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February 11, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-11

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The Michigan Dail



NO. 94.

... -.-- - - r _._. ._..._..
_ - . ...___.W_._.

Coach McAllister Is in Town to
Start Practice-- New Games
Arz Scheduled.
Preliminary practice for the baseal
season will start in the gymasiam this
ternoot. Coach McAllister will e
F present to direct the opeitg work. En
tsiasut among thetplayrs has sdeel-
ped with the close of exams and a
lrge ntitibhr is expected ts report.
For the first week oly pitithlers aitd
cachers will le trieid, uogeter with te
'"!W mnt retmaintig it cltege fro last
ear's team. Th'le cage is it tlace ithle
gymnasiutm and it is hr that Cattain
Stllivainatd Lew McAllister will meet
le min whenth tey report tis after-
noon. Coach MXcAllister was in owni
resterday talkiigswitli the players aid
fans. Ilie apiears tus le the same uoacs
hat gave Micigantielichlamionsip
teans of two atd three years ago. oldup
lowie last year's coach, tatpopuilar tit
oth Ihe players and thoisselho ocupie
the sats, litn iso r cols tae the
place "'Mac" hldcithiliall hringhis
two years' work with the teamt. Ile took
,somehat inferior material adsl li his
'kill tail hard iwork lrogtitwitsschami-
pionshipis to Mihigan.
The seducltle has already liens aii
pouincetd iniari, ut withinaa fe'ir says
the comptlete list of sates sill le giei
ot. (,alies with Wabasi adslBeli
ale asuresd, auti the' sates ae tniote
fixed. Oerlini is askitg for a game ade
w ill probaly le taken ot. These gaies.
coupled twithi the southerni adteasterti
trips, are all ilac the mst artett sup-
porters of le teamitcsul ask for. lTe
trip south twill get the mue illiisae to
aake a gsoss resrs on thisastern trip,
iwhile the siller gaies, toii: lsaydin i
Ann Arbosr, will gieC ait oportnitiy
for the homei follis toi see' the tais
in atnt.
Thse iniootr track schedule is tiearly
comipleeud. It asditistn is toteevents
of last sassiti Maager Iairi hat assed
le dual meet withi the First Regiiett
of Infantry f Illinoi, wihelwtill occur
March 2i.
In both the fresh-soph adilvarity ii-
door mieets a numtiber of oel features
will proahly e attmipted. Mfanager
Baird will eitdeaor to arrantge for a
visit fromi some oitside relay ieani to
comtpee agaitt the varsity qulartet.
'T'he sedteusle thus fsrsdetermintes is
as follows:
Fle. as[}-Prelimnitaries.
Mar, 7-Smph-fresh.
Mar 14-Varsity meet.
Mar. 2-First imteit ofIliiois.
A tentative date, March 28, hsatbeit
set for the Detroit CUniersity Shol-
freshmen meet.
Manager Bairi is ut of the city at
A tmeeting of the Conference cniii -'ti
formitRequireents in Etglisit siltice
AhIed, at Coltimtiia uisersity, Nei York
City, ot Feb'. 21-22. -iThe oject of this
cnferece is iiicssosse the texts swhich
sre to e used il the study f Eglisi
itt hight schools, asito iila cosneth le
genteal pritciples swhici are to te flot
lowed itt preparatory itstrctinttiiCg
lish. Its resolio-ions determinde the ci-
trance reuiiremnts for the lasitgini-
rersties. The msajority of the prepara-
tory' schools throiigihotihe coititry
abide y its decisions.
Prof. Fred N. Scott, who has een a

mnmer of the hody for tetn years, wrill
repreksent thye North Cetntral Associatiotn
of Colleges and Highs Schools.

Th'le recent proposal for the legten-
itig of the examintatioti period in the
literary departmeint has aroused nucs
disctussiont htainig stdetts and fac-
ul. 'Tie asisattages of the lstger ex-
sunitutatiotn period ini certaiti corses of
study are shoiothue cmtmuicaionu
fromit IDr. etley f the hilosophiy tde"
"TVolie Editor:
"I snted, wstill iischin teresi. your
easer f Jssn. 30 othle proposedl ierid
f three hours for examintationts in the
literary departmtielt. I notdi also sev-
eral refereices iii philsohly, a siject
withlichtte, frosmsste sadpiont f the
earlier andc exaine r, I ihapten to hase
somtie acqiuaintiancc.
''it is niy fate tco comte frsmt a sister
uier sity'wserec pihilsosphy has ibeen
arltivtcsciswith lmoincst iniue success fr
sn u ndiccresiatd fifty y-ars. Of course,
I do nt knowci ihit experince the
authosr f yourasile'listenjoycd, nor
sani I siare o'nciiwsts recrantutfacts,
drawni fromthIis experience, teibases
his' viewss. Btcsthossc'facts, iheaiig oti
tiele atdiioniiiof lie ithoruigi examuita-
iition cmethodl ticprisven scsess ii the
-ili'atiis'utof philo~sophiiy, iiay si-ll cuse
imtuocctake secndi tsoucgt. Ira te
'ciiierity of Glasgowi, ciss exminiia-
tioistcoethre's'periuds, ccf three huirs
cch, sachi terma. Exsuttitatiscts for the
5pass degree, swhiehssre alditioia to the
'lass examiniatioins, cer three periods
f threr hscisrs act. Examiin ations-for
tihe icicr sdegrereuomer frocisiseeito
-en periosft h c lrehours each.sh u iis
n pas iisa, oniirceipt f his degre,
5(1cchutinasp selltltiryy-fsve hours' iii
xrittein examinatisisii i tss an hinor'tsat
ine ictfty-s'ren. Ass the examinteur fr
egrees for threc years, I1samt fairy str
let iiimauisu icldigraduate i philoo
'thuy withutiuaccomspheent gi'si f the
;aibject. I useueictcti.Adanti SmtiltRent,
teirart, Hamsniltoni, Fraser Vetchte-Xi
Cosih, J. Caird, Stiriig, Nchol 1.C trd
Xnkdret Lanig,Wasonsst, tradey Flint
iSonacr, Jons, .\hiiiruas, Macukezie, to
crime noi tthe'rC, udidh tet, and io int
'siagratu their philosophy swithi aT
situsr.lit they lia dificult, s-ry
cifcist. thngs tface as suduetus. 'This
resiultesd in list technciial euiipmteti
which list eabledhesmilrutoii cnitrl -the(
I )hisciihicad thoucgt of lie greater art
f le Enghli-tseakinig wtrlrdfor miore
thaniacenctury. Verb. sip.
R. Mk. Wer."
tiLong liniss of lteerrystdenetts besieg
eut the registrar yesterdayswitipetiions
lute chatges of elections. A large nittm-
ir wirec'uniablec deiitey to take sp
their mnshstins weeks ii avsatc' as o
wateostuisisthey wesies tspursui, atd
gristiec the uopporituiy to alter their
courses. Withmanty others te results
Sof ast semuester's sork mtodified contdi-
tionscsothat si cangeewas ucessary.
A "plutk" apearing iopphortuely it
Mionday's usai iecessitated thur re-ee-
tioti of a suject, andu "cos" frightened
someui sutay from dificult courses. Others,
havinugipassed sa suject unxpectdy,
wishued to udrst it swhie they couul.
The rulet proside tat tll chatges in
elctioinstitust he maduse hiy Saturday
ight. Studies mauy- he chaniigdhthere'
sfter onlyupoti paymset of a fee. St'
denuts wishitg to casinge studies are re-
siuestedht iltsut a dulicae class list
arth in theur itse tle dropped and Ya
arth for thuresw curse to e eecteu.
'T'hese nmt bhetresentedtoliither regisra
fuse atuirosa. Nosuris'election blak is

GEE ~ ~ tEtiO155tT eROMS.
Geoirge ihuhusrt, tresidenut of the seniors
literaryclsiss, trusshas heeni ill trith
tpleurisy four several slays, isis showrn a
tgreat imnprovetientt. Accoinpanuied tsy
this isther, lie heft foC his homnii Grande
Rapids yesterdhay.

ni. Louis Madelin of University
of Paris Gives Illustrated Le-
ture Next Monday Evening.
M\. Louis 'Madlehii linwhse usstisrtedl
lecure siu "LImpoteratr ice Jsephiine" s
ts legiven-undoer the usicpessof thus
CerechetFrancsis ext \Xindyhad ha'dhi
a remausrksilehcaesee-r indilhi-s giede
recoig'iitiont as the greatlest hiisntg ttistr
ani ii Eturop. His fatmeiusdslito i his
historical pulications, wic uh are modeile s
of literary sele, andtoi is brillianicuy
asi silecturer.
I.:Madeln still cm ess istsu theit
approsval uf twoconstiets tutuhisnu
uterouts lectusresuinIPants. Vesaillehs,
Nancy, Metesitd tther Eropteanu cities,
atnd his lectures iut thur astsrnunuier-
sties f te Uted Ssutes, s usfficial
lecturer of the Mlisance Francasise.lustve
besn-ot iis' favosrably criticised.
Afterhaii-tg beenautisudseit suet u-
vesed'Ce hNsncy,swhere lie receisedlhighs
loost thur age ioftsruty, N. h-hsiileii
wsadsmittiedsiniiulkpi tos 'igregsticsttd'
IHisoricetcide-Geographiue. 'l'he smne
year hus fosur yers' wo-rk asita student
begant st I'enie Nationtale sis Carres
aaut it'Ecse rstique sis Isiutes
Etudses, st-lure his tsalnt sess deelonped
untder 'huu'ou, 'Meyer sitndGauttier.
To phuursue his studies further N.\l
Muadelin trentousthur ccse Fracacsiseud'
Aceloscgie et ud' Ilistoire i Romeuu.
D~urinug histoIseay'srs' stjourin talituy
lie studid" ini thurVsaticant archises the
relasionushiptw suseithur sate aththe
church iii thur sixtenthicetury; i
Florence, thet reationiss 'f the Mediis
stud Leou N sithi Francee;sand ii lie
archives5of Venie,ther life cut Fani-I
andtidruhes-eveiopmnut cif Venetin-ipslsh
Its t897 h-IMadlinitstssututointuedhby'
thur Frenuchigoverrnntu tt t tudsy'Ns
tpnleot's admntistrsation uiIl lyris,sfter
has-tng worked onuthic suijet if Na-
Utx isn us reurntoletFrance he wsoel
two theses fr his ddctor'xsegree our
its Ltainu ott te Conucerat sof 1.16, aucd
thur tther out Foiuce. Thur v-olumuue onu
'Fuchrte" mtaude himitfamnous, fr it re-
ceived from thur French Acadmuy te
Siers prie. 'fle wonderful ailihit is-
played hy the author of "Fouuce" it-
trated thur press of Europe and thur
United Siste, which enthiusisticaly
hailedsh ih5swork.
Inu spot M. Madelini1wa5sd-unt munci
spescial nmissiontIitaly- by the iis tuiry
of public insructionu to searc'hu for rer-
forus of the impetsrial aminiuistration uii
thu-sItaiantinttsua. On)treturtitg'to
1Franc iseuesrote icor ther Reuedesr
Dcux-hhotttes situ oter celebhraedh
Fretuchi piublicatiouus.
At the College des Scices Sciae,
hu. Miadlini cnuctds lectures oi "It-
ternationtal Reationts asouthethurSocial
Questin." His course of lectures it thur
1Sorhonnue, out thur historiasutoef Naptsoleonc
andsosurces of thur history- of thur cii-
pire, ws eatotof thuetmtsttpotuluar itt thur
unisersity, atevouchedh ot' by thur large
atendantcesehichi crowseds his lecture
hat t orerfiotwitug.
_ :t. hMadein's "a Romuue dr Naposeoti"
_was receivedrin 1u 95 wsithi astmuchiru--
thusiasin at eouhe." It tas crownedru
lwith the Goert prize y the Frnc,
r: Acadenmy and elicitedh thur tost ruspluctie'
praise frotutFsqet. Itaiai papheutst
praised hn highly for this v olumet as
did other forignt puicah.tidns His nex
work was 'LetLCroqus I rpis whci
Mutnodh appreecited recuse of is his
torte accuracy-and litrr'ry fiis.
Atsociate memters of thur Crcesetht
he -adoiteonittheir tksts In l

tothers adissinn is fifty ceiuts. Asso-
- ciate tuenibership tickets, swhich are tote
1ott talc at Wahr's, will admit to the
illustratedh lectures of hI._hMadelint atud

1-i. Loisseaux, of Counia university,
sidthe ieFrencht play'"LAvare" ii hMss.
These tickets are fifty cetts to students.
and our dolat' to all others.
WilliamTu'I. tEllis, si-duey known ssiit
euitiorialsrter isor itue Phiadcelphiau
Press anduas a cottribuuslsr tsumauy- s
thec popuar seeklyp erioedicsals still se-
iterthe first course cci the urauucl tery
lecutures inu Newbherry- iHcll. f rmiuFel.
uj dii a,,. 'his series, gite-siuuuder thur
auspices ol thud'Situetts' Christianu As
sociaiontu, is to cuser thur gencer-l suciel
cii foreignt utissionus. 'heltindciidualuti-
tles ofthe usc-v e eturs'sar s isllocict:
r.. 'ihes'"Impuelretiuece" cci Forignu
Mlissionus. 'lie hMissionaryu'u-Motcie.
A .C riticismsiof Frignu .\hssiccsu
hi' tOiu'of the Critics. l'hccForignc
h'i issisiucc's: lihe h'sIn tutuHis Motives.
,. IFcts fromtcthus'Fiels. 'lie' Ac-uaucl
tutuditiosuofiiFoereigni MissioscTo'dayue
4. 'hets-RamtiictinscocclFuorin hi
M.hissionts shd Worlt rol em-cdcsui:
A itresent Crisis.
Vol-cte hesubhstaunces-sc es ddes
hi, s. lis itill tdrawifr-suitIi' owucp-cc
tsnald'expeis'us's sucservaits is on
a recrunt rips toithu r ient , whticlwsuss
uuuc unttder conutract iths cisyudcatieuofcc
promuuinent ntwsp-apuer fr cise-ies oi
arices entitud "Onithus''lrail f thcc
Amuerican hMissionarytsp A sviry favor
able commtuenti uponuuM\. 5V1lis suchIli
stotch usas muade uu in tuos ecuii Iissues of
ther LiterairyDigest
. For' thus-seconds suser slhchcis to his
gic'suc h 3sh .0 icc 1us 1 3, hi S . s.
hsubieeni soi fstuucuatc s t scureth
hRes.1HuthBlacik 1.1.,oft his Icuicci
'hIeologial Seminacy'iiy scn ess:v rt.
Dr. Blacck gas's, co urutsilatsharcunde
thecer-y- Irsctuueshipuds ch as Isusys farc
thercccisustscrishiti eu' gen.uss's
firt Ofslthur serieswus usdicliseredcin scNews
terry Hasll busdthe'focrss'andchsimpiliityh
ccl hD. Black'ssuadress cuttrctcedi sic many
hast iitwscieessary- o hl thic-as
lectures iiilkUuiversity IHall.
D~r. IBlack sas lformuery ccltheu-'ui-
srstir of Edinbhurg'hu tncd tihie ther
usuackunowuledg'editic ie thus most popu
tar preecuher ini Scotandculis' itill cm
uon Asu .rboerustunPMarchi 2, wsensche
us reach ai slu t' 'hoicstschurch. n
sill remausinuiduring' thurwh-lsh-fclthie fish
loweing week.
Thurfiftietiaivuosersary cif cle Sit
denits' Chrtisstin Associationswas corneict
uturntuuuriuiSundsay- utruiuug its I - i
sity Ihsll sithi aichuoral service ada
-address iy thur R. Re-Chalres1'. isi-
P'rof. hMartinu .h'Oceadru-sucip
lure' lessonu. Thur suuhusu: 1Rejoic'itsthus
Lord" swhichs sas sctg, wsuswrittens hi
Prof. W\illiami IHwleandciespeiall fuse
st-eoccasionu. Auic 'iiisu ssoloc sides1a
such si'ere' gurusnhby'hrssf. Ltckss'iic nd
Prof. HIlandIsus.respectisels. r. kig
oilI introdsucdlbihpcuAnduersonu.
"'T'esrChcurchu andslthur uWorl" was5
th'icsubhjeci ofithe udduress. Thus' hanuge'
ini thur attitude iof the sworldl ticreligionu
esas bluuglul uout. ''Focrmery clege-mcs
assumtued thinattiuduecii scofung asrei
gionp. _Nowasayups te iewpuointl lust
chisuigeul -toca systemiociiiteleligentc its
vestigationu iaseu l nubelief," sidhthus
B'ishoptttAnderrsoni ties sutbeiche-cii
thur uegetrscy oi the age. lie si:
"I sitm nt sightig aus oldumai's sighs
ior thur 'goodtioldl sas.' Thu rtntcc
criticisusishichi is abrosadhtodauy is unot
tdestructis-ve t Cristianity, ucitsteadu
is stirnghening it Ity diriinut cctanusiy'
hasrtmful superstitious.
"'ihe disisionts in te Christianusechurct

which exist todayupitsssuch numusbers are
seaknsing anth sastefuil of eneregy. Or-
ganization msarks osur suge, antd thhur ssch

Date of First Performance Has
Been Changed-Theater Train
Will Run to Detroit.
esctsale-fr hIihigenudauwilthe
isu cStusrsdayp, Febs u, at 5y o'clock,
icc Uisersity- Ihall. lrices tiill rsunge'
hriit hirty-fis-scs-si toicai deollar-autua
scsif. koxsis -uswtill sell lfor thur later
ricer.the' firsi focurees-usrussflutesi
olatihe' last sevenic cst-ow sirsvet-u
is' i's-sts, hssicscvist-ourhluc'ros 55555
hllar is' sic-t fluiusevents'yl-ier cectss.
-h at i itly criss. 'hiss-gllerypr-ice'
csill b irty-fshise'diuis.
PA chanuge' has bli ae-rt inisic iitie'daes
mus' hili .uishigu s'itohe-.psrhs- ntseds-l
incc oficc Thsiurs'ndiiday nusu- ights
caci Sati iupray isis cuss I's-lib. , u28uand
ay, rec-si-tielyiuswisuitse icen
PP sucess ~, hisI usday -cussid 'ca ights.
'hi, 26a 2p7ccnd z8 hiss-Satlurdayupsusi
's his, beencliudipdeilhcause'ofiai col-i
Ilc n e, atithes \ is us est us A Newi'ia
iltlnon suucuthie ,cylb ho Sulduicthus' stil ue'
sit' ofltc- scats warranust1ituchowee, a
ma ine cmybelii'lulledufsir'thur sftrunoons
f1 uits irsll.'Is
Vac manh n lie o thesal theichl
tickts.No as s'save been issuedi, cut
,Vil be t'.i issed ecept: theiiusiuaitnumberii
tos the' pr-ss; diachusem Ir s'comit-h
hus o c s1y s Ii', owntictilint
ma},reseve iutocicut us cclofl cle- ususl
sic s'tc ::e ill conschu iii 'ls sap cct
PP cis bot:ctordioStss shtsrs-. rorutm
qstill , cccddly cusste fom4 l to .
'kiss iccacsuvsemusof aunccordrcutsher scs
,ailsill dbe strted ltrdcs hut uncut
ini thsorder of their cipt.Prcean
' cusonos ca-cits sicedsluhouhhe'plinltuy
sleificled . Cicc-l s cr monuuey' cres
chuslii becmade hpayalelcto-thichiganu
Unioin anidii mas idtI tCccly, iris
res, M cciig Uionussucubhoucs, Pus
"Arbor.Be inni Ph scday mornuinhg,
ieu phoneio26-21iurtisengIhoursfs a c cle'
Trhi ciisthes cutesy' ofithis'ihigancuut
sushi ITelephon companyuuci sdstics-.extenisin
',as. beer-p-cedthin's-l ic P'sstorecu's. .As
s's- uswil hisnotirsim~~ inacussry scl' 5f1seats
ath hi\Plicuey lustsffcetishis serices
is desii'idusohib- cclparucuaisus- ecsn-
ectotic ntcosFccuuc pieotle' 'ucditio thois
lcd--d--h is hiciigss'sis h suts entuiussu
this itu. T' lce' si uuiniiosuheur cities
d'cs issalreayirspondicui edil thuciglY eusghs
toc uwarreanctthi'e reictionuthatusucv-s sal
isnre sutoi'fc thi de-cihgustd'' usil ie tut
hand, tocaplaud hesun'ir Alma Msateulr's
irtcsloisin iiusginalscomusic dperpo-
lut iscu. From onisse hundruhedhasuch ity'
tothunduucresit sre expectedecfeoum hie-
tri. -1 pecsiiateterluraiu stitt he
runi cussthiss' hi 'sgsnsCet'ra F tridayu
iht fr hiehirs'ccssmmodatccionicu, sithi c
Spesciaul careswil he rus ts cihiss'eleciec
ine Ifromii'tusilanti, CheseasiasnchJsck-
ss-. Wihis'sis s ivny os eint lhe ici-
>edtcsut, itheir' 'Yssituihlfrieise'
hhul ilt thehisuisse. One oectwsith le-
ie crtiss fruitusChicagoicase sassurdu.
sntuisist.icllyi-nder teueskilful tmant-
agement'uhofI hi. Scanluson,tselrosclsies'
t'r. Lndsuisi'lhisructioinsthu ruhi-
'iasuadchorueuses cuts'eouuiiug itus
shapei. Althught smtrss'loulewssusnii
tiisscehfroIncus licedus-yeruexsins, noneus
lias deselopiedlacid ts-e originasl csut is

ED Ccu-cOe'uccCe,csI ippus'u'cxusuuI'.
'isc tcihcitusl cl ilhi seelticc-
night at 1Rocccii I, 'I'supscsc al, cut 8
occksi. 'hss'funuction ansuchasue ofi u'-
umntosill ice discuissedt.hMenmbers
cue requcestedctoicomcic eliitusuesi to p

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