STU ATA, 11-.14
'xis i rii 1- . .
. . n..w ..r 4. W.V i iF/av
Puckmen Bow Again to
Gopher Stickmen, 4-0
Underdog Mat Squad Pits Holds
against Spartans Monday Night
p. . . .l ere And Mail ToAU.-M. Man In The Armed Forces-----------
EDITION t4r4I tgatt atILj
FIRST OFFICIAL ac-' in the hospital They combine efforts whenever maintained by a .qaffmitt.
Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 16.-
Minnesota's Golden Gopher hockey
team applied the whitewash brush to
Michigan's game but outclassed sex-
tet here tonight, as it scored four
goals to none for the Wolverines in
a one-sided, penalty-dominated bat-
In gaining their second shut-out
victory in the two game series, the
Gophers virtually ruined the chances
of Eddie Lowrey's sextet to gain the
Big Ten title.
Footballers Dick Kelley, Bob Grai-
ziger and Don Nolander led the vic-
tors in the scoring department. After
the WolverinAe defense held the Go-
phers in check for nineteen minutes
of the first period, Graiziger and Kel-
ley slipped the puck past Hank Loud
for two goals, with less than forty
seconds separatink the two goals.
In the second period this same
pair combined to score the third Min-
nesota tally of the evening. Kelley
fired a beautiful pass to the eager
stick of Graiziger, who skated in fast,
pulled Loud off balance, and whipped
the puck ihto the net.
The final Viking score came in the
same period on an unassisted screen
shot by Don Nolander. The Gopher
husky blazed the puck past Michi-
gan's defense men, who obscured the
Loud's vision, from over thirty feet
Throughout, the game was marked
by extreme roughnes on both sides.
Harried officials were forced to call
Michigan will attempt to gain its
first wrestling triumph over Michigan
State in three years when the Wol-
verine matmen come to grips with
the Spartans at East Lansing tomor-
row evening.
Highlighting the meet will be the
match between Wolverine Captain
Manley Johnson and Bill Maxwell at
145 pounds. This affair, by far the
top attracion of the evening, will pit
a Big Ten mat champion against a
national titlist and if the result of
any one match is in doubt, this is the
one. Johnson, conference titleholder
at 145 pounds, is to oppose the NCAA
136-pound champ, one of the two
collegiate champions that State has
to offer.
Kopel Faces Rational Titlist
Another match which should set
off plenty of fireworks is the 128-
pound tilt. Here again, the Spartans
will put up a national titlist, in the
person of Cut Jennings who claims
the NCAA crown at 121 pounds. But
Jennings won't have a clear path to
victory for he will be up against one
of the Wolverine lettermen, Dick Ko-
pel, who can, be counted on to put up
a good battle under any circum-
The hard luck which befell the
Michigan matmen when Larry Loftus
was injured this week also struck the
State squad and as a result the Spar-
tans may have to do without the
sophomore who was scheduled to
hold down the Varsity 136-pound
spot, Ignatz Konrad. The Wolverines
are hoping to pick up several of their
points here with Harold Rudel on
the mat for Michigan.
McDonald Replaces Loftus
Bob McDonald is scheduled to re-
place Loftus for the Varsity at -121
pounds, and is bound to have a tough
time of it when he takes on the Spar-
tans' Herbie Thompson.
The heavyweight class should also
produce a good battle between Michi-
gan's Johnny Greene and State's 215-
pounder, Mike Dendrino. Greene and
Dendrino opposed each other last
year with Greene taking an easy vic-
tory, but there is a good chance that
it may be closer this year since the
Spartan heavyweight has gained ad-
ditional experience through a year
of competition.
Speek's Opponent Undetermined
Pete Speek, at 155 pounds, will face
either sophomore Bill Ross or Johnny
Maars, a reserve from State's 1942
squad, while Bob Allen, Varsity 165-
pounder, will make his first appear-
ance when he faces another sopho-
more, Burl Boring.
The Wolverine matmen will leave
Ann Arbor at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow
and will weigh in at East Lansing at
3 p.m., confident of putting up a good
fight all the way and even hoping to
spring an upset on the team that,
for two years in a row, has been run'
ner-up to Oklahoma A.&M. in the
national intercollegiates.
knowledgement that sol-
diers are stationed on cam-
pus came Friday from Col.
W. A. Ganoe, ROTC head,
who announced the pres-
ence of the 1694th Service
Unit, now quartered in the
Union . . Students have
seen service men marching
to classes for some time,
but University officials said
no word until Friday . . .
First specialist unit to ar-
rive on campus, in accord-
ance with Army - Navy
plans to utilize college
facilities for specialized
training, the 1694th uses
a large section of the
Union for tarracks, eating
and study purposes, march-.
ing; daily to classes.
PLANS to train 75 stu-
dent nurses starting Feb. 8
were also announced this
week by Prof. Marvin Nie-
huss, head of the new Divi-
sion for E nergency Train-
ing ... Designed to relieve
overtaxed hospitals of the
extra task of training nurs-
es, the plan will give train-
ees basic medical instruc-
tion through use of Univer-
sity class-room facilities
and regular faculty mem-
bers . .. The student nurses
will not enroll in the regu-
lar nursing school or work
will be housed in Univer-
sity dorms . . . Funds will
be provided by the Surgeon
General's Office of the U.S.
Public Health Service .
Nurses will return to their
own hospitals for addition-
al training following com-
pletion of the University
an's Manpower Corps idea
to, other colleges in the
Mid-West was indicated
this week by Marv Borman,
Manpower head, who an-
nounced that invitations to
join the Midwest Student
War Council have been
sent to more than 100 col-
leges in the area . . . Bor-
man, executive secretary
of the recently organized
council said, "This is one
of the first steps on the
part of the colleges to or-
ganize on the basis of war-
time activities. We are
making this move to prove
to a skeptical American
public that students can
actively aid the war effort
while acquiring an educa-
PURPOSE of the Coun-
cil is to interchange.infor-
mation about methods and
,tasks assumed by various
schools, and, mainly, to
necessary and possible . . . down
Invitations sent out by the mal
Corps contained informa- by e:
tion about work done at ers
Michigan, minutes of the wage
organizational .meeting of ager
the War Council and a Norn
statement of objectives for ion d
the enlarged group... Paul teria
V. McNut, Federal Man- war
power chief, sanctioned the area
idea of extending man- men
power organization to other pus.
colleges, when Michigan's UI
Manpower Corps called a char
meeting of Big Ten repre- as a
sentatives last month. retar
MEANWHILE, the Corps head
worked at home to obtain ing s
volunteer restaurant and junio
cafeteria wofkers from gucce
among students to alleviate presi
a shortage of workers tha fler
causes congestion and slow tary
service at 'rush eating futu:
hours ... Additional incon- "bui
venience is caused by ne- ties,'
cessity of many drug stores ties
and eating places to be relat
open only a few hours a will1b
day . . . Although students howe
volunteering are offered senti
relatively high wages and pus,'
good conditions, only 35 'VI
have registered so far. all-c
HARDEST HIT by the that
shortage of waiters and terni
bus boys is the Union, CKL
where service is being
Showers mean practical gifts,
and practical and lasting gifts
are linens. Whether it's an en-
gagement or wedding, there
will be a shower and she will
be pleased with a table cloth,
luncheon set, towels, wash
cloths, or handkerchiefs from
Gage Linen Shop. Fine qual-
ity linens.
... stellar wing on the Michigan
ruck squad who played his last
game for the Maize and Blue at
Minneapolis last night.
eleven penalties, three against Michi-
gan and the remaining eight against
The final period was scoreless, as
the Gophers staved off a desperate
last minute Wolverine scoring bar-
* * *
IT MAY BE none of a
The summaries:
Loud G
Stenberg D
Derleth D
Kemp W
Reichert W
Opland C
Spares, Michigan:
son, Bradley.
Athens, Ander-
Scoring: 1-Graiziger 19:08; 2-
Kelley 19:43.
Penalties: Nolander 2, Stenberg.
Scoring: 3 - Graiziger (Kelley)1
11:46; 4-Nolander 15:13.
Penalties: Leckie, 6tenberg.
Scoring: None.
Penalties: Ryan, Leckie, Graiziger,
Anderson, Nolander, Kemp.
there is somethin
this world of sport1
fathom. Come to thin:
a lot of things in the
this particular sometl
rent losing streak of
of Chicago basketall
roons may fool us an
game-this column
Saturday afternoon-
do, their run of consec
forever remain a myst
of the nation's best un
Up to now, the ha]
from the Windy City
27 contests in a ro
competition and 32
Big Ten competition.
if that is a record, b'
should be.
What makes us wo
whole thing is the siz
sity of Chicago. It is a
of the largest in the nf
doesn't seem to .have
dents who can drol
through a hoop enoug
a game at least once
realize that there are
in this world where
other than basketball
ing place today, but t
move the perplexity fr
And another bewild
about the strange M
that the school alw
with five men who f
team usually good
ranked among the tc
collegiate fencing cir
The whole thing is1
dizzy state of mind,s
on to you. Maybe you c
as for us, give us that
STILL reading the pa
that Bill Chand]
basketball coach, is ad
change in the rules of
Chandler, whose Hi
down earlier in the
Daily Sports Editor
ur business, but Michigan's cagers, is campaigning
Ig going on in for a basketball penalty box, similar
,eto the one used in hockey. Instead
which we can't of putting a player out of the game
k of it, there are after he has committed four fouls,
at category, but soap-boxes Chandler, take him off
hing is the cur- the floor for a two minute period
the University and place him in a penalty box. A
team. The Ma- substitute can play for him while
d win tonight's he is serving his sentence--crimi-
being written nal, ain't it-and then he can re-
but even if they turn to action.
te inseswill .
tve losses wil The Hilltopper mentor bases his
Lery in our book rule change on the fact that it is us-
ually the best players who commit
the most fouls because they are the
nless hoopsters most aggressive courtmen.
have dropped
w against all Quite frankly, we are not favor-
successively in ably disposed towards his plan. We
We're not sure think it will place a new high on
ut if it isn't, it roughness in basketball, because a
player will be able to foul as often
nder about the as he wants without being too se-
e of the Univer- verely penalized. And we also dis-
big school, one agree with the theory' behind the
ation, and yet it proposal.
five male stu- We'don't think that it is always the
p a basketball best players who suffer the most be-
gh times to win cause of the four-foul and out rugling.
in awhile. We Maybe the best man on the Marquette
bigger arenas team has a special tendency to be
bigger battles rougher than the occasion demands,
games are tak- but that isn't necessarily true of every
hat doesn't re- team. Chandler will have to prove his
om the Chicago seemingly cockeyed contention before
his proposal will rate serious consid-
dering thought eration.
roon setup is RIFTWOODA
ays comes- up D . AND SPLINTERS
orm a fencing Mnnesota opened winter foot-
enough to be ball drills last Friday. . .Dr. George
tt in national Hauser, the Gopher coach, stated at
iles. the time that he was confident
leaving us in a football would be played next fall
so we'll pass it ... it seems that the Gophers will
can solve it, but be either sick and tired of football
return to nor- by that time or anticipating it as a
part of their daily diet . . and
* from their record of the last ten
ipers, we notice years, it must be the latter.
ler, Marquette Gustave Ferbert, Michigan football
vocating a new coach in 1897, '98, and '99 died last
the court clas- week . . he was considered one of
the greatest halfbacks of his day
lltoppers went when a player, and his Wolverine
season. before teams met few defeats .
IlIlini T ri0M
Iowa, 6-4{1
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Jan. 16.-(P)-
The University of Illinois basketball
team, paced again by Andy Phillip
who scored 23 points, defeated Iowa
tonight, 61 to 41 for its third consec-
utive Western Conference victory.
Illinois' defending champions roll-
ed to a quick 22-7 lead, were ahead
38-17 air halftime and finished with
substitutes playing a good part of the
last half.
Phillip now has tallied 66 points in
three Conference games. Tommy
Chapman was Iowa's chief point-
maker, getting six goals and six free
throws for 18 points.
Indiana Whips Chicago
CHICAGO, Jan. 16.- (P)- Unde-
feated Indiana kept pace with Illinois
in the Western Conference basketball
race tonight by defeating Chicago,
55 to 27. It was the Hoosiers' third
straight conference triumph and their
10th in a row against all competition.
For the hapless Maroons, it was their
28th consecutive loss in a row against
all comers and -their 33rd straight in
Conference competition.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 16. - VP) -
Purdue combined brilliant shooting
and superior height to win its second
consecutive Big Ten basketball game
tonight, defeating Minnesota, 49-42.
Great Lakes 60, Marquette 54
Purdue 49, Minnesota 42
Notre Dame 49, Northwestern 36
Detroit 1, Chicago 1
Toronto 8, Montreal 4
Boston 7, New York 5
Michig nLif
* Mchcfa'4
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