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February 11, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-11

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Today: Windy. High 61. Low
Tomorrow: Snow. High 40.

WE t t



One hundred eight yeas7 feditorzBfreedom

February 11, 1999

VpU ..-.TA 7tE i1"t tl


By Adam Brian Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
When the new University Hospitals
facilities opened in 1986, patients could
s_ e in their rooms. But starting Sunday,,
tI1 entire medical campus, which includes
University Hospitals, the Nursing and
Medical Schools and all clinics, will be
"A year and a half ago, we established a
goal," said Larry Warren, chief executive
officer of University Hospitals and Health
Centers. "We wanted to create a safe and
healthful environment for our patients,
their families and the (hospital) staff."
plans to reduce smoking areas mate-
ria ized in the mid 1980s, hospital adminis-
trators realized they could not immediately
create a completely smoke-free environ-
ment, Warren said.
"You can't go all the way in 30 days,"
Warren said.
Initial steps included a reduction in the

campus to become smoke-free

number of smoking areas.
"Several years ago, there were about
eight designated areas," said Mike
Harrison, University Health Systems direc-
tor of public relations. "Last year, there
were about four and now there are two."
In addition to limiting places where peo-
ple may smoke, a smoking cessation pro-
gram was initiated in fall of 1998. The pro-
gram, run by the Tobacco Consultation.
Service, offers various free services to aid
smokers in quitting their habit - including
individual counseling, peer group support
and telephone consultations.
"We created the cessation program
because we recognize that smoking is
addictive," Warren said.
Those who enroll in the cessation pro-
gram before June 30, 1999 will be eligible
to receive free pharmaceutical aids such as
nicotine patches and nicorette gum.
Before banning smoking completely,
"we wanted to make sure we had all our

resources in place," Harrison said. "We
think we've done that."
Harrison added that "people shouldn't
have to worry about second hand smoke."
The courtyard within the hospital is one
of the last designated smoking areas to be
"It's intended to be a safe, restful and a
calming environment," Warren said. "Our
patients and staff are under lots of stress.
Smoke invading their space just isn't
While all of the medical grounds will be
smoke-free this Valentine's Day, there are
no plans to change the rest of the
University's smoking policy, said Sally
Pobojewski, News and Information
Services senior science writer.
The current policy addressing smoking
on University premises reads, "In recogni-
tion of environmental tobacco smoke
health risks, the University will provide
See SMOKING, Page 2A

LSA senior Erica Gulce smokes a cigarette outside the entrance of the medical campus Tuesday.
Starting Sunday the Medical Campus will become smoke-free.





Trial result
seems clear

By Marta Brill
Daily StaffReporter
In 1989, a pioneering group of 15
iversity students kicked-off the
itiation of Alternative Spring
Break at a mere two sites. Since then,
ASB has grown from its humble
beginnings to boast a total of 500
participants, who travel to 42 sites
across 23 states, from Florida to New
York to South Dakota.
ASB gives students a chance to
spend their spring break volunteer-
g for a specific issue, instead of
4ling up and hitting the beach.
Volunteers work with a variety of
issues including hunger and home-
lessness, environmental issues,
youth and education, AIDS and HIV,
women's issues, Native American
issues, urban rehabilitation and rural
"I had so much fun," said LSA
sophomore Ameeta Kalokhe, who
participated in ASB last year.
Kalokhe volunteered to work against
*ral poverty, and was placed by
ASB leaders in Kentucky at the
Lend-a-Hand center, also known as
"Stinking Creek."
Kalokhe said her daily tasks
included "everything from milking
cows to shoveling manure." She
described her ASB experience as an
opportunity to become close with a
very diverse group of students.
Engineering sophomore Laura
*owland said she is participating in
ASB again after enjoying her experi-
ence last year in the Appalachian

STA Travel Agent Charlie Corbin consults with Social Work graduate student Sarah Hawtin yesterday about her Spring
Break vacation travel plans.
plan for tropical
fun dur n ing sprig bre~ak

Three GOP senators
state intentions to acquit
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON Three Republican
senators declared today that they will
vote to acquit President Clinton of high
crimes and misdemeanors, becoming
the first to break party lines as closed-
door deliberations in the impeachment
trial stretched through a second day and
the drive for a bipartisan censure reso-
lution appeared to fizzle..
Sens. James Jeffords (R-Vt.), Arlen
Specter (R-Pa.) and John Chafee
(R-R.1.) announced that they will reject
both articles of impeachment during
final votes that could come late today
or tomorrow. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-
Wash.), plans to oppose the perjury
article while voting to convict Clinton
of obstruction of justice.
"Our founding fathers clearly intended
impeachment for only the greatest
offenses' Jeffords said. "The facts and
circumstances of this case are low and
tawdry, but these same circumstances do
not, in my opinion, cause his offenses to
rise to the level of impeachable acts."
With Democratic solidarity already
appearing to assure acquittal, the defec-
tions of the three Republicans suggest-
ed that one or perhaps both articles will
Engler's i
funding I
From staff and wire reports
LANSING - Nursing homes that
do a good job caring for residents
would be rewarded with extra money
under a proposal Gov. John Engler
plans to include in his 1999-2000 bud-
get. ,
With money predicted to be tight
and any extra revenues already set
aside to cover tax cuts, the governor is
looking for new ways to allocate
money spent on nursing homes, state
universities and other publicly funded
"We want to reward quality," said
Kelly Chesney, spokesperson for the
Department of Management and
Budget. "It's making sure that the
care we have out there is good
sound care for the people in those
The nursing home proposal will be
unveiled as part of the 1999-2000 bud-
get state Budget Director Mary
Lannoye will present this morning to
the House and Senate Appropriations
committees at the Capitol.
University officials statewide will be

not garner a majority, let alone the two-
thirds vote required for removal.
Jeffords predicted that a half-dozen
Republicans may support complete
acquittal, which would guarantee more
than 50 votes to keep Clinton in office
if all 45 Democrats stick together.
Jeffords and his colleagues made
their announcements in news releases
or television appearances outside the
Senate chamber, where the doors
remained shut as senators delivered a
series of monologues through an eight-
hour day. By the end of the day, accord-
ing to senators, 56 had spoken or sub-
mitted statements, with no Democrats
bolting, including Sen. Russell
Feingold (D-Wis.), the only party
member to oppose dismissing the case
last month.
Although immaterial under the
Constitution, the failure of House
Republican prosecutors to achieve a
simple majority could become a
potent political weapon for Clinton
and his allies as they try to shape the
legacy of the Monica Lewinsky scan-
dal and the historic impeachment trial
it spawned.
"The big question is whether obstruc-
tion will get 50," said Sen. Charles
Schumer (D-N.Y.). If both fall short, "not
having a majority on either count proba-
bly shows that we should never have
done this in the first place."
State budget for
fiscal year 2000
What: Presentation of the
governor's budget.
When: Today, 11 a.m.
The facts: Engler is expected to
propose a new funding formula for
higher education that could cut
funding increases lower than
recent year's cuts.

By Robert Gold
For the Daily
It's that time of the year again -
Spring Break is around the corner and
many students begin to count down the
days to a precious week without classes.
While many students plan to use
their time off to work, stay in Ann
Arbor or visit family, others will use
the opportunity to take a vacation.
Travel agent Mercie Stamos, who

works for Student Travel Breaks, said
Cancun, Acapulco
and Florida are
among the more
popular destina-
tions for college-
aged students.
Stamos said stu-
dents flock to sites
including Fort
Lauderdale for its party atmosphere.

"It is a social function more than a
travel function," Stamos said. "They
know they are going to meet people.
All the clubs are geared for having a
big party."
But tropical destinations can be
relaxing, too.
Students searching for a more
peaceful time on the beach often trav-
el to Acapulco, said Regency Travel

_ . .

L 4rShirts show support
forLGBT we

muantha Walsh
a week designed to promote
ness of gay communities, orga-
of Visibility Week decided yes-
to make their goal easily visible
sponsoring Red Shirt Day.
versity students, faculty and staff
>ers were encouraged to wear a
hirt in support of lesbians, gays,
uals and transgendered people and
allies, people who support the
T community. Red Shirt Day is a
event among activities scheduled
e 27th annual Visibility Week, but

port of the cause."
While organizers said there was no
specific significance in choosing red,
Vasquez did say the color served its
purpose well.
"Red is more visible, it stands out,"
Vasquez said. "It just makes you stop
and look."
Law third-year student Danielle
Sveska wore a red shirt to support the
LGBT community and said that recent
events have raised her interest in sup-
porting the gay community.
"The whole Matthew Shepard beat-
ing opened my eyes to the need for

raises to those at the bottom of each tier
to equalize how much each gets per stu-
Critics have already said the formula
doesn't take into account enough fac-
The University Board of Regents
requested a 5 percent increase in fund-
ing from the state in December, but in
recent years the governor's budget has
annually fallen below University
Vice President for Government
Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said
Tuesday that she has only heard specu-
lation as to what the governor will sug-

for the


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