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January 24, 1943 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-24

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SU DIVA*:AN44,,1943

(Continued from Page 6)
University Lecture: Professor Meyer,
Shapiro, of the Department of Fine
Arts, Colutmbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Cdntent 'of'
Modern Art" (illustrated) at 4:15
p.m., Thursday, February 11, in the
RackhamrAmphitheatre, under the
auspices of the Department of Fine
Arts. The public is cordially invited.,
Academic Notices
English I and II Final Examination
Schedule for Monday, Jan. 25, 2-4
English I: Bertram, W Phys Lect;
Boys, W Phys Lect; Bredvold, C Ha"
ven; Calver, 2003 AH; Cooley, 2203
AH; Davis, G Haven; Eisinger, G Ha-
ven; Engel, C Haven; Faujt, 205 MH;
Fletcher, 2225 AH; Fogle, 3017 AH;
Greenhut, 2235 AH; Haugh, 2219 AH;
Hawkins, 2215 AH; Helm, C Haven;
Helmers, 225 AH; McClennen, 229

AH;' Means, 2029" AH; Schenk, 205
MH; Taylor, E Haven; Thein, 1035.
AH; Traver, 220$ AH; Walker, 35
AH; Walsh, 3209 AH; Warner, D Ha-
ven; Wells, D'Haven..
English II: Everett, 3231 AH;-Nel-
son, B Haven; Ogdei, 18AH; Ohlseii,
S102a AH; Schroe'der, B 'Haven;"
Thorpe, 1018 AH.
Matth ermtics 14b,'Fdd Dynamics,
which is listed in the Supplementary
Announcement as "Omitted" for the
Spring Term, may be #ffered if there
are erogh students interted. Those'
interested please come to the first
meeting of the class, which will be
held Tuesday, February 9, at 11,
o'clock, in 3010 A.H.
A. H. Copeland
Political Science' 1, final'examina-
tion, Monday, January 25, 8-10 a.m.
Norton's sections .... 1025 A.H.
Bromage's sections ... 1025 A.H.
Mill's sections....... 1035 A.H.
Kallenbach's sections .. 25 A.H.
Laing's sections........25 A.H.
- Cuncannon's sections . 231 A.H..
Dorr's sections .......231 A. H.
Room Assignments, German 1, 2,
31, 32: Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2-4 p.m.
German 1. Diamond and Ellert: B
Haven Hall; Gaiss and Willey: C Ha-
ven Hall; Van Durenand Winkel-


man: D Haven Hall;' Philippson- and
Reichart: 1035 Angell Hall; Courant
and Ebelke: 35 Angell Hall.
German 2. All Sections, 101 Eco-
nomics Building.
German 31. Van Duren, Eaton,
'Reichart, Diamond: 205 Mason Hall;
Philippson, 'Gaiss, Winkelman: 2225
Angell Hall.
German 32. All Sections, 2219 An-
Physics 26 Spring Term: Lectures
in Physics 26 will be given M and W
at 10 instead of the time announced
in the Supplementary Announce-
Psychology 31: Final Examination
Thursday, January 28, 2-4.
Lecture Section I, Thuma-Room
E, Haven Hall.
Lecture Section II, Maier-A-G
Room 205, Mason Hall, H-O, Room-
23 Angell Hall, P-Z, Room 2003 An-
gell Hall.
Lecture Section III, Meyer-Room
C and Room D Haven Hall.'
Those students in Lecture I, (Thu-
ma) and Lecture III (Meyer) who
cannot take the examination at the
regular time because of conflict may
take the examination Saturday, Jan-.
uary 30, 8-10 in Room 1121 "N.S.
Make-up examination in Lecture
Section II, (Maier) will be given
Thursday, January 28, 4-6 'in Room'
231 Angell Hall.
Poltical Science 2, final examina-
nio, Monday, January 25, 8-10 a.m.
All sections, room 35 A.H.
History 49: Final examination, Sat-
urday, Jan. 30, 8-10. Adam-Post,
Room B, Haven Hall. Roberts-Woods,
229 Angell Hall. -V. W. Crane
Mathematics '6, Sections 1 and 2
(Messrs. Albers and Bennett) will
have their final examinations on
Tuesday afternoon in Rooms 21 and
2 East Hall, and not in their regui
lar classrooms as previously an-
English I Make-up Final Examina-
tibn for students with unavoidable
conflicts will be given Tuesday, Jan.
26 7-9 p.m., in 2225 A.HW s
C.F. Wells
.German 159 Final Examination:'
Thursday, Jan; 28; 4-6 p.m., 408 Li-'
German 36 Final Examination
Thursday, Jan. 28, 10:30-12:30, 3056
Natural Science Building.
E.E. 23N review material is avail=
ab=e in the Electrical Engineering
Department office.
Economics 198; War Economics:
The hour of' this course has' been
changed from TTh at 2, to TTh at
3; to avoid conflict with Social
Studies 93.

for credit or 'not. Rehearsals Monday
through Friday at 11 o'clock in Lane
Hall. Sacred and secular a cappella
literature comprises the material for
study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen,
the director, Room 223, School of
Music Building.
An al}-Bach program will be pre-'
sented by' the University Symphony
Orchestra under the direction of Eric
DeLamarter, conductor, at, 8:30 to-
night in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
It will include the Overture in B
minor, Solo' Cantata for Soprano,
and' the .'Brandenburg" Concerto,
No. 5.
The public is cordially invited.
Concerts: Heifetz will give the
eighth =program 'in the Choral Union
Series, Tuesday evening, February 16,
at 8:30; and'
Alec Templeton, Pianist, will give a
special program at popular prices,
Thursday, February 25, at 8:30-both
in Hill Auditorium..
Tickets are on sale at the offices.
of the University Musical Society inI
Burton Memorial Tower.
Exhibition- Rackham Galleries-
presents "Tunisia and the Meditei -
ranean in Water Colors" by Mrs.
Alice Reischer. The galleries will be
open daily, except Sundays, 2-5 and
7-10, through 'Feb. 3.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
Mezzanine Floor. The Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies

and Design: Watercolors of French
Alps and drawings . for .surrkalist,
paintings, by T. S. Haile. Pottery: by
Marianne Haile. Ground floor corri-
dor cases, 'Architecture' Building.
Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday
through February 6. The public is
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal will .
begin at 8 o'clock sharp.this morning.
Please be prompt. No afternoon
The Michigan Christian.Fellowship I
will meet today at,4:30 p.m. in the'
Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. Rev.
H. 0. Yoder will be the speaker. All
students are welcome.
Coming Events
The University Concert Band, Wil-
liam D. Revelli, conductor, will pre-
sent its annual winter concert on
Sunday, February 7, 4:15 p.m., in
Hill' Auditorium. Admission compli-
The Regular Tuesday Evening. Re-
corded Program in- the Men's Lounge:
of the Rackham Building -at 8 p.m.
will be as follows:
All Brahms program-Double Con-
certo in A minor for Violin, Cello.
and Orchestra, Symphony No. 4 in.
E minor, Variations on a Theme of
Haydn, Two Songs for Alto.,
Faculty Women's Club :" The play
reading section will meet on Tuesday,
January 2g, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary

B. 'HendersonRoom of

Episcopal Students: The Feast of}
the Conversion of St. Paul will be ob-j
served with a celebration' of Holy
Communion on Monday morning .at
7:30 in. Bishop Williams. Chapel,
Harris Hall.
Zion Lutheran Church: Church
Worship Service 10:30 a.m,, "Jesus,
The Helper of the Helpless," by Rev..
'Elmer Christiansen..
Trinity Lutheran. Church: Church
'Worship Service 10:30 a.m., "Respon-

the Michigan'

Sunday at" the - Wovie
SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER from 12:15 to 2:00 O'clock
Soup: Chicken Gizert with Rice or
Choice of Tomato Juice, Apple Juice, Fruit Juice
Stuffed Olives, Ripe Olives, H earts of, Celery
Dill Pickles, Radishes, Sweet Pickles
ROAST CHICKEN, Apple Dressing, Mashed Potatoes
GRILLED BEEF TENDERt 4 N, French Fried Potatoes
Head of Lettuce Fresh Green Peas
Fruit Combination Asparagus
Hot Rolls Assorted Bread
Dessert: Ice Cream
e -flfl-fll.II.

sibility Matches Possibility," by Rev.
H. 0. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association Meet-
ing: Sunday January 24, at 5:30
p.m., Worship Service led by Miss
Joyce Haglund..
Bethlehem Evangelical and Re-
formed Church: 10:30, Morning Wor-
ship with sermon by Rev. Theodore
Schmale on "Jesus' Compassion for
6:00 p.m. Student Guild supper and
discussion hour.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 . a.m.,
Church Service: "Timeless Faith in
a Timely World."
(Continued on Page 10)

Your UNION Fac i ll
will continue to s1rve youw
during finals-
and between ser estbrs
will close at 8:30 P.M beginning Januafy 25,
through February 7.

_ ._

^, ,.

a Rut?



University Choir (Ensemble 50):
Ml-6e voices are neededfor the spring
term: Membership is open to students
in, any school or college of the Uni-
versity whether electing the course


this isaA-MII E4IRD

Like this guy?


loo l

rOl/ loo


~, 'LO




The Babbke-Bird
just talks and taiks;
(Her gossip is
Ske neer think
Chat now War "e ca
May need the ' lines
siw's using!

and His Bond of Renown
of Meadowbrook fame

-- .-

,My Il e never carrie war calls," 6ays the Babble-ird. Maybe
not .. . but all calls go through central oflices and use equip.
DIeCIt ieedcd to handle the avtlanche of war calls now loading
the telephone ystem.

Tickets are now available

-peas be BRITF vdoh nYap make a call. Ad~~s

And plea


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