Weather -
Commencement to
Be Held Today'
First Mid-Year
Exercises Will'
Begin at 10 A.M.
Prof. Bryson to Give
Address to Graduates
Mid-year graduation exercises-the
first in the University's history-will
be held at 10 a.m. today in Hill Audi-
Recognition will be granted to 829
degree candidates in exercises de-
signed to speed-up. the usual gradu-
ation processes. Nearly twice as many
degree candidates as usual at the end
of the Fall Term will receive recog-
Prof. Lyman Bryson, head of the
Bureau of Special Operations in the
Office of War Information, will give.
the commencement address. Profes-
sor Bryson taught at Columbia Uni-
versity and is a Michigan graduate.
. The first students-all of whom
will be in academic dress-will enter
the auditorium at 10 a.m. Honor stu-
dents will sit in specially designated
places on the platform.
.Places Reserved
Candidates for degrees and men-
bers of the faculty are to take the
places reserved for them by 9:50 a.m.
All students graduating will be
seated in reserve sections. ROTC au
NROTC ushers will place them in
their proper sections.
After all are seated, a color guard
of ROTC men will bring the colrs
ito the Auditorium as Prof. Palmer
Christian plays appropriate music on
the organ. The Star Spangled Ban-
ner will then be played.
,Rev. Dr. Theocore R. Schmale At
the Bethlehem Evangelical Church
will then give the invocation.
President Alexander G. Ruthverz
will make introductory remarks and
present Professor Bryson who. will
give the address.
Ruthven to Speak
The Deans, called upon by P resi-
dent RuthVen, will present -their de-
gree candidates and President Ruth-
ven will make a statement concern-
ing the conferring of degrees.
Graduating ROTC men will be pre-
sented separately by Col. William A.
Ganoe. They will be congratulated
by President Ruthven.
The "Yellow and Blue" will be
played by Professor Christian and
the Rev. Dr. Schmale will give the
; Scrolls of recognition will then be
presented to the degree candidates.
This will take about 20 minutes as
the candidates file out of the audi-
As the last student leaves trump-
eters from the University band will
play "Taps" followed by "Reveille."
Gram Is Chief Marshal
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman of
the department of civil engineering
and director of plant extension, will
be the chief marshal for the exer-
cises, and Glenn L. Alt, assistant pro-
fessor of civil engineering, will be the
assistant marshal.
The mid-year graduation exercises
-held before final examinations-
will not be the time of granting de-
grees. They will be granted upon
successful completion of the degree
programs. Diplomas will be mailed
to successful candidates.
No procession will be held because
of the inclement weather.
War Council
Being Formed
'ABCR' Leaders Will
Plan 1943 Offensive
LONDON, Jan. 22--( P)-A War-
winning strategy for the United Na-
tions in 1943 is beleved by London ob-
servers to be in the stage of final set-
tlement at this moment, with forma-
tion of a four-power "ABOR" supreme
war council, as one of its main. bases.
Although they are without official
confirmation, negotiations are reli-
ably reported under way to complete
arrangements for a round-the-world
offensive which began in 1942 with
the war's first major allied land vic-
tories in Afrca, the southwest Pacific,
and Russia.
The belief here is that the discus-
Snm ,t1 ilnrifaril cnnomern with
Prof. Throop Suggests
Plan to Aid Relations
(Editor's Note: The following letter was received yesterday from Board
member Prof. Palmer A. Throop.)
It is no easy task to run a newspaper and I should like to explain
some of the difficulties of both editors and the Board of Control. First
of all it must be made clear that editors and Board have great responsi-
bilities to the University and to the State of Michigan. These responsi-
bilities are increased by the fact that away from the campus The
Michigan Daily is considered the official publication of the University,
no matter what is said in mastheads to the contrary. This is most
unfortunate, but like so many unfortunate things, it remains stubbornly
true. It is then the difficult duty of the editors to interpret loyally a
large and complex University to a large and complex public. As one who
has had some experience with newspaper work, I have always been
sympathetic with the editors in this task which takes tact, honesty and
a broad grasp of both University and public opinion.
It is impossible to direct a newspaper without offending some indi-
vidual or group at some time or other. The more experienced an editor
is, the more expertly he can give the news accurately without giving
offense, express his opinions clearly without injuring sensitive mdi-
vidu'ls and interested groups. It is necessary for a young editor to
acquire this mature judgment with great rapidity. No sooner does he
come to develop a grasp of his problems and the proper way of handling
them then out he goes, and the whole painful initiation is undertaken
by a new one.
To add to the difficulties, the editor does not meet his disgruntled
public directly. An offended citizen, legislator, or faculty meriber takes
the tale of his injury to the Board of Control and its chairman, since
they are responsible to the University. Again and again the chairman
must communicate these complaints, frequently just, to the editor of
The Daily. When a number of these have occurred, the Board tries to
analyze them and point out to the editors where errors of fact and
unfortunate language have caused trouble. This has to be. The laws
of libel operate and the University has obligations to the State of
It was at one time the unfortunate practice of the Board of Publica-
tions to consider criticism of The Daily without the presence of the
editors, who became aware of its decisions through cryptic resolutions
which were interpreted by the student members of the Board with
picturesque and sometimes biased detail. It has recently been the
practice of the Board to invite. the editors to its meetings when their
past errors were to be considered. I consider this practice very helpful
and deplore the personalities which have been injected into the present
controversy because I am anxious for the editors of The Daily to con-
tiue to be present at meetings of the Board in a friendly spirit of
cooperation: ..a
The difficulties of the chairman of the Board as well as the editors
should be properly appreciated. It is he who receives directly the explo-
sions resulting from something he has not written concerning some-
thing over which he has no control. The corrections of the Board come
after the publication of a news story or editorial. Because the editors
receive. complaints only through him, it is obvious that they quickly
acquire a distaste for this source of correction. To rectify somewhat
this psychological misfortune, I suggest that the chairman, whose judg-
ment I do 'not call into question, act as an umpire who would invite
irate members of the public to see the offending member of The Daily.
In this way The Daily staff would get true journalistic experience and
feel the brunt of its own errors. Since this duty of the chairman is
particularly distasteful, I suggest that fellow members of the Board
might share it with him. He could designate one or possibly two of his
colleagues to iron out difficulties in the presence of The Daily member
whose work has caused trouble. This would help keep the friction from
being always at the same point and would give the editors .a truer
perspective of a chairman's very disagreeable responsibilities. ,
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
Salsk Falls to
Fast Moving
Russian Army
Konstantinovskaya in
Red Grasp as Troops
Advance on Rostov
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 22-The important
rail junction and German air base
of Salsk, 100 miles southeast of Ros-
tov, fell to the swiftly advancing Rus-
sian Army of the Caucasus today, and
the Soviet troops also were fast en-,
circling Voroshilovgrad, capital of the
Donets Basin north of Rostov, accord-
ing to the Soviet Monitor's recording
of two Moscow communiques tonight.
A special communique announced,
the fall of Salsk, and the midnight
bulletin reported the capture of Kon-
stantinovskaya, which apparently is
the most important Don River city
only 75 miles northeast of Rostov.
It is in the area of this latter city
that the Germans had put up a stub-
born resistance and for several weeks
stopped the Russians where they had;
advanced closest to Rostov, The Rus-
sians have been reported within about
60 miles of Rostov in this sector of
the Lower Don.
The midnight bulletin also told of
the capture of Nova Aidar, 30 miles
northeast of Voroshilovgrad on the:
railway running north to Valuiki, al-
ready in Russian hands.
Tripoli Virtually'Captured
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The last remaining stronghold of Mussolii's African empire
was virtually in the hands of the Allies last night as the British.
African Army pushed Its tentacles of steel into Tripoli. Ronmnel's
troops were believed in headlong flight into Tunisia before the
armed might of the British, who fanned out over a wide area to
attempt another Dunkirk-but this time the tables are turned.
WMC DisloesTranig la
frTechnical Service Courses
Axis Army
Reported in
Full Flight
Few Nazi Rearguards
Make Eleventh-Hour
Stand as Rampaging
Allied Troops Push On
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 22.-0P)-The last
important defenses of Tripoli were
reported in British hands tonight
and the main remnants of Marshal
Erwin Rommel's fugitive Africa Corps
were believed to have ,escaped into
Informed military sources said they
had not received an official report of
the fall of Tripoli and said the Cairo
radio was not an official station.
Only a few German rearguards
had been left behind to engage in a
bloody, bitter, last-minute defense of
the capital and chief city of Musso-
lini's African empire which now was
swept by demolition explosions and
fires set by the withdrawing Axis
Pilots See Flight
Their flight was clearly visible ,t&
Allied pilots who hovered over the
burning city, and the Morocco radio
said all important defenses had now
(United States Government moni-
tors said this broad cast added: "The
rest of the city is at present being
subjected to a strong bombardment
of artillery.")
The Axis Tunisian Army of Col.-
Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim, already
LONDON, Jan. 22.-(J)-Military
circles here estimate Field Marshal
Erwin Rommel had 12 divisions of
Axis troops at his disposal when the
British opened their offensive at El
Alamein last Oct. 19.
Of these, four were German---two
infantry and two armored, The Ital-
ians had two armored divisions in
addition to six divisions of infantry.
A German division when at hi
strength consists of approximatelyr
14,000 men, an Italian division about
Thus Rommel is estimated to have
had about 126,000 men when he be-
gan his long retreat across Egypt
and Libya, but he is believed to have
lost perhaps half his force in killed
or captured between Alamein and
Ruthven Asks Men
to Stay in Sch0
Many students who are enlisted
in the various reserve programs
are having difficulOW deciding
whether or not it is worthwhile
to enroll in school for the second
semester. Unfortunately, the Uni-
versity does not have sufficient
information to advise the students
with any degree of confidence in
this matter. However, the follow-
ing statement has just been re-
ceived from the American Council
on Education and is submitted to
the students for their information
and to weigh as they see fit. It
must be remembered that this is
not to be regarded as an official
communication from the Army,
but simply as an indication of the
trend matters appear to be taking
in Washington.
"1. Administrative details of
the Army and Navy Training
Programs and of Selective Serv-
ice are still so much in the
formative stage and unavoidable
delays in putting them in oier-
ation are so probable that all
! students whether or not in the
Army Enlisted Reserve Corps or
subject to Selective Service are
urged by the Army, Navy, and
the WMC to continue in college.
until called and until definite
plans are developed. From the
viewpoint of the armed forces
and of industry every day a man
remains in college he is receiv-
ing the training necessary for
effective war service. To drop
out to await call is to lose in-
valuable time in total training.
The same applies also to new
students who planned to enter
the institutions."
Students are advised to consult
their academic counselors before
making definite plans.
-Alexander G. Ruthven
Students Asked'
to Surrender
Traffic Signs
Souvenir traffic signs, now adorn-
ing student rooms, will have to go
back to their old haunts at Ann Ar-
bor street corners the Police Depart-
ment and the Dean of Student's Of-
fice warned last night.
A great war-made material short-
age has left this city without enough
traffic pointers to go around, Police
Chief Sherman H. Mortenson said,
and those returned in the interests of
war safety will be accepted with no
questions asked.
Assistant Dean of Students, Walter
B. Rea outlined a painless method of
returning needed road-markers, and
offered even to pick them up.
He invited rooming houses frater-
nities and dormitories to "let us know
where they are and we'll come and
get them." Information from where
or from whom they were obtained will
be forgotten, the Dean emphasized.
Few signs have disappeared this
year according to Chief Mortenson,
and he will be glad to send police
squad cars to pick up road-markers
in response to student calls.
Mortenson said he is "depending on
students to realize that a war is being
fought and it's up to them to turn in
their souvenirs so we can use them."
Senate Will Consider
Students Will
Aid Polio Fight
Playing a part in the nation-wide
drive to raise funds to combat in-
fantile paralysis, the Manpower Corps
yesterday began their campaign
among Michigan men.
According to Bob Johnson, Man-
power Corps representative in charge
of the local drive, the need this year,
is more urgent now than it has been
in a number of years because of poor
sanitary conditions that have resulted
from war-worker migrations. This
has increased the likelihood of an epi-
demic, he said.
Contribution boxes have been sent
to the various men's fraternities and
dormitories, Johnson announced, and
others will be placed about the cam-
pus in convenient locations.
The War Manpower CommissionI
and Army and Navy training staffs,
working in conjunction with leading
educators, yesterday announced the
following action in regard to sendingl
service men to college for technical
Here are the steps that have been,
taken and are being taken:
1. In accordance with the orderi
which specifies that the method of
selecting the. colleges should be de-
termined by a board set up by Paul V.
McNutt, the manpower director has
met several times with educators and
the final recommendations of this
committee are expected about Feb. 1.
2. After the method of selection
of colleges is established, the Joint.
Army-Navy-WMC Committee will
actually select the specific colleges.
This committee, composed of three
members of each Army, Navy and
WMC has been meeting several times
a week for some weeks now.
On Dec. 11-six days before the
Al of Papua
in Allied Hands
AUSTRALIA,, Jan, 23 (Saturday)-
(P)-Exactly six months after the
Japanese began their Papuan cam-
paign with a landing at Gona, New
Guinea, Allied forces practically
ended it yesterday by shattering the
last organized resistance around San-
ananda point.
Seven hundred and twenty-five
bodies have been counted and the
counting continued.
Thus Papau became the first com-
plete geographical unit to be won
back from the Japanese. It consists
of about 90,000 square miles and has
a population of about 300,000, mostly
dark-skinned natives.
plan was announced to the public-
the committee sent out question-1
naires to all colleges to obtain a rec-
ord of the exact facilities available.
A committee member reports that
practically all' of these questionnaires
have now been filled out and return-
ed. The Joint Army-Nary-WMC
Committee is headed by Dr. Edward
C. Elliott, President of Purdue Uni-
versity, and Chief of the Division of
Professional and Technical Employ-
ment Training of the War Manpower
3. The Army is working with "pan-
els of specialists"-recommended by
the American Council on Education-
to plan its curriculum. These panels
consist of leading educators in each
field who have been called to Wash-
ington to work out the study courses.
So far a basic course and some ad-
vanced technical courses have been
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
Mer men Face
Ohio State in
Crucial Mfeet
After weeks of buildup Ohio State
and Michgan will finally shove off
into the waters of the Sports Building
pool tonight at 7:45, each determined
to sink the other in this dual meet
of the year. Both teams are counting
on a victory but no one would dare
call this victory a certainty until the
last swimmer has climbed out of the
Sedom has such an array of aquatic
talent been assembled at one time.
With the possible exception of last
year's Yale-Michigan encounter to-
night will see the most select group
of swimmers collected for a dual meet
in a great many years.
A severe blow to Buckeye hopes was
dealt by Old Man Sickness for Cap-
tain and Big Ten backstroke champ
Mark Follansbee is reported to be out
of the meet because of a throat ail-
ment. One of the features of the
whole affair was to be Mark's duel
with Michigan's sophomore star, Har-
ry Holiday. If this report is really
true, then the backstroke burden will
fall on Bill Ryan, who was fourth in
both Conference and Collegiate meets
last year. And Michigan may pick up
two valuable points through the
Buckeye captain's absence.
However, even without Follansbee
coach Mike Peppe's team is packed
playing host to the Rommel Corps,
meanwhile was reported smashed
back in bitter battles of considerable
scale for control of a mountain high-
land guarding Rommel's coastal es-
cape corridor.
The headquarters of Gen. Henri
.Giraud reported that the French,
with British reinforcements and with
Americans in the thick of the action,
had repulsed the easternmost of two
German thrusts in central Tunisia
and "made an advance of several
miles" in the valley of Oued Kebir.
Enemy Attack Fails
The westernmost thrust, to the
northwest of the Ousselt Hill, already
had been reported halted.
"The enemy attack on our posi-
tions dominating the approaches to
Kairouan 20 miles west of the town
has completely failed," the French
communique said..
Dispatches from Cairo said Allied
pilots in flying over Tripoli, the last
and most important port in Libya,
saw the city covered by clouds- of
smoke rising from demolition fires
and explosions which rearguard en-
gineers evidently had set to destroy
every military installation of value
before the British could take over.
Navy Reports
Plane Missmg
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-(P)-The
Navy reported today that a transport
seaplane, with 19 persons aboard,
.was overdue on a flight from Pearl
Harbor to San Francisco,
No report from the big plane had
been received since early Thursday
morning when it circled in the vi-
cinity of San Francisco, the Navy
At Flagstaff, Ariz., Sheriff Peery
Francis, after a day-long investiga-
tion, said he was certain the twin-
engined Navy transport plane had
come to rest somewhere in Schultz
Pass, which grooves the 13,000-foot
New Manpower Projects Planned
With many additonal workersf
needed to carry out an extensive pro-
gram for next semester, the Man-
power Corps will begin a new regis-l
traton drive immediately after the
beginning of the coming term.
Under the direction of Clarence1
Carlson of the Manpower executive
board, all campus organization, fra-
ternties, dormitories, and co-oper-
atives will be contacted. Booths will;
also be set un at convenient campus
The following is a list of the ac-
tivities planned to date:
1. Men will be needed to work on
a defense construction job at Ypsi-
lanti. They will do measuring, rod,
work and drive stakes on a 4-hour
shift six days a week. Pay will be -at
the rate of ninety cents per hour.
Shifts will probably run from 8 to
12 and from 1 to 5. Interested stu-
dents are advised to arrange their
schedules for next semester accord-
shortage at Ypsilanti and resultant
trailer communities, the Manpower
Corps will play an important part in
the establishment of a recreation cen-
ter for children of war workers. Men
will be needed who have had experi-
ence in camp and recreation work or
other child entertainment. So far as
is known now, this work will be done
on a voluntary basis.
5. Work will be done on organizing
the high school students of Wash-
tenaw, Jackson, Ingham and Liv-
ingston counties to do farm work.