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October 11, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-11

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[rprise Pass Caps
ourth, Quarter Rally
Staunch Defense Leads Wolverines
To First Win over Rivals Since '55

Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-'Michigan's offensive machine sputtered,
coughed, and waited until late in the fourth quarter to roar
alive with two touchdowns that whipped Michigan State
here yesterday afternoon, 17-10, ending a nine-year winless
string against the Spartans.
It is also the first time since 1955 that the Wolverines
have won their first three games of the season.
A stadium-record crowd of 78,234 watched sub halfback
Rick Sygar haul in a five-yard pass from quarterback Bob

Timberlake for one tally and

Sygar's Pss
Elates Elliott
Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-The winning
touchdown pass yesterday which
halfback Rick Sygar rifled to end
John Henderson could have come
right from the Michigan State
strategy guide.
Spartan quarterback Dave Mc-
Cormick threw two similar passes
from the halfback position, com-
pleting one to end Eugene Wash-
ington for 43 yards. Nevertheless,
Spartan Coach Duffy Daugherty
lamented afterwards. "There play
fooled us completely. It was very
well executed."
Old Play
Elliott said the halfback-end
pass is an old Wolverine play, al-
though this is the first time it has
been used this fall.
Sygar took the pitchout from
quarterback Bob Timberlake, roll-
ed to his right, and hit Henderson,
who had broken in and then back
outside, right near the goal line.
Henderson sprinted into the end
zone standing up.
All-Around Star
"Sygar was really hot," Elliott
said. In addition to throwing the
winning touchdown pass and play-
ing most of the game at defensive
left halfback, he caught three
passes and scored the Wolverines
first touchdown in the fourth
Michigan was losing 10-3 early
in the quarter when Timberlake
started the team moving from the
Wolverine 27-yard line. Sygar
caught two passes for 19 yards
and ran around right end for nine
yards on his only rushing attempt.
Then he caught Timberlake's pass
for the TD when the Wolverines
had a third down on the Spartan
5-yard 'line.
See MASON, Page 7

then throw one himself to end
John Henderson from 31 yards
out for another as the Wolver-
ines erased a 10-3 deficit late
In the game.
All or Nothingj
In a do-or-die effort midway
through the final quarter the
Michigan offense finally got roll-
ing after a series of fumbles and
a rugged Spartan defense almost
completely stymied the Blue at-
Timberlake keyed the Wolver-
ines to midfield with a pair of 11
and eight-yard passes to Sygar and
then let loose with a 29-yard bomb
to Henderson as Michigan creat-
ed its first major offensive threat.
Henderson was finally stopped
at the Michigan State 21, and
on the next play it was Sygar
again-this time getting the pitch
from Timberlake on the oft-used
option. {He dashed to the nine-
*yard ine before bieing forced out
of bounds.
Aerial A auk
Two plays later Timberlake hit
Sygar on the swing pass, and the
Niles, 0., sophomore neatly dodg-
ed a Spartan defender and jump-
ed into the end zone. The first
Wolverine touchdown of the day
pushed the score to 10-9, the
Spartans on top with just under
seven minutes to play.s
Michigan Coach Bump Elliott
had the choice-pass or run for
two points or stick with a one-
point kick that would tie it ,up.
Elliott took one look at the clock
and made up his mind-go for
"We went for two after that first
touchdown because we wanted to
win it right there and then."
With all of jammed Spartan Sta-
dium in a single held breath, Tim-
berlake rolled to the left on the
option and pitched to fullback
Mel Anthony going ,round the
end. Anthony cut in, twisted, dove
and ended up only millimeters
away from the goal stripe.
Taking Timberlake's kickoff, the
Spartans had only to hang on to
the football for six mifutes to
take the one-point Oictory.
But a fired up Michigan defense,
paced by big tackle Bill Yearby,:
stopped State in its tracks on j
three downs, and on the fourth
Dick Rindfuss returned the punt
to the Michigan State 41.
Carl Ward hit, left tackle for
four, Timberlake ran left end for
four more, and Anthony smashed
for two and a Michigan first
down at the Spartan 31-yard line.
There was 2:33 showing on the
clock when Timberlake pitched
to Sygar, who lofted Henderson
the winning pass clear in the MSU
secondary, and Henderson romp-
ed into the end zone.
Timberlake put on the finish-
ing touches, firing to end Steve'
Smith for a two-point conversion.
But Earlier...
Earlier in the game it was a
different story. Michigan receiv-
ed the opening kickoff and im-
mediately fumbled the football. "
On the second. play from scrim-
mage Anthony mis-grabbed a Tim-
berlake pitchout and Spartan Ed
Macuga pounced on the loose ball
See CLICK, Page 71

Halfback Rick Sygar fires to.. .. John Henderson on the 15 ..

..: and he scampers to winning



Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 37



Kidnaping Motives Mulled

New Local Plant Settlements Spur
'For Early End to Nationwide Auto


American officials are uncertain
whether the kidnaping . of a U.S.
Air Force colonel in Venezuela is
merely a local act of terrorism or
is the central move in a Com-
munist plot of fantastic propor-
The critical question in the plot
theory is whether - the kidnaping'
was masterminded by Red lead-
ers in North Viet Nam or Com-
munist China or whether it was:
initiated by the Faln, the pro-
Castro terrorist organization, for
home-grown Venezuelan purposes.
Authorities here expressed re-
luctance to accept the theory of
an elaborate kidnap strategy,
spanning half the world, being
developed by Communist chief-
tains to block -the execution of
Nguyen Van Troi, an alleged Red
terrorist in South Viet Nam.
Cuban Terrorism
Terrorism is an old story inf
Venezuela. Support supplied byp
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro has been a major issue in
the Western Hemisphere and with-
in the year brought severe de- z
nunciations of Castro by his neigh- e
hors on charges of interference in a
Venezuela's affairs.'i
The threat made by anonymousB
phone callers in Caracas Friday t
night to the Associated Press and
other news media threatening the f
life of Lt. Col: Michael Smolen Ifp

ecution has not been certain by - -
any means. Informants here said
the U.S. made known to the Khanh Attempt To Resolve
government sometime ago its feel-
ing that clemency for a terrorist so At-The-Plant Demands
young, whose crime did not re-
sult in anyone's death, would be a . DETROIT (AP)-A sudden surge
better policy than execution. in local plant settlements kindled
The government of South Viet hope yesterday for an early end
Nam was reported last night to to a nationwide strike by the'
have assured the U.S. that it does United Auto Workers u n i o n
not plan to make any decision on against General Motors.
his execution. With the walkout now in its
Word fromh Saigon third week; local-level; negotia-
The word from Saigon yester- tions planned to meet in weekend
sessions in efforts to resolve at-
day appeared to remove any pros- the-plant demands around the
pect that the South Vietnamese nation.

VLwa : v v .i. 1 WW r v ii " :s, va..~ +. a v r v

pressed metal parts for all GM
car divisions.
Tempo Gains
UAW President W a1t e r P.
Reuther predicted earlier that the
tempo of local bargaining prob-
ably would pick up during the
weekend,. but many observers still
believe the strike will continue
for at least another week. It be-
gan Sept. 25.
Layoffs of more than 32,000
workers in the United States and
Canada have brought the total
number idled by the strike to
nearly 300,000. GM of Canada's
entire production reportedly has
been shut down because of a lack
of parts normally shipped in from
the U.S.
When the UAW ordered some
260,000 workers off the assembly
lines, halting the flow of GM's
new 1965 models, it told union
members at most parts and accec-
sories plants to stay on the job
because .a portion of their output
is sold to GM's chief competitors-
Ford and Chrysler.
Strike Pay


'U' Novice Debaters
Win Forensic Tilt
The University novice debating
team won the region five Delta
Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha
forensic and discussion tourna-
ment yesterday, coach William
Reed of the speech department re-
ported last night.
Judy Starcoff, '68, paced the
winners, placing first in the 60-
man tournament.
The participating schools in-
cluded Purdue, Indiana, Ball St.,
Ohio Wesleyan, Butler and Capi-


the young terrorist is executed in
faraway Saigon, does not fit the
past Faln pattern.
The over-all purpose of Vene-
zuelan terrorism up to last De-
cember, in fact, was to undermine
and topple the government of Pres-
dent. Romulo Betancourt. The
Faln suffered a severe defeats when
Betancourt succeeded in carrying
through orderly elections in De-
cember. Further terrorist efforts
ailed to stop the inauguration of
President Raul Leoni two months
Beset by -defeat, the Faln lead-
ership was reported split between
hose who favored a more moder-
ate course of action than in the
ast and those who espoused ex-
reme measures.
Gain Notoriety
Some officials said that the
Faln leaders themselves, aware of
he arrest months ago of the 17-
year-old terrorist in South Viet
Nam, may have hit upon a link
between his case and the Smolen
eizure as a spectacular means of
attracting world attention.
Furthermore, these officials said,
f the Reds knew that much about
he arrest of Nguyen Van Troi
hey might also know that his ex-

government wouldt make a final
decision in the case of Nguyen
Van Troi pending the outcome of
widespread efforts under way; in
Venezuela to find the American
officer who was seized by pro-Cas-
tro terrorists Friday.
Officials said that with all the
problems the Faln leaders have it
seems unlikely that they would
have spent much time following
events in South Viet Nam in such
detail that they would have
thought of the Smolen-Troi hos-
tage deal on their own.
From this point of view a more
logical explanation, it was said,
is that Communist strategists in
Hanoi or Peking figured out the
maneuver as ohe which could em-
barrass both the U.S. and South
Vietnamese governments and dem-
onstrate a power for coordinated
Red action over a very wide area.

National UAW'and GM officials
stood by a battery of telephones
in Detroit, ready to offer advice
on any knotty problems that
might be holding up settlement:
on the local level.
Local Units
For the first time since tenta-
tive agreement was reached last
Monday on national contract
terms, the 'number of local bar-
gaining units with problems still'
to be worked out fell below the
100 mark yesterday..
New settlements brought the
total to 36 out of 130.
Included in the latest settle-
ments was the key Fisher body
stamping plant in West Mifflin,
Pa., which proved to be'a major
stumbling block three years ago..
Although the plant employs only
about 1700 workers, it makes


Prop osa Examined To Aid'
Taxpayers in High Brackets
WASHINGTON (P)-Treasury officials are paying increasing at-
tention to a proposal that would give a bonus to the taxpayer who.
doesn't use any of the legal loopholes.
The plan, as originally advanced by Sen. Russell Long (D-Ala),
would provide relief for high bracket taxpayers who do not claim
any of the many special categories which offer tax breaks.,
The latest version of the plan retains the optional method of
figuring income tax-which has special interest for high bracket
income taxpayers-and it adds some automatic tax-saving features
for middle and low income taxpayers. Even under the reduced rates
- "which will apply in 1965, a married
man who earns $100,000 a year
and takes the standard deduction
would pay a rate of 60 per cent on
part of his income and his total
-!n tax would be $42,000. Under the

aibraith Stss oreir PolicV of Co-i


Neutrals S
Geneva Pv
On Viet C:

Strikers received their first
payments - totaling $7,956,620 -
from the union's $67 million strike
benefits fund Friday. Single
workers got $20 a week, married
workers $25 and those with chil-
dren $30.
Agreement on a new three-year'
national contract with GM par-
alled settlements reached at Ford
and Chrysler last month. It called
for higher pensions, longer vaca-
tions, additional holidays and in-
creased wages.
On non-economic matters, the
union gained additional time for
union represenfatives to handle
UAW business while being paid by
GM, a letter aimed at easing ex-
cessive overtime, and other im-
Local Demands
Issues holding up local plant
settlements involve such demands,
as company-paid uniforms, ex-
panded parking lots, improved
working conditions and grievance
Meanwhile, negotiations w e r e
scheduled to resume tomorrow be-
tween the UAW and American
Motors after a five-dayrecess.
Talks were broken off Wednesday
over a disagreement on continua-
tion' of ' the only profit-sharing
agreement, in the auto industry.
Triangle 'ouse
Trophies Stolen
Triangle Fraternity summoned
the Fire and Police Departments
yesterday afternoon when a smoke
bomb was dropped in the hallway
of the house and the fraternity's
trophies were stolen.
A spokesman for the fraternity
claimed that members had a good
idea about who was responsible
for the incident, but declined fur-
ther comment until after the
house discusses the matter Mon-
day night.
"The police found a container in
the house filled with some chemi-

CAIRO .(Ao)-The foreig
ters of the nonaligned pc
terday recommended a n
settlement of the war
Nam at a new Geneva Co
The foreign ministers
an end to "all foreign int
in the affairs of countri
They asked the powe
took part in the 1954
Conference on Indochina
vene urgently a new Gen
ference on Indochina wi
to seeking a satisfactory
solution for the peacef!
ment of problems arisin
part of the world."
The Geneva armistice,
July of 1954, halted th
and-one-half year war
china. It cut Viet Nan
along the 17th parallel
northern part going to
Minh's Communist-led r
the southern part giver.
French-backed regime of
The participants inch
French, Soviets, Briti
Chinese, Formosan Chi
Vietnamese. Thie U.S. sen
ers but did not sign.
The conference took no
"rapidly deteriorating sit
the Congo." It appeale
Congolese government te
recruitment of white me
immediately, to expel all
aries now there,,and to cE
tilities immediately. All 01
batants in the Congo a
called to stop fighting an
solution permitting nat
conciliation and peace
help of the Organization
can Unity.
Although the conferent
to accept a suggestion
Minister Shastri of India
an anti-nuclear mission I
it called on all states to
the Moscow Treaty parti
ning testing nuclear wea

7 d V VV

optional plan, the highest rate
wilda Wf A 45 t' d, r nf.-.n hi. 4-,fn

John Kenneth Galbraith told an
overflow audience in the Lawyers
Club Lounge last night that a suc-
cessful foreign policy cannot be
one of contrast--"of black and
white, of them and us."
He said a policy. of co-existence
-even with radically different
systems-is better than no exist
ence at all.
Galbraith. a nted economi t,
former U.S. ambassador to In-
dia, and a member of the Kenne-
dy 'brain-trust,", is also the 4u-
thor of "American Capitalism,"
"The Great Crash," "The Affluent
Soci3 ty," "The Liberal Hour" and

wul e a per cens ana nsTax
Galbraith said that the policy with the people. He did more to would be $36,500.
of "quiet reason" will not survive make the people aware of the true Under Long's proposal, no tax-
if Republicans win in November. ideals of American democracy payer would pay more than a 50
He labeled Goldwater as "our first than an envoy could have done." per cent rate unless he chose to
compulsive bomb-dropper," adding Galbraith further prasised Pres- pay the higher rate and take ad-
that' Goldwater sees the use of ident Johnson by saying that he vantage of many special features
bombs as a mild reproof, to be had shown strong leadership in as different treatment for capital'
distributed upon trees or people, Congress-a quality that saw him gains income or itemized deduc-
but not necessarily with malice. chosen as minority leader in the tions.
Galbraith complained about Senate, with only four years sen- Included in the plan is a pro-
the current quadrennial seminar atorial experience, and majority vision for raising the ceiling from
on public issues. "This year we leader two years later. n$1.000 to $2,000 on the standard
aren't getting much of an eduT I He also cited "four pieces of I deduction. Thus, a taxpayer with
cation," he said. "President John- unfinished work." First, "the re- income of $20,000 who had $1,250
son is taking up the public is- sidual islands of poverty must be in personal deductions could for-
sues; candidate Goldwater is busy eliminated," he contended, so that get about itemizing deductions and
attacking his former stands and more people can share our nation- take the standard deduction of 10,
Miller is attacking everything but al abundance. , per cent-which, in his case, would'
the white race. Second, the federal government be $2,000. This would be a saving
"We have recently been so in- must concentrate on solving the of about $200 for a married tax-

:_ 'k : ,::

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