See Page 4
ilk igau
Mild in the daytime,
but chance of showers tonight
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
-Daily-Edward Arnos
TRUSTEES-University President Harlan Hatcher applauded the
nation's college governing boards at the Association of Governing
Boards dinner last night. To his left is Regent Eugene B. Power,
who presided at the meeting.
Hatcher Views Role
Of Governing Board
The role of the governing board is not to manage a college,
but to make sure that it is properly managed, University President
Harlan Hatcher said last night.
Addressing a dinner of the Association of Governing Boards of
State Universities and Allied Institutions (AGB), President Hatcher
explained that trustees must find a happy medium between two ex-
tremes of policy.
The first extreme is giving a college's appointed administrators
complete power; the other extreme is trying to bypass the admin-
istrators and run the school di-
Hear Speech
By S wainson
Gov. John B. Swainson, in Ann
Arbor last night to extend his
greetings to The Association of
Governing Boards of State Uni-
versities and Allied Institutions,
said that "only the voting public"
will be able to decide the effects
of the television debates between
him and his opponent Republican
George Romney.
"Any prediction would be pre-
sumptuous," he added.
Swainson also said that the
reception of President John F.
Kennedy on his visit to the state
showed the President's "tremen-
dous popularity in Michigan," but
he declined to comment on how
his visit might influence, the elec-
Later, in a brief speech before
the association, Swainson' said,
"We are very proud of the ac-
complishments of our state sup-
ported institutions of higher edu-
cation, and keenly aware of their
unfilled needs."
He cited the need for expansion
of higher educational facilities in
order to accommodate "the flood
of youth clamoring for the tools
they need to be useful members
of society in this age of whirlwind
accumulation of knowledge . .
Swainson also pointed out the
growth of community colleges
throughout the state which now.
have an enrollment of 34,000. At
their present rate of growth, they
will be able to accommodate 150,-
000 students within the next 10
years, he said.
Power Says
Speaker Rue
Still Unsettled
"We seem to agree on the
philosophy but disagree on the
implementation of a speaker
policy, and that hasn't been set-
tled yet."
This was Regent Eugene B.
Power's initial reaction yesterday
to a letter to the Regents from
20 student leaders. The letter both
praises and criticizes the Regents'
proposed new bylaw on speakers.
Power said he agrees with the
philosophy of free inqury stressed
in the letter and stated in the
proposed bylaw.
Implementation has not yet
been completely worked out, he
continued, and won't be until mid-
November, after agreement is
reached by the Michigan Co-ord-
inating Council for Higher Edu-
cation on a suggested state-wide
college speaker philosophy. Each
institution would be expected to
implement the philosophy accord-
rectly. }
Puzzling Role
Consequently, "the role of the
trustee in the enterprise continues
to puzzle board members," and
their role must be constantly re-
evaluated, President Hatcher com-
Several other factors compound
the difficulties of being a trustee,
President Hatcher continued. The
high turnover of governing board
members, and the fact that most
trustees are laymen with no pre-
vious experience in the field of
education, are two examples.
"Theoretically, the trustee sys-
tem shouldn't work at all-but it
does," President Hatcher remark-
ed. He went on to cite some of the
significant achievements of this
theoretically unworkable system.
Precious Freedom
Most important of these is that
the governing-board system gives
a college freedom from outside
control, an autonomy w h i c h
"should be protected at all costs,"
President Hatcher said.
Another achievement of the
trustee system is the establishment
of voluntary coordination between
To Probe
'U' Land
Cemetery Plots
Called Worthless
LANSING (')-A legislative com-
mittee probing financial dealings
of Michigan cemeteries promised
yesterday to scrutinize arrange-
ments through which the Univer-
sity obtained 60 acres of burial
land for its expanding North Cam-
pus research area.
The committee, headed by Sen.
John Smeekens (R-Coldwater)
heard two Ann Arbor residents
testify that cemetery plots they
purchased a few year ago were
rendered "virtually worthless" by
the $231,000 transaction.
Raymond R. Fullerton and
Phillip Seymour, both of Ann Ar-
bor, are among 15 plaintiffs in a
suit filed last year against the
Regents and two Ann Arbor cem-
Waits in Court
The suit, which seeks to nullif
the University's purchase, is pend-
ing in Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court.
In testimony before the com-
mittee, the men charged they were
victims of "fraud, deceit and mis-
representation" by the original
operators of the Arborcrest Cem-
University officials have con-
sistently refused to comment on
the deal through which the Uni-
versity acquired the land in Arbor-
crest Cemetery in December, 1960,
from Roy Hatten, who owns both
Arborcrest and Washtenaw ceme-
Regents Guarantee
The court suit contends that an
Ann Arbor bank loaned Hatten
enough money to buy out all other
stockholders of Arborcrest, with
the Regents guaranteeing the loan.
Then, it alleges, the Regents
purchased the 60-acre parcel of
land from Hatten for $231,000.
Fullerton and Seymoursaid they
had purchased burial plots in Ar-
borcrest with the understanding it
would be preserved and maintain-
ed as a 76-acre cemetery.
'Bursley Sees
Budget Surplus
For Michigan
The state budget will have a
$30 million surplus this year which
should be applied to the $85 mil-
lion state deficit, Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) told the
Young Republican Club last night.
Calling this year's budget "the
most responsible budget in the
past four or five years" because
it contains a surplus, Bursley said
the added revenue comes from
added nuisance taxes on alcoholic
beverages and tobacco and from
increased sales tax collections.
However, he warned that the
figures are somewhat misleading.
The sales tax collection increase
is the result of greater automobile
sales which are unlikely to be as
large next year, he said.
Further, the increased sales
does not reflect an increase in
Bursley hit Gov. John B. Swain-
son's claim in Tuesday night's
debate with Republican gueber-
natorial hopeful George Romney
that he had reduced unemploy-
ment in the state.
Bursley noted that both used
the same set of facts, but that
Swainson was comparing the
number unemployed with the
number working rathei' than with
the total labor force, as Romney
had done.
Post pone Proposal
To Alter Functions
After more than two hours of debate, Student Government Coun-
cil last night postponed for one week a proposal to alter the functions
of its Committee on Membership in Student Organizations.
Originally proposed by Thomas Brown, '63BAd, the motion was
amended to the point that several Council members asked for a delay
of one week in order to consider the significance and possible rami-
fications of the legislation. The Committee on Membership can at
As Adjourning Looms;
GOP Support Doubtful
...motion postponed
Claimn War
With Arabia
CAIRO WP)-A high Yemeni of-
ficial was quoted by the United
Arab Republic's Middle East News
Agency as saying yesterday that
Yemen considers itself at war
with neighboring Saudi Arabia.
There was no indication that
he was speaking officially. His
words were taken here with reser-
The news agency's dispatch from
San'a, the capital of Yemen, quot-
ed Vice-Premier Abdel Rahmen -el
Beidany as saying Saudi Arabia
has massed troops on the frontiers
and had infiltrated arms into Ye-
men, "which is considered an at-
tack on the Yemeni republic."
State of War
According to the agency, Bei-
dany declared that "this leads the
Yemen government to consider it-
self in a state of war with Saudi
The dispatch reached Cairo
shortly after the U.A.R. had pledg-
ed all its strength to defend Ye-
men against any attack on the
two-week-old revolutionary re-
gime that overthrew the monarchy.
Backers of the monarchy, includ-
ing members of the royal family,
have been attempting a counter-
There had been signs that the
government of President Gamal
Abdel Nasser had prepared for any
eventuality in Yemen. But only
yesterday U.A.R. destroyers sched-
uled to sail toward Yemen from
Suez had their orders cancelled
and were held in port, although
still alerted, informed sources said.
Interview Sallal
The news agency also published
an interview with the current Ye-
"present receive and investigate any
charges of discrimination and can
also initiate investigation of any
group which might discriminate.
Would Clarify Ambiguities
As amended by Robert Ross, '63,
SGC's proposal would clarify sev-
eral ambiguities in the conimittee's
functions. It would give it power
both to receive "written and sign-
ed charges" of discrimination and
to "initiate investigation and in-
quiry of any given organization as
to possible violation."
In addition, the amended motion
states that "no investigation shall
be initiated unless the reasons for
investigating that particular orga-
nization are clearly stated, deemed
worthy of investigation and adopt-
ed by the committee."
The amendments s a t i s f i e d
Brown in that they emphasized the
necessity for a written document
before any formal inquiry could!
be conducted.
Water -Down?
Ross introduced his amend-
ments primarily be c a u s e he
thought Brown's motion would
have deprived the committee of its
right to initiate inquiry.
At one time during debate, a
motion to postpone consideration
for one week was defeated. How-
ever, when it became clear that.the
entire proposal would be defeated
unless several members were per-
mitted to discuss the meaning of
the new proposal during the week,
Council postponed all action.
Earlier, SGC President Steven
Stockmeyer, '63, announced that
although he had not yet found a
member of the Michigan Bar to
advise SGC on the failure of five
sororities to submit adequate mem-
bership statements, he might be
able to do so by tomorrow.
Council also postponed a motion
by Howard Abrams, '63, condemn-
ing the recent suspension of "The.
College Clamor" at Flint Junior
Ticket Vigil
Twenty - four m en from
Reeves House, South Quad-
rangle spent the night camp-
ing on the doorstep of Hill
Aud. Determined to get front-
row seats for the Bob Newhart
appearance on Oct. 27, the men
have been standing in line since
3 p.m. yesterday, although the
ticket office does not open un-
til 4 p.m. today.
Negotiation for Cuban
Prisoners To Continue
HAVANA (I)-Negotiations for the release of 1,113 captives of the
1961 Bay of Pigs invasion hit a snag last night, and hopes for their
early release were dashed.
The talks between negotiator James B. Donovan of New York and
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro were to have ended last night. But
a spokesman for the rescue committee said the talks "have not end-
ed," certain points have to be revised and this will take two or three
further meetings.
Donovan and the Cuban members of the rescue committee spent
four hours with Castro at the presidential palace. A committee spokes-
man had earlier expressed confi-*
dence this would be the last talks
with only minor details and pub-
licity arrangements to be thrashed'
Clear Indication
The spokesman refused to say
whether difficulties had been en-
countered. But the fact that other"
meetings are scheduled appeared :;t
to dispel fears that the talks had
fin,, n d
u utere4.
There was no indication that the
negotiations were affected in any
way by the claim of an exile group
in the United States and Puerto
Rico that it had raided the north
coast port of Isabella de Sagua
Monday and killed 20 persons.
The raid has not been confirmed
by the Castro government and
there has been no announcement
of the exiles' claim here. Nor has
there been any comment.
Keeps Secrets
Donovan, who believes his nego-
tiations can bear fruit only with
secrecy, kept complete silence
while relatives of the prisoners re-
mained confident a solution was
at hand.
Meanwhile, the United States
government has agreed to under-
write' the shipment of about $13
million in medicine and food to
Cuba if the invasion captives are
released, informed sources said
Presumably this amount. would
be augmented by private subscrip-
tions. raised by the families of the
captured men.
$62 Million Ransom
Castro has reportedly asked for
a total of $62 million in payment
for freeing the prisoners.
Whatever amount the govern-
ment contributes, there seemed
likely to be volatile reaction in
Congress toward the payment of
what some members characterized
as ransom.
...speaks to UN
See Related Stories, Page 2
a state's schools, which provides
the needed inter-school coopera-
tion without sacrificing each in-
stitution's autonomy, he added.
Despite these accomplishments
of college governing boards, "they
merit our sympathy as well," for
they face many difficult problems,
President Hatcher continued.
Some Problems
He posed the question of wheth-
er low-cost education must be di-
luted or discarded as increasing
numbers of students seek college
He also noted the problem of
academic freedom. "A trustee may
be called on to defend the right of
a campus speaker to express a view
with which he strongly disagrees,"
he remarked.
Finally, governing boards must
learn to "walk the fine line be-
tween paternalism and laissez-
faire" in their student-affairs pol-
icies, President Hatcher concluded.
Supple Analyzes Factors
In England, U.S. Growth
Tresh's Homer Trij
meni, premier, Col. Abdullah Sal- Prof. Barry Supple of Sussex University in England drew a par-
lal. allel between the factors inducing economic growth in America and
It quoted him as saying that Great Britain from 1760 to 1860 in a discussion sponsored by the
"there are British troop massings Economic Society last night.
on the easter border... and Saudi "The Industrial Revolution in England and the tremendous'
troops on the norther1 border
"Our republic has become strong upsurge in American industrialization during the 20 years from 1840
enough to defeat these troops if to 1860 are not two distinct phenomena. The United States' industrial
they attempt to attack us." development is merely a chron-
Britain controls Aden and the ological extension of the British
Aden protectorate, Yemen's neigh- experience," Prof. Supple said.
bors on the southern tip of the Unless one wants to maintain an
Arabian Peninsula. artificial distinction between re-
gional and national markets, the
effect of the frontier in America
can be equated with the corres-
ponding effect of the colonies in
s = Great Britain in terms of stim-
ulating the market, he said.
Not Casual
In England's case, Prof. Supple
NEW YORK (P)--Rookie Tom said, it is doubtful that the tre- I
Tresh ruined a stout pitching ef- mendous increase in the importa-
fort by Jack Sanford with a tion of raw materials during the
three-run homer in the eighth 18th century can be attributed to
inning yesterday for a 5-3 New the demands. of the domestic mar.
York Yankee victory over the San {ket.
Francisco Giants in the fifth Neither can it be considered to
World Series game. have resulted from the market in PROF BARRY SUPPLE
The triumph gave the American continental Europe, since the cost . . .industrial revolutions
League champs a 3-2 edge in the of transporting raw materials from
best-of-seven series. the colonies to England and then as a result of trading exclusively
U T hr-to the continent was prohibitive. in cotton, remained underdevelop-
Until Tresh hammered San- " Thlus I come to the conclusionedadubltosprtief
ford's pitch into the lower deck "h ed and unable to support itself
in right field, about 360 feet away, that the entrepreneur, faced with agriculturally, Prof. Supple said.
following singles by Tony Kubek a stable market and the time hori- Substantial Producer
folling sings,! zon for investment considerably "The fact is that the South was
, l
U.S. Appeals
To End Tests
States Ambassador Adlai E. Stev-
enson appealed to the United Na-
tions General Assembly yesterday
to take a firm position on putting
an, end to nuclear tests now and
thereby foiestall another cycle of
United States-Soviet tests.
Valerian A. Zorin, the Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister, counter-
ed with afull-scale blast against
United States proposals for a lim-
ited test ban agreement.
Stevenson and Zorin spoke in
the assembly's main political com-
mittee as it opened a new round
of debate on the nuclear test ban
U.S. Test Planned
Both the United States and So-
viet Union are engaged in a series
of tests. The United States an-
nounced yesterday it planned a
high altitude test in the Pacific
next Sunday or Monday.
Stevenson spelled out again the,
United States offer to accept a
ban on tests in outer space, the
atmosphere and under water with-
out requiring inspection.
He said the United States would
much prefer a comprehensive
treaty banning tests also under-
ground, where it is demanding!
inspection machinery.
Above Ground
"But if that is impossible," he
said, "a half loaf is better than
none. And it is more than a half
loaf,, because at least 90 per cent
of the force of all nuclear tests
from the beginning have been.
exploded above ground."
Stevenson declared that the'
United States is "quite prepared to
stop testing now, as soon as we
have dependable means of knowing
that the Soviet Union is going to
stop and stay stopped."
"If the Soviet Union is statis-
fied with the progress in its pres-
ent testing program, a rare period
of equilibruim may have been
reached in this sector of the arms
Negroes Ask
For Protection
FLINT ()--Two Flint Negro
leaders yesterday asked Gov. John
B. Swainson to take strong protec-
tice action, including use of the
Bill Stalls
In Congress
Measure Attempts
To Finance, Improve
Education Services
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A last - ditch
effort was launched in the House
yesterday to pass bills that would
expand the college student loan and
university extension adult educa-
tion programs.
Similar measures have passed
the Senate. They are now anchor-
ed in the House Rules Committee.
The only way they can be passed
now is by unanimous House ac-
tion. Rep. Cleveland M. Bailey (D-
W Va), author of the bills, was un-
able to get assurances from Re-
publicans that no objections would
be made if he called up the bill.
Battles Time
He refused to abandon hope,
however, to win over Republican
opponents. Congress is expected to
adjourn tomorrow.
One of the bills Bailey is trying
to rescue would add $35 million to
the present $90 million loan fund
for student loans under. the Na-
tional Defense Education Act It
would also increase the maximum
allotment to an individual college
from $250,000 to $500,000.
The other would expand the uni-
versity extension program, now
limited mainly to the teaching of
agriculture and mechanical arts,
to include general academic sub-
Matching Funds
It would provide $9 million a
year for four years for 50-50
matching graits to state universi-
ties and land grant colleges for
this purpose.
Bailey's office claims that the
bill attempts to produce an "em-
barrassment of riches" for exten-
See Related Story, Page 3
sion services to parallel the result
of adult education prog ams in
agriculture and home economics.
"All matters having to do with
administration, selection of teach-
ing personnel, curriculum, control
of educational methods used, de-
termination of course content, re-
quirements for participation in
programs by individuals and
groups, and standards of instruc-
tion are explicitly reserved to di-
rection of individual states in their
state institutions," Bailey stressed.
The states' plans of extension
service coordination, however,
must be approved by the United
States Office of Education.
Soop Explains
Aid Proposal
A bill currently tied up in the
House Rules Committee wouM
"provide for extension services
what agricultural extension . cts
did for farming," Extension Ser-
vice Director Everett J. Soop said
The bill, sponsored by Rep.
Cleveland Bailey (D-W Va), would
allot $20,000 to each of the 50
states and Puerto Rico, then add
$9 million to be divided among
the states on a population basis.
The amount of money the Uni-
versity would receive would de-
pend on how the state Legislature
would allocate the matching funds,
Soop said.
Chief effect of the added Ex-
tension Service budget would prob-
ably be on the less populated areas,
he continued. At present, many of
the state colleges are unable to
provide as comprehensive exten-
sion program for rural areas, due
to financial limitations.
Soop also noted that the Na-
tional University Extension As-
sociation, of which the University
is a member, has been advocating
such legislation since 1941. "This
vear is the farthest it's ever got-
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