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January 24, 1943 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-24

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Bomber Scholairhip Fund Nets

To date during the current year
the Bomber Scholarship has amassed
$2,064 in actual cash, with the pros-
pect of roughly $3,000 more shortly
in contributions from campus func-
tions already held.
At the beginning of the semester,
the Student Committee set their goal
at $15,000 for the current school year,
up until next May. While so far the
total amount taken in does not ap-
proach this goal, the sum of actual
cash and expected donations does not
include individual contributions from
small campus dances nor the Victory
Ball proceeds, which is expected to
bring the total up to about half of
the amount set for the goal, accord-
ing to Coral DePriester, chairman of
the fund.
"We're still a long way from our

ultimate goal of $100,000 before thej
war is over," De~riester said, "but
with the way the campus has been
getting behind us in the drive, we're
confident of making our $15,000 this
year, and working up to the $100,000
gradually. The support we've been
getting this year is a big help and
we certainly appreciate it."
Campus functions whose contri-
butions have not yet been added to
the Bomber total for the semester in-
clude $500 from the Goodfellow drive,
about $1,000 from '42 Finale, New
Year's Eve dance, and also donations
from the Union Formal, the Paul
Bunyan Formal, Caduceus Ball, In-
terfraternity Ball, Assembly Ball,
Military Ball, campus scrap drive,
and Victory Vanities.
. I(

'U' of Illinois
Is Exoiieriated
By TjI.'rspres
'Political Puppets'
Is False Accusation,
Investigators Say
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Jan. 23-Trustees of the
University of Illinois announced today
an independent investigation had ex-
onerated the school of charges that it
was ruled by politics and had been
"on the downgrade since 1934."
The report was made by the com-
mission of the American Council on

WASHINGTON - As soon as miral Darlan was to bring together
President Roosevelt can get a these two French leaders, Giraud
breather from the war, he expects and DeGaulle. But nobody in Lon-]
to move into the farm situation in don, or in North Africa, took the'
a war that will mean a showdown dn ri ot Arcto h
with his Secretary of Agriculture, trouble to make certain that De
Claude Wickard. Gaulle's first olive branch was de-
The issue is the old one, first livered.
raised by Vice President Wallace Then, when finally it did reach
several years ago, of aiding the big Gen. Giraud, he was quite leisurely
farmer or the small farmer. Several
weeks ago Roosevelt issued a direc- about it. He said he would like to
tive to the effect that small farm- have a little time to think things
ers should get more aid to in- over. This added delay, made De
crease food production, and it a Gaulle hit the ceiling. He figured
when Wickard ignored this that Giraud was rebuffing him.
his Food Production Director, Hen-
ry Parisius, resigned. Meanwhile, Gen. Giraud, an old-
Parisius had laid out a plan of fashioned military man, with no
small-farm aid. But Wickard, be- experience in affairs of government,
set by Farm Bureau ooposition, re- suddenly found himself with three
jected it. So now it is up to the vast colonies to govern-Algiers,
White House, and it may mean a
new secretary of Agriculture. Morocco, and part of Tunisia. In
When the President moves in, those colonies he had around him
he will have before him some sig- other French pro-consuls who hated
nificant figures on what small him. Gen. Nogues, Resident-Gen-
farmers have been able to do to eral of French Morocco, is pro-
increase food production. A year Vichy, pro-Fascist and despises De
ago, the Farm Security Adminis- Gaulle, so much so that the Fight-
tration asked 470,000 small farm- ing French have demanded his re-
ers to push production of the fol-
lowing: Livestock, dairy products, moval
vegetables, long-staple cotton. Therefore, Gen. Giraud, anxious
Here were the amazing results: to fight rather than govern, has
this group of farmers, constituting muffed all the political balls. Mean-
only 10% of all farmers in the while, so has the United States.
country, produced 32% of the total
increase in beef; 33% of the total Mrs. Luce Comes To Town
increase in dry beans; 19% of the
total increase in chickens; 11% of The glamorous Congresswoman
the total increase in peanuts; 24% Clare Boothe Luce encountered her
of the total increase in flax, and Republican colleague Congressman
so on Harold Knutson of Minnesota at
a Capital party.
One factor behind this amazing Said the Senior to the Freshman,
increase is that small farmers don't "Glad to know you, Mrs. Luce, but
hire much labor. They themselves I don't like your husband." (Mr.
work with their families, and since Harry Luce is editor of Time,)
most have families, they are draft
exempt. Big farmers, on the other "No?" said Mrs. Luce. "Why not?"
hand, have to hire labor, which is "He called me 'fuzzy' in his mag-
scarce, buy machinery, which is azine."
also scarce. "But, Mr. Congressman," she
However, the Farm Bureau Fed- said, "You've forgotten your Kip-
eration still maintains that: "Fifty ling." Whereupon,, she recited
per cent of the farmers produce these lines of "Fuzzy Wuzzy":
90% of the crops. We've got to
depend on these farmers for in- You're a poor benighted 'eathen,
creases-to heck with the rest." "'Here's to you Fuzzy Wuzzy
That is the thesis they will have At your home in the Sudan
to sell Roosevelt and it may be a You're a poor benighted 'eathen, .
hard job. But a first class fightin' man.'"
North African Bungling Mrs. Luce put less emphasis on
It is quite obvious to the man in fpoor benighted 'eathen, ai more'
the street that the whole political on "a first class fighn man,"
situation in North Africa has been which made Mr. Knutson feel bet-
badly bungled. However, only those ter. Now he says of her:
on the inside really know how bad "She's a fine woman. But' her
it is and how inexcusable. greatest accomplishment is rescuing
Mr. Luce from permanent oblivion."
Take, for instance, the simple
matter of exchanging messages be- GLEE CLUB ON AIR
tween Generals De Gaulle and Gi-
rand. When DeGaulle first sent The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
Giraud a suggestionthat they get present their initial program in co-
tgeterthesage fonrtha4tey g operation with the American Sing
together, the message, for se u-Program directed by Prof. Joseph
explained reason, was delayed s Maddy at 9 to 9:30 a.m. today over
eral days. radio station WJR.
Any amateur diplomat could have' The glee club conducted by Prof.
figured out that the immediate David E. Mattern will feature two
thing to do after the death of Ad- special numbers in this program.

U.S. Will Produce
Rubber from Shrub
w AuumcGTON, Jan 23-(P)-The
government report ed t oday that its
(hiaynle rubber production program
had progressed to the point where it
will be able to produce 600 tons this
winter, which it said would be the
first natural rubber produced in this
country since the beginning of the
Guayule is a desert plant native to
Mexico and portions of Texas. It is
being grown in California, Arizona,
Texas and Mexico.
Noting that this year's production
would represent only a fraction of




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217 South Main



1. Joins a local University of Michigan Club.

There are 150 of these Clubs in all parts of the world.
They have their social programs and they initiate activ-
ities for the benefit of their members, their communities
and their University.

2. Concerns himself with his Class Organization.

Every Alumni

Class has- its officers and its program.

A Reunion is held once every five years on the Campus.

3. Reads the Michigan Alumnus.
The magazine is issued 26 times each year and is the chief
liaison agency between the University and its Alumni.
4. lRemembers always that he is a Michigan Man.



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