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March 11, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-03-11

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 11, 2002

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riots from Pale stinian sup p orte rs Sharon agrees to negotiate truce with Arafat

By JennifrwMisthal
Daily Staff Reporter

Twice yesterday, members of Stu-
dents Allied for Freedom and Equal-
ity protested the Israel Under the
Lens conference outside the Michi-
gan League.
Armed with cardboard machine guns
and sirens, SAFE performed skits about
Israel's military checkpoints.
SAFE member Fadi Kiblawi said
Palestinians are stopped at these check-
points and Israeli soldiers check their
papers, which can take up to three hours
to bypass.
"People can get shot on sight if
they take side routes (to avoid the
checkpoints)," SAFE member
Souzan Naser said.
"Palestinians are differentiated by
different color license plates," Naser
Holding a megaphone, SAFE
member Salah Husseini said the.
checkpoint illustration must be
brought to people's attention.
He also said the checkpoints were
examples of racism.
Kiblawi called the rally a "big creative
expression." He said he believed the
conference attempted "ethnic cleansing
through the mind."

Rackham student Amenah Ibrahim,
who also participated in the protest, said
the rally was designed to protest the con-
ference's keynote speaker, Israeli Air
Force General Relik Shafir.
"This general was funded to our
campus with our tuition money,"
Ibrahim said.
Ibrahim said she felt that earlier con-
ference speakers had an objective view-
But she said after listening to one
speaker discuss the war on terrorism,
her "blood was boiling."
Still, Ibrahim said the conference
was fair, despite a lack of Palestin-
ian speakers.
LSA junior and conference plan-
ner David Post said the conference
attempted to create an academic
environment to discuss Israeli-Pales-
tinian relations.
"We tried to put speakers with a wide
variety of views. We tried to cover as
many points of view as possible," Post
Engineering sophomore Maya Man-
del disagreed with, SAFE members, say-
ing she felt the conference was
"The conference presented other
sides. People were really happy with
what they heard," Mandel said.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday he is prepared to end Yasser
Arafat's confinement in the West Bank and negotiate with the Palestinians on a
truce, but with violence at its worst levels in 17 months of fighting, he stressed he
will not call off the army offensive against militants.
Sharon said Palestinian security forces had arrested the fifth and final suspect
in the October slaying of Israeli Cabinet minister Rehavam Zeevi, fulfilling the
condition for lifting a blockade that has kept Arafat under virtual house arrest in
his compound in Ramallah in the West Bank since December.
"People have been arrested. I demanded their arrest and their imprisonment"
Sharon told a group of disabled war veterans. "I have said that after they are
ested we shall let him out of there."
He did not say when the Palestinian leader would be allowed to move
about freely.
Sharon spoke hours after Israeli helicopters pounded Arafat's Gaza Strip office
to rubble, retaliation for a Palestinian suicide attack that killed 11 others near
Sharon's Jerusalem residence.
The Palestinian office in Gaza City had been evacuated before the helicopter
attack, and no one was hurt.
BAGRAM, Afghanistan
Ground fighting slowing in Afghanistan
Hundreds of weary U.S. soldiers descended from the Afghan mountains
yesterday after a grueling eight-day battle against enemy holdouts. U.S.
bombers pounded the caves where the remaining fighters were hiding.
The Army said ground fighting was winding down but that Operation
Anaconda would continue until the last of the al-Qaida and Taliban fighters
had been killed or surrendered in the Shah-e-Kot mountains.
About 400 U.S. troops returned to the Bagram air base north of Kabul
yesterday in wave after wave of CH-47 Chinook helicopters.
"We're home!" the soldiers shouted, offering high-fives to elated col-
leagues. A few shook their heads in disbelief, grateful they had made it out
In Gardez, an Afghan commander, Ismail, said al-Qaida and Taliban
forces in the area were "75 percent spent" and he expected a final push
within the next two days.
Coalition forces said they killed at least 500 fighters and that about 200
were believed left. Eight Americans and three of their Afghan allies died.

Fadi Kiblawi, along with fellow protesters, acts as a soldier in a skit refusing
admittance of a Palestinian ambulance, In front of the Michigan League yesterday,
during the "Israel Under the Lens" conference.
LSA freshman Samuel Botsford "Bipartisan views were expressed.
said he felt the speakers tried to pres- Most speakers presented both sides of
ent both viewpoints. the story efficiently," Botsford said.


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U.S. considers using
nuclear weapons
President Bush's top foreign-affairs
advisers say the United States must be
prepared to use nuclear weapons to
deter attacks involving weapons of
mass destruction. But in an effort to
ease alarm overseas, they said there
were no plans to do so.
"We all want to make the use of
weapons of mass destruction less like-
ly," National Security Adviser Con-
doleezza Rice said yesterday. "The way
that you do that is to send a very strong
signal to anyone who might try to use
weapons of mass destruction against
the United States that they'd be met
with a devastating response."
Secretary of State Colin Powell said
the United States has never ruled out
using nuclear weapons against a
nuclear-armed enemy, a policy he said
should deter any would-be attacker.
"We think it is best for any potential
adversary out there to have uncertainty
in his calculus,"Powell said.
Enron is not another
Whitewater scandal
The Enron collapse is dangerous for
Republicans. It fuels questions about
influence-peddling in the White House.
And it could raise election-year money
for the party out of power.
But even the most loyal Democrats
concede one thing that Enron is not:
The Bush administration's Whitewater.

"1'm being very, very careful to say
that it's not another Whitewater," said
Rep. Henry Waxman, the Democrats'
lead investigator into what the White
House knew of the debacle, when, and
how Enron may have influenced the
administration's energy policy plans.
Still, some Democrats say unan-
swered questions could boost their
party in the fall election.
But so far, Democrats have not turned
Enron into a buzzword for questionable
presidential ethics, as Republicans were
able to do with the Clintons' land deal.
Ridge announces new
terror alert protocol

Homeland Security Director Tom
Ridge will soon make public a new ter-
rorism alert system to grade threats by
their seriousness and give states and
cities more specific information.
The new system is said to have sver-
al alert levels, with the highest meaning
an attack is considered imminent.
The system is described as a
response to complaints that the four
broad terror alerts issued by the federal
government in the months since the
Sept. 11 attacks alarmed the public
while providing little or no useful infor-
The White House confirmed pub-
lished reports that Ridge and his staff
are working with federal, state and
local officials, police chiefs and sheriffs
with the aim of making the alerts more
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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Peter Labadie, President,
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