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April 11, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-11

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gi l tFAO


Cloudy with chance
of showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


State Board Reviews AFRICAN DELEGATE:


te Problems Plague

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'Blue Ribbon' Report
The State Board of Education reviewed the report of Gov. George
Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizens Committee on Higher Education
yesterday in a conference with committee members.
Thomas Brennan, board president, said that the board merely
went over some of the committee's recommendations. These include
a general condemnation of expansion through branches and support
y for an independent four-year institution in the Flint area.
The board recommended last week that, while the University be
permitted to admit freshmen to its Flint branch next fall, an auto-
L ___-" ~ nmousinstitution should replace
the branch as soon as possible.
sorGains Support
Reaction to this recommenda-
A*E tion has been varied. The Mich-
iganVoter Association of Junior and
..i~ /XiCommunity Colleges joined sup-
porters of the board's decision
R egistration Friday, passing a resolution favor-
ng autonomous institutions and
advocating University withdrawal
from Flint.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a three-part series on the prob- Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
lems of the Negro in Macon Coun- Arbor), however, yesterday ex-
ty, Alabama. pressed reservations about the
By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH board's action. While supporting
Special To The Daily the plan for a freshman class at
Flint this fall, Bursley said he
TUSKEGEE, Ala.-"As much as "would reserve judgment" on the
we appreciate the students who eventual establishment of an
come down from the North to autonomous institution until a
help us roor benighted people, I broad statewide policy with re-
think they could probably look spect to branches is developed.
across the street at home and see Condemns Amendment
a lot to be done there as well." Bursley also condemned a pro-!
Speaking was C. G. Gomillion, posed constitutional amendment
leader of the Tuskegee Civic As- now being considered by the Sen-
sociation and sociology professor ate Judiciary Committee, which
at Tuskegee Institute. The TCA, would abolish autonomy of indi-
after a concerted voter registra- vidual institutions by giving the
tion effort that started in the state board power to intervene in
1930's, systematically broke down the schools' internal affairs.
barriers against Negro voting in Bursley vowed to oppose the
Tuskegee's Macon County of 27,- measure in the legslature and to
000 83 per cent of whom are Ne- campaign against it if it is pre-
groes. In the 1964 elections gen- sented to the people in a referen-
uine bi-racial government becamedum
j a reality, as four out of five TCA- du._______
endorsed Negro candidates for
county offices and both TCA city A c
council candidates won. The TCA End Airline
did not oppose-or endorsed -
whites for six other offices.
The TCA is now counting on its FF11-h [f7I tb
political m uscle to im prove the du at on lco om c nd so ia
educational ,economic and social
discrimination that still exists WASHINGTON (IP - The Na-
discraimination that still exists tional Mediation Board said yes-
throughout Macon County. terday the strike of pilots on Pan
National Problem American Airways has been set-
But, Gomillion stressed, "It's a tled.
national problem," and has some Word of the settlement was
definite suggestions for University given out by Leverett Edwards,
students and University officials, a member of the mediation board.
who are currently developing an Shortly after the announce-
exchange program with Tuskegee. ment, a Pan Am spokesman said
rHis ideas include:mnaPnA soemnsi
tradiional" exchange pro- the first flights would leave Ken-
gram, such as one which is being nedy Airport this mornig.
expanded now, should come first; The company said all issues had
=A new phase should be add- been resolved and a mediation
ed to the program when the Uni- agreement incorporating the terms
versity and Tuskegee "get a bet- of the new contract had been
ter sense of direction," the new fo- signed.
cus to be on adult education and The Pan Am strike began
community action in Macon Coun- March 31.
ty "and in Northern urban areas Negotiations had been under
such as Ann Arbor and Detroit way almost continuously since
as well"; Friday night in an effort to
-The University "should al- achieve a settlement, Edwards
low students and faculty the free- said.
dom to work in such areas, either Terms of the settlement be-
independently or as a part of the tween the AFL-CIO Air Line
University" just as Tuskegee made Pilots Association and the air line
See TELLS, Page 2 were not immediately disclosed.

Adebo Upholds Neutral Policy Leaders'

"Africa is neither anti-West nor $
anti-East," Chief S. 0. Adebo, p '
Nigeria's permanent representa-
tive to the United Nations,' said.
yesterday. t.
Delivering the keynote address
of the United N~ations Association
conference in the Michigan Union
ballroom, Adebo maintained that
the African policy of non-align-
ment, while it'does not involve
commitment to East or West, is
Inot a policy of non-commitment.
"We are committed to justice,
to anti-discrimination, to freedom
and to the initiative of the indi--;iyi"r, r
victual," he said. CH <EF >..A , Ee n rn e
African Aspirations
The aspirations of the African
nations are political freedom and
'independence and the mainten- ?.A;::j.
ance of the dignity of man, Adebo ~
said. "The black peoples have had ?i}:r : : " :: ::i}.t{:ii::>i:<:i:::::i 3:i> i:ii" i:::::i: ."Z.iiy.ii:":i>i{;}". ;:,""':";::i
a raw deal, and for us to want to .....'* . :: x''y~t .
restor e our dignity is a natural ::...
and legitimate aspiration, consis- :.... ....
tent with the principles of the UN Daily-Richard cooper
charter," he said. CHIEF S. 0 ADEBO, NIGERIA's permanent representative to
the UTnited N. +nnc, .,ncte..r alivered te+.v rn~ot a~drecc al

EAST LANSING-Approximate-
ly 130studentsfrom colleges
throughout the state attended the
Michigan Student Leadership
Conference at the Inn America
Motel here yesterday.
The conference served as the
pilot project for a National Stu-
dent Leadership Conference to be
held in Washington, D.C.; on May
Gov. George Romney and Lt.
Gov. William G. Milliken spon-
sored the conference in coopera-
tion with conference director
tion with conference director
Richard McLellan, '67L. Co-chair-
men of the Student Advisory Coin-
hittee for the convention were
Gary Cunningham, '66, and Jer-
ry Van Wyke of Calvin College;
both are presidents of their re-
spective student government orga-


Teach-In Plans
Shortages of Tine, Money Raise
Questions of Proposal's Feasibility
The proposed national teach-in of the Faculty-Student Com-
mittee to Stop the War in Viet Nam ran into practical problems of
time and money yesterday.
Strangely, the difficulty arose at a long meeting held immediately
after a press conference where the University delegation to an
'academic lobby' on Washington underlined the need for direct
action in programs like the proposed teach-in.
It arose when 30 committee members discussed the practicability
of the Washington, D.C., teach-in which it tentatively announced

Adebo added that "political in-
dependence is a shame unless it
results in the development of in-I
dividuals. It is only the means to
an end."
He said that in order to raise
the standar-ds of the African peo-
ple, African nations not only must
be given freedom, but also must
cooperate with each other.
Colonial System
Vestiges of the colonial system
have left Africa divided into small
units and created vested interests,
he explained. Thus, African merg-
ing is a difficult process.
Adebo cited the Organization of
African Unity as a step towards
pan-African cooperation. The or-
ganization has settled territorial
disputes and improved communi-
cations, and, while it does not.
have a record of continuous suc-
cess, it is "tackling problems with
perseverence and energy," he said,
Adebo noted that the relation-
ship of the UN to African aspira-
tions is largely governed by ac-
tions and attitudes of -powerful
non-African nations.
Value of UNI
"I have no doubts of the valueI
of the UN to small states, but I
hope the great states have no
doubts about its value to them-
selves," he said.
The right and duty of the
United States is to "inform us of
the merits of your case and let us
decide for ourselves," Adebo said.
"What is wrong is to suggest that
the American way of life is per-
fectly suited to Africa."
Adeba said that 1965 is an im-
portant year for the UN and that
we should not despair about the
state of world affairs. "The world
is no worse today than it used to
be. Our conscience is simply more
tender because of our aim to pre-
vent war. The UN has been largely
responsible for this sensitivity,"
he commented.

meunueu iauus, yeser ay ueiie re Ky1U, uia i
,~ ....,.. '...* V~,=.~. ~ n'-.~ a..f ~ ""Student Leaders
the United Nations Association conference in the Michigan Union Republica-entedand inde-
ballroom. He explained the present African policy of nonalign- pendent student leaders through-
ment. out Michigan were invited to at-
tend the conference. These stu-
U-be dents included student body pres-
UI'idents, campus newspaper editors,
The eeki in Review: rs
_ campus civil rights leaders, fra-
ternity and sorority officers, stu-
dent council members and other
students with recognized leader-
el ership potential. Most had not
been involved in the Republican
By LAUREN BAHR Party before.
Acting Associate Managing Editor The purpose of the convention,
Important, long-awaited decisions highlighted the news at the according to McLellan, was to
University this week "provide an opportunity for stt-
The literary college curriculum committee recommended several dent leaders to meet with re-
revisions of the college's distribution requirements. The proposed sponsiblewprogressive ep i cans
changes would relax distribution requirements giving emphasis to ingful solutions to the complex
the individuals obligation to select courses on a qualitative rather problems facing our society."
than quantitative basis. The new arrangement would cut the average The sponsors also hoped to
student's distribution load by about 15 hours. learn from the participants why
The proposal was presented to the literary college faculty meeting normally-Republican college stu-
early this week, but vote on it has been deferred until later this dents have defected from the par-
month. ty and what Republicans must do
Senate Revision to command the support of this
Unierstysegment of the population, Mc-
In another area, the Senate Advisory Committee ou University segment odded. puaioc
Affairs approved by a slim margin of six to five the plan for Most of the day was spent in
restructuring the Faculty Senate first proposed by the Subcommittee seminars which stressed informal
on University Freedom and Responsibility. discussion and close contact be-
The proposal is aimed at facilitating greater faculty participation tween students and Republican
and power in influencing University policy. The advocates of the resource people. Seminar director
plan claim the present lack of interest in the Senate among faculty was Alan M. Sager, '65L.
members is due to that body's lack of power, which is in turn due to There was general agreement
lack of faculty participation. The new structure would enable the in -the seminars that many aspects
faculty to voice its demands much more effectively, they claim. of the Republican image must be
The chairman of SACUA, Prof. Richard Wellman of the law changed. Part of this criticism at-
school, did not vote on the proposal and refused to comment on the ipted to lack of communication
plan, saying his views of last fall are still valid. At that time, he of parMyadology to the pubc.
called reorganization of the Senate essentially unnecessary and Four main topics and questions
possibly detrimental. Other dissenters feel the proposed restructuring were presented at the seminars by
plan is not the best method for accomplishing the desired ends. the student discussion leaders:
Flint Expansion -"What are your own impres-
The State Board of Education came to an important decision this sions of the Republican Party, par-
week, recommending that the University go ahead with plans to ticularly since the last election,
admit freshmen at its Flint branch. However, the Board stipulated and what do most college stu-
that an independent four-year state-supported schood should replace dents like and dislike about the
the University's branch as soon as possible. party?"
The Board's decision is an advisory opinion issued at the request that concern college students to-
of the Senate Appropriations Committee which is considering state day and what is the student opin-
appropriations for higher education. ion of the Republican approach
The Board also recommended the state-supported schools go to these problems?"
ahead with plans to prepare a unified budget request for 1966-67 -"How do politics relate to the
at a meeting of the Michigan Coordinating Council for Higher goals and aspirations of college
Education. students?" and
The University is the only one among the ten universities -"How should the Republican
involved which opposes the unified budget plan. Party encourage participation
The trimester system is facing some difficulties, also. Faculty among a wider range of student
department heads indicated there is a severe enrollment deficiency, leaders?"
Speakers at the convention in-
for the spring-summer term. The latest figures showed 2,496 students :luded Romney, Milliken, and Mrs.
in all undergraduate and graduate schools had registered for the Elly Peterson, chairman of the
third term, while the Office of Student Affairs has made plans for Republican State Central Commit-
6000 students. tee.

last Wednesday. Although nothing
was decided at the meeting, group
members were considering serious
changes inthe proposedprogram.
"The question was not of the
wisdom of the teach-in," explain-
ed Prof. William Gamson of the
sociology department, leader of the
committee, after the meeting.
"Nearly everyone was agreed on
that. The question was about the
feasibility of our present plans."
Gamson expressed confidence
that the committee would hold
some sort of teach-in unless gov-
ernment policy is changed. "There
will be something, maybe in Wash-
ington with other universities or
maybe here with a telephone
hookup," said Gamson.
The committee will hold a vital
meeting Tuesday night to decide
on the form of the protest, de-
pending mainly, said Gamson, on
the willingness of group members
to share the burden of work.
Problems of time and money
caused most of the concern yes-
The project would require stag-
gering amounts of time. One com-
mittee leader, who had worked
on the Ann Arbor teach-in, re-
vealed that he had spent from 80-
100 hours in about three weeks
working on arrangements for the
But first reactions indicate that
if yesterday's meeting is a sign,
the work involved in the present
form of a national teach-in would
be too much for the committee.
Committee leaders caution, how-
ever, that the meeting was not
} well publicized and that Tuesday's
meeting will show how much man-
power the committee can really
The other concern was money.
The presently proposedsteach-in
would cost from $30,000 to $40,000,
committee leaders revealed yes-
Thomas Mayer of the sociology
dept., who acted as chairman for
yesterday's meeting, said present
hopes for getting the money lie
in the gommittee's present pay-in
drive, in possible affiliation with
other universities or in grants
from individuals and institutions.
The present plan for the capital
teach-in focusses on a Washing-
ton, D.C. 'confrontation,' almost
a debate, between administration
spokesmen and members of the
academic community opposed to
present foreign policy, followed by
Various alternatives to this plan
were discussed at yesterday's
meeting. Some suggested changing
the date of the teach-in, some
asking that the proposed May 8
teach-in be postponed for a week,
others asking for a four-month
Other plans included making
the teach-in smaller in scope and

Find Lobby
The five University professors
who recently returned from an
"academic lobby" in Washington
expressed disappointment at a
press conference yesterday at
what they called the inability of
congressmen to affect foreign pol-
They concluded from their ex-
perience, they said, that actions
such as the proposed national
teach-in are more effective than
mere lobbying.
The University professors were
part of a delegation of approxi-
mately 100, including seven from
Wayne State University and Al-
bion College. Michigan State Uni-
versity representatives were un-
able to attend because their teach-
in was at the same time.
Domino Theory
Prof. Leo Stodolsky of the phys-
ics department said that their ex-
periences in speaking with con-
gressmen "validated the domino
theory in the Legislature in re-
gards to foreign policy." He ex-
plained this to mean that when
the President says something, all
the congressmen fall down.
Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the
philosophy department said that
efforts to influence foreign poli-
cy from the "inside" or by in-
fluencing congressmen, was "at
a dead end."
Have Misgivings
Although many congressmen felt
misgivings about present Viet Nan
policy, the professors found them
reluctant to take any action. Pos-
sible reasons for this were the
"wait-and-see effect" of Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's recent
speech, lack of information on the
Viet Nam problem and Democratid
congressmen's concern for party
unity, Kaufman said.
Among those mentioned by the
professors as expressing concern
were Sen. Theodore Kennedy (D-
Mass) and Sen. Robert Kennedy
National Teach-In
Prof. Gamson of the sociology
department and chief spokesman
for the Faculty-Student Com-
mittee to Stop the War in Viet
Nam, said that now more atten-
tion should be devoted to organiz-
ing the nationwide teach-in which
has been tentatively set for May
Kaufman added that "the aca-
demic community has made their
reputation. Now it must reassert
its responsibility."
Prof. Barry Commoniner of the
University of Washington in St.
Louis is organizing a drive to in-
vite officials, once part of the
academic world and now in in-
fluential government positions, as
to speak at a university on Viet
Nam policy. Presidential adviser
McGeorge Bundy was listed as a
possible speaker. The teach-ins
are much more effective than the
Washington academic lobby, the
professors agreed.
Kaufman said that the Demo-
cratic party of Ann Arbor will
be presented with a resolution
April 20, for a re-examination of
present Viet Nam policy.
Aside from Gamson, Kaufman
and Stodolsky; members of the
University delegation were Prof.
Marshall Sahlins of the anthro-
pology department and Prof. Marc
Ross of the physics department.

Expect Faculty
ATi '1

New Dental Facilities To Free Program

The construction of a new $14
million building complex will have
a profound affect on the nature
and quality of the educational ex-
perience provided by the dental
7 school, according to Associate
Dean Robert Doerr.
The building, which is planned
for completion by the fall of 1968,
will allow the school to offer
"vertically oriented" curriculum.
At present, the education of -the
college is of a "horizontal" nature,
with basic sciences being given
in the first two years and clinical
and dental sciences offered only
to juniors and seniors.
More Facilities
Increased clinical facilities in
the new building will free the
curriculum from its current rigid-
ity and allow for a program of in-
creased flexibility in which clin-
ical and dental work can be inte-
grated with the fundamental
sciences on even the elementary
The building has potential for
a computer based system which
could provide for a program of
individual study in which the
student determines, at least in
part, his own rate of progress.
"We may ultimately accept
curriculum freed from the frame-
work of the traditional semester

Doerr emphasized that motor ing on the dental curriculum is
as well as intellectual develop- still hard to visualize, but we in-
ment is one of the challenging tend to develop a system of edu-
factors in dental education, and cation which will provide the
that training in operations and learner with every possible ad-
advanced clinical techniques can- vantage. Without question these
not be fully computerized, facilities will be the finest in the
"The impact of the new build- United States," Doerr commented.

'U' Engineers Display Achievements to Public

, ; ::.

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