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January 19, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-19

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Opposed to 18-Year-Olds Voting
:n't let the youngsters vote" has deal more mature than boys of that
the majority reaction to the 18- age 20 years ago."
amendment, according The ideal of lowering the age re-
old vote alldptpoldn quirement has received attention
e recent Gallup poll. from many congressmen and senators
e American public's first reac- in Washington, including Michigan's
:o the constitutional amendment Senator Vandenberg.
wer the voting age, now sched- A new slant is put on the problem
for introduction into the New by Dr. Gallup's observation that, po-
state legislature, is one of con- litically, the lowering of the voting
tismthesurey how. Feldre-age would likely help the Democrats,
tism the survey shows. Field re- because public opinion surveys have
rs for the American Institute of shown that the younger age groups
c Opinion tabulated results as, are predominately Democratic in
for the amendment and 52% their voting sentiments.
ist it, with 9% undecided. When the survey is broken down
position centered around the into age groups, there is an almost
3g that 18-year-olds were not even split of opinion: in the 21-29 age
eegl thtwe-omdswrebouto group, 41% for and 53% against,
Iiently well-informed about po- 6% undecided; in the 30-49 group,
1 issues. 38% for and 52% against, 10% unde-
a Baltimore clerk put it, "They cided; 50 and over, 37% for and 52%
Jon't have enough sound political against, with 11% undecided.

Brass Ensembles and
Soloists to. Play Tonight
A student redital for brass ensem-
bles and soloists, under the direction
of Prof. William D. Revelli and Leon-
ard V. Meretta, will be presented at
8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
In a program partly modern and.
partly classical in character, many
students will give solo performances:
Harold D. Harmon, Yvonne Harmon,
Goger Jacobi, '46SM, Gordon Mathie,
'46SM, and Blossom Reynolds, '46SM,
cornets; Roberta Chatkin, Dorothy
Means, '43SM, Richard Baxter, '46,
Audrey Unger, '45SM and Geane Mor-
gan, piano; Charles Yancich, '46SM,
Anna R. Choate, '45SM, Martin Bern-
stein, '448M, Paul Smith, '45, and
Harrison Dodge, '45SM, horns; and
Olga Tarapata, '46, and Harry Lichty,
'46SM, euphoniums.
Among the numbers of special in-'
terest on the program will be: "the
Quartet for Four Horns in F" by
Templeton Strong, and "The Sextet
in E Minor," scored for first and sec-
ond cornet, French horn, trombone,
bass tro~nbone, and euphonium.

Pay-Off Dance
to Take Place
February 12
Records to Be Used
at Affair Sponsored
by Mortarboard
All "I.O.U.'s" will be repaid-with
interest at Mortar Board's annual
Pay-Off dance, which will be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight February 12
in the ballroom of the League.
In years past, an invitation to Pay-
Off was the co-ed's traditional
"thanks" to her J-Hop date. With
many traditions "gone to war" these
days, however, Pay-Off will assume
the responsibility for repaying all
debts of every nature-Victory Ball
Music will be supplied by the na-
tion's best orchestra leaders via
nickleodeon. Although the danceewill
celebrate Valentine's Day, 'Mortar
Board's decorations have "gone to
war" also.
In charge of the dance are Jean
Jeffrie, '43, Dorothy Schloss, '43, and
Janet Lewin, '43.
Tickets may be purchased at the
League desk or through a member of
Mortar Board.
Girls Hold First
Band Practice
Michigan's first All-Girl Band will
have its first rehearsal in Morris Hall
today when every instrument in a full
band will be played by 61 women.
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of
University bands, announces that
more trombonists and bass players
are still needed. Beginning classes in
wind instrument instruction will be
organized next semester to train more
These classes are open to any stu-
dent who enrolls during the regular
registration week. The classes will
meet one hour a day five times a week
for one day; there will be a fee
charged for the instruction.
While no pianists will be used in
the band, Prof. Revelli pointed out
that previous piano training would be
valuable for the percussion section.
Those interested in the classes may
get information by calling Morris Hall
after 3 p.m.
O'Leary Has New
T'ire and Wheel but
He Can't Use Them
The lpk of the Irish and the de-
mands of Uncle Sam's armed forces
combined to give Jim O'Leary, a
Michigan Union employe, the biggest
headache of his life yesterday.
O'Leary, the son of Deputy Sheriff
James O'Leary, received a call to
service two weeks ago and will leave
for the Army shortly. Sunday he
opened the trunk of his car and found
that some kindly soul had left him
a Plymouth wheel and an almost-
new inner tube. Now young O'Leary
is tormented by the thought of how
many more miles that new tire would
take him were he going to be around
to enjoy it.
Though the discovery was reported
to the police, the tube and wheel still
wait for their owner tq claim them.
Young Jim O'Leary would be mighty
happy if someone would take them
out of his sight.

Appointed Daily Associate Editors

(Continued from Page 3)

Pictured above are Marion Ford, '44, and Charlotte Conover, '44,
who were appointed Associate Editors of The Daily by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.

Leningrad's Inhabitants Break
Records with 515-Day. Siege




Associated Press Correspondent
Leningrad, second largest city of
the Soviet Union, reputedly was built
on human bones.
There are many more bones there
now after a frightful siege which cer-
tainly is one of the greatest in all
The Russians said Monday that
the- siege had been lifted after 515
Since Aug. 21, 1941, its 3,000,000
people-the normal population-and
its thousands of Red Army, sailor,
peasant and worker defenders had
endured conditions of unimaginable
N ew Program
to Be Started-
Students of Speech,
Music Will Broadcast
Between 75 and 100 speech and mu-
sic students will broadcast from Mor-
ris Hall second semester, Prof. Waldo
Abbot, director of broadcasting, re-
vealed .today.
A schedule of broadcasting for sec-
ond semester includes continuance of
the Sunday morning hymn program
directed by Prof. Hardin Van Deursen
and the University Women's Glee
Club directed by Bill Sawyer each
Saturday over WJR.
In addition a dramatic show "Meet
the Emergency" will be presented on
Tuesdays by speech 152 students, "It
Happened Before" at 10 a.m. each
Saturday, "Tell Me Professor" by
speech 151 students each Thursday
over WCAR, Pontiac, and an original
radio play at 2:45 p.m. Wednesdays
over WCAR by speech 168 and 188
The Medical Series will resume Feb.
10 over WJR with a talk by Dr. Henry
Ransom. A faculty news commentator
will broadcast each Monday at 2:45
p.m. on station WCAR.
Plans are being formulated for a
twelve-week University of Michigan
Hour to be broadcast once or twice a
week over WKAR, East Lansing, Prof.
Abbot announced. It is to include an
Army period, round-table, news com-
mentator, organ recital and student
dramatic programs.

Students interested in extra-cur-
ricular activities may find an oppor-
tunity for such work in the Univer-
sity a capella choir.
The only mixed chorus on campus,
the choir, directed by Prof. Hardin
Van Deursen, has made frequent
public appearances during the past
year culminating in the spring con-
cert in the Lydia Mendelssohn.
The class is held Monday through
Friday at 11 a.m. in the basement of
Lane Hall and may also be elected
by students in any school for credit.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.- (P)- A
new Liberty ship will be named for
Dr. George Washington Carver, noted
Negro scientist who died Jan. 5. The
time and place of the launching have
not been determined, the Maritime
Commission said today.

privation and the 'terror of almost
daily shelling and bombing.
There have been longer sieges. The
siege of ancient Troy, according to
literature, lasted nine years..
But never in history was so large
a city compelled to endure for so
long. Leningrad easily holds the rec-
ord for length of siege in this war.'
Named for likolai Lenin, father
of the Soviet Union, Leningrad came
under attack from virtually .aU sides
nearly a year and fiye. months ago
when Adolf Hitler's gyrz1es srove to
Schluesselburg, 20 miles 'est of the
city on Lake Ladoga, .and. completed
the ring from the south.
To the north Finnish .and German
armies had cut the pity' last land
link with the outside wQ1d Iy. itvfngt
down the Karelian.Istnits. botween
the Gulf of Finland -pd Lake Ladoga.
From then on the city's hugework-
ing population 'lendtred .."the~ . terrors
and dangers of the; front trenchies.
They- were shelled in their factory
buildings and apartepts. -They were
bombed. They'Were subjected ,to s'the
slow effects of.disease, malnutrtion
and cold.
But they never surrendered.
The city originally was t. Peers-
burg because it was founded in 1'03
by Peter the Great who had: it' built
on piles in the marshes at the mo,.'th
of the Neva River.
It gained its reputation as. a city
constructed on bones because so'
many laborers died during its build-
ig . .
Ont Cam~s.
Plays to Be Givei -
Three one-act plays written by stu-
dents will be presented by the qtu-
dents of Speech 41 at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The plays were chosen by the Hop-
wood Committee as the three best of
those written by students in play pro-
duction, and are being staged and
produced entirely by beginning stu-
dents in acting.
The plays are a laboratory produc-
tion, designed to give these students
actual basic trainitq. The public is
Bunny Crawford, '44, president of
the Wolverines, announced yester4ay
that a group picture will be taken"for
the Ensian at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow at
Speddings. All men are asked to be
on time and to wear their club jack-
* * *
Camp Presidet
Dr. Ross Allen, of the department
of physical education, was recently
elected president'of the' Miehigan
Camping Association.

Concert: Professor William D. Re-
velli and Mr. Leonard V. Meretta have
arranged an interesting program for
brass instruments to be presented at
8:30 tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn 'Theatre. Twenty-one students
will appear in ensembles and as solo-
ists in the recital. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Organ Recital: Mr. E. Power Biggs,
one of today's foremost organists and
a Victor record artist, will appear as
guest organist at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, Jan. 20, in. Hill Auditorium. He
has acted as soloist with the Boston,
Chicago and Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestras and is appearing in Ann
Arbor through the sponsorship of the
School of Music. The recital is open
to the public.
Student Recital: Roberta Chatkin
and Beverly Solorow, pianists, will
appear in -a joint recital at 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. ,20, in Room 305,
School of Music Building on Maynard
Street. In addition to compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and
Chopin, Misses Chatkin and Solorow
will play Arensky's Romance and
Valse for two pianos. The students
are pupils of Miss Nell Stockwell and
the recital will be open to the general
Concert: An all-Bach program will
be presented by the University Sym-
phony Orchestra under the direction
of Eric DeLamarter at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
day, Jan. 24, in Lydia M endelssohn
Theatre. Soloists will include Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, and Wassily Bese-
kirsky, violinist.
Exhibition- Rackham Galleries-
Mezzanine Floor. The Horace H.
Rackhaii School of Graduate Studies
presents. 'Tunisia ._and the Mediter-
raneen- in' Water Colors" 'by Mrs.
Alice Reischer. The opeling is: Janu-
ary 20at :7 :00 p.m. and' the galleries
will be open thereafter daily, except
Sundays, 2-5 and 7-10.
-Events Today
The. Botanical. Seminar will meet
this evening at 7:30 in. Room 1139
N.S. A paper .entitled, "Plants Which
Produce Rubber," will be presented

K 't

by Dr. C. D. LaRue. All interested are
Attention, Marine Reservists: There
will be a meeting of all Marine Re-
servists tonight at 8:30 in Room 302,
Michigan Union.
The University of Michigan Flying
Club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the
Union. All members please be present.
Mortar Board will meet today at
5:00 p.m. in the council room of the
League. All members are requested
to be present.
Poetry Recital: A public recital of
shorter poems will be given by stu-
dents of Professor Hollister in Speech
43 at 4:00 p.m. today in room 302,
Mason Hall. The public is invited.
Disciples Guild: Tea will be served
this afternoon, 5:00-6:00, at the Dis-
ciples Guild House, 438 Maynard St.
Both Disciples Guild and Congrega-
tional students and friends are in-
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends by the Canterbury Club
in Harris Hall today, 4:00 to 515.
Evening Prayer will be said at 5:15 in
Bishop Williams Chapel.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and
E of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames Bridge Group
meets tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan
League Building.
Bibliophiles will meet with Mrs.
George Brigham, 517 Oxford Rd., to-
day at 2:30 p.m.
Coming Events
The Research Club will meet in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing on Wednesday evening, Jan. 20,
at 8 o'clock. The following papers will
be read, "The Damaged Blueprints of
Solomon's Temple" by Professor Le-
roy Waterman and "The Petroleum
Age" by Professor George G. Brown.
Episcopal Students: Holy Commun-
ion will be celebrated in Bishop Wil-
liams Chapel, Harris Hall, Wednesday
morning at 7:30. Breakfast will be
served following the service.


Graduating January


Official Graduation



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