One hundred eleven yeas feditizfreeda m
CLASSiFIED: 764-0557
March 11, 2002
Vol. CXEE, No. 91 Amin 02002 The E MieVigan " Ei
into early
By Jordan Schader
Daily Staff Reporter
With a marathon bargaining session
ongoing between the University and
the Graduate Employees Organization,
it was uncertain this morning whether
the scheduled GEO walk-out would be
held today. As of 1:45 a.m. the two par-
ties continued to negotiate. Although
significant progress made in negotia-
tions over the weekend threw the likeli-
hood of a strike in doubt, preparations
have been made for a day of protest.
"We've come a long, long way
toward settling this contract today,
and that's very encouraging," Uni-
versity Spokeswoman Julie Peterson
said. "It may be that the union will
not feel a job action is needed at
this point."
Peterson said important progress
was made over the weekend in the
areas of harassment protection,
child care, budgeting procedure in
the hiring of graduate student
instructors, the definition of a grad-
uate student and training for inter-
national students.
In the event of a strike today, educa-
tion will not come to a halt, she said.
Classes are considered to be in session
and departments have been asked to
replace GSIs who walk out, although
Peterson said, "they won't be able to
cover every last one."
Students should wait for an instruc-
tor to come to class for at least 15 min-
utes before leaving class, she said.
But many undergraduates will not be
there to wait, LSA sophomore Jackie
Bray said.
"I expect over 1,000 undergraduates
to not attend class, and that's a show of
support (for GEO)," said Bray, a mem-
ber of Students Organizing for Labor
and Economic Equality.
SOLE and other student groups
organized an undergraduate rally -on
the Diag for 1 p.m. today, which
Bray said she expects about 300
students to attend. About 150
undergraduates will also stand side-
by-side with GSIs on the picket
lines, she said.
GEO organizer Rudolfo Palma-
Lulion said he expects about 500 gradu-
ate student instructors to picket if the
walk-out proceeds as scheduled. One of
the union's goals is to talk to everyone
entering a University building, he said.
GEO will also hold a Diag rally at
noon where students will discuss the
difficulty of raising a child as a GSI.
Another rally at 6 p.m. in front of
the LSA building will conclude the
day's events.
"Si 71 O1122K lo
shift across
the nation
Mike Jefferdes, director of maintenance for University Towers on South University Avenue, cleans debris and broken glass
outside Leo's Coney Island. High winds In Ann Arbor Saturday afternoon shattered the restaurant's windows at around 3 p.m.
Winds cause city-w'ide
destructionouttage s
By Rahwa Ohebre-Ab
Daily Staff Reporter
Images of people running for their
lives, firefighters and volunteers work-
ing for hours on end and grieving fam-
ily members are memories that will not
soon be forgotten.
Although six months have passed
since the attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, many things
have changed in the country - from
tighter security and the onslaught of
patriotism to a divide between the Arab
and Muslim community and much of
the nation.
With a large number of students
with family and friends living in New
York and surrounding areas, students'
emotional ties shaped the way they
view the terrorist attacks.
"The mood in New York was somber
around Thanksgiving, which was the
first time I went home since the
attacks, but it's a lot different now,"
LSA freshman Claire Leavitt said. "It's
not that people are over it, but it is not
as relevant to how people think every-
Thousands flock to New York each
day to see the Twin Towers' rubble and
to memorialize the victims. Ground
Zero has brought an innumerable num-
ber of tourists and observers, empha-
By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Passers-by on South University Avenue Saturday may
have noticed a startling change in the appearance of
Leo's Coney Island. The strong winds demolished two
windows of the building's south face, through which
gusts continued to blow and damaged the restaurant's
"We always have a strong wind tunnel on this street,"
Leo's owner Andrew Kotzovos said. "It intensified the
wind and broke the windows."
Dennis Kahlbaum, the University weather observer,
said that cold air from Canada and warm air from the
Gulf of Mexico reacted with the jet stream over Michi-
gan to cause the weather.
"A powerful low pressure system brought the winds
and a strong cold front brought the temperature,"
Kahlbaum said.
Although he recorded the peak gusts at 58 mph Satur-
day, Kahlbaum added the retreat of the low pressure sys-
tem into Canada yesterday that should steadily diminish
the turbulent wind.
Students agreed that the weather caused problems and
was unpleasant.
"It was very cold and very horrible," LSA junior Eliz-
abeth Brennan said.
See WEATHER, Page 9A
sizing the sentiment that things-will no
longer be the same again.
"I live right there in Manhattan and
it's full of tourists. It's hard to get back
to daily life because there is no way to
do that with all these policemen and
tourists in your lobby," LSA freshman
Arielle Barzilai said.
With students 'raveling all over the
country for Spring Break, many stu-
dent organizations and individual stu-
dents found themselves in the New
York City area and nearly all visited
Ground Zero.
"We didn't really plan to go to
Ground Zero," said LSA freshman
Tobias Singer, who traveled to New
York with the a cappella group
Amazin' Blue. "The trucks are still
coming and taking away all the rubble.
The size is astounding - it's like a val-
ley. It's hard to believe what it was like
right after the attacks.
"On the other hand, it seems as
'New Yorkie' as it has always been, just
a little changed. People are moving on
with their lives," Singer said.
U.S. support, Arab relations
focus of Israel Conference
By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter
"Israeli people want peace' Deputy Consul
General of Israel, David Reot, told a room full
of students and local community members yes-
terday at the Michigan League.
Reot, keynote speaker of "Israel Under the
Lens: An Academic Conference," outlined
some of the conference's themes in his speech,
including U.S.-Israel and Arab-Israeli relations.
Yesterday's conference also looked at the Unit-
ed Nations' relationship with Israel, women's
roles and rights in Israel and terrorism in Israel.
Although Israel appreciates the "overwhelm-
ing" support from Congress, Reot does not
think American involvement will be "the magic
solution" to the problems in the Middle East.
"Don't be fooled by easy solutions. ... Both
sides understand they have to make conces-
sions," Reot said. Addressing recent terrorist
attacks, Reot said more than 65 percent of
Palestinians did not believe Arabs were behind
the events of Sept. 11. This has led to an overall
decline in Palestinian support.
"You don't have to be a Zionist or a supporter
inside: The Michigan Daily sat down with
Israeli Air Force Brigadier General Relik Shafir
last night to discuss the current situation in
Israel. Page 5A.
of Israel against terrorism," Reot said. "We
shouldn't be using suicide bombings."
LSA senior and conference planner Jordan
Nodel said the conference is not trying to sup-
port one specific idea, but "rather create space
for academics."
"It's a placer to come, learn and discuss, not
Marc and Zleva Konvisser discuss Arab-Israeli relations after
a talk at the Israel Conference yesterday, while an officer
walks his dog. The conference displayed a heightened
amount of security.
taken from
e r
West Quad
By Rob Goodsped
Daily Staff Reporter
A female resident of West Quad Residence Hall awoke
Friday morning to discover a man fleeing her room with
her backpack and laptop. The incident is the latest in a
three-month string of mostly unsolved home invasions,
peeping tom incidents and thefts from residence hall
The 20-year-old victim said a friend left her door
unlocked when he left around 7:30 a.m. Friday. She
awoke around 8 a.m. to discover a man standing about a
foot away from her bed. After she screamed, she said the
man fled with her black Timberland backpack and Com-
paq Presario laptop computer.
The victim, an LSA sophomore, described the suspect
as a black male with short hair, about 5-foot-10 and
wearing a blue jacket with two yellow stripes on each
The victim said she tried to chase the suspect, but
when she got to her door he had already disappeared.
Her room is near a stairway.
The Department of Public Safety said they are follow-
ing leads, and have made some arrests in connection
with the recent string of home invasion incidents.
"We don't know if they're connected," DIES spokes-
Gubernatorial candidate
rallies supporters at Union
University student voting, treatment
of mentally ill, parenting focus of
Granholm agenda
By Loul Melziish
Daily Staff Reporter
nifer Granholm is one of four candidates seeking the
Democratic nomination for governor. She discussed her
candidacy with about 150 students and community
members at a meeting of the University's chapter of
College Democrats at the Michigan Union.
"It is very important when creating policy that you
don't do things the exact same way you did them
before," she said.
The former Wayne County corporation counsel and
Harvard University Law School graduate, who sup-
ports affirmative action and considers herself pro-
SThe state's top lawyer said yesterday that if elected
BRENDAN O'DONNELL/Daily governor she. will make "outside of the box thinking"
Michigan Attorney General Jennifer Granholm discusses her and diversity the hallmarks of her term in office.
campaign for governor last night at the Michigan Union. After three years as the state attorney general, Jen-
Hateful messages left on cars
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
A major ramification of the Sept.
11 attacks has been an increase in
hostile incidents against Arab-
Americans and the Islamic commu-
nity. Six months after the terrorist
attacks in New York City and Wash-
ington, another discriminatory
episode happened Friday night
when fliers containing hate material
were placed on windshields of sev-
eral cars at the Islamic Center in
The material on the fliers refer-
enced the arrest of local Muslim
leader Rabih Haddad. Haddad was
arrested for a visa violation three
months ago and is currently incarcer-
ated at the Chicago Metropolitan
Correctional Center where he is wait-
ing to appear in front of a grand jury.
The grand jury might ask him ques-
tions about the charity he co-founded,
the Global Relief Foundation, and its
possible ties to terrorism.
The material found on the cars
called for Haddad to not be given
Haddad's family should be deported
and the American Civil Liberties
Union should go with them.
One of the most derogatory state-
ments on the flier said, "Your Hajj in
Mecca is over ... Muslims go home
... death to the Muslim infidels."
Kristine Abouzhar, a member of
the Muslim Community Association
of Ann Arbor said the man wrote
"extreme things that showed a lack
of knowledge of the situation as
well. For example, the flyer said he
was a known terrorist and admitted