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May 11, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-11

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Partly cloudy today,
turning warmer tomorrow

LXXIII, No. 166






Delta To Seek Private Status;
Marble Meets With Romney




Delta College President Samuel
Marble revealed plans to seek
status as a private college in a
conference with Gov. George Rom-"
ney Thursday,, Charles Orlebeke,
Romney education aide, said last

come a four-year, degree granting
"President Marble came to the
governor's office as a courtesy to
inform him of the plans to apply
for a state charter as a private
school-a move which private in-
dividuals are contemplating," Or-
lebeke said. Romney has not re-
sponded to the plan.

move is a last-stand at-
by Delta's trustees to be-

Official Predicts Increase
In Communi1st EXpansion
WASHINGTON (;')-A high State Department official predicted
yesterday that a current Kremlin foreign policy appraisal will result
in a Soviet decision to push ahead with Communist expansion policies
The official, who spoke to newsmen under rules forbidding use
of his name, expressed doubt that the present Soviet leadership will
adopt an alternative policy of concentrating on furthering the goals of
cthe Russian revolution within

... calls on OAS
Bosch requests
Of Haitian Acts
By The Associated Press
President Juan Bosch called on
the Organization of American
States yesterday to investigate his
charges that Haitian President
Francois Duvalier's regime violates
human rights and international
In urging the OAS to expand
its investigation of conditions in
Haiti beyond what is now planned,
Bosch told a news conference, "I
consider that the OAS must go
to the core of the problem-the
violation of human rights and in-
ternational law."
Meanwhile in Washington, the
peace-making task force of the
OAS plans tentatively to return
to Haiti Monday to seek an end
to the cris's between that country
and the Dominican Republic.
Ask Delay
Ambassador Alberto Zuleta An-
gel of Colombia, chairman of the.
task force, reported this to news-
men yesterday after Haitian For-
eign Minister Rene Chalmers sug-
gested that the group "await the
assent" of Haitian Duvalier be-
fore malting the trip.
Chalmers' suggestion came in a
message to the OAS council pres-
ident, Costa Rican Amoassador
Gonzalo Facio.
Zuleta said the task force does
not have to seek Haitian govern-
ment approval of the mission be-
cause there are provisions for such
activities in the Rio de Janeiro
treaty for hemisphere security.
Earlier Investigation
The OAS team sent earlier to,
Haiti and the Domician Republic
investigated on1y Dominican
charges that Haitian militia in-
vaded the Dominician embassy
last month looking for Haitian
Under new and broadened pow-
ers, the team will inquire into
Haiti's internal affairs only as
they affect the safety of refugees
in foreign embassies.
Bosch said he might withdraw
his troops from the frontier if
Duvalier guarantees safe conduct
to the 22 Haitians who fled to the
Dominican embassy.
Detroit Suburbs
To Appeal Tax

Instead, he said, he expects the
Kremlin to conclude that it has
not been moving forward very
rapidly in the achievement of
Communist revolutionary aims
worldwide. On balance, he predict-
ed the Soviet Union will be more
difficult to deal with during the
remainder of this year.
Khrushchev Secure
The official saw no serious evi-
dence that Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev is being undercut
in his position as Soviet leader.
But he said Khrushchev is faced
with both internal economic prob-
lems and difficulties abroad, in-
cluding results disappointing to
the Russians from Soviet aid in
places like Guinea, Mali, Iraq and
the Congo.
The Soviet differences with Red
China are another problem facing
Khrushchev. The official suggest-
ed that the Kremlin is thinking
seriously about the possibility of
closing the Moscow-Peking gap
and. revising its tactics in South-
east Asia.
But he expects that a searching
appraisal of policy now under way
will result in Russia concentrating
on its revolutionary goals among
the "have-not" nations, rather
than concentrating on furthering
the revolution at home.
That has been one of the sore
points between Moscow and Pe-
king. Red China, denouncing Mos-
cow as cowardly, has demanded
that Russia press communism.
Swing Toward China
He said the Indonesian Com-
munist party appears to be swing-
ing sharply toward the Red Chi-
nese, who espouse a hard line to-
ward the West.
In patching up its troubles with
Red China, Russia may also revise
its tactics in Southeast Asia, the
official suggested, which could
mean more Soviet support for
Communists in Laos and South
Viet Nam.
The official said there is room
for United States initiative toward
the East European Communist
countries, which he said are eyeing
the possibility of closer dealings
with the West and are looking for
He suggested that barriers
against increased trade with these
countries be relaxed.
He noted congressional opposi-
tion to trade with these countries,
which has included a ban on most-
favored-nation trade treatment
toward Poland and Yugoslavia.

Last night, President Marble de-
clined to comment on the move to
seek the charter.
The board wants the charter as
a private college in order to offer
a third year immediately, and in
the future, a fourth year, Or-
lebeke noted.
Two previous attempts this
year to make Delta a degree-
granting institution failed. The'
first, a proposal to attach a third
and fourth year "piggy-back" pro-
gram to the existingecommunity
college died in the Legislature.
'U' Plan
The second, a plan to establish
a branch of the University at
Delta failed after strong objections
were raised by legislators and
state-supported college and uni-
versity officials.
If the new proposal goes
through, it, would mean that the
community college would have to
be abolished, Orlebeke pointed out.
"The legal position on the com-
munity college is that of an in-
stitution authorized by the people
in the Midland, Bay and Saginaw
counties. No private group could
make it a private institution, he
Lists Procedures
In order to obtain the charter,
the board would have to file an
application with the Corporation
and Securities Commission and
the Department of Public Instruc-
tion, Orlebeke said. "As I under-
stand it the board has not yet
taken a step to file, but is con-
templating such a move.
"President Marble has proceeded
to the point at which he knows
exactly what steps he will take,"
Orlebeke noted.
Since the proposal requires no
state funds nor backing from any
state-supported institution, the
action would be entirely indepen-
dent, he said.
University President Harlan
Hatcher had no comment on the
Delta proposals.
Wave of Riots,
Student Unrest
HNits Campuses
By The Assciated Press
The panty raid-traditional at
the University-hit Brown Uni-
versity Thursday, but failed to
take hold at Brandeis University
the same night, as hundreds of
students from Brown, Brandeis
and Yale universities chose a
balmy May evening for riots and
At each campus it took police
action to disperse the crowds.
ranging up to 2500 militant stu-
dents. No serious injuries were
Brown students b e g a n the
march to the Pembroke and
Bryant college dormitories, neigh-
boring girls' schools, after police'
broke up an inter-fraternity base-
ball game because windows were
broken. Several students were ar-
rested and fined.
At Yale 17 students were arrest-
ed before the police drove the
milling youths back to their rooms.
The largest crowd developed' at
Brandeis but police quickly quel'ed
the panty-seeking students.
Students cited the sultry spring
day, pre-exam pressures and the
recent riot at Princeton as reasons
for the demonstrations.

Commit tee
Hears Talk k
By Hatcher
University President Harlan
Harlan Hatcher along with other1
University officials discussed the
future of higher education in
Michigan with. Gov. George Rom-
ney's "Blue-Ribbon' committee on
higher education yesterday.
Although the meeting was held
behind closed doors, President
Hatcher noted that it "was very
informal but members were most
attentive to what we had to say."
Michigan State University Pres-
ident John Hannah and Western
University President James Miller
also addressed the committee.
Director of University Relations
Michael Radock who also attended
the meeting said President Hatcher
traced the history of Michigan
education and answered general
questions concerning state higher
"We discussed the University as
a cap-stone of Michigan's educa-
tional system," President Hatcher
Romney education aide Charles
Orlebeke said "the sessions are
intended as a 'briefing' for the
committee so that later when it
breaks up to work, all members
will have the same background in-
formation with which to work."
The "blue-ribbon" committee set
up by Romney to investigate prob-
lems of education in Michigan is
composed of 63 citizens. The com-
mittee will conclude its second!
meeting today.
Other University officials pres-
ent at the two-hour session were
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss, Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns and
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont.
The committee first met in April.!
These meetings have been con-
cerned primarily with organiza-
tional matters. After the first
meeting at which the press was
allowed to attend, it was decided
that 'future meetings should be!
held in closed session.
Eleven new members were add-
ed to the "blue-ribbon" commit-
tee yesterday. Romney named the
Walter A. Crow, Mrs. Conrad E.
Johnson, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Judge
John T. Letts, Thomas Morrow,'
Harding Mott, William Pine,
Charles L. Sperry, Rev. Cornell E.
Talley, Earl Wolram and Theodore

reported conferring with exiles on.
the junta plan.
Aids Junta
Carlos Prio Socarras, who was
overthrown as president of Cuba
in 1952 by Fulgencio Batista, led
the unification movement in
Miami refugeedom and is nowk
working for the junta.
"Nearly everyone I contacted
voiced total support," Prio Socar-
ras reported. "What remains to be
done is for all to sign a paper" of
The ex-president emphasized
that activist groups were among
those backing the junta move-
Use Sabotage
Sabotage, guerrilla warfare, in-
filtration and subversion of Cas-
tro's armed forces and militia, and
bombardment or invasion of Cuba
from a nearby base figure in the
impending counter-revolution, in-
formed exile sources reported.
The blueprint emerged after
conferences between United States
Central Intelligence agents and
key exile leaders, they said.
They are making plans to re-
cruit men to infiltrate Cuba.
Military Action
Following up intensive efforts to
spark an internal uprising, in-
formed sources said, would be
some sort of military action. A
tentativebase near Cuba was re-
ported already selected.
"This action will be carried on
jointly by Western Hemishpere
countries," an exile leader said.
"Several Central American gov-
ernments already have expressed
willingness to cooperate."
Recognition of the exile junta
by the Organization of American
States will be sought, leaders of
the movement said.
In the vanguard of junta organ-
ization forces is Enrique Ruiz Wil-
liams, a veteran of the hapless
1961 Cuba invasion. .
Williams flew to Puerto Rico to
extend the junta hunt to the exile
colony there. Associates said he
would confer with Manuel Ray,
former underground leader.

Reports Out
School Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - T h e House
Education and Labor Committee
has approved a bill to authorize a
three-year $1.2 billion program of
grants and loans for college con-
The House passed a similar bill
last year, but it failed of final
congressional approval after the
Senate added a student loan pro-
gram and opponents of the meas-
ure inflamed the church-state
Like last year's measure, the bill
approved Thursday by the com-
mittee 25-5 would provide grants
and loans for construction at pub-
lic as well as church-related col-
Earlier this week the House edu-
cation subcommittee ignored Ken-
nedy administration wishes and
approved the program to help
build college classrooms.
This was the first step taken
by the education subcommittee
this year to break up the omnibus
education bill submitted to Con-
gress by President John F. Ken-
nedy. The administration asked
for college aid as part of its over-
all program, not as a separate
No funds could be used under
the program approved by the sub-
committee for any sectarian in-
struction or religious work.
Two-year junior colleges, tech-
nical institutes, four-year colleges
and graduate schools and coopera-
tive graduate centers would be
eligible for aid.
Under the grant program, the
federal government would pay one-
third the cost of construction of
college facilities with the school or
other local interests financjng the
remaining two-thirds.

Prote st-Ending
Exiles Plan Invasion of Cuba
MIAMI (P)-A Cuban junta in exile was reported nearing com-
pletion yesterday to mount an all-out thrust against Fidel Castro.
Exile leaders expressed belief the counter-revolution will start
in a month or two with underground and infiltration tactics.r
In New York, Carlos Marquez Sterling, president of the 1940
assembly that approved the now discarded Cuban constitution, was

... .holds talks

... confers with exiles

Financial Difficulties Delay
' U' athletic Plant Expansion
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth of a series of nine articles analyz-
ing the most pressing problems of the University's athletic plant.)
Acting Associate Sports Editor
"It would be awfully nice to have one, but where do we get the
This was the unanimous reaction of five University officials who
commented on the proposal for a new field house-recreational facil-
ity, now under consideration. They all felt that, although a new
structure would be desirable, the present financial situation renders the
implementation of such a plan
unlikely if not impossible in the
near future.

Claim Points
Not Binding
On Officials
Concur on Integrating
Facilities, Equalizing
Job Opportunities
By The Associatted Press
BIRMINGHAM - Integrationist
leaders and a committee of prom-
inent businessmen hammered out
a four-part agreement that prom-
ises to end a month-long series of
integration demonstration.
However, the agreement remains
clouded as city officials have de-
clared they are not bound by
agreements made by the unofficial
The Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr., leader of the desegregation
campaign, said the agreement
provides the following:
1) Desegregation of l u n c h
counters, rest rooms, sitting rooms
and drinking fountains in planned
stages within the next 90 days;
2) The upgrading and hiring of
Negroes on a non-discriminatory
basis. This will include the hiring
of Negroes as clerks and salesmen
within'the next 60 days;
3) Arrangements for the release
of all persons arrested during
racial demonstrations on bond or
on their personal recognizance.
"Our legal department is working
on further solutions to this prob-
lem;" and
Reinstate Communications
4) Communications* between.
Negroes and whites will be publicly
re-established within the next two
"We would hope that this chan-
nel will prevent the necessity of
further protest demonstrations,"

Units Clash
Over Laos
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Britain a n d t h e
Soviet Union clashed yesterday,
over the Vientiane police and the
International Control Committee.'
while in Vietiane the United States
ambassador declared' that the
United States will never let Laos
stand alone in facing its enemies.
The two nations, which served
as co-chairmen of the 1962 Lao-
tian Peace Conference at Geneva,
each accused the other of acting
in violation of the Geneva accords.
The dispute burst into the open
when the Russians published the
terms of a letter Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko pro-'
posed sending to Laotian Premier
Souvanna Phouma.
Insure Security
"Immediate measures by the
coalition government to insure
security, in Vietiane would be an
important step on the way tore-
sumption of normal activities of
the coalition government and con-
solidation of mutual trust between
the three political forces.
"Of great importance would be.
the formation of a joint police
force on the basis of agreement
reached earlier by the three po-
litical forces, and neutralization
of the country." it said.
The rightists now control the
police in Yietiane and the leftists
do not like it.
Full Play
OThe most pressing need in
Laos is not to publicize unsub-
stantiated accusations, but to
bring machinery of the Interna-
tional (Indian-Canadian-Polish)
Control Commission into the full-
est play to prevent further fight-
ing in the Plaine des Jarres.. .
"It is most regrettable that the
Polish member of the commission
and the pro-Communist party in
the royal government of Laos have
been devotfng their efforts to pre-
vent this machinery working."
In Vientiane, United States Am-
bassador Leonard Unger told the
pro-Communist Pathet Lao the
United States never will leave
Laos standing alone "to face its
enemies from within and abroad.
'Corrupt Accords'
"The United States has no in-
tention of stepping aside and al-
lowing the enemies of this govern-
ment to thwart and corrupt the
Geneva accords." Unger declared.
Meanwhile, Souvanna called on
the 14 nations that signed the
Geneva accords to enforce. their
guarantees of neutrality for Laos.
'U' High Lacks
Romney' Aid
A delegation of students from
University High School met with
little assistance from Gov. George


King said.
While city officials=have issued
strongly worded statements that
they will not be bound by any
agreement the bi-racial committee
reaches, neverthless, King has in-
dicated he would call off demon-
strations on the basis-of the "good
faith" agreement.
Agreement Meets Goals
- The four points outlined in the
agreement are virtually the goals
announced by King when he open-
ed the desegregation drive.
The only point not completely
won was the matter of charges
against the demonstrators.
In Washington Asst. Atty. Gen.
Burke Marshall called the Bir-
mingham agreement "a tremend-
ous step forward" but' acknowl-
edges Birmingham still has a long
way to go to achieve real racial
peace. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy said the Birmingham trouble
points out a need for franker ex-
changes between opponents on
racial questions.
The Bi-Racial citizens commit-
tee remains under a cloak of
anonymity. There was no explana-
tion of the incognito status of
the committee.
Only the name of the chairman
of the group-Sidney Smyer-has
been made public. The group has
nnL Jffia.. i fAffl t i

Ormandy Stresses

Possibly the most avid exponent
of expansion of the University's
ole of Opportunity hetic facilities is Athletic Di-
rcor H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler. "It's
really a three-pronged problem,"
By JOH14 BRYANT commented Crisler. "Not only do
we need a new field house, but also,
"Opportunity knocks at least once on everyone's door-make new intramural and physical edu-
sure you are prepared for it," Philadelphia Orchestra conductor cation facilities, for women as
Eugene Ormandy told music students yesterday at the music school's ( well as men.
honors convocation. Primary Need
Ormandy said that opportunity knocked for him when he was "The first objective, however, is
concertmaster of an orchestra in New York. The conductor became; the construction of a building for
ill and Ormandy was forced to conduct. intercollegiate basketball, with
Hnew recreational facilities, such as
He noted that before this incident he had had no intention of squash and handball, as the sec-
becoming a conductor. "The violin was my only interest. ond consideration."
'Great Soloist?' He did not view the proposal to
convert Yost Field House into a
"Every artist thinks he's going to be the world's greatest soloist hockey arena as desirable at the
in his youth," Ormandy noted. "However, this isn't always possible, present time.
Musicians should prepare themselves by having a broad education As for the costs involved, Crisler
as well as studying their own instrument. declared, "Our costs are skyrock-
"Fortunately, my father made me follow a general course eting, and our income has just
of education at a university as well as studying violin at the Royal not kept pace. Also, there is the
Conservatory of Music in Budapest. As it turned out, courses I took problem of maintaining the new
in musical composition and conducting have proved to be most facilities." But he was optimistic

no o icla staws.
Romney Asks
Extra Meeting
Of Legislature
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney asked the Legislature to re-
turn next Thursday so the Senate
can approve his appointment of
Alfred Fortino, a St. Louis attor-
ney, to the State Board of Can-
Fortino was appointed by Rom-
ney Tuesday to fill a vacancy
created by the resignation of Re-
publican Carl Lindquist of Iron
The Legislature currently is in
'recess until June 4 and Fortino
cannot take office until his ap-
pointment is approved by the Sen-


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