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January 20, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-20

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited aid managed by students of the University of
Mthikn(i undei the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publicatione.
Piblished every morning except. Monday during the
regulir University year, and every morning except Von-
ay Rnd Tuiesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
Ue Asociated Press is exclusively' entitled to the
ueoforri'epublication of all news dispatches credited to
it .orotherwise credited in this newspaper.- A rights
of republication of all other matters eerein also reserved.
1Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
secondciass mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by' carrier
x.25. by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194243


1WVE'1MVVnAW' a, *Ai1-A& dA'

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"halt's: exactly $1.65, Mrs. joes"

Vetr to te fIto

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pvjbilis mRe~eseii~dVe
S420 ,MiON AVE. New YoRK. N.Y.
Editorial Staff f y
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Edito'r:
Morton- Mintz. . . . . Editorial Director
Wil Sapp . . . . . . . City Editot
Geprge W. Sallad.. . . * Associate Edito{ t 4°
Charles Thatcher . . . . Associate Edito*
5e1rnrd endel . S . . . 5ports Editotz
Barbra delddries . . .Women'a Editor
Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
t usiness Staff c
dwrd J. Perlberg Business Manage"t
P-rd M. Ginsberg Associate Business Manager
Ia Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager v
Jime Lindberg. . . Women's Advertising Manager
J eie Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1I
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. r '

Censorship of British
Criticism UnwarranUted
i ENT Aericaa censorship of British press
.riticisms condenmning North African policies
is putting a thorn in our democratic'ideals-and
probably a smile on Hitler's face.
London daily papers for the past few 'weeks
have been waging a powerful attack against an
American-handled situation, yet almost ne of
thed controversy has been allowed to reach the
American people.
So we find this thorn In the democratic rose-
u4-a censorship amounting to suppression of,
ajg+n discussion on a vital issue between two
1a It y partners. Because censorship has been
sotti ct, Americans have been kept frot an-
tring the charges nade against policies of
the UntedI States.
The same situation occurred in the reverse
wheli ~the British censored American criticism of
the Indian question. At that time it was the
Bitish who were kept in the dark and were un-
sblet^ answer charges against their policies.
-In both eases open discussion would have
ben of no harm to the isSue ani certaiily
might have helped i i mutital understanding
"etween two allies.
;~Botis- criticism of the way the politidal and
mlili ±y situation is being handled is rating head-
'les in leading London newspapers. Accoints of
appeasement influence in the French govern-
reri, ecause Amercan policy left certain fac-
ti hs i control, are being printed. Stories of mis-
treatment of political prisoners under men who
still hdld public office, express British disapoint-
n ent in the situation. The London Daily Mail
hinfs,; according to a recent report in PM, that
x16rYe than, political difficulties and boggy Tuni-
saata mud are delaying the Anglo-American forces
u nder Gonera1 Eisenhower. The Daily Mail sug-
gestfthat "poor staff work is responsible for the
failure, particularly in the instance of Allied air
support of the long-expected blow on Tunisia."
1uch- of the restlessness over the second front,
ac2ording to London newspapers, is colored by
the belief that General Eisenhower and the vic-
torlbu ighth Armny together have engaged no
more than 20 enemy divisions-and the press
feels ihat at least 50 Axis divisions must be en-
gaged to give relief to the overworked Russians.
iOther London papers, the Times and the News
Chronicle, in their demand for a second front
express disappointment over the lack of speed
with -which Eisenhower's forces are gathering
th1e selves for the blow on Tumisia. They ask
that-tIe 'obscurity' covering North African opera-
tiors be lifted.
l itt nine of these charges against American-
supevised activities have-reached our ears. No
open dicussion has been attempted to iron out
Anglo-.Anercan differences. In the question of
* redognizing certain French groups above oth-
ers, a matter in which London and Washing-
ton differ sharply, no attempt at reconciling
opinions has been made.
Further misunderstandings have arisen over
Eisenhower's reasons for the acceptance of Dar-
lan-reasons which were real aloud in secret ses-
sion, of the House of Commons, but which the
British public never even knew existed.

NEW YORK- I haven't spotted any trends for
you lately, and I had better catch up, because
there are all kinds of trends whizzing across the
political scene like rabbits in a hurry. And if you
let trends go unspotted, they multiply on you and
may crowd you out of house and home.
One trend is a growing public awareness of
how far our State Department lags behind the
realities of this war.
This is new. A year ago, criticism of State De-
partment policy was merely mystifying to most
Americans. As recently as last February, Mr.
Willkie, who has learned a lot in a year, actually
delivered a speech attacking Mr. Roosevelt for
not giving the State Department more power.
Not long ago it would have been impossible for
Mr. Hugh Grant, ex-Minister to Albania and
Thailand, to deliver his speech of last week, ask-
ing for "new blood" in the Department. The De-
partment has been, until the present moment,
the great unassailable, the single spotless vest of
the Administration.
HE WAR is rushing to a head. There is a genu-
inefeeling of climax, almost everywere in the
world. Even those who were inarticulate, not to
say dopey, a couple of years ago, now scent that
a final showdown is coming between the forces of
genuine democracy, and those men afflicted with."
what I call "the sickness," men who began to flirt
with fascism because they could not stand the
tempo of lusty democratic change and progress
and growth.
'Our Department of Justice has thus been
emboldened to bring sedition indictments
against more than two dozen Americans, pre-
cisely because the public has become fed up on
"the sickness," and wants no more of it.
We are talking of indictments against Ezra
Pound and Robert H. Best and other of the sick
" gentry, who, with the arogance characteristic of
their affliction, have been broadcasting for the
A few years ago we used to walk somewhat
timidly in the presence of the sick men; there
was something of panic fright in our discussions
of these blatherskites and their morbid press and
platform. That has c anged. I believe the sick
men are scared today. I give you that too, as a
trend. -
Now we come to the crux of it: Our -State
Department has dealt consistently with those
Frenchmen who are precisely and specifically
the sick men of France.
THE STATE Department has learned less, dur-
ing the war, than has the Department of Jus-
tice; its conceptions lag; it has not shared in the
increasing boldness of the popular attack against
the sickness, and the sick men.
The constricted scale of the State Depart-
nient's "success" in stopping the collaboration-
ists of Martinique from broadcasting anti-
American propaganda by short-wave is charac-
teristic. These specimens have now been per-
suaded to broadcast their poison on niedium
wave only. I put it to you, whether that is the
ci~s Fy,

-DREW k~ t
WASHINGTON- Rubber Czar Jeffers, who
muoans that everything always goes wrong in
Washington and wishes he were back in Omaha,
is in for more trouble.
Up in Philadelphia, Polish inventor Szukiew-
Iez has been twiddling his thumbs waiting for
a chance to tell the Senate how only two short
years ago he built an alcohol rubber plant In
Italy, now producing more than 10,000 tons a,
year, and how he can get no steel or anything
else to build a similar plant in Philadelphia-
even with private funds.
Down in Louisville, Fred Willkie of Seagrams,
br'other of Wendell, is chafing at the bit because
he is given the run-around in getting materials
to build a rubber plant, again with private money
and again using a quick alcohol process.
Finally, right in Washington a group of Sen-
ators are seeing red and saying "I told you so"
over rubber delays.
All of which illustrates the fact that sometimes
Congress has done a better job than the Execu-
tive in prosecuting the war. If the President had
not vetoed the -Gillette Bill providing for syn-
thetic rubber from grain alcohol we might be
better off today.
Last summer, Senator Gillette and his Agri-
'cultural Committee pointed out that rubber from
alcohol was quicker, cheaper; that it would not
use up as much steel as building big new petro-
leum rubber plants; and that it would benefit the
Saving Face For Officials
However, the President had to save face for two
high-up members of his official family. Jesse
Jones had committed the nation to making rub-
ber through the Standard of New Jersey patent
group, the same crowd which at Nazi instigation
withheld synthetic rubber patents from the U.S.A.
Jesse didn't want to be reversed. Also the Gillette
Bill took rubber production partially out of the
hands of Donald Nelson. He objected.
So FDR vetoed the Gillette Bill, sinultan-
eously asking Bernie Baruch to study the entire
rubber program and make recommendatoins.
In the end, Baruch froze the rubber program
already started, because, he said, it was too late
to change-though most of the big new rubber
plants to be built under the petroleum process,
- requiring about $10,000,000 worth of steel and
copper, still were in a blueprint stage. Baruch
also recommended modified manufacture of rub-
ber from alcohol.
So the Gillette Committee held everything,
decided to play ball. Instead of trying to 'pass
its bill over the President's veto, it waited to
give Jeffers a chance.
But now that Jeffers has come out publicly,
warning that the rubber program is seriously de-
layed, and repeating some of the Senate's identi-
cal warnings, Gillette et al are up in arms again.
Capital Chaff
The Army has found a new type of work for
defeated Congressmen-semi-diplomatic jobs in

(Cont ied from Pag 1)
seems to me to be that the Board
has been concerned with appeasing
critics of The Daily rather than
with upholding the principle of the
freedom of the press. I would par-
ticularly like to see the Board doeu-
ment its record in this connectior.
* * *
A. K. Stevens, English depart-
ment: Prior to ten or eight years
ago The Daily was insufferable, a
kind of multiple-mirror arrange-
ment for literary narcissi. It was
that most regrettable of all things
in a democracy: a "kept" press-
only it was "kept" by a coterie of
elegant ut socially irresponsible
editors and staff writers. But the
Depression changed all that. The
Daily acquired social consciousness
-its nearest'approach to a consis-
tent editorial policy. Unevenness in
the application of that- policy and
an occasional hystericalnote I find
it easy to excuse; surely all readers
must know that it is a student pa-
per. I am particularly grateful for
the "win-the-wa" zeal of last O-
tober and November; I am sure it
did us all a lot of good.
W. B. Paer and George Ander-
son, economics dept.: We - have
enjoyed reading The Daily for sev-
eral years and have been inipressed
by the high calibre of perf~rmaie
by its editors. It has provided a me-
dium on its editorial page for the
expression of all shades of student
opinion. We should hate to see any
attempt made to throttle consid-
ered student opiiion no matter how
radical or conservative it may be
Roy W. Sellars, philosophy-
department: The relatlonshp be-
tween The Daily and the Board in
Control has long, been a problem
which needed public airing. I am
glad to see that it has been brought
into the opea for the public discus-
sion which it- shouldhave.
* * *
John L. Brumm, chairman
journalism departnien t Not know-
ing all the facts involved in the
present controversy, I have no com-
ment to make on the merits of the
case. It is very evident that there
are two divergent interests to be
reconciled, if possible-that of a
group of students concerned with
editorial enterprise and that of the
tniversity faculty concerned with
avoiding misadventures in pub-
licity. It is inevitahble, perhaps, that,
measurably as they fcel free to ex-
press their views on current issues,
student editors are sure, on occa-
sion, to annoy, even exasperate,
their elders, esecially those re-
sponsible for public relations. The
writing and editing of a newspaper
is a precarious undertaking. A
newspaper goes on trial before an
undifferentiated public every day.
No rule-of-thumb procedure can
be relied on in its making- The most
to hope for is freedom of expres-
sion within the bounds of good taste
and relative to matters concerning
which the writers may be presumed
to be adequately informed. Tie
Michigan Daily is, I believe; widely
recognized as one of the best col-
lege newspapers.
Carlton F. Wells, English depart-
ment: The Daily in recent months
has measured up to the high stan-
dards of interest, resourcefulness,
and vigorous thinking which I have
come to expect from our widely re-
spected student newspaper. Its edi-
torial page has been alert, timely,
provocative, independent. When I
have disapproved on particular is-
sues or with a particular editorial,
I still have felt that The Daily was
performing a proper function as an
irritant or challenge.
I should certainly deprecate any
interference with the essential free-

dom of the student staff members,
--a freedom- that has been a part
of The Daily's long tradition of
outspoken and responsible jourinal-
(Continued from Page 1)
any attempt to tamper with its pol-
icies, seems highly out of order.
I can think of a lot of things that
need changing around here more
than The Michigan Daily.
Paul Wingate; IFC Secretary-
Treasurer: Michigan traditions
stand for democratic principles of
learning and self-government. This
being the case, let the current con-
troversy at The Daily be ,the begin-
ning of a campus instigated move-
ment for a less one-sided, more
democratic method of student gov-
ernment. Packed bo'ards have toot
often in the past given complete
faculty control over matters of
uir} tl'P la u 3i :u 1rirlC3

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 80-
All notices for the Dl Offical BSul-
letin are to be sent to the Offie of the
Presideht in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the. day preceding its publica-
tlon, except on Saturday when the no.
tirces should be submitted byr11:30s am.
Request -Federal Bureau of Imini-
gration and Naturalization: In order
to comply with instructions of the
Federal Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion authorities there wll be attached
to each payroll cheekat -the end :of
the-present month a blank which may
be disregarded by every one who is a
native born or naturalized citizen of
the United States. All others should
fill out this blank and return it
ptomptly to the Business Office.
-Shley W. Smith
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of-the-value of the prop-
erty, theInvestment Office, 100
SouthWing'of University Hal, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such
financing may effect a substantial
saving in interest.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty
on-Friday, Jan. 22, at 4:15 pm., in
Room 348, West Engineering Build-
ing. -A. H. Lovell, Seretary
Faculty Luncheon: Lieut. Col. Tho-
mas ".M. Carter, District Chaplain,
Second District Army Air Forces
Technical Training Command, is
speaking at a faculty luncheon at the
Michigan Union today at 12:15 p.m.
on our men in service as viewed by
an educator. All are welcome.
Identification Cards: All students
reregistering for the Spring Term in
February will be asked to show their
Identification Cards at the time of'
Registration. 'The presentation of this
card will save the time of both the
student and-those in charge of regis-
tration procedure.
Degree Program for Honors in Lib-
eral Arts: Students interested in en-
tering the Degree Program for Honors
in Liberal Arts in the spring term
-should leave their names with Miss
Davis, Room 1208 Angell Hall, by
Thursday, Jan. 21.
Automobile Regulation- The Uni-
versity Automobile Regulation will be
lifted from noon on January 30 until
8:00 a.m. on Feb. 8 for all schools.
Exceptions will not be made for indi-
viduals who complete their work in
advance of the last day of class exam-
-Office of the Dean of Students
Students: A list of graduates and
former students now in Military Ser-
vice is being compiled at the Alumni
Catalogue Office.- This list already
numbers approimately 6,000. If you
are entering Military Service, please
-see that your name is included in this
list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This
courtesy will be greatly appreciated.
-Lunette Madley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
&tudents who pla to enter one of
the following professional schools:
Law, Business Administration, or or-
estry and Conservation at the begin-
ning of the summer term on the Com-
bined Curricuhm must file an a mii-

League Student offices or at the Un-
ion Student offices, between three
and five, any day this week, or to any
member of the Finance committee.
Attention, Graduating Engineers:
To those men who have paid their
class dues, caps and gowns will be
available -to rent at the League Ball-
room (second floor) on Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons, Jan. 20 and
21, from 2:00 until 6:00 p.m.
The initial charge will be .$3.00; a
refund of $2.00 will be made when the
cap and gown are returned in good
order-. All- caps and gowns must be
returned to the League Ballroomn be-
fore 3 o'clock on the afternoon of
Saturday, Jan. 23.
Academic Notices
Pre-medical Students: Attention is
again called to the Medical Aptitude
Test of the Association of American
Medical Colleges which will- be given
here on Friday, Jan. 22. This test is
a normal requirement for admission
to- practically all medical schools.
Moreover, many of - the local draft
boards are asking that some evidence,
such as the successful taking of thist
test, be-furnished as a basis for defer-
ring pre-medical students. Any stu-
dent who is planning to enter a med-
ical school and who has not previously
taken the test should do so at this,
time. It is extremely doubtful that
any special tests will be given this
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall,
and tickets are still available at the
Cashier's Office.
University Choir (Ensemble 50):
Male voices are needed for the spring
term. Membership is open to students
in any school or college of the Uni-
versity whether electing the course
for credit or not. Rehearsals Monday
through Friday at 11 o'clock in Lane-
Hall. Sacred and secular a cappella
literature comprises the material for
study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen,
the director, Room 223, School of
Music Building.
Economics 12i: The class will meet
today. -Margaret Elliott
I will meet my classes today. Be
prepared on Monday's assignment.
-,. 6. Walker
Speech Concentrates: Professor
Hance will see students for program
planning for the second semester on
Thursday and Friday afternoons of
this week. Please call the Speech Of-
fice; ext. 526, for appointments.
Mathematics 101, Topics in Calcu-
lus, will be offered during the spring ,
term MWF at 8 in 3017 A.H., by Pro-
fessor Hildebrandt, three hours credit.
This course is intended for students
who have already had a first course
in calculus and require a rapid re-
view of the techniques and applica-
Mathematics 20, Air Navigation,
will be offered for four hours credit
by Professor Carver during the spring
term, in two sections meeting at I and
2 o'clock respectively. Both sections
meet MTuThF in 3003 A.H.
Mathematics Consultation Hours:
All students in sections of Math. 7 or
13 taught by Messrs. Albers, Cote,
Bennett, Grau, and Houghton, may
consult one of these men for extra
help on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 23,
1-5 p.m., in Rooms 404-406 South

the publications organization which
is very similar to what is occurring
regularly in the meetings of the
Committee on Student Affairs.
On the Board, the action has,
been definite limitation of the edi-
tor-ial subject matter available for.
publication. On the Committee, -it
has been less obvious, yet purely a
case of ideas presented by the fac-
ulty and- administration dominat-
ing -any .legitimate requests and
presentations made by the student
members of the Committee.
* * * -
Bob Ufer, track team: I feel stu-
dents should,begin running student
affairs, and should not be pushed
around like a bunch of sheep. It's
bad enough that the administration
should cut out house parties and
use the Committee on Student Af-
fairs as. a Charlie McCarthy. But
now that it is curtailing our opin-
ions as expressed by The. Daily, I
feel we, the students, should really.
stand up and fight for our rights.
Frank C. McCarthy, track tean,;
John F. Zimmerman, retiring Gar-
goyle business manager: We

strongly support The Daily's effort
to bring out into the open the
struggle that has resulted once
again from a lack of student rep-
resentation on a Board of Control.
This struggle is to us a greater one
than merely removing a member of
the Board. It is an effort to give
the student body an effective free
* * *
Ben Douglas, Michiganensian
Business Manager, and George Ir-
win, University Band Manager:
This Daily controversy brings into
the open one aspect of a more gen-
eral question which has long been
in need of airing. This is the matter
of the right of students to question
faculty authority in the administra-
tion of student affairs.
Students too often have been re-
garded as creatures of immature
judgment for whom all decisions
must be made. However, it would
seem that the student of today is
more than ever aware of his re-
sponsibilities, and is capable of
handling these responsibilities. It
is a relief to see that this problem
has been brought up for discussion.


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