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January 22, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-22

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
#20 MAwSoN Avi. NEW YORK. N.Y.
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Editorial Staff

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"H ows Joe Palooka making out, Bill?"

(Continued from Page 1)



Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
* Will Sapp .
'George W. Walade
Charles Thatcher
-Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dana .

* S
* .
* S

. . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
* S * *City ditor
. *Associte Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . * Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
- Associate Sports Editor

Business Staff
.dward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager
Fred M. Oinsberg . . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane-Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager
James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1t
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Should Fascism Dictate
Amrican Movies?
POLITICS are again playing their part in
Hollywood, with General Franco's objection
to the filming of Hemingway's novel of the
Spanish civil war, "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
The story is of the Loyalists in Spain during
the war. General Franco is decidedly against
the filming of a book so anti-Fascist in content.
Even though the Hollywood version will duck
politics completely and concentrate on the love
angle, Franco still has visions of the movie caus-
ing a huge promotion in the sale of the book,
which does not duck the political side.
0, at this date, it looks as though the Ameri-
can public is not going to see a screen version
of "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Just why Wash-
ington is backing up Franco in this matter is a
question no one seems able to answer.
The only- possible conclusion is that there is
still one Fascist government to which the State
Department bends an attentive ear. Whether or
not "For Whom the Bell Tolls" makes the screen
is -immaterial in itself, but whether or not even-
our entertainment can be ictated to us by a
government which is Fascist in nature and Nazi
in sympathy is a point on which the American
public has a right to demand an answer.
-Jane Farrant
Congressional Changes
Provided in Gore's Plan
IN KEEPING with the ever increasing trend
toward specialization of knowledge and cen-
tralization of authority, Albert Gore, Representa-
tive from Tennessee, suggests a complete reor-
ganization of Congress to enable it to meet the
current demands of a changing nation.
Gore's plan includes three changes-a staff
of specialists in various public welfare fields to
act as advisors, complete committee reorganiza-
tion and additional grants of power to Congres-
sional leaders. At first glance these alterations
nmay appear to merely make Congress into a
body which would duplicate the functions of
other departments, but it is generally apparent
that Congress at present is inadequate in its
task as a policy-forming group.
JANY LAWS passed by that body are not
drafted by Congressional committees at all,
but by experts in the various bureaus and agen-
cies. In order to keep the function of law-making
within,'the influence of the directly elected repre-
sentatives of the people, it will be necessary for
Congress to defend itself with its own board of
experts. It is humanly impossible for each indi-
vidual to possess the required background of
information on all the subjects on which they
- are called to pass judgment. The only salvation
is a non-partisan staff of highly trained experts
whose sole duty it is to possess such information.
His second suggestion, that of overhauling the
committee system, has long been a much-needed
reform. Similar bills are shuttled back and forth
from one committee to another, with much dupli-
cation of effort and a number of different com-
mittees are responsible for like matters.


WASHINGTON-It now begins to look as if
almost everyone knew about how General Doo-
little bombed Tokyo except the American people.
The Japs long ago had access to U.S. pris-
oners taken after that raid. The world has now
listened to Jap broadcasts that the airplane
carrier Hornet was the vessel from which the
bombers took off.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Army has been willing
to have the public know its part of the bombing
story. The Navy also is quite willing to have its
side of the story given to the public. And Elmer
Davis believes the public should know.
Inside word, however, is that the man at the
very top is opposed. He once announced that
the bombers came from Shangri-la and as far
as the public is concerned that is still where
they came from.
Senate Diuty Linen
Here is the real reason why Senator Tom
Connally of Texas and other Democrats are so
sore at the Senate fight over Boss Ed Flynn's
appointment as Ambassador to Australia.
They had hoped to railroad Flynn's confir-
mation through the Senate with as little hub-
bub as possible. Senators, especially adminis-
tration Senators, don't like to wash dirty
linen in public.
But Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire
upset their plans by bringing the issue squarely
into the open. Result is that the Senate will
face another wave of public resentment and
newspaper attacks, similar to the "pensions"
furor, if Flynn is confirmed. Also, every Sena-
tor who votes for him will be showered with vit-
riolic mail from home.
The Republicans aren't worried, because
they will vote almost solidly against Flynn.
However, every Democrat who votes for him
will be on the spot for "playing politics."
That is the inside reason why Senator Con-
nally attacked Bridges so savagely on the floor.
And that, also, is why Senate Republicans are
laughing up their sleeves.
Secret Committee Row
It didn't leak out, but that hot tiff between
Connally and Bridges, over Flynn, didn't end
on the Senate floor.
There was another flareup when Bridges re-
peated his charges against Flynn at a closed-
door meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. After Chairman Connally called
the meeting to order, he gruffly inquired of
"You have made some pretty serious -charges
about Mr. Flynn's alleged associations with a
former agent of the Japanese government. Are
you trying to attack his loyalty to the United
"No, I'm not accusing Flynn of -disloyalty,"
shot back Bridges, "but I believe that any man
who had such associations prior to Pearl Har-
bor has disqualified himself for diplomatic
service in an area where we are fighting the
"Well, I haven't heard of any objections to
Mr. Flynn coming from Australia," drawled Con-

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK- The only argument on behalf of
Marcel Peyrouton is that he was against Laval
late in 1941. For that reason this new ex-Vichy-
ite has now been made Governor General of Al-
geria with our incredible blessing. But what, pre-
cisely, does it prove about Peyrouton that he was
against Laval? Democrats are against Laval, cer-
tainly; and some fascists were against Laval; but
things against the same thing are not necessarily
equal to the same thing.
Jacques Doriot, the inost cynical of all French
fascists, is against Laval. De Gaulle is against
Laval. But not equation can relate Doriot and
De Gaulle. Who in our State Department is re-
sponsible for this shocking, wretched and naive
business of making opposition to Laval our touch-
stone, anyway? I thought our, touchstone was
For a long time we were friendly with Petain
because he was against Laval. I believe Petain
was sincerely against Laval, just as he was sin-
cerely against French democracy. His latter an-
tipathy was the more important, and because we
did not believe this, we were bound to set a
crooked course.
As to how far off true north we are now, let
us remember that Peyrouton was a quite content-
ed Minister of the Interior under Petain, and
that among his duties was the jailing of French
democrats and also the installation of the French
variety of the Nuremberg laws. But he was
against Lval. What can we say about people to
whom these distinctions among fascists are im-
portant, except that they are playing a fantastic
game of names, picking one after another bright-
ly out of a hat, hoping that some day the world
will say: "Ah! You're getting warmer!"
It is assigning too much importance to Laval,
to make hating him the shibboleth of democracy.
That is a kind of cockeyes tribute to fascism.
Whether you do exactly what Laval wants, or the
exact opposite, in both cases you.accept him as
a guiding star. Don't we have any affirmations
and ideas of our own?
We have to build a case and a future for
ourselves from the ground up. We need a little
more sense of direction than to set our course
by Laval, or any other fascist, either straight
toward him or straight away from him. We
have had enough of such mechanical, auto-
matic politics. When Peyrouton, who was vir-
tually civil administrator for Petain, becomes
civil administrator for North African territor-
ies we have taken away from Petain, it begins
to look as if you get to the same place in the
end, no matter how you steer by Laval, so long
as you steer by him. ''
The question is the old one, of whether this is
a war against Hitler or a war for democracy.
Fascists can have a place in a war against Hitler,
but not in a war for democracy. Choose your
partners! I say a war for democracy is easier to
fight, and easier to win. Your quarry can't escape
from you by changing his name.
TTmw.n a ~'ar'f-,. ,,A ,cf.4- ,,n .. artnnrn r

suggest that campus news has been
left out merely because Daily edi-
tors just didn't like particular
deans or department heads. A more
plausible explanation is that The
Daily editors were more interested
in their own editorials, for which,
strangely enough, space was usually
Censorship may, of course, act in
the reverse. The testimonials in re-
cent issues of The Daily may serve
as an illustration, although I am
sorry to say that when I read this
array I thought of Peruna and
Lydia Pinkham. Nevertheless, as a
member of the Board I was dis-
tinctly pleased to find that The
Daily had managed so well under
the present regime, even though no
one thought it necessary to go out
of his way to say a good word for
the Board, but their opinions are
of little weight compared with those
of a "Manager of Manpower." My
only point here is that The.Daily
staff does quite a little censoring on
its own account, taking it all in all.
Can it be that the issue really is:
Who is to do the censoring, and to
what end? If a Board member asks
a member of The Daily staff not
to refer to our Representative in
Congress as an insipid mediocrity
or an illustrious dunderhead, is this
to be regarded as censorship? And
if The Daily staff suppresses news,
distorts issues, and thus misleads its
readers-is this something else?
There is on this point a necessity
for some clearer thinking than has
yet appeared in The Daily.
There is no mystery surrounding
the election of John Erlewine as
managing editor of The Daily, nor
in the failure to elect Leon Gorden-
ker. For some time the Board has
believed that if The Daily is to sur-
vive the present crisis it must be
taken over largely by women. For
The Daily men, those delightful
hours spent in the Publications
Building, blasting the mighty, set-
ting fire to wastebaskets, guiding
the planets in their courses,-these
hours are about over. The men will
soon be in uniform, presumably
talking back to their top sergeants.
Let us hope that the Army will fur-
nish these men with printing press-
es and a newspaper so that they
can, when necessary, advise their
commanding general when and how
to pull in his chin. Inany event, the
men will soon be going, and women
will take up the torch. With this in
mind it was a foregone conclusion
that some women, without too
much regard for past experience,
would have to be elected to respon-
sible positions. We selected two;
and if more qualified women had
petitioned, we might have elected
as many as five. With two out of
five positions preemted by women
we had three places for male appli-
cants. These places were filed after
we had given what attention we
could to the applicants' scrap-
books, the impression they made in
their interviews, recommendations
of their advisers, and above all, the
recommendations of The Daily
staff members. Many factors had
to be weighed, and of course not
everyone gave the same weight to
each factor. Possibly Gordenker
should have been picked instead of
Erlewine-or Jaffee, or Brimmer.
Some members of the Board appar-
ently thought so, but a majority
thought otherwise. We have made
mistakes in the past, and we may
have made one here. The Board, no
more than Daily editors, can pre-
tend to omniscience or infallibility.
As the Jewish herring has been
dragged into the picture may I state
that no question of religion or race
entered into our consideation of
Mr. Gordenker's application. The
appointments actually made to The
Gargoyle and The Daily should be1
adequate proof of this ass.ertion-.

Minorities like the Americant
Communist Party and Jehovah's
Witnesses have a way of attribut-
ing their failure to get what they
want or what they think they de-I
serve to the minority stigma. Some
even go so far as to assume that:
membership in a minority group of
itself confers some special compe-l
tence. Even though we may join
with them in admitting such special
competence, this can hardly be the
sole criterion in choosing them for1
Daily staff positions, or for any
other, for that matter. Good judg-l
ment, sound common sense, an
ability to get along well with othersI
(even members of Boards) are
qualities hard to measure and most
difficult to Torecast, but none the
less important.
By implication and innuendo The
Daily editors suggest that some
great principles of freedom of
speech is involved in what they are
pleased to call their "controversy"
with the Board. Perhaps this is so.
One issue that may be involved is
whether the attempts to rig last
Spring's election were justified. In
February the Board hopes that the
student body will have an oppor-

Daily, owned, maintained, and in
part supported by the University be
regarded as the private mouthpiece
of a few people who happen at the
moment to constitute The Daily
staff, or shall it be run in the inter-
est of the University as a whole-
including our ten thousand stu-
dents, the faculty, and I suppose
even administrative officers and
regents. We might even go farther
and include the People of the State
of Michigan who have made this
institution possible, and whose in-
stitution it is, in the final analysis.
Coupled with this is a subsidiary
issue as to who should decide what
these broader interests of the whole
University are, and how they should
be served. These issues I should like

(Continued from Page 1)
challenging attitude. The Board has
done all of these things and has
done them with a determination
that makes indirect censorship just
as sinister as the blue-pencil meth-
It is true that The Daily has re-
mained free during our stay in
office, but it has been so because
we have fought the Board all the
way, because we have refused to
bend to its will in any matter which
involved the students freedom of
That we have been allowed to
run the editorials of the past few
days is not proof that the Board.
has never indulged in what
amounts to censorship. After one
of the most, open-minded mem-
bers, Prof. Merwin Waterman,
finally, let the first editorial pass
on Sunday, the rest of the Board
could hardly demand that we stopi
criticizing them. That would have
been too ovious a move for even
Prof. Densmore.
Prof. Coffey has in the past
shown a propensity to conjure up
tintype visions of smoke-filled
rooms and derby - hatted Daily
politicos out to pull a Hague on the
campus. Nuts.
The election in question was one
in which there was absolutely no
opposition from other pars of the
campus. All of the men nominated
for the positions of student Board
members were nominated by the
Publications. There was only one
who petitioned, and he was an ex-
Da man. Six of the candidates
agreed to drop out in favor of the
three who were finally named to the
Board. Any senior student on the
campus could have entered the
election and The Daily could not
have stopped him - nor would it
have tried.
Prof. Coffey is a master at mak-
ing false accusations in a beautiful,
general way when he has no specific
proof to sustain him. He claims
that "legitimate campus news. .
has been frankly suppressed ... "
When, Prof. Coffey, when?
Prof. Coffey's statement of the
"real issue" - "Who is to do the
censoring . . . ?" - implies a tacit
admission on his part that some-
one should wield the blue pencil.
We maintain that NO ONE should
have that power. We certainly

don't want it, but Prof. Coffey ap-
parently does.
Prof. Coffey lightly throws in a
crack about Daily editors "setting
fire to wastebaskets." He would
probably consider it irrelevant that
no such thing has ever occurred.
Of course, we've had a few snow-
ball fights, but what the hell, Prof.
The letter also points out that
one reason the Board did not ap-
point Leon Gordenker was be-
cause all the men will soon be
in the Army and women will
have to run The Daily. If Prof.
Coffey had bothered to read
Gordenker's petition carefully, he
would have found that the latter
is in 4-F and, thus, will remain
in the University until he gradu-
ates. Is this oversight part of the
"untiring vigilance" of which the
professor speaks?
Prof. Coffey's references to the
Jewish question are in such bad
taste that we hesitate to mention
them. We will say, however, that
we know for certain race does play
a part in the calculations of two
Board members.
One of the desirable qualities for
an aspiring editor mentioned.by
Prof. Coffey is the ability 'to .get
along with other people. In an all-
staff vote before the appointments,
the people with whom Gordenker
had been working rated him their
second choice for a senior position.
The Board knew this.
We agree that Prof. Coffey's
"fundamental issue" is important
and warrants discussion. Here is
our opinion:
The Daily is a student paper and
is not an official University pub-
lication. Nevertheless, the editors
should at mall times be working in
the best interests of the Univer-
sity. This does not entail blind
submission to the views of a Board
in Control or of the administra-
tion; rather, it implies a duty to
offer responsible, constructive crit-
icism when needed.
In addition, we believe it certain-
ly in the interests of the University'
and the people of the State that
students be allowed to think
for themselves and express those
thoughts in their own newspaper.
We think it extremely unfortunate
that a member of the Board in
Control believes differently.,
-llomer Swander; Man. Editor
Morton Mintz, Editorial Director
Will Sapp, City Editor

Editors Answer

to see debated a'nd I respectfully
invite some of those who contribut-
ed to Wednesday's and Thursday's
Daily to state their views.
While 1 cannot speak authorita-
tively for other members of the
Board, I suspect that most of them
would agree with the general senti-
ments of approval expressed in the
array of letters from well-wishers in
Wednesday's Daily. I am sure they
would say (with some slight reser-
vations, of course) that Messrs.
Swander, Sapp, and Mintz have
done a fine job in putting out a
most stimulating newspaper. Part
of The Daily's success we believe
to be due to the interest and untie-
ing vigilance shown by our Board.
We intend to keep right on.


(Continued from Page 2)


February 6. The public is

a series of three-concerts in the Rack-
ham Auditorium on January 22 and
23, as follows:
Tonight at 8:30: Quartet in D by
Haydn; Quartet in D-flat by Dohnan-
yi; and Beethoven's Quartet in F mi-
Saturday at 2:30: Quartet in D by
Borodin; Quartet No. 4 by Quincy
Porter; andua ozart's Quartet in B-
Saturday at 8:30: Quartet in F, No.
1 by Beethoven; Quartet in C by
Shostakovich; and Quartet in F by
Series tickets (including tax): $2.75,
$2.20 and $1.10; and tickets for single
concerts: $1.10 and 55c each-may be
purchased at the Offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower; and one hour before
each program in the main lobby of
the Rackham Building.
-Charles A. Sink, President
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, Eric DeLamarter, Conductor, will
play an 'all-Bach program at 8:30
Sunday evening, Jan. 24, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Soloists will
include Joseph Brinkman, pianist,
and Wassily Besekirsky, violinist.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibition- Rackham Galleries-
Mezzanine Floor. The Horace H.

Events Today
Phi Delta Kappa will hold two
membership meetings: today at 4:00
p.m. and on Saturday, Jan. 23, at 2:00
p.m. in room 3206, University High
School. All members are requested to
be present.
Try-outs for Children's Theatre:
Try-outs for the second production of
the Children's Theatre of the Depart-
ment of Speech, "The Ghost of Mr.
Penny" by Rosemary Musil, will be
held today in the Rehearsal Room of
the Michigan League. Boys and girls
between the ages of 10 and 15 and
any men who are interested in trying
out are urged to attend.
All students enrolled in any reserve
program, including Army, Air Corps,
Marine, and Navy "V" classifications,
will be permitted to attend the Mili-
tary Ball, to be held from 9:00 p.m.
to 1:00 a.m. today in the Intramural
Sports Building. Tickets may be ob-
tained at ROTC and NROTC head-
quarters or from any member of the
central committee.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students ,and
their friends by the Canterbury Club
in Harris Hall today, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Presbyterian Student Guild: Study



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