
to a focus" the need for the project.
The original recommendation for the center was made by the
Sub-Committee on the Improvement of Instruction last spring.
The sub-committee now acts as an advisory board to Prof. Erick-
sen. The center is attached to the Office of Academic Affairs.

See Editorial Page


:43 iiy

Continued cold
with occasional flurries

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Postpone Action
On.Brawling Law
City Council To Await ACLU Report
On Legality of Proposed Ordinance
City Council last night postponed action on the proposed amend-
ment to the disorderly conduct chapter of the City Code pending a
report from the Washtenaw County chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union.
The amendment was accepted on first reading last week and
awaits a second reading for its final approval.
Democratic Councilman Lynn Eley's attempt to hold a public
hearing on the ordinance before next week's council meeting was de-

Six Volunteers To Go
To HUAC Hearings
Six women of Women Strike for Peace will leave Ann Arbor
tomorrow to go to Washington to volunteer to testify before the
House Committee on Un-American Activities, Mrs. L. B. Slobodkin,
spokesman for the group, said last night.
The group is offering its services to the committee which is hold-
ing hearings on alleged Communist infiltration of peace organizations.
As yet there has been no word from HUAC members as to whether
or not the testimony will be admitted. HUAC had already subpeonaed


Try Communist Party

For F
Kimball Hits




...public hearings
To Present
Off Broadway's longest running
musical hit, "The Fantasticks,"
now approaching the record of
1,143 performances set by "Little
Mary Sunshine," will present a
special: engagement Janitary 15-
20, in.Trueblood Aud.
The musical, presented under
the Professional Theatre Pro-
gram's banner, opened May 3, 1960
at the Sullivan St. Playhouse in
New York.
World-Wide Audience
Still running in New York, "The
Fantasticks," is also currently be-
ing performed to audiences all over
the world. This "lighter-than-air
musical fantasy" is based on Ros-
tand's "The Romantics."
This "intimate" musical cast for
nine performers, follows the ad-
ventures of a couple in love as
they wander from a fantasy world
into the harsher world of reality
and then back into their fantasy
Satire and Romanticism
"The Fantasticks," with book
and lyrics by Tom Jones and
music by Harvey Schmidt, is a
blend of satire and romanticism
that contains both comedy and
verse. The orchestra, a piano,
harp, base, cello, and percussion,
complements the initmate air of
the musical.
In order to make the Ann Arbor
special engagement possible, a
unique exchange of companies has
been worked out with director
Word Baker. Baker will substitute
his Milwaukee cast for the New
York company when the latter
cast comes to Ann Arbor.
Mariner Probe

*feated, 8-3. A public hearing was
voted down at last week's meet-
ing by the same margin.
Contacts Official
According to Eley, the civil liber-
ties group contacted city attorney
Jacob Fahrner and asked to pre-
sent their views to council.
The proposed statute states that
"no person shall . . . engage in, or
attempt to create any disturb-
ance, fight or quarrel in a public
place or go to or remain at such
place for the purpose of provoking
a fight or quarrel."
Eley and other critics of the
ordinance have attacked it as
vague and claimed that it threat-
ened citizens' rights.
Voting ."with Eley-both- against
the ordinance last week and in
favor of a public hearing on the
ordinance last night were Demo-
crat Mrs. Eunice L. Burns and
Republican Wendell E. Hulcher.
Zoning Ordinance
In other council business, a
public hearing took place before
the formal council meeting con-
cerning the proposed city zoning
ordinance. Complaints about the
proposal came from the Ann Ar-
bor Board of Realtors and the Ann
Arbor Area Architects.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal proposed
forming a study group including
representatives from the two dis-
sident groups. However, council
felt that the ordinance could be
adequately studied through exist-
ing means.

'U' Presents
Course Book
A revised edition of the course
description booklet, put out by
the announcement committee of
the literary college, is now avail-
able for student use, said Stan
Levy, of the Office of Associate
Dean James Robertson of the
literary college.
This booklet was created because
of the inadequate coverage of
course description as presented in
the regular Announcement Cata-
logue. It was revised for the first
time since the spring of 1960,
through the initiative of Literary
College Steering Committee.
It has brought up-to-date course
number revisions, including those
in the math department which is
in the process of overhauling their
complete number system, and
course changes in the Psychology
and Sociology Departments.
All Introductory Courses
Included in this booklet are all
introductory courses, the major
distribution courses required by
the Literary College, and courses
widely elected by students not con-
centrating in the department
which offers the course.
It covers in considerable detail
the course objectives-especially
explaining the place of the courses
in the total undergraduate offer-
ings of the department; a orief
outline of the matter covered;
background preparation expected
of the student; and finally, the
method of instruction employed,
including examinations and re-
quired reading.
Invaluable Assistance
Levy noted that this booklet can
be of invaluable assistance to stu-
dents in devising their academic
program, especially in the courses
of fields of study which the stu-
dent may have very little know-
ledge of, but which he may be re-
iuired to take.
It is also a great assistance to
counsellors, whose knowledge may
also be limited in certain areas
and can find this booklet a source
of easy reference.
Two copies of the Course De-
scription Booklet are now avail-
able at the reserve desk of Under-
graduate Library, Levy announced,
as well as in the Counselling Of-
fices in Angell Hall. Students are
invited to come in and examine
these whenever they desire.

19 women who will begin testify-
ing today, according to the na-
tional headquarters of Women
Strike for Peace. Today's and to-
morrow's hearings, however, will
be closed.
Send Telegrams
Two of the Ann Arbor volun-
teerssent telegrams to the com-
mittee which at the same time
"regretted the time and effort be-
ing expended in this manner" and
volunteered services.
Mrs. James Barrabee indicated
that "since I have been an active
participant in the activities of
Ann Arbor women for peace I vol-
unteer to appear before the com-
mittee to explain the goals, activi-
ties and scope of our work."
Mrs. Robert Blood volunteered
to tell the committee of the local
activities which "we believe are
helpful in promoting broader cit-
izen responsibility in man's search
for alternatives to nuclear war."
Unorganized Movement
She noted that the group was
an unorganized movement and op-
erated in a "thoroughly democ-
ratic way."
Mrs. Barrabee said that the
activities of Women Strike for
Peace aid in continuing debate on
"national policy fundamental to
the democratic process."
The group is also circulating a
telegram to send to congressmen
protesting the action of HUAC.
Repeal Oath;
Rejoin NDEA
Loan Progoram
With the repeal of loyalty oath
provisions which applicants for
National Defense Education loans
were required to sign, six north-
eastern universities have an-
nounced they will again partici-
pate in the government program.
Those schools which have de-
cided to rejoin the program are
Amherst, Brown, Colby, Mount
Holyoke, Wesleyan and Yale.
Harvard University is also ex-
pected to re-enter the program.
Harvard initiated action to
withdraw from the program. In
November of 1959, students began
a three-year fight to repeal the
The campaign against the loyal-
ty oath met with success on Oct.
17 of this year, when students re-
ceived word that President John
F. Kennedy signed into law a num-
ber of changes to the 1958 act,
including those relevant to the
loyalty oath.

Of Freedom
Says McCarran Act
Curtails Freedom
Under provisions of the McCar-
ran Internal Security Act (1950)
the Communist Party will go on
trial today for failing to register
with the government.
The McCarran Act has been
criticized by many organizations
:s a "drastic curtailment (of) our
basic freedoms" and among those
organizations that have assailed
the bill is the American Civil Lib-
erties Union.
Although the provisions of the
act regarding Communist action
organizations (forcing them to
register with the justice depart-
ment) has been upheld "there still
is the question of desirability of
the act and the application of it
to so-called Communist-front or-
ganizations," Prof. Spencer Kim-
ball of the law school and head
of the local ACLU chapter said
ACLU Position
Justice Hugo L. Black's opening
sentence in a dissent in the case
of the Communist Party vs. the
Subversive Activities C o n t r o 1
Board in 1961 clearly crystallizes
the ACLU position, he said.
"I do not believe that it can be
too often repeated that the free-
doms of speech, press, petition and
assembly guaranteed by the first
amendment must be accorded to
the ideas we hate or sooner or
later they will be denied to the
ideas we cherish," Justice Black
Prof. Kimball noted that this
statement since it was written in
a dissent cannot be held as a legal
pronouncement on the act's con-
stitutionality, but it does indicate
the feeling of the ACLU.
'Next Step'
"The ACLU believes that polit-
ical viewpoints should not be pro-
scribed even if the ideas are those
which do not like for the next step
is the loss of what we do like,"
he said.
This principle is held by the
ACLU even though in the last few
years the organization itself has
been determined not to allow
Communists to hold offices.
The 1961 decisions upheld the
constitutionality of the act regard-
ing the Communist party. Regard-
ing Communist-front organiza-
tions, "the act is even more ob-
jectionable because any members
of an organization which is
charged as being a Communist
front group are automatically
painted with a red brush," he
Not Easy Law
Even if the act is assumed to
be desirable, however, it is not the
kind of action which the law can
work with easily. Although the
McCarran Act was passed in 1950
it was not until 1961 that the con-
stitutionality of it was upheld.
The net effect of such a law
would probably be to just push
Communists underground a n d
force Communist-front groups to
change their name and work un-
der a different title. "The whole

Plan Session
Of Legislature


The state Legislature will re-
convene Dec. 27 for a perfunctory
session, in order to adjourn this
year's term formally and thus
put legislation enacted in spring
and summer into effect.
Republicans leaders finally suc-
ceeded yesterday in obtaining a
quorum for the brief meeting. The
only issue expected to crop up
is' the proposal by Rep. Joseph
J. Kowalski (D-Detroit) for en-
abling legislation so that the state
can obtain federal assistance for
needy children of the unemployed.
The next regular legislative ses-
sion begins Jan. 9.

Benjamin Davis, right, are shown in New York's F
Building, on their way to the detention section. They
with failing to register the party as an agent of the
Students Hold Pr(
For Shapiro at M,
Seventeen students from the University and Wa
versity picketed on the campus of Michigan Sta
Oakland Sunday to protest the firing of Prof. Samue
Prof. Shapiro, according to MSU-O officials, was f
had "lost interest" in his job as an assistant profess
history. Dick Rice, Grad, chairman of the student
mittee for the reinstatement of.G
Prof. Shapiro, said that he foundf
the response of MSU-O students Forf s
favorable, even though there was,
a little hostility. To Exar
Set Another Protest
"Students from Wayne State
University and our group are go- Foreign
ing up to MSU-O Friday noon to
protest again. We are trying to WASHINGTON
get students from Flint Junior John F. Kennedy f
College and Michigan State Uni- committee yesterdE
versity to join us," Rice said last the foreign aid pr
night. termine whether
"Oakland students have also the goals set for i
promised to be there for the pro- Kennedy name
According to Rice, Prof. Shapiro LuciusD. Clay to
had originally asked the students made up of both
not to protest, but changed nis Republicans.
mind because of the publicity the White House so
dismissal has received, the President war
Feel Sympathy hard look at Unit
Rice pointed out that, according tary and econor
to Nancy Cowen, co-editor of the which has been c
MSU-O campus newspaper, the billion a year,
Oakland Observer, most of the whether changes
students and faculty are in sym- One obvious aim
pathy with the picketers. a program which.
"We felt quite successful with gressional and p
our protest," Rice said. After the next year.
demonstration, the students went One White 1
to Prof. Shapiro's house, where he acknowledged forei
thanked them for the support they growing more diff
had given him. Congress and the p
The students said that they had The group will
"no doubt that Prof. Shapiro's dis- "The Committee
missal was the result of his out- the Security of th
spoken criticism of United States The White Hous
foreign policy. "At the Presider
"As students who are most in- committee will un
terested in the quality of profes- mediate review ofc
sors in the state and the nation, economic assistan
we deplore this flagrant attack whether the level
upon academic freedom." of these programs
materially to the

Hall Claims
Trial Denies
w Free Choice
Kennedy Calls Group
Action Organization,
Dominated by USSR
can Communist Party goes on
trial today for refusing to register
as an agent of the Soviet Union-
another round in a 12-year battle
with the Federal government.
Gus Hall, identified, by the jus-
tice department as General Sec-
retary of the American Commun-
ist Party, charged the trial "vio-
lates the constitution of our coun-
-AP Wirephoto try and denies the American
all, left, and people their right of political
ederal Court choice."
Y are charged "For the first time in the his-
Soviet Union. tory of our country," he added,
"a political party has been brought
into a criminal court and put on
Not Outlawed
Attorney General Robert F.
)test Kennedy, however, contended that
the 1950 subversive activities con-
trol law, also known as the intern-
-T al security law, did not outlaw the
Communist party.
The law, he said, "found that
the party is a Communist-action
organization, substantially con-
yne State Uni- trolled, dominated and directed
ate University- by the Soviet Union and there-
l Shapiro. fore is required to register with
ired because he the government."
or of American He noted that since 1938 agents
ad hoc com- of foreign governments, includ-
ing those who are American citi
zens, have been required to regis-
ter with the Department of Jus-
rouP tce
p Subject to Fines
nine If convicted, the party is sub-
ject to a $10,000 fine for each day
A ' it refuses to register, and to pro-
1i vide names and addresses of its
officers, names of its members,
(R) - President and information about its finan-
ormed a special cial operations.
ay to scrutinize Hall and Benjamin J. Davis,
ogram and de- identified as party national sec-
it is achieving retary, are under federal indict-
t. ment for failure to register as of-
d retired Gen ficers of the Communist party. A
head retredo trial date has not been set.
Democratsgand The Communist party was in-
dicted Dec. 1, 1961, on 12 counts
urces indicated for failure to comply with the
nted to take a 1950 law.
ed States mili- Denies Dismissal Motion
mic assistance, District Judge Edward M. Cur-
osting about $4 ran Oct. 21 denied a motion for
and ascertain dismissal of the charges on
are necessary. grounds that resigstration would
was to present violate the Fifth Amendment pro-
will gain con- tection against self incrimination.
ublic approval Attorneys argued that if the
party is forced to identify its
House official members and register under the
ign aid has been act it would in effect be admitting
ficult to sell to that it intended to over throw the
)ublic each year. United States government.
tbe known as This, they said, would lay its
to Strengthen members open for prosecution un-
e Free World, der the Smith act, which makes
e announced: it a crime to belong to an organi-
nt's request the zation advocating violent over-
dertake an im- throw of the government
our military and
ce to determine
and distribution
is contributing
security of theR u
is Airp.. p~ fn P,'.l *11 . .,. 7

Wilson Notes Requirements
It's a man's world when you're getting into college.
. So says Gayle C. Wilson of the admissions. office who claims
that it is harder for women to get into universities than men.
Wilson said recently that there is a double standard of ad-
missions evident now, since men do poorer than women in high
school. If the same standards applied to both men and women,
Wilson predicted that universities would be 65 per cent women.
Men are often given preference because of the tradition of men
as the providers of the family. The education given by colleges is
geared toward men in order to continue the tradition.
.,_. ,Educators are not sure why men in high school do not get


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