T~lEH-Ck-iA I LY
F TWAT,.4NA%-1943
Student Senate
lbissolves After
Skips Her Books to Make Bombers
6 Years Activity
Membership Cut, Budget
Decrease Responsible for
Failure, Landers Says
Decreased membership, budget cut
and recent drafting of four of its
members led to the dissolution of the
Student Sehate, Jim Lahders, presi-
-dent, announced yesterday.
The Senate, organized six years ago
from a parley group directed by Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman; Counselor in
Religious Education, was cut by a
constitutional change last year from
36 to nine members. Its budget was
likewise cut from $60 to $18.
The Senate gained attention this
year in investigating and mediating
in two labor disputes concerning stu-
dents, initiating the present student
Sjeakers Bureau, selling defense
bonds sand stamps, and cooperating
in the Summer Prom to help the
Bomber Scholarship, Chinese and
Russian War Relief programs.
Landers stated concerning the Sen-
ate's dissolution, "We are sorry to
see the abandonment of the Student
Senate, for with it-goes the last cam-
pus-wide freely elected representa-
tive body. . . We hope that in the
near future there will be on the cam-
pus a recognized student government
as the University of Michigan is now
one of-the few large universities with-
out a freely-elected student govern-
ment. ..'
The retiring Senators are: Landers,
'43, president; Elaine Spanger, '43,
secretary; Sid Brower, Dick Orlikoff,
'44, Hermian Hudson, '44, Ken Tay-
lor, '44E, Lewis Saks, '43, Bill Lough-
borough, '43, and Bill Ager, '43.
Miss Florence Pang, 22, Honolulu-born Chinese, is shown torquing
a fin-connecting bolt at the Ford Willow Run slant. A graduate student
at the University three weeks ago, she has given up her studies for a
master's degree to do war work.
* * 4- -
Chinese Girl Leaves Studies
to work in Defense Factory
New Course
in Child Care
to Be Offered
Students from Four
Departments to Take
Nursery School Work
Designed to release women for war-
time services and to train workers
for nursery school and child care
programs, the School of Education is
offering a new course in Nursery
School Methods, it was announced
In response to the need for women
with nursery school training for work
in home communities or in desig-
nated schools, D1516 will be opened
as a three-hour credit course for stu-
dents majoring in health, psychology,
sociology and education. Similar non-
credit courses were offered last sem-
ester by the Office of Civilian Defense,
with faculty members volunteering
their services. Installed as a part of
the total school program, the new
course will enable students to receive
college credit, and will send them
back to Office of Civilian Defense
activities or to organized nursery
schools with a more thorough train-
ing background.
Not Professional Teacher Course
"This is not a professional teacher
course," states Mrs. Myrtle Firestone
of the education school. "It is in-
tended to give girls a little training
to help them in family and commun-
ity life."
Instructional materials will be
drawn from studies of child psychol-
ogy, nutrition, health and the fam-
ily. Discussion of the relation of
child care to problems created by the
war; particularly by the employment
of women, will be emphasized. Obser-
vation;of Ann Arbor's nursery schools
is planned to provide familiarity with
techniques for guiding the experi-
ences of the young child in music,
play, language, and the daily rou-
tines of washing, dressing, eating and
Mrs. Firestone Is Coordinator
Serving as coordinator of observa-
tion and instruction, Mrs. Firestone
will . work with Professors Arthur
Wood of the sociology department,
W. C. Olson of the education school,
Miss Martha G. Colby of the psychol-
ogy'- department, Miss Lavina. Mac-
Kaye of the public health depart-
ment, and Miss Lila Miller of the
biological chemistry department.
Deadline Today
f or IHopwoods
Freshmen ;o Receive
$100 in Writing Contest
All freshman Hopwood manu-
scripts must be in by 4 p.m. today,
Room 3227 Angell Hall, the Hopwood
committee said yesterday.
Writings in the fields of the essay,
prose fiction, and poetry will receive
awards of $50, $30, and $20. Entries
in the essay should not exceed 3000
words, and the prose fiction manu-
scripts are limited to 10,000 words.
Ten poems will be accepted from
each contestant.
Judges for the contest are Prof.
Arno L. Bader, and Prof. Louis I.
Bredvold of the English department,
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, and Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Di-
rector of the University of Michigan
Will Play at Chamber Music Festival
Case Club's
Finals to Be
Held in Sp ring
Directors Announce
Selections for Final
Lawyers' Contest
The Roth String Quartet, Feri Roth, violin; Samuel Siegel, violin;
Julius Shaier, viola; and Oliver Edel, violoncello; who will give three
programs in the Third ;Annual Chamber Music Festival in Rackham-
Auditorium today and tomorrow.
- 1
Roth String Quartet Will Give
Chamber Music Concert T oni ht
Finals in the lawyers' annual Case
Club will be held early in the spring
term, it was announced yesterday bar
E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law
Max Wildman and Dickson Saun-
ders, directors of the Club this year,
selected four men as particularly
skillful from the freshman group.
They are Edwin C. Boos, Philip E.
Hanna, Donald A. Holman, andWil-
liam T. Patrick. These will be paired
off and represent the plaintiff and
the defendant in the final contest.
From the upperclass group the di-
rectors selected William Muehl, Ho-
bart Taylor, Max Pearce, and Ben'-
j ain Quigg.
Miss Elizabeth Thorne was in line
for the finals, but is to be graduated
at the end of this term. She was
therefore designated an "honorafy
finalist." Prizes will be given to all
of the finalists.
The Case Club was organized by
the students for the purpose of pre-
paring and presenting legal argi'-
ments. The work of the club consists
of pyramided series of arguments
with two men on each side, so ar-
ranged that, as a culmination of each
year's work, final contests are helld
and prizes awarded winning counsel,
Stason said.
An emphatic proof that the women
of bomb-shelled Pearl Harbor can
help their men in striking back at
Hirohito, Miss Florence Pang, Hono-
lulu-born Chinese has given up her
studies at Michigan to work on the
Willow Run assembly line.
"I never dreamed I'd ever work on
airplanes," was Miss Pang's comment
after herfirst three weeks of training
fr 'cable rigging in the Ford bomber
plant. 'A graduate student in physical
education at the -University, Miss
Pang is trading books, for war bonds,
but hopes eventually to go back to
Honolulu to teach. Her parents still
live in Honolulu with her two sisters
and five brothers.
"Two of my brothers were working
at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941,"
explains, Miss Pang. "They worked
Monday through Saturday and had
Sunday off.but they're working Sun-
days and every day now!"
This dark-eyed, lightly - freckled
Honolulu girl claims she will be glad
to get back to her home town where
the winters are mild, "nothing below
75'," and where strangers won't stop;
to stare and ask if English is spoken
in Hawaii.
"That's one of my pet peeves," said
Miss Pang with a frown. "We can
speak as much American slang as
anyone in Michigan. If people on the
mainland would only realize that
Hawaii is a part of the United States
-as 'President Roosevelt stated, 'an
integral part'."
Miss Pang lived in Honolulu until
1937 when she came to California to
study at Stockton Junior and Whit-
tier College for four years. Her last
visit home was the summer, before
war broke out, and she heard the
news of Pearl Harbor while here at
The people at home will be greatly
astonished when they hear about her
new job, Miss Pang believes. "But I'm
sure they will heartily approve of it,"
she added. With her two brothers
at Pearl Harbor and another in the
army she feels glad to be able to con-
tribute something.
Avukabh to Hold
Seminar Feb. 5-7
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion, will hold a three-day seminar
on "The Avukah Approach to Zion-
ism," Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
Feb. 5-7.
The program of meetings is as
follows: Feb. 5, 2:30 p.m., History
of Zionism; Feb. 6, 9:30 a.M., History
of the Avukah-Z.O.A. Conflict; 2:30
p.m., The Avukah Program; Feb. 7,
9:30 a.m., Palestine Today, and 2:30
p.m., The Future of World Jewry.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 21. - (P) - A
stop-gap plan to ration evaporated
milk for infants went into effect in
greater Cleveland today with distri-
bution of 25,000 ration cards.
The Roth String Quartet will pre,
sent the first program of a three=
concert Chamber Music Festival at
8:30 p.m. today in the Main Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building.
Sponsored by the University Musi-
cal Society, the Quartet will also play
two concerts at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30'
p.m. Saturday, in its third festival.
appearance in Ann Arbor..
The program today will include:
Quartet in D major, Op. 76, No. 5 by
Haydn; Quartet in D-flat major, 'No.
2 by Dohnanyi; Quartet in F minor
Op. 95 by Beethoven.
Previous to beginning its annual
chamber music festivals, the Quartet
appeared several times as a part of
the Choral Union Series, according
to Dr. Charles A.-Sink, president of
the University Musical Society. The
Loyal Ctizens.
Faculty members and students of
German birth or ancestry may aid
the war effort on the propaganda,
front by signing the "Christmas Dec
laration of Loyal Americans of Ger-
man Descent," which was recently
published in all the leading news-
papers of the country, announced Dr.
Henry Norndmeyer yesterday.-
A reproduction of the declaration is
posted on the bulletin board opposite
'the German departmental office, 204:
University Hall, listing also the sig-
natures of fifty citizens, among them
the music critic and conductor Walter
Damrosch, "Babe" Ruth; the former:
ball player, and William Shirer, the
well known war correspondent.
The Declaration, repudiating "every
thought and deed of Hitler and his
Nazis," is to be used in broadcasts to
the Axis countries.
festivals, which were begun in 1941,
are part of a series offered annually
by the Quartet at colleges throughout
the country.
The Quartet is made up of four ar-
"tists, each of whom, Dr. Sink said,
is noted as a virtuoso in his own
right. The war has caused one
change in personnel, second violinist
Samuel Siegel being appointed to re-
place Rachmael Weinstock, who is
serving in the 'U.S. Army.
to deliver
1 V2 to 212 hours
Six days per week
65c per hour and up
Call 23-24-1 . .. ask for Mrs. Mosher
I -
Jan. 21-(iP)-Michi-
gan's 1943 motor vehicle license
plates, trimmed to one-twentieth the
size of regular plates as a war meas-
ure, will go on sale at the 180 branch
offices of the department of state
next Saturday morning, Secretary of
State Herman H. Dignan said today.
Hear the
Roth String Quartet
Yon, will find an extensive selection
of Chamber Music in stock at the
Your Books
1 A