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January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…Y it~43tf -,.,.....w,..w w iaiiat g Weather Moderate Snow VOL. LIII No. 84 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Army Sweeps Through Tripoli r Russians Recapture Armavir Soviet Army Occupies Volokonovka, Railway Junction near Highly Important Nazi Bases Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Jan. 23-The Red Army has recaptured Armavir which con- trols the Maikop oil fields in the Cau- casus, and on t...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…?A9WO THE ~rcHiGAN x TV /' n n n -- -- U' Awarded do Pont Prize Fellowship of $750 Given in Chemistry The University received news last week that it has been awarded a postgraduate fellowship in chemistry for the year 1943-44 by-E. I. du Pont ;ie Nemours & Co. Appointment to the Fellowship, which is worth- $750, Will be made later in the year by Prof. C. S. Schoepfle, chairman of the Chemistry department. The fellowship is one of 22 post...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…- SUNDAY, JAN. 24, -143 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG.MTT E Swimmers Overpower Buckeyes 0 in Thrill-Packed Meet vY Track Quartet to Compete in Millrose Meet I I Wolverines Capture Six tien Aiso Conquer Ohio State Even s, Winning 52-32 Captain John Patten, Harry Holliday Both Score Double Triumphs; Councilman Beats Skinner By ED ZALENSKI The name of Ross Hume, one of the Canonsburg, Pa., twins, was added to the list of four Mi...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…, . ., LoAiir , . .4 ........... . Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Boatd in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively'entitled to the use for republication of all n...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 5

… 44 j 464 ,,..., . , -! Q, awY!is, ,, , Victory Ball Decorations Will Honor United Nations {9 Flags Of Allied Nations To Fl'y Feb. 5, 9 P.M. Eagle To Spread At One End Of Floor Symbolizing U.S.A.; List Of Guests Is Announced The decorations * for the J-Hop,j Senior Ball combination, Victory Ball, will honor our allies, "the victorious United Nations." The flags of the United Nations will be displayed at the Ball, which will be ...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHICAN DAILY SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 1943 U DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . . . SUikDAY, JAN. 24, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 84 All notices toitthe Danly Offielat Bu- letin are to be sent to the Otfice of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its publica- tion, exe pt on Saturday when the no- tires should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. . tion authorities, there will be at- tached t' each payroll check at the end of the prese...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 7

…w " 4 U4~ _HE __._ R lL ,.. 4 AND MORE TO COME: Bomber Scholairhip Fund Nets $2 To date during the current year the Bomber Scholarship has amassed $2,064 in actual cash, with the pros- pect of roughly $3,000 more shortly in contributions from campus func- tions already held. At the beginning of the semester, the Student Committee set their goal at $15,000 for the current school year, up until next May. While so far the total amount take...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 8

…TI*r MI IG.AN DILY SU DIVA*:AN44,,1943 DAILY OFFICIAL BUrLLETXN" (Continued from Page 6) Lectures University Lecture: Professor Meyer, Shapiro, of the Department of Fine Arts, Colutmbia University, will lec- ture on the subject, "The Cdntent 'of' Modern Art" (illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, February 11, in the RackhamrAmphitheatre, under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited., Academic Notices Eng...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 9

…T4AX. 24, -1943 . TIL4 MClaLLC-IN - I-.1__ ommission Asks, 'Stricter Enforcement' of Liquor Law Pay-as-You-Go Plan Ready Tax Proposal May Be Presented This Week WASHINGTON, Jan. 23--(P)-Be- lief that the Treasury Department ex- perts would have their recommenda- tions on the pay-as-you-go income tax collection proposal ready for' presentation to the House Ways and; Means Committee "early next week" was expressed today by Chairman Dou...…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 10

…THL~ MI~JHit~AH DAIL fl. I , EARINGS ON 'DIPLOMATIC FITNESS' CLOSE: DAILY OF FICIAL BULLET!N Vothinw Dishonora l e i ni My Life,'Flynn Tells Senate Group - _ ___ _ . 1 '-r .v f. i " t . !-.^' ' +s ! tom/ 9 F R+.'. "! arm \ ..i i a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; . 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 5:00 p.m. Eve- ningPrayer and Address by the Rev. John DahI; 6:00 p.m. H-Square Club, Page Hall; 7:30 p.m. Open House ...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… Ir 4:3att- Weather - VOL. LIII No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Pierce Last Defenses of Tripoli Commencement to Be Held Today' V First Mid-Year Exercises Will' Begin at 10 A.M. Prof. Bryson to Give Address to Graduates Mid-year graduation exercises-the first in the University's history-will be held at 10 a.m. today in Hill Audi- torium. Recognition will be granted to 829 degree cand...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

….Tn P, MTCTITC.AN- nAlt,,V SATrADAT. SAN- ol'- toAt .. .-.............. _________ ... '. . . _ a 1Y L le...t+ 11 L__L____ - . '.Z-& X .' .."..:.-.-'-_.'"-..,..-.- --. _ ___ ___ [L1ltbl, .ltilV. 1i5 A 45 ,../'w'ad .-. _._.., f. WMC Program for Colleges Move s. Ahead (Conatiuued from pWage 1} _ _ __ _ w,.; . Navy's First Amphibious Glider Shown to Public Over half of the unclaimed bicycles fomulate The Am g p its held by the Police Dep...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…, ~ ~.3, . -- -- t 1111:AR~iiL~A~f bAUL Varsity Swimmers Face Powerful Buckeye Squad T4 oDig-ht ,. _ y Y THIS OUGHT T) BE THE KNOTS: Wrestling Squad Grapples with Ohio State in Big Ten Opener Varsity Cagers Inactive during Exam Period i iJMeet to Feature Duels of Exceptional Natators Skinner, Counsilman Vie for Breaststroke Honors; Mark Follansbee, Buckeye Backstroker, Is Ill ti' 10 American Athletes Establish World's Records in ...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…TIRE MICHIGAN DAITY -SAWMMAX.-IAM-22.4242 w- .'- -''.' ."'}- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and: Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usee...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 5

…$ATLDAT, ,CAI . 13, 204: ?I!E ~I11GAN DAILY __._ r League Forms Information War Center WAVE And WAAC To Answer Queries About Services During First Week Of New Semester The newly formed War Informa- tion Center for Women, organized at the League, will take care of any inquiries University women may have regarding war work, war courses, or the uniformed' services. During the first week of next sem- ester an officer from the WAVES and one fr...…

January 23, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

…x rrl - _ - , - - . . . .. . :a.a n. .. \ * -- ---. V .....~, .w-,.-7 a-v ~~ie 7 EY'RE IN THE ARMY NOW . ..,. .... Iifmapower Demend Reduce iNuber of College Faculty Mii Wartime demand for trained man- power has cut the number of college- faculty men by seven-and-a-half per cent in American colleges and uni- versities, an Office of Education Sur- vey reported this week. Armed forces and government and war industry jobs absorbed most ...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… It 4;trn #aiLij Weather Light Snow VOL. LIII No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRiDAY, JAN. 22, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS 35 Killed in.Guiana Air Crash Author Eric Knight, Ann Arbor Armny Man Die in Worst Airplane Wreck in U.S. History WASHINGTON Jan. 21 - Thirty- five men were killed when a huge American transport plane bound for Africa crashed on the desolate coast ofDutch Guiana in South Aerica, It w a s th w rt air pane disast er American live...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…;A.. Titt -i~iPii ................. Works of Bach Will Be Played 'U' Symphony to Give 2nd Concert Sunday Devoting its entire program to works by Bach, the University Sym- phony Orchestra under the direction of Eric DeLamarter will present its second concert of the year at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. Three numbers will be performed on this program. The first selection will be the "Overture in B minor" with Jean Je...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…* FflThA'Y, ~TAI~. ~2,1D43 THE MICHIGAN DAILY lA 2 T $ E ,_;u U -- .-'-- -. ..-_- . ... a aa . . a _.. - -r- i rr w i i . Rio rri Wolverines Down Romulus Fliers, 51-21 BENCHCOMBEB v By BUD HENDEL Daily Sports Editor * * * The Last Lines . . A8 YOU READ THIS, you will be listening to the dying gasps of that once-proud being, the Bench- comber. For this is my farewell cl- umn-my last ride along the well- worn Daily keyboard and fresh...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwi...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 5

…s., x al. - 4 4. , a. r- tat. -~ , I R ushng'Rues For '43 Stated, Laws Revised By Panhellenic As Silence Period Approaches With sorority women as well as freshmen caught in the whirl of an- ticipated rushing and with the pros- pect of many new rules and, regula- tions, the campus is about to go into another period of "silence" between independent freshman women and "Greeks." War, priorities, and rationing have stretched ;even into the ...…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

… Si T~lEH-Ck-iA I LY F TWAT,.4NA%-1943 Student Senate lbissolves After Skips Her Books to Make Bombers 6 Years Activity Membership Cut, Budget Decrease Responsible for Failure, Landers Says Decreased membership, budget cut and recent drafting of four of its members led to the dissolution of the Student Sehate, Jim Lahders, presi- -dent, announced yesterday. The Senate, organized six years ago from a parley group directed by Dr. Edward W....…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…4 4 >4 ai4 Wemher Light Snaow VOL. LIII No. 81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Air Reserves Are Slated for Duty in April Men Will Be Sent to 100 College Training Centers for Special Pre-Flight Courses By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-Prospec- tive aviation cadets now in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve will be order- ed to duty at about 100 colleges for special instructions under a new pro- gram exp...…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…T11i MiCiIiGAN iAii -~ I I _ - _ ._. ,. _. f,, New Union Officers CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING D..- CLASSIFIED RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase of'$.25 for. each additional 5words. Contract -Rates on Request LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Box darned. Careful work at low price. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Portabl...…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…tq THE - MICHIGAN . WA-MV, 'PAeZV TRlrt." THE MTCHICA1~i IVA'TTV z-. j.~ .u. .m~a - rL £U ,' lIIXDU I Michigan, Romulus Air Base Quintets Clash Here T4 mnight Ytl, f .... ii, The Cracker Barrel By Mike Dan . Swan Song . .. USUALLY when Daily Sports writ- ers type out their last columns they talk about three main subjects: first, how they enjoyed being with the team hither, thither and yon; second, how being connected in a small w...…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherw...…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

…AN 1 4i7 ,..Elii}i!> .. .............. ...... Army-Navy National Flags Centr Will Be Theme Of Decorations Tickets For Boll Are Available At ROTC Or NROTC Offices; Reservists Eligible To Attend A mixed crowd of reservists in for- mal attire and NROTC and ROTC men in uniform will attend the Army-Navy Military Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at the I-M Build- ing. Bob Chester and his orchestra, hailed as the "Nation's Newest Sen- sation,"...…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHICAN DAILY IM- .Ark, 4 AN. 2L 1942 ..___ __ v ____ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __H pa ss a.+avwu a.a %PCl 1. f4 At &0.20 p New Courses-Are Offered on Far East and Geology ,Judiciary Head Grad School Plans Specialized Training for Post-War Era 0) Jobs for 50 Women Foreseen in Field of Petroleum Geology Specialized training designed to ac- quaint students with countries of the Far East likely to be occupied or in ...…

January 20, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…'4.~. vi q zi . & 0 " , 01" , - p I , , , ", , , - , , li i ij 0 4 alt I Weather Wihdv au' Colder ,-. VOL. LHI No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Eighth Army Is 30 Miles from Tripoli Left Wing Sweeps across Tripolitanian Hump in Race to Cut Ahead of Axis Forces CAIRO, Jan. 19. - (P) - The left wing of the British Eighth Army had swept across the Tripolitanian hump tonight to within 50 miles or less of...…

January 20, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO Fifty-Third Year Edited aid managed by students of the University of Mthikn(i undei the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publicatione. Piblished every morning except. Monday during the regulir University year, and every morning except Von- ay Rnd Tuiesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press Ue Asociated Press is exclusively' entitled to the ueoforri'epublication of all news dispatches credited to it ....…

January 20, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1942 Wl -- 4 41JCANjD-,ALY" PAGE_.TUVE R ,.. _ .._.- . ... . -. f ,.- .... _. Me W Mitchell, McCoy ...........-... Leave Campus To GoInto .Navy _ n, u' LITTLE DAVID WAS SMALL, BUT OH MY! Varsity Cagers to Oppose Small but 'Fa st345th Air B Quintet, Michigan's cagers will be shooting for No. 7 in the win opolumn at 7:30 tomorrow night when their tangle with the 345th Army Air Base Squad- ron five from Romulu...…

January 20, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…44 - , . .. . . . :. . .I.- ,1 .ice .lei i .. ;: OL' MAN WINTER BLITZES CITY: Fifteen Inches of Snow Block' eets in Record Fl res Ann Arbor's whistling January snow blizzards have broken a Weather Bureau record, pr'esented Buildings and Grounds Supt. Edward C. Pardon with a major headache, and paradox- ically reduced the city's automobile New under-arm ft Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration ARRiD r 1. Does not rot dresses or meV's ...…

January 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

….. ,: ;: _ ,. .; !# :' >..,, : . ' r 4 4 it Weather Snow Flurries I VOL. LIH1 No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. JAN: 19. 1943 IM.?w ..V VV. w ew 4 ANN ARBORai :..r CIa:. _.. ufAY AN 1) & £4a da isd '5.JI rsuq;j!i WAVE VXINWO Russians Break Long Siege of Lenin grad RAF Hits Berlin in New Raid Hitler's Capital Set in Flames as 100,000 Incendiaries Deluge City; 22 Planes Lost 1- Let's Make sTUDENT' Mean Something By EDWARD ...…

January 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…Tilt I is I -. , Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday 'during the summer session, Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credit...…

January 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…_______ ____ ~WW11lS1L ___lip [ERU QUANTITYseOUNTSx ]Witnesota Reserves Are Key to Sluitout Victories over Sextet By WALT KLEE Tired after two hard games and dejected after losing virtually all chances for a Big Ten title, nine Wol- verine stickmen returned to Ann Ar- bor after dropping two tilts to the Norsemen from Minnesota over the week-end by scores of 3-0 and4-0. It was not lack of ability or fight that lost for the Maize and Blue but...…

January 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY', Opposed to 18-Year-Olds Voting :n't let the youngsters vote" has deal more mature than boys of that the majority reaction to the 18- age 20 years ago." amendment, according The ideal of lowering the age re- old vote alldptpoldn quirement has received attention e recent Gallup poll. from many congressmen and senators e American public's first reac- in Washington, including Michigan's :o the constitutional amendment Senator...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…4it 4 tit Weather Considerably Colder .. r". W w,.. VOL. LIII No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1943 PRICE. FIVE CENTS Erlewine is Daily Managing Editor AN EDITORIAL: Jaffe New Editorial Director; Brimmer AppointedCity Editor The Board in Control of Student Publications yesterday appointed John A. Erlewine, '44, as managing editor of The Daily and also named Bud Brimmer, '44, and Irving Jaffe, '43, as city editor and edito...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

… T~l MCHIANDA ILY I wolow 3,087 Yanks Are Prisoners WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-(IP)-The War Department reported today an additional 141 Americans held as prisoners of war or interned in neu- tral countries, bringing to 3,087 the number of prisoners reported to date. The group includes 117 menbers of the Army, among whom are 25 offi- cers and enlisted men imprisoned in Germany, one officer and one enlisted Ian held in Italy, dnd 15 officers andl 5...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…A THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PAGE LT ltEE r. ... x Eighth Army Renews Drive on Tripoli British 180 Miles' South of Main Port; 23 Enemy Planes Hit By The Associated Press LONDON, Jan. 16.- Axis reports said today that the British Eighth Army in Libya had renewed its offen- sive toward Tripoli with a strong ar- mored attack at Wadi Zem-Zem, 180 miles southeast of the main Tripoli- tanian port. Intensive air fighting was reported throughout Tunisi...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Third Year |dited and managed by students of the University of :higan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. 'ublished every morning except Monday during the ular University year, and every morning except Mon- ; and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press 'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or othe...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

…THE MICRITEAN T TAT?.V i ii Au 1Ti 1 V Ax 1 X-T ilL 1'f .!l I 1.11 L Soldier Girls i WAACS March With Precision Into New Custer Quarters Prove Ability At Fort Custer WAACS Occupy New Barracks; Do 'Man-Size' Duties With Skill And Don't Neglect Hair-Curling FORT CUSTER, Jan. 17.-- (R- General George A. Custer's ghost would have had a severe shock had he chosen this past week to pay a visit to Fort Custer, Mich., the Army Post named after...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…THE m i r i GA ~AT, MW. 1.7, i94~ Wolverine Cagers Bow to Badgers, 55-34 ~o isconsin Five Regains Old Form To Avenge Wolverines' Upset Win AND NOW FOR THE BUCKEYES: Natators PerformWellin AAU; Sweep AllChampionship Events ormi~tara H&/[ Crowd of 4,000 Sees Contest; Lautenbach Is Top Scorer in Fast-Breaking Badger Encounter By CLARK BAKER times for their 32 attempts. Lightning didn't strike twice in the Michigan, on the, other hand, ...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 7

…STU ATA, 11-.14 'xis i rii 1- . . __ . . n..w ..r 4. W.V i iF/av t Puckmen Bow Again to Gopher Stickmen, 4-0 Underdog Mat Squad Pits Holds against Spartans Monday Night p. . . .l ere And Mail ToAU.-M. Man In The Armed Forces----------- SERVICE '4, EDITION t4r4I tgatt atILj VOL. 1, No. 19 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN JANUARY 17, 1943 FIRST OFFICIAL ac-' in the hospital They combine efforts whenever maintained by a .qaffmitt. Special to The Daily...…

January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 8

…xiE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION JANUARY 417, 1943 ie that a statement might be 1- expected at the end of the te week, id THE BOARD in Control at of Student Publications n came out of meeting at id 5:45 p.m. Saturday to an- rd nounce new appointments r- for senior editorships of en The Daily . . Appointed ,. Managing Editor was John e- A. Erlewine, junior in the - - literary college, a member Lie of the ca...…

January 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…itv 4aiat3 Weather Snow Flurries VOL. III No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 1943 PRICE FiVE CENTS Don River Forces Cut NaziLines Soviets Cross Kalitva River; German Railway Communications in South Russia Severed By HENRY C. CASSIDY Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Jan. 16. (Saturday)-A Red Army surging across the Kalitva River cut the Rostov-Moscow railway yesterday at Glubokaya and reached a point 90 miles northeast of...…

January 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…l!FT z AT 7-R - - - - - - -- ~. ~. ~ ~ Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the.summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the' use for republication of a...…

January 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…it --- . - r .y ." r-,i fit-' - y /,, I * .i , .,y .. . ., , - . i. J. -= .6- 1Xl- -. .'. i .. . L '-L V r s y , . .. w . ~ _ .r h1 u- .L vru+0i Wolverines Upset Badgers, 38-34, For First Big Michigan ' Fight Stuns Visitors; Cormin Stars Lead Changes Hands 16 Times in, Nip-and-Tuck Battle; Strack, Mullaney Pace Varsity Scorers By CLARK BAKER David met Goliath last night and David triumphed again when Michi- gan's underdog cagers felled Wi...…

January 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ Hofmann Advocates Hobbies, Has Patented 60 Inventions has been heated by a furnace designed by the pianist. It is an automatic oil- burner, about which the artist boasts that it has never broken down since its installation. Hofmann boats, swims, plays bil- liards and tennis as other interests beyond his concert career. He is mar- ried and has three sons. President Roosevelt and conductor Walter Damrosch are among the memb...…

January 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…I IC. 17 nAt- "~~ Weather VOL. LIIi No. 76 ANN ARBOR, AWWHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS PT's 'Victory Blast Jap Destroyers Off Solomons Vanities to Be Presented /4;. Reds Take Railhead, 44 owns 1,000 Nazis, 26 Planes Destroyed as London Reports Soviet Army 60 Miles from Rostov LONDON, Jan. 15. (Friday)- (/P)- Russian troops driving ahead on both sides of the Mineralnye Vody-Rostov railway in the Caucasus captur...…

January 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MIC HI4AN DAILY FRMAY, .TAN. IS, 1943 ~ P-G---WO-R. A.... .-1-,-1-4 Student from, Brazil Writes Book on U.S. Dr. Oswaldo Trigueiro, a Brazilian exchange fellowship student who re- ceived his master's degree -in 19401 after a year's study here, has recently published a report in Brazil on "Thej State Regime in the American Un- ion." According to a letter received by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science department fr...…

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