One hundred eleven years ofeditoril freedom
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
January 11, 2002
Judge denies area Muslim leader bond again
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
A federal immigration judge gave Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service officials more
time to build their case against Ann Arbor
Muslim leader Rabih Haddad, who was once
again denied bail and must remain behind bars
as the federal government pursues evidence to
support his removal from the country.
In what is being called an unusual course of
action for federal proceedings, Haddad's hear-
ing yesterday - similar to all his previous
court appearances - was conducted behind
closed doors, without the presence of media or
the public.
Haddad, a co-founder of the Global Relief
Foundation, an Islamic charity, was arrested
Dec. 14 on an expired visa charge. The foun-
dation became suspected for channeling
money to terrorist organizations two years ago
and was placed on a White House-watch list.
Formal hearings for the deportation of Had-
dad also began yesterday.
If his client accepted voluntary removal
from the country, Haddad's attorney, Ashraf
Nubani, said Haddad could remain in jail for
several months. Nubani also said Haddad will
not be deported because he is a legal immi-
Immigration Judge Elizabeth Hacker said
she will release Haddad on bond if the INS is
unable to supply proof of its claims. Until
then, Haddad will continue to be held at the
Monroe County Jail.
The next removal hearing is scheduled for
Feb. 19.
Nubani said Haddad was refused bond ini-
tially because he was considered a flight risk
and because he owns a hunting rifle.
At closed bond hearings on Dec. 19 and
Jan. 2, Hacker denied Haddad bond indefinite-
ly. But a Troy lawyer said closed immigration
hearings and denial of bond are rare and that
other factors may have been an influence for
Hacker's decision.
William Dance, a partner for Fragomen, Del
Rey, Bernsen and Loewy, a firm in Troy that
specializes in immigration, said he was sur-
prised that Hacker had the bond hearing closed
to the public. He said deportation hearings are
normally open.
"That to me seemed improper," he said.
"I'm not in favor of closed hearings. Some
government people maybe got to the judge that
publicized information might be helpful to the
terrorist movement. ... (Haddad) is not a
proven terrorist, but his organization is
accused of supporting terrorism."
In his experience, Dance said Hacker is fair-
ly careful and exercises discretion.
"I've been before her a number of times,"
Dance said. "Hacker would want to give some-
one a fair trial. ... There has to have been
some allegations by the government. I know
her, she wouldn't do that on her own."
Dance said a judge would likely refuse bond
simply on the basis of Haddad's ownership of
a hunting rifle. He said he believes it is most
likely a result of fear within the country of
anyone related or associated to terrorist fac-
"I think it was based on the events of Sep-
tember 11," Dance said. "I think that you can't
... fault an immigration judge when you have
somebody from an organization the govern-
ment is saying is contributing to terrorists."
Yesterday's decision was met with mixed
reactions from some of the 100 people who
See HADDAD, Page 7
holds first
By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
The presidential search advisory
committee will meet sometime in the
next week with the University Board of
Regents for the first time to discuss the
presidential search process.
The committee held its first official
meeting to discuss the organization of
the search for a successor to former
University President Lee Bollinger on
University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said the search is still in its prelimi-
nary stages. The 16-member advisory
committee was formed last month.
Bollinger left Dec. 31.
The regents, who are serving as the
primary search committee, have a
scheduled meeting next Thursday.
Advertisements soliciting applica-
tions and nominations for the presiden-
tial position are running in The
Chronicle of Higher Education and
other publications, Peterson said.
The advertisement states the commit-
tee will not start screening candidates
until Feb. 1. The regents and Rackham
Dean Earl Lewis, the chair of the advi-
sory committee, have said they hope to
name a permanent president by spring.
Until then, former Business School
Dean B. Joseph White will serve as
interim president.
White has not announced whether he
will seek the permanent position.
to, Cuba
military yesterday began moving hood-
ed and chained prisoners from the war
in Afghanistan to a jail in Cuba.
Taliban and al-Qaida detainees were
taken from prisons in and around
Afghanistan to Kandahar airport in the
south of the country for movement to
Guantanamo, Cuba, officials said.
Later, a group of some 20 from among
more than 300 in U.S. custody were
seen on CNN shuffling to an airplane
at the airport.
The trans-Atlantic move presents an
unprecedented security challenge.
Prisoners were to be chained to their
seats - and possibly be sedated,
forced to use portable urinals and be
fed by their guards - during the flights
from Afghanistan to newly constructed
jail cells in Guantanamo, according to
newspaper and television reports.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rums-
feld sidestepped comment on that
directly, saying troops had been autho-
rized to use "appropriate restraints"
and noting other groups of al-Qaida
and Taliban prisoners had killed their
guards in at least two instances in the
"They're fully aware that these are
dangerous individuals, Rumsfeld said
of American troops at a Pentagon press
Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria
Clarke said detainees were being treat-
ed in accordance with the Geneva Con-
vention rules on prisoners.
Meanwhile, U.S. warplanes struck
again early yesterday Afghan time at
the huge cave, tunnel and building
complex used as an al-Qaida training
camp in eastern Afghanistan.
American-led forces for several days
have been detonating ordnance found
there and hitting the compound itself,
saying intelligence indicated it was
recently occupied by al-Qaida fighters
preparing to escape the country into
As for the prisoners, Clarke told a
press briefing yesterday that she was
trying to determine what details of the
transfer would be released, saying offi-
cials would not be talking about sched-
ules or other things that would breach
security, but would simply announce
when the detainees had reached Guan-
But it was clear their transfer was
imminent when prisoners were consoli-
dated - that is brought from other
locations to Kandahar.
A U.S. helicopter files over a guard tower at the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba yesterday. The base is preparing
to house detained al-Qaida fighters captured in Afghanistan.
. Movie makes mental illness public
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
Most viewers and movie critics seem
to agree "A Beautiful Mind" is a believ-
able account of one man's problems and
triumphs. But some psychologists and
mental illness experts say it's more than
a story about a Nobel Prize winner, and
call a the movie "a lesson."
The movie tells the life story of a
mathematician named John Forbes Nash
Jr. - best known for introducing game
theory - and his battle with schizophre-
"I thought it was a beautiful movie. I
cried in it," said University psychology
Prof. Rajiv Tandon.
But Tandon said he liked the movie
more because of the way schizophrenia
was portrayed rather than the account of
the life of Nash.
"The best thing I liked about the
movie is that it really conveyed the
human aspect of schizophrenia. It is a
human disease, it's a terrible disease,"
Tandon said.
Tandon, who met Nash several times
in real life, said though the movie took
several liberties when telling the story
of Nash's life, he believes it will help
people understand the disease more and
erase some of the stigmas against the
people who suffer from it.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness in
which people suffer from auditory hallu-
cinations, paranoia, lack of motivation,
social withdrawal and a reduced ability
to process complex information, among
other symptoms.
More than two million people in the
U.S. have the disease, which normally
strikes between the late teens and early
Tandon said schizophrenics - and
other mental disease patients - are not
normally violent, as some movie and
television characters have shown them
to be.
Tammi Landry, the executive director
of the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention's Ann Arbor chapter, said
violence is not the only stigma upheld
by movies and television shows.
Landry, who recently co-founded the
AFSP chapter with her friend David
Stucki after both had close family mem-
bers commit suicide after suffering from
depression, said sometimes comedies
See ILLNESS, Page 7
Education reform bill to
track students' progress
Dog days o winter
Panel members Delphea Simpson of the Michigan chapter of
the ACLU and Ann Arbor Police Chief Daniel Oates discussed
racial profiling at a symposium yesterday.
Post-Sept. 11
racial profiling
o ic of panel
By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter
By C. Price Jones
Daily Staff Reporter
More standardized tests and newly hired
teachers are only a tiny portion of the $26 billion
9 education reform bill that President Bush signed
into law this week with bipartisan support.
The wide-reaching plan scrutinizes states
more closely in reporting and organizing stu-
dents' improvements on standardized test by eth-
nic group. Following students' progress is one
aspect of the bill's goal "to close the achieve-
ment gap with accountability, flexibility, and
choice, so that no child is left behind."
"In general, the Bush administration would
like to improve the quality of teaching prepara-
tion and remove a lot of the regulations that are
now preventing teacher education," School of
Wixson added that the School of Education
would be affected by the Bush administration's
emphasis on preparation in the bill because
training for University Education students -
future teachers - could change.
"The existing teacher education program can't
move people through the pipeline quickly
enough," Wixson said.
The new law fixes this problem by funding
states to hire more educators.
In the next seven years, the bill plans to raise
educational standards for high school students,
specifically} those from low-income households
and minority families. Many in education cannot
make estimates about the effects of the bill so
early after its approval.
"Any time K-12 education is improved, it con-
tinues to improve the outcome for students seek-
LSA freshman Ravi Perry was 18-years-old when he was
stopped by the police in his own neighborhood in Toledo,
Ohio - a neighborhood that is three-quarters white.
Driving a Lexus RS 300 and talking on his cellular phone,
Perry, a black male, said he was stopped at an intersection by
three police officers just after midnight.
"It was late at night and I was basically harassed by three
officers who said they were looking for someone with drugs
who was black," Perry said.
Perry and about 60 University community members partici-
pated in a symposium on racial profiling last night sponsored
by the Michigan chapter of the American Civil Liberties
Ann Arborres~ident Nck Weimerskirch sells a hotdog to LSA senior Ben