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Fifty-Third Year
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CHICAGO - BosON - Los AngsS" . SaN FmaN CzSO
Editorial Staff
Tramp-tramp-tramp, the boys are mrching-
Pucnish The Germ--ans
coeu,>oayhigt as_ h
Romer Swander
Morton Mints.
Will Sapp .
George W. Sallad&
Charles Thatcher
Bernard lHendel
Barbara de ries
Myron Dann,.
. . . . Managing , Editor
. . . - Editorial Director
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Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are.written by members of The Daily staff
and:re present the views of the writers only.
Discrimination Hearing
Postponed by McNutt
IT'S A GRAND old flag, but once again it's the
Negro people who must do the flag-waving
without being able to share the same rights that
their white compatriots enjoy.
At least that's the way it would appear Man-
power Commissioner Paul V. McNutt would have
it. It was revealed this week that he has arbi-
trarily "indefinitely postponed" the Fair Employ-
ment Practice Committee's hearing on anti-
Negro discrimination in the railroad industry.
His only explanation of this action was
clothed in ambiguity: "The Manpower Com-
mission felt that postponement of these, hear-
ings would permit more intensive activity by
the Comnission to insure full utilization of
manpower on the railroads . . . We felt that if
we could take care of the situation this way it
would be better. If we can accomplish our pur-
pose in other ways, that's better than by force"
But when pressed to explain what "other ways"
were being contemplated, he declined to elab-
These anti-Negro discrimination hearings of
the FEPC were understood to have been a key
test of the committee's power and prestige. The
indictment against the railroad' groups was to
rest on a "non-promotable" agreement between
the all-white Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen with the Southeastern Carriers
Conference representing 25 Southern railroads.
This would provide in effect for elimination of
all Negro firemen on the roads as fast as Diesel
or stoker-engines replace hand-fired coal engines.
It is significant, too, that Negroes are not admit-
ted to the Brotherhood, but that the organization
is permitted to act as the "sole bargaining agent"'
for them.
HERETOFORE, most FEPC probes have been
confined to single: war plants or localities
rather than to an entire industry. But, the rail-
roads have long been a target of. sharp. attack
among Negroes because of widespread and flag-
rant discriminatory practices. The importance of
the investigation, which was scheduled for Jan-
uary 25, is shown by the fact that representatives
of both railroad magnates and the brotherhoods
have been carrying on an energetic behind-the-
scenes campaign to force abandonment of the
The Fair Employment Practice Committee, a
unit of the War Manpower Commission, was
supposedly the spearhead of. a drive for equal
rights ofNegroes in war work. It was hled as
an attack on the "lily-white" union manage-
ment coalition on the railroads, but more than
this, the attempt to stop the vicious "non-
promotable" offensive by the brotherhood-rail-
road coalition was believed to have been the
launching of a counter-offensive against "Jim
HOWEVER, now McNutt, with only insufficient
reasons to explain his action, has scuttled
both the prestige of the FEPC and the probe
upon which Negro hopes were hinged. It has even
come out since the issuance of his statement that
committee members were never informed that
the action was being taken, nor were they given
a formal chance to vote on the "postponement."
It is obvious that any doubts about the "post-
ponement" being the end of the case have been
The cancellation of these hearings cannot help
but create a wave of resentment among Negroes.
Certainly there will be strong and rightfulpro-
WASHINGTON- Republican Leader Charles
McNary's report to the press that the Senate
GOP caucus "dripped with harmony" caused
some good-natured grins among McNary's col-
leagues who attended the caucus.
In his zeal to promote party interests, the
charming Oregonian neglected to mention a
bristling set-to between himself and Senator
Styles Bridges of New Hampshire over GOP rep-
resentation on the important Foreign Relations
Duringthe past session the Republicans had
seven members on the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, against 16 Democrats. However, the
GOP was holding out for a 14-9 alignment this
session because of Republican increases in the
Senate. So there was some disappointment
when McNary informed the caucus that the
committee makeup was to be 15-8, instead of
Bridges and other non-isolationists hoped to
place able, far-sighted Senator Warren Austin
of Vermont on the committee. However, with one
vacancy instead of two, this was difficult, be-
cause isolationist Senator ames Davis of Penn-
sylvania, another candidate, had seniority over
BRIDGES made no effort to conceal his sindig-
nation. He hotly demanded of McNary:
"I would like the Minority Leader to explain
why we are going to have only one extra seat,
when by all rights we should have two."
"That was my agreement with Senator Barkley
and it has the approval of the Republican Com-
mittee on Committees," replied McNary. "Senator
Barkley has assured me that the next Democratic
vacancy on the Foreign Relations Committee will
go to us. That's the understanding."
"But the makeup was supposed to be 14 Demo-
crats and 9 Republicans," persisted Bridges. "In-
stead of gaining two seats, as we should, we are
actually losing one and the Democrats are gain-
ing one. I would like to know why the Senator
from Oregon made such an agreement."
"I don't like to be questioned in this way,"
snapped McNary. "My judgment on such mat'ters
has never been questioned in the past."
"I have a right to speak up over something that
affects the interests of our party," shot back
Bridges. "I guess there's nothing we can do about
this now, but I, for one, am not satisfied."
Insiders see the fine hand of Senator Gerald
Nye, North Dakota isolationist, in the by-passing
of Austin. As chairman of the GOP Committee on
Committees, Nye has a powerful voice in GOP
committee appointments. With the appointment
of Davis, the entire GOP roster on the Foreign
Relations Committee continues to be isolationist,
with the possible. exception of fence-straddling
Senator Wallace White of Maine.
Note: From the viewpoint of isolationist Re-
publicans it was better to have one new isolation-
ist Republican on the Committee, than two new
Republicans, one of whom believes in world co-
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)
or if we even take seriously the President's recent
demand for "elimination of restrictions based on
sex, creed, or race," we cannot help but condemn
I'd Rather
Be Right.
NEW YORK- Continuing on social security, I
should like to say that the establishment of a
first-rate system in each of the United Nations is
an almost indispensable condition to a sensible
If our soldiers come back to unemployment,
their feeling about the world they will have
helped to save will be of a certain kind if they
come back to security, it will be sharply dif-
(Some of our isolationists seem hardly able to
wait until presumably discontented soldiers re-
turn; this theme recurs constantly in isolationist
literature; more than one isolationist editor
seems to be banking on what will happen when
the boys come marching home to make their
political weight felt.)
ON A HIGHER level, we are forced to recognize
that India has, to a certain extent, been
Great Britain's social security. If social security
becomes Britain's social security, instead; the
approach to the colonies is almost certain to be
We have heard a great deal about how internal
reforms are needed in India before separation
can be accomplished, but internal reforms in
England are also appropriate to that major oper-
ation; in this sense, the Beveridge plan makes
easier the freeing of India. It is not quite true
that good things come together; it is truer that
good things lead to good things.
The third point is that we should help our
statesmen by removing from them the tempt,-
tion to seek, in the terms of the peace, substi-
tutes for the solution of their internal prob-
TWEHAVE a tendency to regard certain leading.
statesmen of the last war, the Clemenceaus,
Orlandos, etc., as rapacious fellows who were
reparations-hungry merely because of some twist
in their own characters; they weren't "big"
enough, we say, nor "wise" enough. Under this
theory, the whole history of the world might have
been changed had not Ms Clemenceau olimbed
out of the wrong side of his bed on the morning
the peace conference opened.
This is incredibly naive. Statesmen sometimes
say what they want to say, but more often they
say what they must.
Give a national leader a defloweredtreasury,
unemployment and fear at home, and no way
out, and he will reach for what he can get, or
he will lose his job to another leader with fewer
Social security in each of the United Nations
will improve the political climate and give each
national leader a license to be virtuous.
THERE is still a fourth propulsion toward plan-
ning for social security. It will give the peace
conference programmatic reality. If each of the
United Nations has a sharply-defined plan for
minimum subsistence for each of its citizens,
then the conference can devote itself to so arran-
ging credits and granting trade quotas as to
make it possible for each plan to work. It will be
a conference about something.
A frame of reference will have been shackled
on the conferees, from which they cannot easily
(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of articles on what to do
with the Germans after the war. To-
day's writer is William L. Shirer, CBS
correspondent in Europe for four yeas,
and author of "Berlin Diary." The
article is reprinted from Look maga-
AM NOT yet convinced that the
policy of assuring the German
people that we are going to treat
them with kid gloves and loving
hearts after their defeat is even
good political warfare at the pres-
ent moment.
For the average German these
days must surely say to himself:
"Fine. We cant lose.. We can con-
tinue to suport Hitler. If 'he wins,
life for Germans--whatever it may
be for Poles Jews, Russians, Nor-
wegians, Dutch, Belgians, French,
Englishmen, Americans and the
rest-Will be wonderful. We shall
live off' the fat of the land, receiv-
ing tribute from all the slave peo-
ples of the world.
"If Hitler loses-well, have not
the Allies promised us German peo-
ple that no injustice will be done,
no revenge taken for the crimes we
have committed, but on the con-
trary that they will feed and clothe
us and set us on our feet again?"
Why should the German people,
contemplating a game in which
they win whether heads or tails
SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 77
All notices for the Di W Official id-
letin are to be set to the Office of the
Preside nI typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. ofthe day prcedng its publca-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tiees should be submitted by 11:30 am.
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed.
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or summer session. Student loans
which are not, paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid. accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a). All academic. credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until payment has been
-Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary
Pre-Medical and. Pre-Dental Stu-.
dents: All students who eventually ex-
pect toapply for' entrance to a-medi-
cal or dental school are requested; to
register in Room 1009 Angell Hall as
soon as possibvle.
-Burton Thuma,
University Armed Forces. Re
Faculty, College- of Engineering:
There-will bea meeting of the Faculty.
on Friday, Jan. 22, at 415 p.m ,, in
Room.,348, West Engineering Build-
ing. -A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
West= Quadrangle and Fletcher.
Hall: Present residents of. the. West
Quadrangle and. Fletcher Hall. who.
wish to make any change in rooms
within- the Quadrangle or Hail, or
whowish to withdraw.from. the resi-
dence halls for any reason whatso-
ever, should submit to the Dean of
Students, on or., before Monday, Jan..
18, a request for, approval , of such a,
change or withdrawal. This request-
must be made on ra. form supplied by"
the Office of the Dean of. Students..
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union. whose atten-
dance records are clear, will please
call: for their courtesy ticltets to the
Josef Hofmann concert, Monday, Jan.
18, between the hours of 10 and 12'
and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets
will be given out.
-- P*rles A. Sink, _President+
come up, do anything to hasten the
end of Hitler and his gang?
Keep Germany Harmless
WHAT kind of a peace should we
give Germany? I make not the
slightest claim to knowing all the
answers. I doubt if anyone does.
But I venture to throw out the fol-
lowing suggestions for solving the
German problem:
1. We must understand that the
Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler comes
as close to representing the German
people and all they stand for as any
regime they have ever had.
Most students of Germany now
reluctantly admit this. Dorothy
Thompson, who like most of us did
not believe it in 1933, says in her
excellent book, "Listen HAns":
"Hitler turned out to be the expres-
sion of the whole unconscious mind
and history of the German nation."
I believe it is necessary to accept
this statement as a historical truth.
For, if we continue to think of
Germany as a nation-of nice, home-
loving, peaceful people forced to
pillage Europe only because their
rulers are a band of foul Nazi ban-
dits, we shall never be able to work
out a lasting peace.
2. given that hard-boiled German
hater, Stalin, said the other day
that he would not destroy the Ger-
man nation. We and the people on
our side can't--or at least won't-
kill 80,000,000 Germans.
BUT \We can, I think, destroy the
German nation. And that--with
all humbleness-is what I propose.
Modern Germany as a nation -has
been largely the creation of military
Prussianism. I think.that the Ger-
many dominated by militarism.
should be destroyed.'
Some Germans have nothing else
but Pru-sianism'in their blood:and,
being. Most:Germans, whether Nazi-
or not, have some. Stamping it out
will be a long and '(for the German
people) painful process, But it must
be done.
3. We must disarm Germany..
Stamping out the Prussian Junker
military caste will not be enough.
Getting rid of Hitler, Himmler
Goering, Goebbels and all,. the
Fuehrer's other henchmen will not
be enough either.
Specifically, disarmament would
mean the abolition of theGerman
army, navy and air force. Once that
is carried out, first the United Na-
tions and' then whatever world or-
ganization is set' up to keep the
peace would be responsible for pro-,
tecting Germany.
4. Until. Germany is disarmed
and international controls. set up
to see. that she, remains disarmed,.
United Nations troops should occu-.
py all strategic areas in Germany.
We can't afford to be duped again
as our disarmament commissions-
were after the last war.
5. Since Germany probably will
continue to be the leading indus-
trial nation of the Continent, strict
control-- probably military- will
have to be exercised over her heavy
industry if she is to be kept really
6. We should establish a Verbot
on German manufacture of com-
mercial airplanes. The great Ger-
man commercial airline, Lufthansa,
was the father of the Luftwaffe.
After the war, German commercial
airlines should be allowed to use
only foreign-made planes.
7. As to giving Germany access
to the world's raw materials, the
answer is that she always had such
access, and should continue to have
it. It was only a Nazi myth that
Germany had been deprived of raw
materials. The Germans simply
chose to make guns instead of other
goods which could be exchanged for
raw materials. What Hitler wanted
was raw materials for nothing, by
8. Assuming that some sort of a
European federation within the
framework of a world order comes
out of this war, I think that Ger-
many-in due time-should take
its proper place in it. But that place
would be limited--Germany must
not dominate the federation.
Not Vindictiveness
PROF. Edward Hallett Carr, lead-
ing editorial writer of the Lon-
don Times, expresses in his book,
"Conditions of Peace," the peculiar
view of. many Englishmen and
He contends that we must give
the German masses the reasonable
conviction that our "new order"
will bring them "from the outset
not new privations aid humilia-
tions, but a higher measure of spir-
itual, social and physical well-being
than the old."
I can imagine some of the Poles,
Jews, Dutch, Belgians and French
I have seen suffering indescribable
"privations and humiliations" at
the hands of the Germans asking:
"Why must we guarantee all that
to a people who murdered our 'spir-
itual, social and physical- well-be-
ing'? If' the Germans cared so little
for those things in us, why must we
secure those things 'from the out-
set' for them?"
I am not unduly vindictive, but
as one who has seen some of the.
crimes of;the Germans, I do not see
why they should not be made to
pay for them. Is the cold-blooded
murder of two million Poles and
Jews, not to mention tens of thou-
sands of Russians, Norwegians,
Dutch, Belgians, Serbs, Frenchmen,
such a small and pardonable crime
that those who perpetrated it shall
not, even be punished?
I confess I cannot follow such
thinking. I hope that, when the
times comes to make peace, Mr.
Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill and Mr.
Stalin will not be able to follow it
i ,,,,,
lowing civil service examinations..
spectors, until' needs of service hav'e
been met, $2,000 to $2;600.
ior Typist (Male & Female), Jan. 19,
1943, $1,320 per. year; Intermediate
Typist (Male - & Female), Jan. 19.
1943,.$1,050 per. year; Junior Accoun-
tant (Male), until. further notice,
$2 6 per year; Semi-Senior Accoun-
tant.. (Male), until; further notice,.
$2,838. per year; Senior Accountant
(Mfale), until further notice, $3,600
per year.
MICHIGAN: Licensed Driver Ex-
aminer. I, Jan. 20, 1943, $155 to $195.
per. month; Steam Fireman B, Jan.
20, 1943, $125 to $145 per month.
Further, information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments,.201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and..2-4.
-Bireau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Lectures Dr. Fred J. Hodges, Pro-
fessor, of, Roentgenology, will, speak,
to thestudents in the Department of
Biological Chemistry on."Therapeutic.
Uses of. Radioactive. Substances" on
Tuesday, Jan.. 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham.Building. All interested are
Academic Notices
English Concentration: Week of
Jan, 18, new students should.see Mor-
ris Greenhut, 3218 A. H., MWF, 4:30-.
6:00; TuTh, 1:30-4. Others should
confer with, me, M, 9-11, Tu 1-3, in
3228 A. -3. L. Davis
Journalism 130. (Specialized report-
ing): This course, which is offered
during the second. semester at 8
o'clock, MWF,, has in the, past dealt
largely with the reporting of science,
This semester it will deal with war.
correspondence, the problems of mili-
tary censorship, and the public infor-
mation aspects of some postwar
-problems., Open :to seniors. in. Journa-1
not fulfill the requirement are re-
quired to take and satisfactorily com-
plete this course. Enroll for these lec-
tures at the time of regular classifica-
tion at Waterman Gymnasium. These
' lectures are~ a graduation require-
Students. should enroll. for one of
the two following sections. Women in
Section .I should note change of see-
ond lecture from February 22 to Feb-
ruary 24.on account of the legal holi-
Section No. I1: First' Lecture, Mon-
day, Feb. 15, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.; Second Lecture, Wednes-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud:; Subsequent Lectures, Suc-
cessive- Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science- Aud.; Examination (final)
Monday, March 29, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Section.No. II: First Lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 16, 4115-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.; Subsequent lectures, Suc-
cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.; Examination (final),
Tuesday, March 30, 4:15-5:15, Natur-
al Science Aud.
--Margaret Bell, M.D.,
Medical Adviser for Women
Choral Union Concert: Josef Hof-
mann, Pianist, will give the seventh
Choral Union concert Monday eve-
ning Jan. 18, at 8:30 o'clock ,in Hill
Auditorium,. The program will consist
of numbers by Handel. Beethoven;
Mr. Hofmann.
-.Charles A, Sink, President
Cincert: Professor 'William D. Re-
velli and Mr. Leonard V. Meretta have
arranged an interesting. program. for
brass instruments to be presented at
8:30. p..m.. Tuesday, Jan. 19, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Twenty-
one students will appear in ensembles
and as soloists in the recital. The
public is cordially invited.
Organ Recital: E. Power Biggs,
guest organist, will present a recital
at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20' in.
Hill Auditorium. His program will
include wrks hu THanrl.1aroh
Teaching Departments wishing; to
recommnend tentative~ February, grad-
ates .from the College ofLiterature,
Science, and the Arts, and, the School
of Education for DepartMental 'Hon-
ors should send such names. to the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, University
Hall before January 30, 1943.
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, School of Education, Schoo of'
Music, School of rPubtlic flealth--Stu
dents are advised. not to request
grades of I or. X in February. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,