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September 11, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-11

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 11, 1998



Lawsuit accuses WSU of racial bias

DETROIT (AP) - A suburban Detroit man has
sued Wayne State University's School of
Medicineaiming it violates state civil rights law by
offering an admissions program that unfairly favors
black students.
Nicolas Lorenzini, a United States citizen whose
parents were born in Argentina, argues that the
medical school's Post Baccalaureate Program dis-
criminates against minority applicants who are not
The program is designed to extend medical school
admissions to disadvantaged students whose grades or
test scores, as determined by the university, may not

State should either open the program to all minorities,
regardless of their income, or let all disadvantaged
students apply regardless of their race.
"I just think there's this secret quota they have to
have," Lorenzini told the Detroit Free Press in a report
yesterday "When you apply to med school, you hear
it all the time - if you're a white male, you have a
much harder time getting in."
Lorenzini's father is a retired plastic surgeon. The
family lives on a gated street in Grosse Pointe Farms
where homes cost up to $1 million.
Lorenzini argues, however, that Wayne State should
consider him disadvantaged because he is Hispanic
and English is not his first language.
"You have to look a little bit deeper than skin color

or financial status;" he told the newspaper.
After graduating in 1991 from Grosse Pointe
South High School, Lorenzini received a bache-
lor's degree in management and economics from
Rice University in Houston. He completed a mas-
ter's degree this summer in biochemistry, with an
emphasis on biotechnology, at Georgetown
University in Washington.
In January, Wayne State denied Lorenzini admis-
sion to the medical school. He then asked to be select-
ed for the Post Baccalaureate Program but the univer-
sity rejected him again, saying he didn't qualify as dis-
Ten of the 16 students selected for the program this
year were black, university attorney Louis Lessem said.

Washington turmoil drives stocks down
NEW YORK - Blue-chip stocks fell sharply yesterday as buyers avoided secu-
rities markets increasingly shaken by growing economic turmoil overseas and
President's Clinton's precarious political situation.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 249.48 points, or 3.2 percent, to 7,613.73,
eliminating the last of Tuesday's historic 380-point advance in a second day
steep declines. There were sharp sell-offs in markets around the globe, most om-
imously in Brazil, considered by analysts and U.S. policymakers to be the key to
stabilizing world financial markets.
"There are values there," said Larry Auriana, co-manager of the $4.5-billion
Kaufmann Fund. "But there's no rush to jump in" he said, adding "the psycholo-
gy is very bad and it could test a new low."
"The landscape is pock-marked with danger, whether it be political problems in
the U.S. or turmoil in emerging markets," said Michael Clark, head of U.S. Trading
for Credit Suisse First Boston. "I don't blame anybody for stepping back"
That uncertainty was underscored by unsettling news throughout the trading day.
As investors grappled to understand the significance of independent counsel
Kenneth Starr's report on President Clinton - in news beamed all day on ser
monitors onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Brazil's stock market

accurately reflect their abilities.
In his lawsuit filed Aug. 14, Lorenzini
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said Wayne

Continued from Page IA
sentatives at work. In this case, the twist
is that the Internet encourages millions
of citizens to simultaneously process
the accusations and implications at the
speed of light, and together.
This time, the stately pace of special
prosecutors and House committees and
impeachment proceedings appears
absolutely quaint compared with the
warp speed with which the drama is
unfolding online.
It's the hive mind at work, a collec-
tive group-think making snap judg-
ments (good and bad), swapping opin-
ions (educated and not) and jumping to
conclusions (right and wrong).
From here on out, the Internet's

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immense influence on the public mind
is incontrovertible. But is it a good
Is this massively parallel processing
or merely pack psychology?
Is this an intelligent, positive, delib-
erative force or a destructive, decon-
structive lynch mob?
There's a change in quantity and
speed that's unprecedented. But are we
heightening the quality of debate or
heaving it back into the swamps?
Anti-Clinton and impeachment-ori-
ented Websites and newsgroups
The newsgroup labeled
alt.iimpeach.clinton (available through
www dejanews.com ), for example, has
been a hub of hubbub. Don't look there
for keen insight, however. 1
"Clinton is great - Impeach the
Republicans," wrote one loyalist yester-
To which someone replied, "Impeach
them all, especially if they fail to
impeach Clinton."
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Yelt sin
MOSCOW (AP) - Boris Yeltsin
stepped back from confrontation
yesterday and named a compromise
candidate for prime minister, defus-
ing a power struggle that- stalled
efforts to rescue Russia's economy.
His choice: Yevgeny Primakov,
Russia's tough-talking foreign min-
ister and a former spy chief.
Parliament, despite its hostility to
Yeltsin, is expected to quickly approve
Primakov even though he has little eco-
nomic experience to face a nation
impatient for a way out of its political
and economic chaos.
The president's decision to put him
at the head of a new government was
well-received by most opposition
politicians and had a calming effect on
a country in turmoil.
Washington also welcomed the
nomination, even though Primakov
has been criticized in the West for
his hard foreign policy line, includ-
ing a willingness to compromise
with Iraq and other regimes at odds
with the West.
Primakov could be confirmed in par-
liament as early as today. He will need
to quickly assemble a Cabinet to deal
with the most severe economic crisis
since the 1991 Soviet collapse.
"I think he will get (parliament's)
support. Common sense has pre-
vailed," said Communist leader
Gennady Zyuganov, who spearhead-
ed the opposition to Yeltsin's previ-
ous candidate for premier, Viktor
In a nationally televised address,
Chernomyrdin said parliament's refusal
to confirm him was part of a
Communist plot to force Yeltsin to
resign and seize power. "It's a creeping
coup," he said.

Drug ma help
fighting epression
WASHINGTON --An experimental
drug appears to alleviate depression by
blocking a mysterious brain chemical -
one that until now, doctors didn't even
know was at work in mental disorders.
The finding by Merck & Co., pub-
lished in today's edition of the journal
Science, could give doctors the first
entirely new way to treat depression in
decades, offering hope to patients who
get no help from today's therapies such
as Paxil and Prozac.
"This is really very important," said
Dr. Steven Hyman, director of the gov-
ernment's National Institute on Mental
Health, who is familiar with the find-
ings. "To everybody's surprise, it (the
new drug) was robustly effective for
The drug still needs more extensive
testing in humans, however, before it
would be eligible to receive govern-
ment approval to be sold.
Depression is the nation's most
prevalent mental health problem,

afflicting about 15 million Americans
at some point in their lives.
Americans spend about $3 billion a
year on drugs to battle it. Those drugs
do help many patients.
But they also can cause serious sije
effects. Also, some 20 percent of pati
get no help from today's medicines.
Diet change for
cattle reduces E oli
WASHINGTON - Scientists have
discovered a simple way to dramatical-
ly reduce the risk of people getting sick
from E. coli-tainted beef: Change what
cattle eat for a few days before the
Feeding cows grain, as most farmers
do to fatten them up, encourages the
growth of E. coli bacteria that are strong
enough to sicken humans, according to
new Agriculture Department-studies
conducted at Cornell University
Feeding cows hay instead of grain
for five days before they're slaughtered
could virtually eliminate that risk, said
USDA microbiologist James Rus



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Sissair plane had
faulty recordings
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- The
sophisticated avionics computers on
Swissair Flight 111 apparently
began generating faulty information
to the plane's flight data recorder
about five minutes before the
recorder cut off and radar contact
with the jumbo jet was lost.
Investigators declined to say how
much of the data was faulty as they
continued analyzing the reams of
data from the black box aboard the
MD-11 that crashed off Nova Scotia
Sept. 2, killing all 229 aboard. But it
has become apparent that during the
last five minutes of the recording,
the plane's computers were going
haywire, possibly the result of an
electrical problem or a fire.
"A progressive number of parameters
exhibit anomolies in the final minutes
of the flight recording," said Vic
Gerden, chief investigator for the
Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
"These anomolies were determined to
be fault codes generated by avionics

systems on the aircraft" Investigators
are looking into whether electrical
sources to the plane's circuitry were
burning and causing the compute o
behave erratically, sources said. e
plane has three electrical power sources,
one from each engine.
Refigious leader
meet mn Britain
LONDON - For the first time
since 1922, the leaders of Norther
Ireland's pro-British Protestants
Irish Catholic republicans sat down
face-to-face yesterday to discuss the
formation of a new power-sharing
government and the future of their
embattled province.
Ulster Unionist Party leader Davi
Trimble, the designated first minister o
Northern Ireland, held more than 3
minutes of private talks with Gerry
Adams, leader of Sinn Fein, the Irish
Republican Army's political wing, in
landmark encounter that Trimble co
"civilized and workmanlike.'
- Compiled from Daily wirereports.

11c4an, t~j


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. id



NEWS Janet Adumy, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Maria Hackett, Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff, Chris Metinko.
STAFF: Melissa Andrzejak. Chnstina Branson, Adam Cohen. Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud, Nikita Easley, Rachel Edelman, Trevor Gardner, Rachel
Goman, En Holmes, Dante Mastn, William Nash, Tal Nuriel, lee Palmer, Amit Pandya, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Eliana Rak, Josh
Rosenblatt, Melanie Sampson, Killy Scheer, Nika Schulte, Asia Sherman, Mike Span, Jason Stoffer. Sarah Welsh, Heather Wiggin, Jenrifer
Yachni, Adam Zuweritk.
CALENDAR: Katie Ploria.
EDITORIAL Jack SchiliacI, d
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sarah Lockyer, David Wallace
STAFF: Beth Bernstein, Jeff Ektddge, Lea Frost, Kaarrran Hafeez, Enc Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb, Sarah Lemre, Lauie Mayk,
James Miller, Abby Moses, Aaron Rich, Peter Romer-Fnedman, Stephen Sarkozy, Megan Schimpf, Wajahat Syed, John Targowski..
SPORTS Jin Rose, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Kiembaum, Sharat Raju, Pranay Reddy, Mark Snyder.
STAFF: TJ. Berka Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, Dave DenHerder, Chis Duprey, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John
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Subraanran, JacobWheeler.
ARTS Kristin Long Chris Tkazyk, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Jesaca Eaton, Will Wamssrt
SUBEDITORS: Ban Cohen iusict, Joshua Pedersen{ Fimif.
STAFF: Joanne Alnaar, Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Colin Bartos, Caryn Burtt, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chaiam, Gabe Faurn, Chris
Felax, Laura Flyer, Michael Galloway, Geordy Gantsoudes, Cadt Hal, Anna Kovalszki, James Miller, Rob Mitchum, Kern Murphy, Stephen
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PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Ed
STAFF: Louis Brown, Daniel Castle, Mallory S.E. Floyd, John KMaft, Kevin Kruptzer, Kelly McKinnell, Bryan McLellan, Emly Nathan, PautTalanian.
ONUNE .Uz Luas, Editor
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IGRAPHICS STAFF: Alex HNiog Michelle McCombs. Jordan Young.

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