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November 11, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-11

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Wisconsin.. .37 Purdue .
Northwestern . 6 MSU . . . .

17 Minnesota ..a. 10 Ohio State.
9 Iowa . . . . . . 0 Indiana . .

.. 10 Syracuse . .. 34 Penn State . . 34 \ Oklahoma
7 Navy . .... 6 West Virginia. 6 Iowa State

. 41 Slippery Rock 21
.. 0 Clarion State . 3


; t

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom



Fair today,
cloudy tonight

' . ,









* * *


* * *

Thuninnounces Inspection Accord

Three Nations Reach
Tentative Agreement
Red Cross Inspection To Replace
Current Naval Blockade of Cubar
UNITED NATIONS (P)-UN Acting Secretary-General U Thant
reported conditional agreement yesterday on arrangements for the
International Committee of the Red Cross to look for missiles on
Cuba-bound Soviet ships.
He said that the Red Cross committee, Cuba, the Soviet Union
and the United States "have all agreed, with certain conditions." He

declined to give details, but he
U. S. Bolsters
Air Defense
WASHINGTON (A') - United
States defense against bomber at-
tack from Cuba is mounting as the
Communists persist in refusal to
remove a score or more of Ilyush-
in-28 medium jet bombers with
nuclear-strike capability.
The bombers, together with Rus-
sian made MIG jet fighters which
also can be used for bombing pur-
poses are considered a menace,
even though the Russians appear
to have dismantled and shipped
out medium and intermediate-
range ballistic missiles.
Army Nike Hercules missiles-
capable of hurling atomic war-
heads up to 100 miles-have been
emplaced in Southern Florida
where batteries of shorter range
hawk anti-aircraft missiles al-
ready were arrayed.
Two Missiles
A published photograph of one
position shows two Nike Hercules,
one in vertical position, the other
still on a transport beside it. This
is the first disclosure that Her-
cules missiles havebeen placed
in Southern Florida-the tip of
which is 90 mile from Cuba.
Until now, Nike weapons had
been deployed in other areas of
the country, primarily around big
metropolitan areas and airfields.
The missile defenses are in ad-
dition to swarms of Air Force and
Navy jet interceptors poised for
swift takeoff from runways and
carrier decks.
It is probable that Cuba now is
under closer, more comprehensive
radar watch than any like-size
area in the world.
The mission of the radar watch
is to alert the interceptor planes
and missile batteries in time to
meet hostile aircraft heading to-
ward targets in the United States.

said he expected final, conclusive
agreement early next week, prob-
ably by Tuesday.
Replaces Blockade
The Red Cross inspection is in-
tended to replace the naval block-
ade the United States threw
around Cuba Oct. '24 to keep out
Soviet missiles, bombing planes
and accessories.
Thant disclosed the agreement
on procedures after a final con-
ference witheRed Cross represent-
atives who came here from the
committee's general headquarters
Tuesday to negotiate on the mat-
Meanwhile, it was announced
in Washington that the count of
Soviet nuclear missiles leaving
Cuba abroad Russian vessels was
continuing with 41 of the listed
42 apparently on the high seas.
The Navy made close-up exam-
inations of three merchantmen
yesterday following inspection of
four other ships Friday-with six
to eight missiles identified on the
decks of all except two. One ap-
parently was carrying five on its
deck and another had no missiles.
No Chances
The Navy was taking no
chances that some of the Russian
vessels might try to return to
r The United States guided mis-
sile warship Dahlgren trailed a
Soviet freighter through the Wind-
ward Passage yesterday to be
sure there was no turn back.
Lsatin Ships
Blockade Cuba'
WASHINGTON (P) -- The Navy
r disclosedyesterday it has. set up
1an "inter-American quarantine
force" of warships from the Unit-
ed States, Argentina and the Do-
minican Republic to assist in po-
licing the flow of shipping into
Cuba. The creation of the new
force, under United States Rear
Admr. John A. Tyree, came to light
with an announcement that two
Dominican Republic navy frigates
are on patrol.

Say Reds
Laos Pact
LONDON VP)--The International
Control Commission for Laos re-
ported yesterday that only 40
Communist North Vietnamese sol-
diers had left Laos by the Oct. 7
deadline set in the Geneva agree-
ment guaranteeing Laotian neu-
trality in the cold war.
A British foreign office spokes-
man said 10,000 North Vietnamese
troops fought on the side of the
Communist Pathet Lao before the
Laotian cease fire last June.
"It is not clear what happened
to the remainder," he said. "We
are keeping a close watch on the
Britain and the Soviet Union
were co-chairmen of the 14-nation
Geneva conference on Laos that
drew up and signed the agreement
whereby all foreign military per-
sonnel were to leave the South-
east Asian kingdom by Oct. 7.
The foreign military personnel
were to leave through designated
checkpoints manned by officials
of the International Control Com-
mission, made up of representative
of Canada, Poland and India.
The ICC report said 666 Ameri-
can military personnel and 403
Philippine technicians employed
by the United States left Laos
by the Oct. 7 deadline.
Strong Charges
The report added: "Various ra-
dio broadcasts and newspaper re-.
ports are making strong charges
about the continued presence of
thousands of foreign forces of
various nationalities in Laos.
"If and when the commission
has reasonable grounds for con-
sidering that a violation of the
relevant articles of the Geneva
protocols has occurred, the com-
mission will immediately take ap-
propriate action."
Neither the United States nor
the Soviet Union made any state-
ments after the report was re-
There is no knowledge of how
the possibility of troops remain-
ing will affect the coalition gov-
ernment in Laos, formed under an
earlier part of the international
agreement on Laotian neutrality.
Under the agreement, the neu-
tralists control the cabinet, hold-
ing seven seats to four each for
the pro-Western and pro-Com-
munist factions.

Gambles Pay
In 14-10 Victory
Wolverine Second-Half Scoring
Gives Year's First Big Ten Win
Sports Editor
The Michigan Wolverines, winning a day-long battle of
gambles and breaks, prevailed over Illinois yesterday, 14-10,
for their first conference win of the 1962 season.
A slim, chilled gathering of 49,756 watched Michigan
Coach Bump Elliott win his third straight game from brother
Pete, and his fourth straight from Illinois since taking over
the coaching reins in 1959.
The two teams gambled on fourth down plays no less than
10 times during the damp afternoon and swapped breaks at
will, before the Wolverines finally came alive for two second-
half touchdowns to take the game. Illinois had a 10-0 lead at
the end of the half.
Michigan got the biggest break of them all on the second
a en BenFaraee Itercpte

-Daily-Ed Langs
FLYING FLINGER-Michigan quarterback Bob Chandler attempts a jump pass in yesterday's game
with Illinois. Chandler is being protected by the blocking of Dave Kurtz (63) and John Minko (62),
both guards. Bob Timberlake (28) is partially obscured and Dave Raimey (19) is in the background.
Chandler had a hand in scoring all of Michigan's 14 points.
Too ManyStudents-All Over

Long and lengthening lines of
college applicants are a world-
wide phenomenon, and a problem
which requires worldwide solution,
the Christian Science Monitor re-
This demand for higher educa-
tion the world over was the sub-
ject of a .recent two-year investi-
gation headed byCFrank Bowles,
president of the College Entrance
Examination Board, and conduct-

ed by educators from Brazil, Chile,
France, India, Great Britain,
Japan, Lebanon, the United States
and the Soviet Union.
"There is a great unsatisfied
demand for primary education in
Asia, Africa and South America,"
Bowles discovered.
"Beyond that, there is now a
tremendous demand for open ac-
cess to secondary education, not

U.S. Women Shun Intellec

Festival Symbolizes
'Triumph of Good Will'
"The Iidian celebration of Deepavali has a special function in
view of today's crisis: that of showing that good will always triumph
over evil," Dr. S.M.S. Chari, first secretary of education of the Indian
Embassy, Washington, said last night.
Deepavali, Dr. Chari explained, is the Hindu Festival of Lights,
and there are various legends as to what it celebates. Some Indians
consider it as marking the triumph of Lord Krishna over the demon
Others think of Deepavali as celebrating the return and crown-
ing of Lord Rama, the hero of Ramayna, after fourteen years of
exile and hazards in the forest
and the vanquishing of Ravana,
the demon king.
No matter which version is ac-
cepted, it is a classless and caste-
A and national in significance. The
name itself refers to the light of
truth, Dr. Chari said. Nowadays
pable of being construction engi- the lamps of Hindus all over In-
do well unless they are approach- dia are lit up on this day as a
pseudo-men. "This is exceedingly symbol of eternal light.
is possible. I do not know any There is a tremendous need for
e man. If women truly desire to understanding between peoples of
cept and utilize feminine qualities different nations, Dr. Chari went
on. This understanding is best
ring the Cuban crisis, I sat at a of cultural values. a
[ysicist in the Soviet Union. She There are many ways of achiev-
,a woman every minute, yet no ing such a mutual appreciation,
e final mathematical calculations," he said, 'but the most important
lies in the exchange of people be-
girl a model of femininity from tween different countries.
e only kind of achievement which - -
ir a relation to the feminine bio- To Debate Merits
--- P TTC 1T A rT:,,

only in these areas but in Europe
-and beyond that, there is the
demand for access to higher edu-
cation which exists in every coun-
try in the world."
Congestion Suggestion
Bowles says he hopes the find-
ings of his study will be helpful
to nations whose collegedoors are
being besieged by would-be stu-
The study disclosed a growing
awareness among people in the
poorer lands that education is a
valuable means of individual and
family self-betterment. Govern-
ments, realizing that education is
an extremely valuable asset for
a nation as well, attempt to pro-
mote it as a tool of development.
But many of these nations place
a heavy emphasis on creating--
through education-an elite class.
Selectivity and screening are the
watchwords, Bowles explains..
Beyond Reach
In most underdeveloped coun-
tries, he points out, "the stand-
ards of secondary education and
of higher education are beyond
the reach of 90 per cent of the
primary school pupils." The re-
sult, says Bowles, is "not only
that the cost per higher-educa-
tion graduate in such countries is
astronomical, but that the wast-
age in the process is true wastage.
Those who fail have nothing, or
almost nothing, to show for their
Under the European system, the
number of students seeking sec-
ondary education' is drastically
slashed. At the age of 10 or 12,
the students must take examina-
tions which only about 20 per
cent will pass. In the countries
employing this system, east num-
bers of young people are denied
access to any form of secondary
education, Bowles explains.
Unsecured Students
Some countries have begun to
to provideutechnical schools for
the education of students who do
not secure admission to a uni-
versity. Bowles' report considers

play of the fourth quarter whe
a pass on the Illinois 44 and4
ran it back to the one to set
up the winning touchdown.
Quarterback Bob Chandler
carried for the touchdown and
completed a pass on a success-
ful gamble for the two-point
The game was far from over,
however, as Illinois threatened for
the rest of the game.3
Big Four
A fumble, a pass interception,
and two game-saving punts by
Joe O'Donnell from deep in Mich-
igan territory finally nailed down
the win.
Illini quarterback Mike Talia-
ferro (pronounced Toll-i-ver, sur-
prisingly enough) kept up his aer-
ial barrage but his ends kept drop-
ping them just as they had all day.
The Illini's furthest penetration in
the last quarter was to the Mich-
igan 20, but a fourth down pass
was batted away by Harvey Chap-
O'Donnell's punting came just
in the nick of time. The first was
a 40-yd. effort from his ownfour-
yd. line and the second a 45-yd.
blast from thehMichigan 27. Up
until then he had averaged only
33 yds. on five punts and Tom Pri-
chard had squibbed another for
five yds. to .keep Michigan in a
Illinois had scored first on a
20-yd. field goal by Ken Zimmer-
man early in the second quarter.
Two straight Taliaferro comple-
tions and a 10-yd. penalty for
grabbing a face mask moved the
ball to the Michigan 10-yd. line.
The drive stald however on two
incomplete passes and an offside
Came Back
It wasn't long before the Illini
were right back in the Michigan
end for their touchdown. A 15-yd.
punt by O'Donnell gave them the
ball on the Michigan 27 and six
plays later Mike Summers dove
over from the one.
The big play was a spectacular
one-handed reception of a Talia-
ferro pass by Thurman Walker on
the Michigan six-yd. line. Walker
injured his knee on the play and
Party Pledges
To Eliminate
BULAWAYO ()-Prime Minis-
ter Sir Edgar Whitehead's white-
dominated United Federal Party
pledged last night to outlaw and
eradicate racial discrimination in
Southern .Rhodesia.
The pledge was one of several
resolutions adopted at the party
congress in an effort to win
African support in the Dec. 14
general elections in predominantly

n end Ben Farabee intercepted
(EDIToR'S NOTE: This is the
sixth of a seven part series on var-
ious aspects of the United States
National Student Association. Pre-
Sceding articles havesdealt with the
organization's history, structure,
programs and relations with stu-
dents of other countries. The last
two articles deal with the Fifteenth
National Congress of USNSA.)
This year's national congress of
the United States National Stu-
dent Association took formal ac-
tion on 12 major resolutions and
15 program mandates.
For the first time in its history,
the congress, which met under the
theme, "Student Community: The
Continuing Challenge," created
separate calendars for declara-
tions of policy and mandates to
implement USNSA programs with
conferences and projects.
This division was suggested by
former USNSA president Edward
Garvey, who delivered the opening
address of the congress.
Developmental Stage
"We have reached a staz iM
our development where the mere
adoption of resolutions ir. simply
not enough. It is now necessary
that these resolutions be coherent
and complete and that they point
to methods of real solution," he
Previously, only a few motions
adopted by the USNSA legislative
committees could be considered
by the plenary. Since program
mandates were seldom given high
priority on the calendar, they were
rarely discussed and acted upon
by the assembled delegates.
The effect of the change was
that this year's congress passed
more program mandates than any
other national congress.
In addition to reforming the
calendaring process to increase
the effectiveness of USNSA poli-
cies, the 15th congress also adopt-
ed a constitutional amendment
clarifying the relationship between
member schools and the resolu-
tions of the congress.
The amendment states that
USNSA membership "should not
necessarily be interpreted to im-
ply agreement with policies of
the National Student Congress, the
National Executive Committee or
actions of its elected officers;
however, member student govern-
ments should make every effort
See USNSA, Page 5
Laud O'Neill Play

Special To The Daily
MOUNT PLEASANT-"American women are giving up their
birthrights as intelligent human beings because they pretend to have
no brains and are getting awfully good at it," noted anthropologist
Prof. Margaret Mead of Columbia University said yesterday.
"They want to get married so badly and have children that they
are more than anxious to drift into having no intellectual life what-
soever for at least 50 years of their life, she said before the State
Conference of the Association of Women Students this weekend.
The conference, hosted at Central Michigan University, featured
seminars on the role of modern women and a keynote address by Prof.
Men Are Better
"Tn almost all areas nf nhlic achievement men have done more

Although women are quite ca
neers or astronauts, they will never
ing the tasks as women and not
difficult and challenging, but it
woman who is a good second-rate
achieve in the world they must ac(
in their efforts.
"Recently at a conference dui
table next to the foremost astrop
was a warm, charming individual
satellite goes up unless she does the
Prof. Mead said.
Having a mother gives every
which she cannot escape. Hence th
is satisfying is that which will bea
logical roles.

I -_

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