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September 11, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-11

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One hundred seven years of editor ilfreedom

September 11, 1998

- - - - - - - - - - -

y Katie Pion
aily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger
ounced yesterday he will increase the
ber of key executive officers at the
University by splitting one major position
into three vice presidential posts.
Under Bollinger's new plan, the multi-
imensional post of vice president for
University relations will be divided into
hree more focused jobs: government rela-
ions, media relations and University secre-
Bollinger has nominated Associate Vice
ident for University Relations Cynthia
anks, the University's Lansing lobby-
st, to be the first vice president for gov-
rnment relations.
He nominated Lisa Tedesco, associate
ean for academic affairs and professor in
he School of Dentistry, for the vice presi-
ent and secretary of the University posi-




All nominations are subject to approval
by the board later this month.
In the past, the vice president for
University relations has overseen many
facets of the University, including athlet-
ics, media and lobbying, and has served as
secretary - the administration's chief liai-
son to the University Board of Regents.
Bollinger said the logic behind his deci-
sion was to allow the individual vice presi-
dents to expand the responsibilities that are
unique to their newly created vice presi-
dential offices.
The new officers will report directly to
Bollinger, rather than working within the
Office of the University Relations, which
will be headed by the yet-to-be-nominated
vice president for media relations.
The division in responsibilities comes
several months after former Vice President
for University Relations Walter Harrison,
who held the post for nine years, resigned
to become president of the University of

"I want the people who are doing it to be
the vice presidents," Bollinger said.
Wilbanks will lead the University's gov-
ernment programs at the local, state and
federal levels.
"She is regarded as one of the most
respected representatives in Lansing, if not
the most respected," Bollinger said.
For more than three years she has repre-
sented and advocated the University's
interests to the Michigan state Legislature.
Her expertise at the state level, Bollinger
said, will allow her to effectively expand
her responsibilities.
The creation of the new position, Wilbanks
said, is the result of a growing importance to fos-
ter the relationship between the University and
its constituents.
"I think that the focus of this position
really allows you to work from the recogni-
tion that this is an important enterprise,"
See VEEPS, Page 7A

VP positions
Bollinger picks
By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
As the University faces two admissions lawsuits, Barry Krislov
University President Lee Bollinger recommended Marvin
Krislov as vice president and general counsel and Elizabeth
Barry as associate vice president and deputy general counsel.
As vice president and general counsel, Krislov will
take responsibility for the University's legal affairs, which
include establishintg legal strategies and goals.
He will also serve as senior legal counsel to the
University Board of Regents and manage the University's
outside relationships.
"I've been very interested in higher educations legal
issues," Krislov said. "The opportunity struck me as particu-
See COUNSEL, Page 7A Tedesco Wilbanks




Report: Clinton
lied under oath

Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's
referral to Congress accuses President
Clinton of perjury and obstruction of
justice and provides a damaging por-
trayal of his contacts with Monica
Lewinsky and Oval Office secretary
Betty Currie, legal sources say.
Starr's report accuses Clinton of
lying in portions of his Aug. 17 grand
jury testimony as well as his Jan, 17
sworn testimony in the Paula Jones law-
suit, the sources said, speaking only on
condition of anonymity.
The referral Starr sent on Wednesday
lays out detailed evidence that prosecu-
tors contend shows Clinton committed
perjury, obstruction of justice, witness
tampering and abuse of power, the
sources said.
"The report is a straight narrative"
and it alleges that "the president con-
tinued to lie and lie and lie," one source
White House spokesperson Joe
Lockhart declined comment yesterday
except to refer to Clinton lawyer David
Kendall's statement Wednesday.
Kendall said the report represents "only
the prosecutors' allegations" and "there
is no basis for impeachment."
The report, which lawmakers expect
to make public today, will cite specific
contacts the president had with Currie
last December and January and with
Lewinsky in July 1997 - both during
critical periods in the Jones lawsuit -
as evidence of efforts to thwart the liti-
gation, the sources said.

The report details what prosecu-
tors assert was a pattern of lying by
Clinton and an effort to sustain such
lies by using government employees
and resources after Starr's criminal
investigation expanded to the
Lewinsky matter in January. ihe
evidence ranges from a false state-
ment Clinton approved for his press
secretary to put out on the morning
the Lewinsky story broke Jan. 21 to
the legal battles he allowed his aides
to fight to block access to witnesses,
the sources said.
It will detail Clinton summoning
Currie to the Oval Office the day after
he gave his sworn deposition in the
Jones case last January, testimony in
which he denied sexual relations with
Lewinsky and said she visited the
White House frequently to see Currie.
The White House originally dis-
missed the Currie meeting as an effort
by the president to "refresh his recol-
lection" about Lewinsky's visits. But
now that the president has admitted he
did have a sexual relationship with
Lewinsky, prosecutors portray the
meeting as part of an effort to influence
Currie as a potential witness, the
sources said.
Starr's report also points to a
nighttime Oval Office meeting on
July 14, 1997, between Clinton and
Lewinsky as an early encounter in a
Inside: Is an impeachment hearing
likely?. Page EA
See REPORT, Page 5A



University President Lee Bollinger, center, leads about 100 people on a 5-kilometer jog around campus yesterday morning. University Athletic Director Tom Goss is
on the left.

1ollinger leads 5K jog across campus


y Erin Holmes
aily Staff Reporter

As he crossed the 50-yard line inside the newly
remodeled Big House yesterday, Pharmacy Prof.
and avid runner George Garcia leapt to touch the
famous "Go Blue" banner.
"I did it because I have been watching the team
touch it for years" Garcia said as he slowed to a
walk following the completion of the Second
*nnual Presidential Fun Run.
Garcia was one of nearly 100 runners who joined
University President Lee Bollinger and Athletic
Director Tom Goss - both donning running shorts
and T-shirts - on the cross-country jog around the
athletic campus.
"It's a nice course, and nice to break away and do
something guilt-free for a while," Garcia said.
Bollinger said yesterday's run was different than

last year's Fun Run, which preceded his inaugura-
tion ceremony last September.
"Last year I was so preoccupied, it was hard for
me to think about" the run, Bollinger said. "But I
wanted to do it again this year."
University spokesperson Joel Seguine said the
run was in conjunction with the first official open-
ing of the newly enlarged Michigan Stadium, where
the race ended.
"This is the first time the stadium is open to the
public," Seguine said. "The new video scoreboards
will be showing the end of the run. The run basical-
ly ends in the stadium."
Bollinger said he was certain the inside of the sta-
dium would be a delight to the runners viewing the
new additions for the first time.
"I think it will have a positive reaction," Bollinger
said. "I know there are some doubters, but this sta-

dium has a festive, collegiate and not professional
Run participant Ben Sturm said the new video score-
boards were a great sight at the end of the run.
"This is phenomenal;' said Sturm, an
Engineering senior. "It was cool running in a race
with the president ... and it ends here, in the largest
collegiate stadium in the nation."
As the runners looped around the athletic campus,
Michigan men's cross-country coach Ron Warhurst
kept tabs on the participants and offered updates.
"Here they come," Warhurst announced from the
southeast corner of the stadium. "Tom Goss isn't
leading the pack."
But Goss was all smiles after he finished the race
as he helped himself to refreshments - provided
outside the tunnel entrance to the stadium for run-
See JOG, Page 7A


coming to
Negotiators for Northwest Airlines and s
its pilots reached agreement yesterday in
or- deal that would end a strike that N
hrounded the airline for 13 days.
"I think the strike is over,' President o
Clinton announced at the White House c
afer speaking by phone with leaders C
from the pilots' union and the company. o
Soon after Clinton spoke, spokespeo-
ple for the airline and the Air Line a
UlA a r %-,-;tn r:..rmp tat... a r .


an end
Northwest's 6,100 pilots will remain on
trike until at least Saturday, when the
nion's 17-member council will meet in
Minneapolis to consider the proposal.
The development came as the length
f the work-stoppage and its economic
ost was increasing the possibility that
Clinton would have to intervene and
order the pilots back to work.
Bruce Lindsey, one of Clinton's top
advisers, had been helping shepherd the
Falk tnw.nni ,- aarent.n ,Tiiz j

Michigan vs.
No. 13 Michigan vs. No. 19 Syracuse
Michigan Stadium (cap. 107,501)
Tomorrow at 3:30 p.m.
Michigan by 10.5

4 j
9 . VC.

President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton walk outside the Oval
office at the White House last night.
Clinton report may
beposted on'Net

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - When the 445-
page summary of independent counsel
Kenneth Starr lands on the Internet -
possibly this afternoon - it will hardly
be the start of any online dissection of
President Clinton.
Desnite what Congress or narty lead-

There has been a sea change, caused
by the vast global network of comput-
ers, in the way our society views its
public affairs. A similarly thorough and
profound shift occurred in 1954 when
another new technology, a vast network
of televisions, altered public opinion

-... u...


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