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January 17, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-17

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Erlewine is Daily
Managing Editor


Jaffe New Editorial
Director; Brimmer
AppointedCity Editor
The Board in Control of Student
Publications yesterday appointed
John A. Erlewine, '44, as managing
editor of The Daily and also named
Bud Brimmer, '44, and Irving Jaffe,
'43, as city editor and editorial direc-'
Charlotte Conover, '44, and Marion
Ford, '44, were chosen for associate,
editorships while the Board selected
Kenneth Kardon, '44, as business
manager of The Gargoyle in its only
other appointment.
A resident of Ann Arbor, Erlewine
has served The Daily for two years
as night editor and reporter. He is a
member of the University ROTC and
is enrolled' in itsadvanced course as
a second lieutenant": During the past
year he has handled public relations
for the corps and was initiated into
Scabbard and Blade, military honor
Brimmer, a membef\ of Sigma Phi
Epsilon, will take his post after two
years on The Daily as a night editor
and sophomore tryout. A resident of
Rawlins, Wyo., he served a term on
the Student Senate before trying out
for publications work.
Jaffe has been active in coopera-
tive affairs in addition to his service
on The Daily as night editor. A for-
mer member of the Inter-Cooperative
Council, he was president of the
Brandeis Cooperative House last year.
Jaffe, who comes from Passaic, N.J.,
is a member of Phi Eta Sigma..
A resident of Pittsburgh, Pa., Kar-
don will take /over as Gargoyle bus-
Striking Coal
Miners May.
Return to Jobs
Reports Indicate That
Workers Will Comply
with WLB Demands -
y The Associated Press
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 16.-
Indications that eastern Pennsylvan-
ia's striking anthracite coal miners
may return to their jobs Monday in
compliance with a War Labor BoardE
order were reported increasing to-c
night. f
There was no spread of the unau..
thorized walkout today, but some I

ness manager after a semester as ad-
'vertjsing manager for the magazine.
He is affiliated with Sphinx and Zeta
Beta Tau.
Miss Conover transferred from Col-
by College at the end of her sopho-
more year and tried out for The Daily
where she gained an appointment as
night editor. She is a resident of
Palmerton, Pa. and is affiliate.with
Delta Gamma. In addition to her
Daily work, she served on JGP com-
Miss Ford, who comes from Miami,
Fla., gained her appointment after a
year as night editor on The Daily.
She is a member of Alpha Omicron
Pi and her other previous campus
activities include her work as bowl-
ing manager of WAA and also as an
orientation adviser.
House May Pass
as Separate Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.- Mem-
bers of the House Ways and Means
Committee today considered a plan
to push through a pay-as-you-go in-
come tax act by March 15 by separat-
ing this feature from other tax legis-
lation ahd limiting hearings on the
Rep. Knutson (Rep.-Minn.) of the
committee said he believed it would
divorce pay-as-you-go consideration
from the general tax problem in the
interest of speed. He expressed the
opinion that the 25 committee mem-
bers were agreed unanimously that
we must have a pay-as-you-go sys-
tem," although he emphasized there
was no agreement as to what form it
should take.
Another member, Rep. Disney
(Dem.-Okla.), commented, "I think
we should deal with the pay-as-you-
go pro lem separately, put a time lim-
it on earings and put payments on a
current basis by March 15, if humanly
possible. In my opinion it is absolutely
Art Cinema Offers Six
Famous Comedies Today
Presenting six comedies which have
become'famous in the annals of early
Amnerican film, the Art Cinema
League will present thethird in its
current series of outstanding pictures
at 7 and 9 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The comedies which will be offered
on this program were produced be-
tween 1908 -and 1929. They are" The
Doctor's Secret," "Gertie the Dino-
saur," "His Bitter Pill," "The Fresh-
man" with Harold Lloyd, "The Sex
Life of the Polyp" featuring Robert
Benchley and the Disney cartoon
"The Skeleton. Dance."

Board Cripples
E ALWAYS believed that hard work, initiative and competence
were the criteria for promotion on 1The Michigan Daily and that
your student newspaper, in the best interests of the University, was to
be run for and by the students.
Yesterday a faculty-dominated Board in Control showed us once
again that this is not true.
They refused to appoint to a senior position one of the most de-
serving applicants on the staff. They refused to -appoint a student
whose work both in quality and quantity led that of other Junior
Night Editors, and who was voted in the to range by the staff he
would have had to work with.
He was NOT appointed because he believed in telling the truth, be-
cause he believed that The Daily should be an active, constructive stu-
dent newspaper unhampered by the whims of individual Board mem-
bers, and, we believe, because of his religion.
The fact that Leon Gordenker did not receive an appointment is
not all-important. The reasons why he did not, the haphazard manner
in which the Board investigated the applicants and the general atti-
tude of the Board throughout the past year ARE important.
The only time some of the Board members have shown a gen-
uine interest in The Daily was when they were, through one means
or another, attempting to stifle the student thought expressed therein,
Representing a University which is supposed to train young people to
take their place in a democracy, Board members have time and time
again shown that they are afraid to let students think for themselves
On every local controversial issue - and many national - which The
Daily has discussed in its editorial or news columns, the students have
had to fight for the right to reveal facts and express opinions.
. That the Board's interest has centered in this side of The Daily
alone is evident from the fact that only two of them, to our knovledge,
have made an effort to understand the organization of the paper in
which they are supposed to have so great a responsibility. The others
have shown such little interest that even yesterday, when faced with
the important job of choosing the next editors of The Daily, three of
them did not examine the scrapbooks in which are contained the
entire year's work of the applicants.
One question, asked of Gordenker in a pre-appointment inter
view, illustrates how little some members of the Board know about
The Daily:=
The questioner wanted to know why, when Gordenker was night
editor of a certain issue, he let an "objectionable" editorial appear.
After a year and a half on the Board, the member should have
known that the night editor has absolutely no control over what edi-
torial appears in The Daily. The choice of editorials is entirely in the
hands of the Managing Editor and the Editorial Director. Through
inexcusable lack of knowledge on the part of a Board member, then,
Gordenker's chances were jeopardized by something over which he
had no control.
Although the majority of Board members certainly do not let
questlns of race or religion enter into their calculations, we believe
this is not true of the entire Board. Last spring, for instance, when the
newly-appointed Managing Editor, Homer Swander, presented his list
of recommendations for junior night editorships, one of the questions
askedhim was: "How many of them are Jewish?"
* * * *
The Board has not confined its criticisms to questions of ethics,
objectivity or accuracy. It has reacted innumerable times to the selfish
pressures of various individuals and groups, rather than trying to ob-
tain in The Daily a clear an'd unprejudiced perspective.
The stress placed by the Board on factors which have no place
in efar and rational judgments inevitably results in an emphasis on
servility- rather than on competence.
To you, as students of the University and readers of The Daily,
this means that your paper is in danger of losing every vestige of that
freedom of expression which is essential to a democracy. It also
means that the best student talent available will not necessarily be
putting out The Daily.
And in the final analysis it means that a group of faculty men
who have taken litte interest in the real problems of the students, who
are afraid to let students think for themselves and who know practi-
cally nothing about working journalism, will be telling you how t, run
your newspaper.

Michigan Grad in New Guinea

Rough-bearded Capt. Lester Segal of Ann Arbor smiles grimly
in this picture from the Buna front in New Guinea where he is
attached to the U.S. Medical Corps. Letters home toy his wife who
is a registered nurse at 5202 Packard confess he's "very busy."
Captain Segal graduated from the University in 1934 and took two
years in Medical School here. Soldiers say the beard not only saves
time but provides protection against mosquitoes.
American Planes Down 30,
Jap Aircraft; Bomb 4 Ships

Reds Penetrate Defenses
at Stalingrad; Slaughter
of Nazis Drawrngto Close

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.- (P)-
Estimating that the anthracite coal
strike was costing the country 450,-
000 tons of fuel per week, Harold L.
Ickes, solid fuels coordinator, an-
nounced today plan's to use substi-
tutes and other measures to tide
over the period of the work stop-
Ickes said that anthracite coal
production in the week ended Jan-
uary 9 amounted to 888,000 tons,
and was 450,000 tons less than
could have been expected if all the
mines were operating.
6,100 members of six locals not on
strike took their usual Saturday holi-
Several local union leaders said the
men may decide to return to their
jobs on Monday for a few days to see
how matters develop. Their represen-
tatives who attended the WLB session
~are scheduled to report at tomorrow's
A United Mine Workers spokesman
at Washington said other scattered
stoppages would occur on subsequent
Saturdays. He declared "some work-
ers are being cheated" on overtime
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3


Retiring Editors
Homer Swander
Morton Mintz
Will Sapp
Chuck Thatcher
George Sallade
Bud Hendel
Mike Dann
Barbara DeFries

Incoming Editors
John Erlewine
Irving Jaffe
Bud Brimmer
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.- (P)-
American planes shot down 30 Japa-
nese aircraft and bombed four ships
Friday, the Navy announced today,
in increasingly severe warfare in the
Solomon Islands area. Seven U.S.,
planes were lost.
Three pf the ships bombed were
destroyers. One was afire when last
observed, a communique said, and the
other two were believed* seriously
damaged. The fourth ship, a cargo
vessel, was left burning.
The presence of at least 14 enemy
destroyers in waters near Guadal-
canal Island was disclosed, indicating
the Japanese were expanding their
efforts to reinforce and supply their
forces on the island.
Some Supplies Get Through
That some supplies are getting
through to Japanese troops on Gua-
dalcanal was suggested by the Navy's
report that American land forces met
"stiff enemy resistance" in making
advances Thursday of 3,000 to 4,000
yards. There had been indications
earlier that the Japanese were run-
ning short of supplies and that their
ability to resist was weakening but a
dispatch from Guadalcanal told df
submarines bringing supplies which
were floated ashore by the tides and
Four Actions Reported
Four major air actions Friday (Sol-
omons Time) were reported in today's
In the first, an American Catalina
reconnaissance plane observed five
destroyers 16 miles northeast of the
Russell Islands which are about 60
miles northwest of the American air-
field on Guadalcanal. The plane
scored one direct hit and two near
hits on one destroyer, which was left
Later that morning a force of
Dauntless dive bombers and Wildcat
and Airacobra fighters attacked nine
Japanese destroyers 140 miles north-
west of Lunga Point on Guadalcanal.
They were intercepted by 12 enemy
All Students May
Buy V-Ball Tickets
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and
seniors will all be eligible to purchase

Six Juniors
Get Union jobs'



Zeros. In the ensuing air fight, eight
of the Zeros and five of the American
fighters were shot down. The dive
bombers seriously damaged two de-
stroyers. One dive bomber failed to
Meantime a group of dive bombers,
also with fighter escort, attacked the
cargo shiQ 37 miles northwest of Mun-
da, on New Georgia Island, where the
Japanese have an air base. They shot
down seven of twelve Zeros which
engaged them. One U.S. fighter was
Ranging some 300 miles from Gua-
dalcanal, a force of Flying Fortresses,
with fighter escort, attacked five en-
emy destroyers near Shortland Island
in the afternoon. They were beset by
twelve Japanese float-type biplanes
and shot all of them down without
loss to themselves. No hits were seen
on the destroyers.

Begin Fifth
Major Drive,
on Upper Don
Russians Capture 60;
Towns, Kill 15,004
Gernans in Advance
toward Vital Kharko,
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 16.- The Red Army
has broken through the 'defenses of
the starving, freezing Germans at
Stalingrad, who rejected a Russia
ultimatumto surrender, and is rap-
idly mopping up the 70,000 to 80,000
troops left of a ibrce which once num-
bered 220,000 men, a special Moscow
communique said tonight.
In a seven day battle of annihila-
tion which began Jan. 10 after the
Germans had rejected the ultima-
tum, the Germans, have lost 25,000 in
dead and their total force has been
cut to the 70,000 or 80,OWt total, the
announcement, heard here by te,
Soviet Monitor, said.
Capture 30 Strongpoints
Pressing closer their iron girdle
about the trapped force which totaled
22 divisions at the' beginning of the
encirclement on Nov. 19, the Russians
said they had captured 30 important
strongpoints, villages, towns and rail-
road stations and advanced from 12
to 22 miles.
Among the captured strongpoints
was Marinovka, 30 miles west of Sta-
lingrad on the railroad that runs to
the Don River.
The development of this offensive
to liquidate the German pocket at
Stalingrad was told in the second of
two special communiques read from
the Moscow radio tonight.
The first told of the opening of
another offensive, the fifth major
drive of the winter, along the upper
Don in the direction of Kharkov, the
vital Ukraine metropolis.
Rossosh Seized
Striking out from Just below the
Voronezh hinge on the Don, the Rus-
sians said they had chalked up ad-
vances of 30 to 56 miles and captured
600 towns and villages, including one
120 miles northeast of Kharkov.
Among the captured towns was
Rossosh, 90 miles below Voronezh on
the Moscow-Rostov railway. Enenly
casualties in the three days of the new
drive totaled 17,000 captured and
15,000 killed, the announcement add-
The second communique said the
Germans trapped at Stalingrad were
dying of exhaustion, starvation and
freezing and their numbers had been
reduced from the original 220,000 to
70,000 or 80,000 men, with 500 dying
from the cold every day and 1,000
from other causes.
"The liquidation of the German
Fascist troops encircled in the Stalin-
grad area is drawing to a close," the
communique declared.
Answer Expected
(The German military correspon-
dent, Capt. Ludwig Sartorius, in a
Berlin broadcast said a German high
command's announcement that its
Stalingrad troops Were defending
themselves from all sides was an ad-
mission that 'there had been no di-
rect contact by land for some time"
with these forces.)
The Jan. 8 ultimatum to the Ger-
mans at Stalingrad, the Soviet com-
munique said, advised them that an
answer was expected by 10 o'clock

carrying a white flag.
"All hopes for rescue of your troops
by a. German offensive from the south
and southwest have been unjustified,"
he said.
"German transport aviation is suf-
fering tremendous losses," he added.
Ginger Rogers Weds
Marine Corps Private
PASADENA, Calif:, Jan. 16.- (P)-.-

Cadets Receive ROTC Awards
at Final Regimental Review

ROTC awards, decorations and
promotions were presented yesterday
afternoon at the last Regimental as-
sembly of this semester at the Sports
Building where both campus battal-
ions passed in review before Col. Wil-
liam A. Ganoe and staff.
Cadet Col. and Regimental Com-
mander for next semester is Henry

mental Adjutant and Cadet Capt.
Clinton Heimbach is Regimental In-
telligence officer.
Graduating Cadet Col. Charles M.
Thatcher of Escanaba was twice-hon-
ored, receiving the coveted American
Legion award as outstanding cadet
in the ROTC regiment, and the Chi-
cago Tribune medal as best Ordnance


Bromage Is
To Leave This Week
for Training Course
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the
political science department, took the
oath that commissioned him a major
in the Army yesterday and will leave
this week for a four months' intensive
training course at the School of Mili-
tary Government, Charlottesville, Va.
In 1929 Major Bromage joined the

Hofmann to
Appear Here
To morrow
Presenting the seventh concert of
the current Choral Union Series, Dr.
Josef Hofmann will play a program of
six selections at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
The program will consist of the
following selections: Themeand Var-
iations in D minor: Handel: Sonata

Six new men received junior Union
appointments and two were retained,
it was announced yesterday at the
annual Union installation banquet by
Dick Ford, '43, new Union president.
The new War Activities Committee
will be headed by Cecil Sink of Sigma
Phi Epsilon and Erwin Larsen of Phi
Delta Theta. This committee will co-
ordinate all Union war work.
Harry Miller of Phi Sigma Delta
was appointed to co-chairman the
publicity committee, working with
Burnette Crawford of Phi Delta Theta
who retained his position.
Social activities will be directed for
the spring term by Charles Dotterrer
of Phi Gamma Delta and Irwin Kasle
of Pi Lambda Phi. Dean Monson of
Sigma Chi was made head of the Ad-
ministrative committee while Rupert
Straub of Delta Upsilon will handle
the organizations work.
Tom Coulter, Roy Boucher, and
Ken Frantz, all first semester sopho-
mores, were appointed provisional ori-
entation chairmen.
The outgoing senior officers and
executive council were awarded rec-
ognition keys as well as the rest of
the staff. Don West, Ed Holmberg,
Bob Matthews, Bob Templir, John

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