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September 11, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-11

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Huff Foresees

ew Increase in College Enrollment

Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-Michigan col-
lege enrollment will increase by
over 43,000 students in 1965, Chair-
man of the Michigan Co-ordinat-
ing Council for Public Higher
Education Warren M. Huff said
In presenting the results of a
council study to five members of
Gov. George Romney's 'Citizen
Committee for Higher Education,
Huff, a trustee of Michigan State
University, covered enrollment
prospects, needs for additional fac-
ulty members and capital improve-
ment requirements for all colleges
and universities in Michigan.
Of the 43,000 additional stu-
dents, the report stated that 37,000
will be absorbed by public educa-
tional institutions.'
Equals Combined Enrollments
Huff noted that the 43,000 figure
equals the 1962 combined enroll-
ments of Albion College, Flint
Junior College, Port Huron Junior
College, Western Michigan Univer-
sity and the University.

In 1965, the majority of World
War II "war babies" will be en-
rolling in college, he said. However,
this is only part of the reason for
the growing numbers of college
More people now than ever be-
fore want to go to college. While
in 1900, only three per cent sought
higher education, a quarter of
Michigan's college age youth at-
tended college in 1960. By 1970,
30 per cent will be attending an
institution of higher learning, Huff
Necessity of College
Huff stressed the necessity of a
college education in today's com-
plex world. Institutions of higher
education provide trained profes-
sional people, people to fill places
in industry and better citizens for
the state.
In order to prepare for the stu-
dent bulge in 1965, Michigan will
need 24 per cent more teachers.
More books, instructional equip-
ment and teaching materials will

also be necessary to handle in-
creased enrollment, Huff said.
Must Expand
But the most expensive need will
be in the area of expanded physi-
cal plants. Huff noted that since
1945, Michigan has invested over
$1.7 billion in new building for
elementary and secondary schools.
In order to build the classrooms,
laboratories and libraries to ac-
commodate the student onrush,
over $361 million will be needed in
the next five years to build new
buildings and to replace and ren-
ovate old ones.
During a discussion period Huff
was asked whether Michigan
schools were running as efficiently
as possible. The question was de-
signed to determine if present
space and teacher time are being
put to the best use.
Space Problems
Executive Vice-President Marvin
Niehuss called the question "one"
that is everpresent and conse-
quently being explored." The big
problem in this area is the use of

office and laboratory space. "It
is possible to stretch class space
by enlarging the number of stu-
dents in a class, but this is im-
possible to do with office and
laboratories," he said.
Niehuss also noted that year-
round operation will allow for more
efficient use of space and the
physical plant. But he said the
University would need a "lead
time" of at least six to seven
months to prepare for full opera-
During this "lead time," addi-
tional teachers would be hired,
schedules established and the
physical plant made ready. "We
would have to know by Thanks-
giving 1963 if we were going on
full operation to start by Septem-
ber 1964," he said.
Interim Report
The five persons from the blue
ribbon committee are all members
of the subcommittee now working
on an interim report to be sub-
mitted to the governor by October

GOING UP-Enrollment projections estimate that there will be about a 20
per cent increase in enrollment at Michigan colleges between now and 1965. By
1970 it Is expected that almost twice as many students will be' enrolled in Mich-
igan's institutions of higher learning. In absolute figures, this will lead to a
43,000 enrollment increase by 1965 and a 135,000 increase by 1970.

COLLEGE BOUND--This chart depicts the great
increase in the number of Michigan students de-
siring to go to college. The percentage has climbed
from under five in 1900 to nearly 30 today.


See Editorial Page


Senit isau
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial, Freedom


Turning cloudy
with chance of rain



Murphy Cites Intent
Of Activities Report
Hatcher, Regent Defend Lack
Of Bylaw for OSA Vice-President
City Editor
Further light was shed last night on the origins, intent and scope
of an administrative look into the status of non-academic student
activities on;the campus.
In a related matter, Regent Irene E. Murphy of Birmingham
and University President Harlan Hatcher defended the lack of a writ-
~ten, formalized outline of author-

' U,










AFFECTS 340,000 MEN-
Order Halts Draft of Husbands

Senator Cites
Tax Dislike
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-
Hollahd), chairman of the Senate
taxation committee, y e s t e r d a y
came away from an executive
briefing on Gov. George Romney's,
new tax reform program noting
that he was not opposed to the
plan as a whole and that parts
of it were acceptable.
However, he declined to say
whether the income tax he oppos-
es is a part of the plan, as yet
not officially released to the
Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. T. John
Lesinski -predicted defeat of Rom-
ney's tax program. The top rank-
ing IDemocratic officeholder said
the Romney presentation of the
plan in "bits and pieces" and GOP
opposition to a statewide income
tax will bring its demise.
Cites Own Plan
Geerlings noted that his own
plan, which he Qlso has not yet
given out in full, depends on local
option taxes rather than a state-
wide income tax. He denied criti-
cism of the local options as a
"hodgepodge," saying that if such
a plan were a hodgepodge in Mich-
igan, "then it is just as much as
one in the other 49 states.
He added that if one were to
try to pick out Michigan's pro-
posed local option from those
used by other states, he would
find it impossible. "The idea of
a hodgepodge is just a. smoke
screen erected by those who favor
an income tax," he went on.
He also scored the idea that
local options would result in a
migratory trend away from areas
that chose to use such a tax, say-
ing that "you won't get a local
option unless property taxes there
are lowered," which would cancel
out the revenue boost from the
local option taxes.
Anti-Tax Sentiment
Geerlings noted that he had
once favored an income tax him-
self, but changed his mind be-
cause public sentiment seemed so
strongly against it. "I've never
seen a poll by any large-scale
source which showed strong public
acceptance of such a plan. Of the
many letters I've received, not one
has been in favor of an income
tax," he said.
Geerlings noted -that he did not
see how a proposed county auto
tax (to be collected by the state
for dispersal to any county gov-
ernment that levied, it) would
help matters any. "Such a tax
could only be used for roads and
would not help the other areas of

ity for Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis.
Mrs. Murphy sketched two matn
concerns which gave rise to the
activities. study, now being con-
ducted by Lewis and Vice-Presi-
dent for Businessnand Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont.
Handling Financial Details
The first point is to determine
whether student organizations
might be better run if certain
financial details, such as building
maintenance, could be handled on
a "horizontal" basis.
This would mean that such serv-
ices would be arranged on alloca-
tions from a common source--such
as Pierpont's office-instead of
each organization supervising these
details as they affect its own
Secondly, the Regents simply
wanted to know "what students
need in student activities and how
activities should be administered,"
Mrs. Murphy said.
To Maintain Autonomy
She stressed, however, that the
Regents were not intending to re-
duce the autonomy currently held
by student groups. "The financial
details should be handled by pro-
fessionals, but they should not
interfere with the basic function
of a given organization," she said.
The report was urged by the Re-
gents "at the request of the ad-
ministration," when the question
of a Union-League merger first
came up, she added.
President Hatcher said that this
request did not stem from his own
office. He couldn't recall any spe-
cifics about the Regents then ask-
ing for such a report, but com-
mented that "we're all interested
in student activities and'whatever
reorganization has to take place."
Scope of Study
The scope of study is up to Lew-
is and Pierpont, although Mrs.
Murphy expected that it would in-
clude informal campus activities
as well as organized ones. The two
vice-presidents have declined to
See UNVEIL, Page 2

WASHINGTON (R) - President
John; F. Kennedy stopped the
drafting of childless married men
About 340,000 young men were
freed of draft status immediately.
Married men with children have
not been inducted into the military
services since 1956, Selective Ser-
vice officials said.
To Examine
Delta Credits
As a proposed educational cor-
poration, Delta Senior University
is now being investigated for cert-
ification by the State Board of,
Education, Superintendent f o r
Public Instruction Lynn Bartlett
said yesterday.
Under the laws of Michigan,I
proposed educational corporations
must be certified in five areas by
the State Board of Education be-
fore they can receive a charter by
the Corporation and Securities
On Sept. 18, members of the
board will go to Delta to get a
first hand look at the proposed
school. Action may be taken at
the board's meeting the next day,
Bartlett said.j
The five areas that must be
certified are:
1) Whether there are adequate{
housing and administrative facili-
2) Whether there is an adequate
program of instruction.
3) Whether the physical plant
is adequate.
4) Whether there is a trained
5) Whether the incorporators
have at least 50 per cent of the
necessary $500,000 capital assets
required by state law for private

An order signed by Kennedy
stipulates that married men may
not be drafted while there are
single men available between the
ages of 19 and 26. But those who
claim exemption as husbands
must "have have a wife with whom
they maintain bona fide family
relationship in their homes."
More Single Men
This will mean, among other
things, that more single men
younger than the present 23-year.
average will be tapped, the White
House said.
The President's order was made
effective immediately-and for
some it came in the nick of time.
Selective Service authorities said
state draft officials had been told
to release married men due to be
inducted yesterday.
Adequate Pool
A service spokesman told a re-
porter the pool of single men
classified 1A, and thus eligible to
be drafted, is entirely adequate for
foreseeable needs.
State draft board officials re-
port that the new order will not
affect the granting of 2-S classi-
fications to students. The exten-
sion of this draft status is re-
served by the state Selective Ser-
vice headquarters at the discre-
tion of the local draft boards.
When a student is summoned by
his local board, he may apply for
2-S classification. If, in the opin-
ion of the local Selective Service
officer, the student has the serious
intention to complete his studies
and possibly to enter graduate
work, the temporary classification
will be granted.
When the student graduates, or
when some other condition related
to his 2-S classification is altered,
he must go before his local board
to be reclassified.
The officials said they expect no
great rush to the altar to dodge

the draft. Should this occur, they
said, and the pool of eligible single
men dry up to any great extent,
yesterday's order made clear that
the drafting of married men could
be resumed without, any further
presidential action.
For some years now, draft quo-
tas have been quite low. Through

this month, Selective Service will
have summoned only 72,000 men'
during 1963. All are ticketed for'
the Army. The other services have
not resorted to the draft for some
National Draft Headquarters
said there are 1.7 million men in
the 19-26 age bracket.

Lunt Ay Inreases
To State Residents
Niehuss Sees Need To Recognize
'National' Problem for Education
The University will maintain the present number of out-
of state students next year with any increase in enrollment
coming from in-state students, Executive Vice-President
Marvin Niehuss said yesterday.
While this has not been fixed as the set policy of the
University, it is the general consensus, he explained.
"I feel certain that with the increasing number of quali-
fied students applying from within the state, it will be more
and more difficult to increase

nedy's nationalizing of Alabama State Troopers prevented the '
repeat of scenes like this, as 20 students yesterday entered
Alabama schools.
20 Negroes Enter Schools
As President Shows Power,
BIRMINGHAM (R)--Twenty Negro children entered white schools
in three Alabama cities yesterday in a historic move that came only
after another showdown between President John F. Kennedy and Ala-
bama Gov. George C. Wallace.
Kennedy put the 17,000 Alabama National Guardsmen into fed-
eral service, thereby removing them from the control of Wallace, who
- had ordered some units on active
duty a few hours earlier.
And then the 20 Negroes came
into the schools, with no agents
of Wallace to stop them. Federal
court orders had kept state troop-
ers away and Kennedy's orders
had kept guardsmen from replac-
ing troopers at the school.
"SNCC people are real. They Orderly in Mobile
are not just sick people or neurot-
ics. They are artists, intellectuals, At Tuskegee, a city where Ne-
journalists, workers, high school groes far outnumber the whites,
kids and very ordinary people," 13 Negroes entered school with
Potter said vwhite pupils without incident.
No Religious Phenomenon The reception was orderly - but
not necessarily friendly-at Mobile
"One cannot type the SNCC and at two other Birmingham
movement. It is not a religious schools, Ramsay High and Gray-

the number of out-of-state
students," Vice-President Niehuss
'No Drastic Change'
He did not think that there
would be any drastic change in
the cosmopolitan composition of
the University since the increases
next year will be relatively minor
in comparison with total enroll-
With the increasing number of
in-state students applying for ad-
mission to the University and other
state schools, the problem of out
of state students becomes con-
tinually more acute.
The decision to admit a higher
number of out of state students
will be made on a yearly basis.
There will not be an "inflexible
policy" in this decision, Vice-
President Niehuss asserted.
'Pretty Liberal View'
"Michigan has a pretty liberal
view in regard to the admission of
otof state students," he added.
However, with the student bulge
now hitting the state, careful con-
sideration will have to be given to
the problem.
Vice-President Niehuss noted
that since the student bulge is a
national problem, the situation
might be eased if all states agreed
not to raise barriers to out of
state students.
This point was also raised at
the meeting of the Michigan Co-
ordinating Council for Public
Higher Education at which a re-
port on short range needs of state
higher education was presented.
Increased Student Bulge
By raising barriers to out of
state students in a state, prospec-
tive non-resident students will be
forced to remain in their own
state and hence increase that
state's student bulge.
Michigan is one of the few
states that receives more out of
state students at its institutions
of higher learning than she sends'
Right now there are around
8,000 non-resident students at the

Pastore Takes
Kennedy Side
On Test Ban
O. Pastore (D-RI) told the Senate
yesterday that if opponents of the
limited nuclear test ban "have
the votes to destroy this treaty,
then God help the United States."
And with rising tones, Pastore,
chairman of the Senate-House
Atomic Energy Committee, declar-
'11f anyone in this room thinks
that (President) John V.- Ken-
nedy is selling out to the enemy,
then he should vote against this
Not Partisan Debate
Pastore took sharp issue with
Sen. Jack Miller (R-Iowa) break-
ing the somewhat leisurely pace of
the second day of debate on ratifi-
cation of the pact.
Miller replied that partisan poli-
tics are not involved in the debate.
He said supporters of the treaty to
ban all except underground nu-
clear testing have no monopoly "on
patriotism, the desire for world
peace, nor integrity."
See related story, Page 5
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D)-
Minn), whose speech was inter-
rupted for the exchange, agreed
with Miller. He noted that Senate
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois was being very
helpful in supporting the treaty.
Road Block
The drive toward a vote on rati-
fication, possibly next week, was
slowed a bit by a roadblock-
seemingly not a serious one-
thrown up by Sen. Richard B. Rus-
sell (D-Ga) chairman of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee, an
opponent of the treaty.
A 1 lmrvrm -3 Ci a*

Potter Scores Complexity of

"The civil rights movement has!
gone beyond lunch counters into
deeper and underlying issues,"
Paul Potter, former national af-
fairs vice-president of the United
States National Student Associa-
tion, said last night.
Speaking about the Student
Non-violent Coordinating Com-

Noi'thern urban centers is a real
threat to the attempt to build a
While the migrators may find em-
political majority in Mississippi.
ployment in the North, they will
help little in the fight to abolish
racism in the South.
SNCC must therefore initiate
reforms such as agricultural co-



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