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September 11, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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To Attempt Full- Year Operati


crop of babies born immediately after World War II didn't
ey were destined to revolutionize higher education. But the
's did.
since about 1950, there had been jingles on television and
. buses portending disaster to American education unless
ns were made for the schooling of the millions of youngsters
e then in their first years of elementary school.
the mid-1950's, most institutions of higher learning had
)me form of study into the means of mass education.
his University, a series of faculty committees' recommenda-
tlted in the decision this year to switch to full year-round
ns by September, 1965, and to an intermediate calendar,
ing summer session, in the 1963-64 school year.
957, the first such faculty group inspected the problem of
I undergraduate enrollment and the solutions which could

A year later, this first report was followed by a proposal from
the University Calendar Study Committee, chaired by Prof. Paul
S. Dwyer of the mathematics department, which asserted that an
academic year could be long enough to include three terms of
semester length.
Oppose Proposal
The Dwyer committee's proposal met strong opposition from
faculty members and some students who feared that a decent
faculty could not be recruited to teach on a year-round basis and
that "courses would become perfunctory and mechanical and that
what little contact there is between students and faculty would be
In 1959, a third study was made, and this one played down the
importance of a three semester plan. For a period of nearly two
years, no group, faculty or administrative, carried on any major
study of possible calendaring changes.
Yet, administrators and staff members were not blind to the

pressing need for an increased enrollment. Nor could they over-
look the fact that an enlarged staff and increased problems would
have to result if the size of the student body was increased
It was generally thought that there were two methods of doing
this. The first would mean freezing the enrollment at a given point
and increasing it a little each year (as the University received
more funds for classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls, libraries,
and professors) and would have resulted in no calendaring
change from the two-semester academic year currently in use.
Students Increase
However, it has been predicted that within the next five years,
there will be a jump of 37 per cent in the number of students in
Michigan who will be able to attend college, and this first system
of gradual increases made when the University could afford to,
simply wouldn't have been able to accommodate them.
But besides increasing physical facilities and staff size, and

thus increasing student enrollment, there is another means-raising
the amount of time in which students are able to attend classes
during the school year.
Appoints Commission
In February, 1961, University President Harlan Hatcher ap-
pointed an eight-man faculty commission to look into the problem,
and to determine whether continuing two semesters would be the
best idea, or if instead a multi-mester plan would prove more
practical for the future needs of the school.
"The commission had the right to come to whatever conclusion
they wanted: one issued any directives as to the sort of recom-
mendation we should make. We could either have decided that
no change was necessary or could have found, on the basis of our
study, that a program leading toward year-round operations of the
University was necessary and desirable," Prof. William Haber of
the economics department, chairman of the study group, explained.
See 'U', Page 2


Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom



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,gents Raise Fees;
Collect $2 Million
Jpperclassmen Must Pay More;
loney To Go to Faculty Salaries
t May the Regents unanimously approved a selective tuitior
ich made the University the only state-supported school in the
charging more for upperclass students' education than for
)n the freshman-sophomore level.
entire increase-which represents an addition of about $2
o the Universitybudget-has been slated for faculty and non-
s employes salary increases in an effort to "maintain. the Uni-.


Students, Faculty


t Afair








. year, University depart-
chairmen and deans and
residents attempt, after
tudying and a good amount
arch, to arrive at a figure
will enable the University
rate as the finest state-
ed school in the nation
bankrupting the state of
figure is sent by the Re
o the governor, who ex-
it,, along with the requests
received from other state-
ed institutions, in the light
state's overall budget-and
n generally slashes the
-by several million dollars.
later in the year, the
egislature decides upon the
propriation, and this fig-
e "operating budget," is
rovides salaries and new
books and certain main-
work until the following
ppropriations request and
tee debates, and, finally,
Submit Budget
October a budgetary and
nalysis of the University
Ining the 1962-63 budget
-was submitted by the Re-
ked for more than $43,-
-an increase of about $2
over the 1961-62 request.
figure had been passed it
ave represented a hike in
of $8,200,000 over last
egislative appropriation.
asic reasons for this rise
budget request were the
improve faculty and other
a need to increase the
he faculty, since although
ent body has gotten ap-
y larger each year since
of World War II, the
of professors has actually
d; and new buildings for
on and research which;
d top priority, but werea
eiving it due to lack of
t funds. There was also
;o enlarge the number of
in the University's li-
and to repair books al-
Need Money
er, despite the Univer-
ed for at least ,$4 million
t year's appropriations,
slature cut the requested
00 by nearly $6,000,000
g only $36.7 million for
ol's operating funds-an
of some $1.3 million over

versity's position" in relation tc
salaries at other colleges, Execu-
tive Vice-President Marvin L
Niehuss indicated.
Raise Outstate Fees
The largest tuition increases
were for out-of-state students.
Non-resident graduate students
fees were increased by $250; up-
perclass undergraduates in most
r schools and colleges were upped
t $210; and non-Michigan fresh-
men and sophomores were raised
Y $150.
Most Michigan residents' tui-
i tions were also increased, although
by an appreciably smaller amount:
-in-state graduate students were
raised $70; upper-classmen $30;
and underclass residents' fees were
s unaltered.
At the same time, there was a
reduction in music school fees,
,which formerly had been consid-
ered higher than those of any oth-
er University school or college.
Presently the music school fees are
the same as other tuitions.
The fees raise had been antici-
pated for some time before it was
officially announced by the Re-
gents, because of a state financial
deadlock and because of the Leg-
islature's failure to agree on a so-
Approve Raise
In May, when the raise was ap-
proved, the state Senate Appropri-
ations. Committee was consider-
ing a plan to match any tuition
increase with a dollar-for-dollar
appropriations raise. But the Leg-
islature failed to do this.
The staff salary increases, ap-
proved at a specially-called Re-
gents meeting last June, will not
be across-the-board (In which
every faculty member receives a
pre-fixed amount), but rather the
raises will be on a selective merit
It is hoped that the increase
will reaffirm the confidence of the
faculty shown last year when a
near-record low number decided
to leave their jobs here for perma-
nent employment at another in-
stitution or in industry.
After the low number of staff
resignations, various department
heads and administrators express-I
ed their concern over the possi-
bility of a large turnover this com-
ing spring, due to "faculty disil-1

Try To Alter
On Speakeres
Shortly after the end of Worl
War UI, the Regents passed a by-
law delineating the University's
policy on guest lecturers and
speakers: "No addresses shall be
allowed which urge the destruc-
tion or modification of our form
of government.., or, which ado-
cate or justify conduct which vio-
lates the fundamentals of our
accepted code of morals."
A committee composed of five
faculty members was establishec
shortly thereafter to insure that
the by-law would be enforced.
The vague wording and rather
cautious philosophy behind the
"speaker policy" has caused a
good deal of discussion and debate
among students and faculty, but
only recently, after other colleges
started modifying and easing up
on their policies toward off-cam-
pus speakers did administrators at
the University consider revamping
the rule.
In April, 1961, the original fac-
ulty committee in effect abolished
itself. About a half year later one
of its former members, Prof. Sam-
uel Estep, was asked by University
President Harlan H. Hatcher to
chair a new six-man group whose
job it would be to recommend pos-
sible changes in the by-law.
Last January, the committee
submitted its report to President
Hatcher. Because he was out of
the country during February and
March, Hatcher was unable to
consider the report. And, when
the Regents finally received the
recommendations in April, "their
meetings were jammed with tui-
tion and other matters, such as
the Office of Student Affairs
changes, so that they were unable
to consider the proposed by-law
revisions," Prof. Estep said.
However, during the Summer
Session, the Regents and some
administrators and Prof. Estep
met informally to discuss the sug-
gested changes.-There was no de-
cisive action taken, although it is
likely that in September or Octo-
ber, the by-law will be officially
undated and altered. -

Renovations at the Union

New OSStructure
Be gns in Summer
New Set of Directorates Replaces
Prior Deans of Men and Women
The University drastically rearranged its handling of the non-
academic affairs of students last summer, eliminating the posts of
dean of men and dean of women and replacing with them functional
directorships which cut across sexual lines.
The vice-president for student affairs, a job currently held by
James A. Lewis, now will have the clear and definite responsibility
to formulate student regulations.
In addition, the new Office of Student Affairs structure attempts
to make the various personnel and sub-units directly responsible
to the Vice-president. -- ------ - ---- --

THE NEW LOOK-Alterations nearing their completion in the Michigan Union Grill were approved
last May to obtain "a more intimate and private atmosphere" in the campus gathering-spot. Ex-
pected to cost $33,000, the new MUG features dark wood paneling, soft flourescent lights and high-
backed booths.
SGC To Act on Sorority Bas

Dealing with seven recalcitrant
sororities who have failed to turn
in adequate membership (discrim-
ination) statements will be the
major problem facing Student
Government Council this'fall.
SGC will also have to appoint
five of its members to Vice-Presi-
dent James A. Lewis's advisory'
committee in the newly-revised
Office of Student Affairs. It may
also consider its relation to Joint
Judiciary Council.
The seven sororities that failed
to turn in adequate statements
are: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Kappa
Delta, Phi Mu, Gamma Phi Beta,
Delta Delta Delta, Delta Sigma
Theta and Sigma Kappa.
Fraternity Statements
All fraternities turned in their
statements and these have been
accepted as adequate.
Under terms of a Council pro-
cedure adopted at the May 23
meeting, SGC President Steven

Stockmeyer, '63, will confer with ( ments to determine if they ade-

Prof. Robert Harris of the Law.
School, SGC's legal counsel, and
set up a hearing procedure and
Stockmeyer expects hearings to
begin the third meeting of the
year, although no action has been
taken on the matter to date,
National Opposition
He surmised that most of the
seven sororities failed to file ade-
quate statements because of oppo-
sition from their national organi-
zations, who do not want to deal
with student governments about
discriminatory policies.
Under the SGC membership se-
lection regulations, fraternities
and sororities were required to file
copies of their membership clauses
and other relevant sections of
their constitutions with the Office
of Student Affairs. They also had
to submit interpretations of their
statements. The SGC- president
was empowered to read all state-

The Michigan Daily Calls for Volunteers

quately met the membership fil-
ing requirements.
Six of the seven sororities that
failed to submit adequate state-
ments received a form letter in-
forming them that they are sub-
ject to SGC sanctions, Stockmeyer
said. The seventh, Sigma Kappa,
received a special letter because
they seemed to be confused, he
Aid Fraternities
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent John Meyerholz, '63, aided
fraternities in preparing adequate
statements before their deadlines.
He indicated that he received "re-
luctant, yet diligent cooperation"
from them.
Council will also appoint five of
its members to Lewis's new advis-
ory committee this fall. The com-
mittee, created in the new OSA
structure, also included members
of the Student Relations Commit-
tee and will meet "from time to
time" with Lewis or his staff to
consider any matter affecting the
OSA. It will also serve as a chan-
nel for complaints or suggestions
about the Office of Student Af-
Stockmeyer said he has no con-
crete plan to recommend to Coun-
cil for filling the positions. He in-
dicated that he hoped Council
members could get together before
the year began and consider var-
ious methods of equitably select-
ing Council members for the posi-
Need Clarification
The relationship between Joint
Judiciary Council and SGC may
also be considered this year, Stock-
meyer indicated. He said clarifi-
cation of its duties and its rela-
tions with student organizations is
Stockmeyer declared he would
like to remove JJC's current juris-
diction in the case of elections and
student organizations. Under Joint

Groups Complain
Several student and faculty
groups had complained in recent
years that it was difficult to tell
exactly who was really responsible
for certain OSA policies, and that
centers of authority were blurred
with the unnecessary middlemen
interposed between subordinates
and the vice-president.
These complaints culminated
last year in the formation of a
special student-faculty-adminis-
trator committee, chaired by Prof.
John Reed of the Law School, to,
propose a new philosophy and
new structure for Lewis' office.
After six months of intensive
discussion, the group formulated a
philosophy of administration
which laid heavy stress on its ob-
ligation to induce an education-
ally-oriented atmosphere in stu-
dents' lives outside as well as
within the classroom.
Accept Philosophy
In tlieir May meeting, the Re-
gents unanimously accepted this
philosophy, and delegated author-
ity to University President Harlan
Hatcher and Lewis to make the
structural revisions in the OSA.
Lewis announced his plans last'
July, the changes going into effect
immediately. Much of his outline
was based on the Reed Report's
structural recommendations, but
differed in one important re-
spect: the supervision of women's
Under pressure from powerful
alumni -and alumnae demanding
that the deanship of women be
retained, the committee had pro-
posed that a dean and associate
dean of students, one dean a man
and the other a woman, be estab-
lished. (These pressures were es-
pecially strong last fall after Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon resign-
ed for personal reasons.)
The committee's rationale was
See LEWIS, Page 9

For eight months the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts
(LSA) has had no working dean.
Last February, due to an in-
creasing emphasis on "the admin-
istration of academic affairs," the
Regents promoted Roger Heyns,
who had been dean, to the newly-
created position of vice-president
for academc affairs.
Shortly after this the literary
college faculty elected its nominees
for a committee which would be
given the responsibility for choos-
ing a new dean. From the list of
nominees-well over a dozen men
from as many departments of the
college-University President Har-
lan Hatcher chose six who today
constitute the "deanship" commit-
Since March, the committee has
attempted to find "the best man
for this position-unquestionably
one of the most important jobs at
the University," Prof. David Den-
nison, chairman of the physics de-
partment and head of the dean-
ship group, reports.
"The committee is very anxious
to make a good, recommendation
and doesn't wish to be overly hasty
in its decision," he added.
The members of the committee
are considering men from both the
University faculty and from out-
When the committee finds some-
one who meets all its qualifica-
tions, they will send his name to
the centrl administration-prob-
ably Executive Vice - President
Marvin L. Niehuss, Heyns, and
President Hatcher. Official and
final action comes from the Re-

To Choose
[SA Dean,

at a special
ts decided upon'
Ing budget for

to slating the entire
ned from increased
to upping faculty
Regents set aside
ent of the legislative
for staff fee hikes.
o Libraries
ted to give an add-
o the University's

Each fall almost 100 freshmen volunteer for jobs on The Daily-
and The Daily needs all of them.
Whether as reporters, sports writers, or photographers, they are
started out on assignments while they are being trained, and offered
as much work as they can handle. The business staff does likewise
with its jobs of selling and writing advertisements and supervising the
paper's finances.
Good Arguments
Working on The Daily is valuable for people interested in a jour-
nalism career, but more than this it is an ideal spot for people who like
to exchange opinions on controversial topics. These can range from lo-
cal politics to oriental philosophy.
No journalism experience, but a keen mind and a lot of energy are
needed by Daily staffers. Besides holding "full-time" jobs on the paper,
last year's staff of seven senior editors shared five Phi Beta Kappas
among them. As a group, Daily people have traditionally been the

I extend a cordial welcome to
the students who are beginning
new programs of study at The
University of Michigan.
May I remind our freshmen
that since they are spending
four or more years at the Uni-
versity they proceed immed-
iately to lay their academic
foundation soundly; that they

President's Welcome

® " 1

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