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January 15, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-15

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17 nAt-





Blast Jap

Destroyers Off







Reds Take
44 owns
1,000 Nazis, 26 Planes
Destroyed as London
Reports Soviet Army
60 Miles from Rostov
LONDON, Jan. 15. (Friday)- (/P)-
Russian troops driving ahead on both
sides of the Mineralnye Vody-Rostov
railway in the Caucasus captured four
more towns and a railway station yes-
terday, Moscow announced in a mid-
night communique heard here by the
Soviet Monitor.
Suvorovskaya, 25 miles west of
Mineralnye Vody, and below the rail-
way, fell to the advancing Red Army,
the communique said, and also the
rail station of the same name. The
station is 13 miles from Mineralnye
Vody in the direction of Armavir.
Key Town Taken
Another town reported captured
was Sotoikovskoye, as heard here.
This apparently is Sotnikovskoye, 65
miles northeast of Mineralnye Vody
and 125 miles east of Armavir, an
important railway objective of the
Soviet drive.
Advances also were scored along
the lower Don River where additional
points were taken and about 1,000
Germans were killed and 22 tanks
disabled, the communique said.
Twenty-six Nazi transport planes
were reported destroyed Wednesday
in the Stalingrad area far to the east.
Nazis Launch Attacks
The Germans launched "ceaseless
counterattacks" in the lower Don area
where the Russians were last reported
only 60 miles east of Rostov, the
communique said, but "our infantry-
men, artillery, and tank men were
beating off the German counterat-
tacks and destroying their manpower
and equipment."
Nine German planes were set on
fire near one populated place, the
Russians said, in the drive toward
Rostov, capture of which would im-
peril all the German forces in the
Hofmann Will
Give Concert
Here Monday
Master pianist, Josef Hofmann,
who will appear at 8:15 p.m. Monday,
Jan. 18 in Hill Auditorium, has spent
a lifetime bringing fine music to
American concert audiences.
Following a sensational year of
tour in Europe in 1886, Hofinann
came to America when he was ten to
make his debut on the stage of the
Metropolitan, Opera House. This ini-
tial appearance led to a year's tour of
the United States, during which the
young prodigy was everywhere ac-
claimed "the musical wonder."
In this one season he played 80
concerts and was solidly booked for
subsequent concert tours. But sud-
denly the fine prospects were dimmed
by the intervetion of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,
which charged that the prodigy was
being worked too strenuously and in-
sisted his concert career be cut short.
An anonymous music lover then
stepped in, offering to finance Hof-
mann's continued musical education
with the provision that he make no
public appearances for eight years.

For this time, Hofmann studied and,
on his eighteenth birthday, celebrated
his freedom to play in public by per-
forming 'the D minor Concerto by
Anton Rubenstein, Hofmann's teach-
er for two years.
Movie Actress Sentenced
for Drunken Driving
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Jan. 14.-

Proceeds to
Go to Bomber
Committee Announces
Prizes of $150 in Bonds
"Victory Vanities," the all-campus
stunt show starring nine fraternity
and sorority skits, radio CKLW's Joe
Gentile and Ralph Bingay as masters
of ceremonies and a special Mimes
act, will be presented to an expected
crowd of 2,500 people at 9 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
All proceeds from this show, which
is sponsored by the Pan-Hellenic
Council and the Interfraternity
Council, will be donated to the Bomb-
er Scholarship fund. IFC and Pan-
Hel have set a goal of $1,000 as the
expected contribution to the fund.
War Bond Prizes
One hundred and fifty dollars will
be given in war bond prizes to the
three winners of the "dynamite-
packed Vanities," Bud Brown, '44E,
announced yesterday. Three $25
bonds will go to the first place win-
ner, two $25 bonds to the second place
house and one $25 bond to the third
place contestant.
The Greek finalists, selected last
week in a preliminary eliminations
contest, include Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Delta,
Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Gamma Delta,
Theta Xi, Beta. Theta Pi, and Delta
Kappa Epsilon.
The other skit, except for Mimes'
special one, will be a one-man sleight
of-hand performance presented by
Lyle Albright, '43E..
"Embarkation Eve," a pseudo-
drama about soldiers taking leave for
foreign service, is the title of the
Mimes act. This act, which is not in
the competition for the prizes, is the
only appearance which the campus'
honorary drama society will make
this year.
Wingate Chairman
While Wingate is general chairman
and originator of the stunt show idea,
John Fauver, IFC president, has
served as fraternity chairman, and
Lorraine Dalzen, '43, has been soror-
ity chairman.
The fraternity committee in charge
of stunt show arrangements has been
composed of Bud Burgess, '44E, John
Crabb, '44, Howie Howerth, '44E, Dick
Emery, '44, Dick Winters, '44E, Mark
Hance, '43, and Brown.
The sorority committee workers,
have included Mary Ellen Alt, '43,
Anita Ubick, '45, Ann Stanton, '45,
Betty Sachs, '43, and Jane Shute, '45.
Hearing to Be
Held on Flynn'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.- ()- A
barrage of Republican charges against
the record of Edward J. Flynn, retir-
ing Democratic national chairman,
prompted Chairman Connally (Dem.-
Tex.) to assure the Senate today the
Foreign Relations Committee would
not act on Flynn's appointment as
minister to Australia before holding
Leading the attack against confir-
mation, Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.),
read four specific charges against1
Flynn. These rangedfromthe accu-
sation that Flynn's law firm once
represented a man who presented a
gift of money to the Japanese govern-
ment to the allegation that the Dem-
ocratic chieftain had been cleared inl
a "paving block scandal'' by a grandf
jury "conducted by a political stooge
of Flynn's. "
After listening to these charges,

Connally -arose to remark that the;
Foreign Relations Committee, sched-
uled to consider the nomination at az
meeting tomorrow morning, "hoped1
to perform its duty."
"We did not appoint Mr. Flynn, nor
have we expressed our views, but we
will not let him be confirmed in ad-
vance of a hearing," Connally added.'
Music Union Backs
Ban on Recordings

Plan Suggeste
High School S
High school seniors will be admit-
ted to the University of Michigan
next semester in a special combined[
course, according to a statement from
Michigan State College yesterday, but
officials here deny that any specific
plan has been formulated.
Registrar R. S. Linton of Michigan
State announced a plan to provide
"superior" high school students with
a program to acquire their high school
Help Shortage
Union Cafeteria
Increase of Wages
Asked; Services May
Have to Be Curtailed
-A-serious labor shortage, combined
with the desire on thCe part of Union
employees for a wage increase, pre-
sents a menace to the service of the
Union cafeteria and dining room in
the near future, it was revealed last
night by Franklin Kuenzel, manager
of the Union.
Union employment figures show
that 30 per cent 'less men are now
maintaining cafeteria service. A gen-
eral labor shortage in local eating
places has increased the pressure on
the Union, since many such estab-
lishments have already closed or are
maintaining shorter hours, Kuenzel
This fact plus the influx of war
workers in this area has increased
the patronage of the cafeteria until
long lines of people and uncleared
dishes on tables are a common oc-
When questioned concerning the
future of cafeteria service, Kuenzel
stated, "If the male student body
doesn't take an interest in working
hours, the Union services will have to
be curtailed."
As a net result of the help short-
age, those boys working have been
forced to put in extra time to take
up the slack.
A movement is now on foot for
an increase in wages. A consensus
of employes indicates that they feel
they deserve a raise because of liigh-
er food costs and more work. Plans
are being formed whereby both the
workers and the management will be
At the present time, there is no
indication of a serious breech. Ac-
cording to Kuenzel, the management
is willing to meet the boys half way.
Immediate developments in the situ-
ation will largely be determined by
the course of events at a meeting of
the employees in the next few days.

d for Admitting
eniors to U. of M.
diploma while taking college work.
He commented that the University
has already accepted such a plan.
But Clark Tibbits, director of the
University War Board, said last
"The University War Board and
the Division for Emergency Training
have been considering the ramifica-
tions of a high school program, but
no announcement has been made."
Creation of the Division for Emer-
gency Training in December was the
first indication of the possibilityof a
high school program here. In the res-
olution creating the Division the
Board of Regents specifically said
that it was part of the Division's job
to formulate such plans:
However, no course can be put into
effect unless it is first passed by the
Board of Regents and they have not
ratified such a program.
Michigan State, acting on a sugges-
tion from Detroit high schools, will
admit high school seniors having at
least 14 units of work toward gradua,.
tion at the end of this month if they
have a "B plus" average for their
junior and senior years.
Sale of Tic kets
to Victory Ball
Starts at N o
Tickets for Victory Ball will go on
sale from noon to 6 p.m. today at the,
Union Travel Desk.
Those who have received accept-
ance cards are asked to present them
when they purchase their tickets.
They are requested to bring the cor-
rect change, and checks will not be.
Tomorrow will be the deadline for
juniors and seniors to receive, class
preference for their dance. This pref-
erence will be forfeited if the tickets
are not called for by 6 p.m. .
In keeping with wartime economy
and in order to present the campus
with an annual big dance, J-Hop and
Senior Ball have been combined into
one evening's entertainment. Not
solely for the purpose of "having
fun," the entire proceeds of the dance
will be turned over to the Bomber
Scholarship Fund.t
Les Brown, his "Band of Renown,.
and Stan Kenton and his orchestra
will be presented for the dancing
pleasure of those attending the Ball.
Brown, who was so well received the
second night of last year's J-Hop will
be making his second appearance in
Ann Arbor. Kenton, a newcomer to
the music world, will demonstrate
why he has been called a "favorite
of the college crowd."

Rift Denied
by Bracken
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 14.-(MP)-The Brit-
ish Minister of Information, Brendan
Bracken, declared today that the
United States and Britain were striv-
ing to get Gen. Henri Giraud .and
Gen. Charles De Gaulle together to
dispel French political friction and
denied thatthe two governments, in
Washington and London, were work-
ing at cross purposes.
"Neither the British nor American-
government is backing any particu-
lar candidate for leadership of the
French," said Bracken, an intimate
of Prime Minister Churchill.
Not Backing De Gaulle
"The British Foreign Office is not
backing De Gaulle (leader of the
Fighting French) and the Washing-
ton State Department is not backing
General Giraud (High Commissioner
for. North and West Africa).
"The British' government gave
power of attorney to (Lieut.-Gen.
Dwight D.) Eisenhower, has the
greatest possible confidence in him
and is backing him. to the utmost."
His remarks were made at a con-
ferezce with American newspaper-
men at a time when individual Brit-
ih, American and Russian attitudes
and policies toward the French Afri-
can muddle 'had reached a point at
which'Allied solidarity was endan-
gered seriously.
Concrete Action.
"Some concrete action to dispel the
confusion and mistrust in the public'
mind' may be expected very soon. It
may take the form of the creation of
a joint political organization to ad-
minister the internal affairs of North
Africa until the military problem is
solved. Or it might cause another
visit of Mr. Churchill to Washington
for- a strong reaffirmation of Allied
unity of purpose. Such a trip by the
Prime Minister has been rumored for
some time.
"Tunisia is the best place to fight
the Hun and we are anxious to get.
on with the job so we can open a sec-
and °front somewhere on the conti-
nent of Europe, Bracken said. "Both
our governments realize a second
front will require enormous sacrifices
of manpower and we are prepared for
No Whitehall Support
" He declared the "Count of Paris,
pretender to the French throne who
went to:Algeria from Spanish Mor-
occo "has no support from Whitehall
and in my opinion none in Washing-
The British are aware that De
Gaulle, leader of the Fighting French,
has nothing resembling the complete
Ssupport of all Frenchmen.

T orpedoes Sink
2 Enemy Craft
Effectiveness of Boats Confirmed
in Swift Attack on Superior Force
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.--Swift and deadly motor torpedo boats wf
the United States fleet, which already have won glory for their effective-
ness, again have engageda superior Japanese force and returned victorious.
They sped out from Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons to meet .,a
force of enemy destroyers steaming toward the island on the night of
Jan. 10 and 11, presumably with reinforcements for the Japanese trying
valiantly to regain Henderson Airfield.
Slashing quickly at the much bigger and heavily armed enemy craft,
the torpedo boats-the number involved was not disclosed-damaged at
least two, possibly three of the Japanese destroyers.
Two torpedoes launched from the speeding little craft found their marks
in one of the destroyers. Another went home into another destroyer. Two
(more, the Navy reported, possibly his

Miners Take
Case to WLB
Proposed Strike in Coal
Field Is Called Off
HAZELTON, Pa., Jan. 14.-(P)-A
general strike in the Pennsylvania
anthracite field, scheduled for Satur-
day, was called off tonight, pending
a report of a committee that will
meet tomorrow in Washington with
the War Labor Board.
Rank and file delegates, at a .last
minute meeting of the Tri-District
Mine Committee, called to consider
the WLB's demand for an immediate
end to the wildcat strike of 19,000
miners who already had left their
jobs, adopted unanimously a resolu-
tion holding the strike deadline in
A committee of 15 was named tc
carry the miners' grievances to the
War Labor Board.
The resolution declared that "satis-
factory progress" must be reporte'
by the committee, with an assurance
that the WLB will make any wag
increase it might grant retroactive
to Jan. 15.
Carl Katz, president of the Sout'
Wilkes-Barre local, said he woul
recommend that all the men now ou
on strike go back to work Monday
"We've got what we wanted," he
said, "I am sure that, now that the
government has taken a hand, we
will get some action."
The meeting was interrupted by e
half-hour surprise blackout, during
which the 250 delegates sat in dark-
Another meeting was scheduled fo
Sunday afternoon to hear the com-
mittee's report from its Washingtor
Meanwhile, at Wilkes-Barre, wher
the walkout already in effect ha
centered, officials of some loca
unions also decided tonight to sent
representatives to the WLB hearing
in Washington.
French Make
New Gains in
Drive on Tunis
Associated Press correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 14.- A Frenc'
attack northwest of Kairouan, th
traffic junction below Tunis, drov
the Germans from two strateg
heights in the mountains, a Frencl
spokesman announced today.
Bad weather limited both Allied
air and ground activity over othe
fronts, and also temporarily checke'
the aerial off ensve from the West
against Marshal Rommel's army in
The heights seized yesterday by the
French-Jebel Haoub and Jebel Bou
Davouss, about 15 miles northwest of
Kairouan-were said by the spokes-
man to be important gains.
"The Lafayette Escadrille went int
action for the first time with French
forces," he added, referring to the
new organization ofveteran Frech
fliers equipped with American planes
Also in anoareannorthwest,' of aiv.-

a thirdJapanese craft.
Then, the enemy fleet, composed,
the Navy said, of "a number of de-
stroyers," turned about and sped
away to the northwest.
Dashing Forays
The torpedo boats, hardly bigger
than a small pleasure launch, first
3ained recognition in dashing forays
against the enemy in. the 1ahilippine
Island waters: There one group of
the boats under command of Lieut.-
Comm. John Bulkley played havoc
with enemy shipping and scored hits
,n several Japanese war vessels.
It was boats of that group which
later took Gen. Douglas MacArthur
from Bataan for his trip to AiiS-
More recent exploits include to
assaults on enemy forces off
alcanal-in one the little. craft we
credited with probably hitting a' big
3ruiser, in another with 'severely
-lamaging a destroyer.
Wction in Solomons .
The Navy communique today d-
-losed that air forces are con
the action in the Solomons, re'i
assaults on enemy installation:s at
Zekata Bay on Santa Isabel. Xslaa,
t35 miles northwest of the Guadal-
;anal airfield. Results of theirbomln-
ing expedition on Jan. 13, Island
time, were not reported.
"Ground forces on Guadalcanal
Island supported by air forces con-
tinued their advance," the communi-
que added.
Presidents of
'will Not Meet
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Jan.
14.- ()- Foreign Minister Enrique
Zuiz Guinazu in a statement to the
4ssociated Press denied tonight that
a meeting between President Castillo
>f Argentina and President Rios of
mhile was in prospect and said that
,here had not been any negotiations
for such a meeting.
"Please be sure you credit me with
the statement to the effect that no
negotiation whatever has been i-
,iated at any time for ,a meeting of
he two presidents," the Foreign Min-
ster told the Associated Press regard-
ng new rumors published in Buenos
-Mres newspapers.
Another source almot equally as
authoritative as Ruiz Ouiiazu ex
2lained, meanwhile, that there was
ao likelihood of such a presidential
;onference because Castillo "surely
Mould not risk Argentina prestige in
a move which has very little chances
of improving Argentina's position
This'was interpreted to mean that
Argentina already has discounted the
probability of a Chilean rupture with
the Axis, even though the Santiago
government is fully aware that Bue-
nos Aires would rather see the two
governments strongly together in
Argentina and Chile are the only
countries in the western hemisphere
still maintaining diplomatic relations
with the Axis.
MSC Fraternities Are
oS eNsed byA 1-y


'Liberal Arts for Freedom

ilik ie


Special to The Daily
DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 14.- Wendell
L. Willkie told America to "Open the
books, if you wish to be free" and
pleaded for the preservation of lib-
eral education before the students of
Duke University here tonight.
" . so important are the liberal
arts for our future civilization that I
feel that education in them should be
as much a part of our war planning
as the more obviously needed tech-
nical training," Willkie said.
"There will be a certain number of
young men in every college who, for
one reason or another, are not avail-
able for military service. They should
be given the facilities whereby they
may go on with their education.
Nucleus in Colleges
"Ins addition, there should be some
provision in the Manpower program
for leaving a nucleus in the colleges
of men whose aptitudes qualify them
as definitely for our long range needs
as, let us say, other men are obviously
qualified for medicine. So the struc-

cess of democracy, democracy, which
forever pushes new men to the top."
Willkie put his faith for a peace-
ful, prosperous future in the survival
of liberal education and exhibited
confidence that such education will
".. we cannot win a true victory
unless there exists in this country a
large body of liberally educated citi-
zens," he said.
"This is a war for freedom-free-
dom here and freedom elsewhere. But
if we are going to risk our lives for
freedom, we must at the same time
do all we can topreserve the deep
springs from which it flows."
Honors Plan Held
Answer to Plea
Agreeing wholeheartedly with Wen-
dell Willkie's thesis that freedom
depends largely upon widespread lib-
eral education, Prof. Stanley D..

dents with a broad grasp of the civili-
zation in which they live and of its
cultural background, and also with
the ability to do thoroughgoing, ana-
lytic thinking.
Comprised of Seminars
The Program comprises a number
of Junior and senior seminars, each
consisting of- about four to six stu-
dents and presided over by a faculty
tutor. Each'group investigates a com-
prehensive topic, the students doing
A 'great* deal of reading, discussion
and writing on the topic. In the senior
year a 'comprehensive paper is writ-
ten, and oral and written exams are
given, based, on the two years of
The members of the board of tutors
feel that, at this time of tremendously
increasing technical training and de-
creasing liberal arts education, Will-
kie's speech is a much-needed en-
dorsement of the preservation of the
educational values fostered by the

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