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January 17, 1943 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-17

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JANUARY 417, 1943

ie that a statement might be
1- expected at the end of the
te week,
id THE BOARD in Control
at of Student Publications
n came out of meeting at
id 5:45 p.m. Saturday to an-
rd nounce new appointments
r- for senior editorships of
en The Daily . . Appointed
,. Managing Editor was John
e- A. Erlewine, junior in the
- - literary college, a member
Lie of the campus ROTC ...
e- Appointed City Editor was
he Bud Brimmer, also a junior
en in the literary college, and
of member of Phi Sigma Ep-
silon fraternity . . . Irving
re Jaffe, senior literary school
rs student, was appointed Ed-
nd itorial Director ... Marion
of Ford and Charlotte Cono-
sh ver, both of the literary
.ef college, were named Asso-
as ciate Editors. {IThe newly
. appointed editors will hold
ed their jobs during the spring
c- semester, or until called to
al military service . . Each
a has served more than a
re year on The Daily.
he PLAYING the Choral
ry Union's eighth concert of
ed the present season, Josef
si- Hofmann, pianist, will ap-
e- pear at 8:15 p.m. tomor-
he row in Hill Auditorium ...
e- His program will consist of
ty works by Handel, Beetho-
ay ven, Chopin and others.
Alt War'

300 Ministers
to Attend; Ferre
Will Lecture
Post-War Issues to Be
Panel Discussion Topic
Prof. Nels F. S. Ferre, well known
lecturer and author of Andover-New-
ton Seminary, will be the principal
speaker of the Fourth Annual Michi-
gan Pastors' Conference opening here
tomorrow at the Rackham Building.
Prof. Ferre is familiar with theol-
ogy and the church life of Europe and
will give a series of four lectures open
to students and the general public.
His first talk on "Christianity and
Truth" will be held at 3:30 p.n. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored by the Michigan Council
of Churches and Christian Education
and the Extension Service of the Uni-
versity, the conference will have as
its general theme "The Function- of
Religion in a Period of Transition."
The conference, bringing to Ann
Arbor 300 pastors who represent four-
teen different religious groups, will



Newly Appointed Heads of Daily Staff

Tom orrow

For Victory:
Repaint and

Editorial Director . . . City Editor

ROTC Cadets
Get Awards
at Assembly
(Continued from Page 1)
ciation of Washington medal as sen-
ior ROTC man outstanding in schol-
arship and leadership.
Scabbard and Blades trophy and
medal went to Cadet Rodman C.
Moestra, outstanding sophomore; and
the Steuben Guards were given spe-
cial service ribbons.
The ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps
won a special "drilldown" with the
Steuben Guards after the presenting
of awards.
Honorary appointments were given
to these men: Harry Parmelee, Rich-
ard Cole, Robert Ehrlich, Robert Brig-
ham, John Winters, Robert Gibson,
Robert Miars, David Crohn4 R. G. W.
Brown, and Philip Sharpe.

Hawkhes Opposes
Flynn Choice in
'Country's Interest'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16- (P)-
Senator Hawkes (Rep.-N.J.) opposed
today the nomination of Edward J.
Flynn to be minister to Australia, as-
serting that "it is against the best
interest of this country to have this
and other important appointments
made as payment of political debts."
Hawkes issued his statement as
Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.) an-
nounced the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee would start public hear-
ings Wednesday. A three-man sub-
committee-Senators George (Dem.-
Ga.), Thomas (Dem.-Utah) and Van-
denberg (Rep.-Mich.)-was appoint-
ed by Connally to advise on the selec-
tion of witnesses and on what evi-
dence should be admitted.


The Distinguished Flying Cross was
recently awarded to a Michigan grad-
uate, Capt. Warren A. Beth, for his
command of five U.S. B-26 bombers
in a daring attack which sank two
Jap destroyers off Kiska Island on
Oct. 16.
Captain Beth, whose home is in
Fremont, Mich., had his men fly low
into the attack in spite of' heavy en-
emy anti-aircraft fire and .pull up
barely enough to clear the masts of
two destroyers in the 45 minute bat-
Beth received his A.B. degree in
economics in 1940 and enlisted in
the Army Air Corps after he grad-
uated. He was in Michigan's ROTC
unit and is affiliated with Kappa
Sigma fraternity. His sister, Caro-
lyn Beth, '46, is a student here this
The bombing took place after rec-
onnaissance flights disclosed the en-'
emy was reinforcing their Kiska gar-
rison and building new installations
on the south side of the island, after
the Japs had been driven from other
Aleutian islands by continued Ameri-
can bombing.
The first destroyer was struck with
at least five bombs loosed from almost
deck level while the second destroyer
took at least four hits.
Dr. T Tomas Thomas, who graduat-
ed from Michigan in 1929 and re-
ceived his M.D. degree ,in 1933, was
recently commissioned a first lieuten-
ant in the Army Medical Corps and
has reported for duty at Robins Field
in Georgia. He was organizations edi-
tor of the Michiganensian in 1928
and a member of the publications
board in 1929.
* * *
Two brothers, Arthur and George
Sherman, who are former Michigan
students, are among 2,000 cadets who
went from Chanute Field, Ill. to Yale
University to receive training in the
officer's ground school.

It's the personal concern of-
all to keep their homes and
furniture in good repair until
it is again possible to make
And Remember:
Th, te Is
No Paint Shortage!
Varnish Co.




begin officially at 2:30 p.m. with Mr.
Roswell P. Barnes, Associate General
Secretary of the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America, speak-
ing on "The Wartime Service Pro-
gram of Churches."
A new feature of the conference will
be an inter-faith symposium discuss-
ing religion "and post-war issues.
Opening at 8 p.m. tomorrow, the sym-
posium will include as speakers Prof.
Albert Hyma of the history depart-
ment, Rabbi B. Benedict Glazer, of
Detroit, Rev. Hubert N. Dukes, of
Jackson, and Prof. Francis Donohue
of the Department of Education, Uni-
versity of Detroit.
Eight special forums with experts
in each of the fields participating will
be held Tuesday and Wednesday. The
topics under consideration will con-
cern international, industrial, race,
and marital relations, town and rural
church, Christian education, evangel-
ism, and the alcohol problem.
Post-Holiday Garg to
Be Sold Wednesday
A "double exposure" feature will
highlight the post-holiday Gargoyle,
which goes on sale Wednesday. The
Garg photographer :follows two sets
of twins as they go bowling, studying,
coking, playing and skating.
Following the general theme of
"campus life," the magazine will be
colored by pictures of every phase
of student life as well as two pages
of campus sketches. Betty Kefgen,
'43Ed, has depicted the change in
University life as a result of the war
while Mickey McQuire, '43, has drawn
a general review of campus life.

Sunday at the' Wolverine
SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER from 12:15 to 2:00 O'clock.
Soup: Chicken Gizerts Soup or
Choice of Tomato Juice, Apple Juice, or Grapefruit Juice
Celery Hearts - Stuffed Olives - Ripe Olives - Dill Pickles
Sweet Pickles - Radishes - Relish
Mashed Potatoes
Salads Vegetables
Head of Lettuce Fruit Fresh Green Peas Sacotash
Hot Rolls Assorted Bread Dessert Ice Cream

I -

.. .


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There is nothing like jewelry to
give your ostumc that "finished"
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elry will last forever.
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Th e AP reports A inerica's wars -1

s -


Graduating January 23
Official Graduation



Modern'war reporting began with the
Mexican war and The Associated Press grew out-
of the experience.-
Never had the world seen such initiative in
news gathering up to then. The newly invented
"electro magnetic" telegraph was in operation in
a dozen or more cities.and in addition American
newspapers employed pigeons, ponies and boats
to speed the news of the fighting at Monterey,
Vera Cruz, Buena Vista and Mexico City.
A New York newspaper offered $500 an
hour for every hour that a pigeon could deliver
the news ahead of its rivals. Two others set up a
12.* - tn1. me 1 " }n

boats equipped with composing rooms were sent
out to meet the slower steamers. Large sums were
spent to get news beats.
Yet the news arrived'weeks late. It had to
move by boat across the Gulf of Mexico and
thence by pony express across the hostile southern
plains before it reached the telegraph at Rich-
mond. A "bulletin" on the victory at Buena Vista
arrived in the east fully five weeks after the battle,
moreover, such coverage proved costly.
So it was that the first real cooperative news
gathering organization was formed. It was called
The Associated Press.

in stock.

15c each




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