4 4
>4 ai4
Light Snaow
Air Reserves
Are Slated for
Duty in April
Men Will Be Sent to
100 College Training
Centers for Special
Pre-Flight Courses
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-Prospec-
tive aviation cadets now in the Air
Corps Enlisted Reserve will be order-
ed to duty at about 100 colleges for
special instructions under a new pro-
gram expanding Army use of the Civil
Aeronautics Administration's facili-
A limited amount of flight train-
ing will be given, tonight's announce-
ment by the Army Air Forces said.
This is expected to improve the effi-
ciency and increase the output of
regular Army flight schools by pro-
viding a screening test to eliminate
a large percentage of failures at the
Army institutions.
The college courses are expected to
begin in April. Schools selected will
include a number now participating
in the CAA program.
The name Civilian Pilot Training,
or "CPT," is being changed to CAA
War Training Service. It will have
two parts. The first division will con-
tinue the present courses for men
expected to qualify eventually as
transport pilots or instructors.
"In the second division," said the
Air Forces, "new special qualification
courses will be conducted for a cer-
tain proportion of prospective avia-
tion cadets prior to their entry into
regular AAF schools. The number will
depend on the amount of equipment
"At the present time a large num-
ber of these men are in the Army
Enlisted Reserve, awaiting call to
active duty. It is expected that these
men will be called in the near fu-
ture and assigned to approximately
100 colleges selected throughout the
country in localities where flying
fields are conveniently available. The
colleges selected will be announced as
soon as the list'is completed."
Soldiers Kill
1,032 Japs.
on Solo mons
President Ruthven s
Words Apply Today,
-President Ruthven, in "The Nation's
Schools," Jan., 1943
THE FOLLOWING WORDS of President Alexander G. Ruthvento
the graduating class of 1942 provide excellent background for the
present fight against a Board in Control of Student Publications
which is attempting to stifle student thought and expression:
"As we allow our minds to loaf, we become easy prey and
effective tools for politicians, bureaucrats, demagogues, and other
self-seekers--we become the serfs and make dictatorships possible.
"We are, on occasion, being asked to accept at their face value the
opinions, prejudices, and plans of many self-styled "authorities" and
to swallow whole the generalizations of those whose chief qualifications
for leadership are ambition and the ability to make a loud noise."
followers, but we should train with the intellectually honest, not
with blind and ignorant disciples."
"To be a creative thinker is hard work, and the results of the effort
may often be expected to bring disapprobation, especially when they.
are displeasing to those in high places. Such criticism shouid, how-
ever, cause the conscientious citizen no deep Aoncern."
S * * *, -
"There is no disloyalty in honestly questioning your leaders.
Indeed, it is the highest patriotism in ademocracy to refuse to
become puppets of the state, mere cogs in 'an'y iiachine, or super-
ficial followers Of any sect, ideology, or individual. .
* * * * ,
"As you leave the University, I give you this charge: Be neither
pessimists nor wishful thinkers. Fashion for yourselves an "armor of
honest thought"; 'be just and fear not; let all'the ends thou aimest at
be thy country's thy God's, ,nd truth's'." ,
* * * .
We sincerely hope President Ruthven applies his words of last
May to the present controversy. If he does; Prof. Densmore will
not long be a member of the Board.
-Homer Swander, MaanagIng Editor
Morton Mintz, Editorial Director
Will Sapp, City Editor
0 e
Russian Armies Batter Germans,
17 Miles toward Kharkov;
British, French
Close on
British Announce
Sinking of 14 Axis
Vessels by Pack of.
Allied Destroyers
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 20.-The Fighting
French swarming northward from
Equatorial Africa have joined forces
with the British Eighth Army closing
on Tripoli, it was announced tonight,
while the British reported sinking 14
Axis vessels in the Mediterranean in
the first three days of this week.
These French troops swept up from
the Lake Chad area over deserts and
mountains, conquering the Italian
Fezzan, and now "are continuing
their advance northward and have
established contact with the British
Eighth Army," a communique from
Brig.-Gen. Le Clerc's headquarter's
Aid 'Brilliantly'
"These forces are brilliantly taking
part with their British allies in the
advance on Tripoli. They are attack-
ing on the left of the Eighth Army
moving northward," said the war bul-
letin broadcast . by the. Fighting
French radio at Brazzaville.
The juncture was announced short-
ly after the British had reported
sinking 14 Axis ships in the central
Mediterranean in the first three days
of this week, and as twin British col-
umns pounding toward Tripoli were
reported within 40 and 60 miles of
the bomb-battered capital of Musso-
lini's vanishing Libyan Empire.
The new threat from this French
thrust increased the probability that
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel would.
fight only a delaying action at Trip-
oli instead of making a final stand
French under Leclere
The Frence column had moved up
under Colonel Ingold, the field coM-
mander under Leclerc. Its new ad-"
vance was announced by the authori-
tative French radio station at Brazza-
ville, and not the "Radio Brazzaville"
used as a cloak by an Axis broadcast-
ing station.
A triumphant communique by the
Admiralty tonight disclosed that a
pack of destroyers, six British and
one Greek, sank these vesselson Sun-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 4
WLB Creates
12 New Boards
Regional Plan Used
For Labor Control
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20'.-(Y)-The
War Labor Board today formally an-
nounced a plan to decentralize its
activities through the creation of 12
regional labor boards empowered to
make final decisions on labor dis-
putes and on voluntary wage and sal-
ary adjustments.
WLB chairman William H. Davis
said that under the new setup, ex-
pected to begin operation within a
week or 10 days, the national board
will function "as a supreme court for
labor disputes" by retaining the right
to review regional decisions.
Each regional board will have 12
members, with equal representation
for labor, industry and the public.
The WLB's regional advisory coun-
cils in 10 cities will be reorganized
as regional boards, and boards will
be established in two newly created
regions, Detroit and Seattle.
- !
Retaliation Raid Debris Cleared
Fall Held Near
as London Claims
Million Nazis Lost
British girls and men clean up shattered glass outside a Lon-
department store which felt the effects of a "feeble" air raid by the
Nazis in retaliation for the huge raids on Berlin by the RAF.
* * * * * *
Nazi Planes Bomb London
4 Times;Kill 30 in School
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.- Ameri-
can troops, relentlessly pressing a
campaign to eliminate enemy forces
on Guadalcanal, killed 1,032 Japanese
in five days of jungle warfare, the
Navy reported today.
In patrol skirmishes and in com-
paratively large scale engagements,
they advanced on the Japanese and
wiped out group after group in the
five days ending January 17.
Many of the engagements were
within a short distance of Henderson
Air Field, base for American planes
AUSTRALIA, Jan. 21. (Thursday)
(P)- Allied jungle fighters, mov-
ing so fast they didn't have time
to count the enemy dead, further
compressed Japanese pockets
around Sanananda Point in New
Guinea while Allied bombers at-
tacked 10 points embracing prac-
tically the whole south Pacific
area yesterday and the day before.
which have been bombing enemy po-
sitions on other islands and attacking
shipping in the Solomons area.
One was an encounter in which
American troops moved steadily for-
ward, advancing between 3,000 and
4,000 yards to throw back the Japa-
nese despite "stiff enemy resistance"
last Friday.
Again on the next day the ground
forces forged ahead, with the enemy
offering determined resistance from
Other skirmishes took American
troops into action against pockets of
enemysresistances-sma1l groupsrof
Japanese holding positions from
which they could harrass American
movements. In one day of such ac-
tions the Navy reported that on Sat-
urday 150 Japanese were killed, a
number taken .prisoner and a quan-
tity of equipment captured.
Farm Youth Army Will Be
Formed to Meet Shortage
LANSING, Jan. 20.-( P)-Plans for
recruiting a farm youth army to help
meet an expected labor shortage on
Michigan farms will be formulated at
Roth Quartet State Stalls'
to Play Friday Plan for Post
Beethoven, Dohnanyi War Reserve
Will Be on Program LANSING, Jan. 20. -(P)- Oppo-
nents of legislation to create a $50,-
Presenting a program of works by 000,000 post-war reserve stalled ac-
Haydn, Dohnanyi and Beethoven, the tion on that measure in the Michigan
Roth String Quartet will open its Senate today until next Wednesday.
Third Annual Chamber Music Festi- Senator Jerry T. Logie, Rep., Bay
val at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Main City, attacked the measure as pro-
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- viding "too much" of an immediate
ing. reserve. The sponsor, Sen. Otto W.
The program for Friday will in- Bishop, Rep;, Alpena, had proposed
lude: Quartet in D major, Op. 76, to lay aside $20,000,000 out of cur-
No. 5 by Haydn; Quartet in D-flat rent surpluses in the State Treasury
Major, No. 2 by Dohnanyi; Quartet and to instruct the administrative
in F Minor, Op. 95 by Beethoven. board to add future surpluses to the
Under the leadership of Feri Roth, fund until the $50,000,000 mark was
organizer and first violinist, the reached.
Quartet has toured the United States Logie asserted the law-makers were
since 1928, when it was brought to planning to "strip the Treasury to
Sthis country to present the first of prove 'toyourselves you can't trust
its chamber music festivals for which, the legislature while it's in session."
according to Dr. Charles A. Sink,
president of the University Musical J
Society, it has become famous.Ch eSr
The Quartet, Dr. Sink said, is noted
for its practice of playing the works Ties - e
of contemporary American compos- 'U
ers, and will include a selection by SANTIAGO, Chile, Jan. 20.-(P)-
one of them, Quincy Porter, on its
program at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Chile Severed relations with the Axis
powers today, and President Juan
Flynn Charged with Antonio i,* told his people in a
broadcaste tonight that it was a step
Perjury in Senate toward continental soldidarity and in
defense of democracy.
ComitteeMeetin Rios explained the rupture with
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(P)-An Germany, Japan, and Italy in a half-
opponent's cry of "perjury" today hour address from the government
capped Edward J. Flynn's denial of palace.
wrongdoing, and the Senate Foreign The Chilean Senate approved the
Relations Committee decided to get decision last night by a 30-10 vote,
and Rios afterward signed the decree
the views of Mayor Fiorello H. La- to oust Axis diplomats, A roundup of
Guardia and other New York offi- all Axis nationals was quickly begun.
cials on Flynn's fitness to be Minister Tonight Rios gave Chileans the full
to Australia. explanation of his decision, reached
Flynn, chain-smoking cigarettes, long after the original popular pro-
went over one by one the charges test against Axis attacks on Chilean
wentoverone y oe th chagesshipping had subsided.
leveled by Republicans contending he ____p__________ded.
is unfit for the Australian post, and
branded them all political in origin Chicago U. Takes over
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 21. (Thursday)-
The German Air Force stabbed at
London four times during the night
but indications early today were ,that
the Nazis had done no damage after
a: furious , daylight raid yesterday.
which smashed a school.house . and
killed at least 30. gaily-chattering
children in the building.
The showing last night and early
today by the Nazi Air Force was re-
garded by observers as insignificant
as a military operation, for the Ger-
mans only reached the outskirts of
London once. Otherwise, the. four
alarms in the London area, one of
them in only one section, produced
almost no incidents.
Incendiary bombs were dropped in
the southeast section during' one
The German daylight raiders bur-
ied 30 to 63 children and three teach-
ers beyond hope of -life under tons of
debris but rescuers were digging for
them. It was the worst blow suffered
by London schools since the blitz at-
tacks began.
Only six raiders eluded London's
defenses and the school, in the heart
of a residential section, was smashed
into rubble.
There wasn't a chance that the
children and teachers buried in the
Post-Holiday 'Garg'
Goes on Sale Today
With a saddle shoe on its cover and
a multitude of pictures and cartoons
on its insides the post-holiday issue
of the Gargoyle goes on sale today.
"In this issue-" are featured all
phases of campus life. Rather than
follow the typical student, the cam-
eraman films a "double exposure"
showing two sets of twins as they
bowl, study, skate and date.
Betty Kefgen asks "Darling, to you
remember?" in a page of :sketches
which show the change in student
life since the war began. The Mich-
igan winter scene is depicted by
Mickey McGuire's pen drawings.
ruins were alive, for they had beer
chattering gaily at luncheon on thf
first floor; but 200 rescue worker,
kept digging for them.,
Only 11 children and one teacheui
in the building emerged alive. Thirty
bodies of children from six to 14 years
of age had been[ recovered.
The known victims besides the chil-
dren in the one building were 10 chil-
dren and six women killed by a bomt
which smashed three London houses
and six children and three women'
killed when a bomb passed through
the top of a cafe and across a street
into a row of houses.
Back to Work
Drive Launched
By Coal Miners
4,000 Union Workers
Vote to Comply With
Presidential Order
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 20.-
(P) - Stomping, shouting miners
launched a new back-to-work move-
ment in Pennsylvania's strike-bound
hard coal fields tonight.
Cries of "back to work boys" rang
through union halls as more than
four thousand workers voted to com-
ply with President Roosevelt's order
that they end their three-week-old
unauthorized walkout by noon to-
Throwing parliamentary order to
the winds, the 1,800 employes of the
Lehigh Valley Coal Company's Pros-
pect-Henry Colliery didn't even both-
er to take a formal vote. In a five-
minute session they yelled unani-
mous approval when one worker call-
ed out :
"What do we want a meeting for?
Let's go back to work!"
They were the first to make such
a decision since Mr. Roosevelt issued
his ultimatum yesterday and warned
that he would "take the necessary
steps" unless the miners obeyed.
More formal but just as detgrmined
was the Lance Colliery Local of Glen
Alden Coal Company, with 1;000
members. After the miners voted 250
to 110 to resume production tomor-
row, Dave Cummings, president of
the local for 20 years, said:
"You boys should be like prize
fighters. When one loses he accepts
the decision. We all go back to work
The big South Wilkes-Barre local,
rprese~nting 1.400fl mnlnucs of +the
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Jan. 20.- The Red
Amyr, driving deeply into the Uk-
raine, gained 17 miles in the sweep
toward Kharkov, and farther south
Leached a point only 45 miles above
Voroshilovgrad, Donets River indus-
crial center, a special communique
innounced tonight.
The Russians now have rolled back
the Germans to an area where the
:esiient Red Army itself had retreat-
d last summer when the big Nazi
drive began.
(The midnight Soviet communique
tieard by the Soviet Monitor in Lon-
ion said the Russians had captured
Mityakinskaya, only 22 air line miles
aast of Voroshilovgrad, a junction on
a network of railways that winds
down to Rostov. Thus the Russians
aot only were closing in on the im-
aortant Nazi base of Rostov from
three sides, but might aim to sweep
around it to anchor their flying col-
imns on the Sea of Azov behind it.)
Russians Near Salsk
In the Cauicasus tl'ieissians now
were near Salsk, big rail junction 100
mniles below Rostov.
(British military observers said the
1ussians in. two months had ren-
lered ineffective a total of 89 Axis
livisions, representing the demorali-
iation of some 1,335,000 enemy
troops if they were at full divisional
The Southern Arm of the Russian
sweep toward Kharkov captured By-
elokurakina, 115 miles southeast of
the big industrial center. A northern
army is fighting within 79 miles of
the city from the east.
Byelokurakina was taken by Soviet
'roops advancing 17 miles from
Novo-Pskov. Farther south another
column took Byelovodsk, 45 miles
above Voroshilovgrad. Other Russian
anits were threatening Voroshilov-
,rad in a drive down the railway
from Millerovo.
Northern Arm Past Urazovo
The northern arm is fighting be-
yond the Urazovo area on the Voron-
czh- Kupyansk- Kharkov railway.
Seventy miles northeast of this Rus-
ian spearhead the Red Army final-
ly smashed a two-day Axis stand in
;ncircled Ostrogozhsk. Two railway
grains loaded with motor vehicles and
>ther equipment fell along with ,the
In the Caucasus the Red Army
overran Proletarskaya, about 23 miles
rom Nazi-held Salsk,. a key rail and
air base 100 miles southeast of Ros-
tov. It is from Salsk that the Ger-
mans have been flying in supplies to
the 22 Nazi divisions slowly being
throttled to death in the trap before
H~ichigan Told
to Burn Coal
DETROIT, Jan. 20.- (I)- A
mandatory program of conversion of
oil heating units to coal was an-
nounced today for Michigan after a
conference of representatives of the
War Production Board, the Office of
Price Administration and the Petro-
leum Administration for War.
Effective immediately, the pro-
gram'at the outset will apply only
to consumers who use 10,000 gallons
or more a season, but James E. Wil-
son, deputy regional director of the
WPB in charge of priorities and allo-
cations, said that eventually it would
be extended to all consumers.
The present program will affect
apartments, hotels, theatres and in-
dustrial users.
Axis Powers Sign
New Economic Pact
A Berlin radio broadcast recorded
by the Associated Press tonight said
that Germany, Japan, and*Italy had
signed an economic cooperation pact
yesterday to utilize, "each in his own
economic sphere," their resources for
Sub-Zero Temperature Freezes
,Heating System's Coal Supply
Arctic Ann Arbor weather periled
the University's central heating sys-
tem last night as a sub-zero temper-
ature froze coal in the heating
plant's feeding hoppers.
A skeleton crew from the greatly,
under-manned Building and Grounds
department has worked for 36 hours
breaking up boulders of frozen coal
where it pours into the central stok-
er, Supt. Edward C. Pardon said last
miles of back highways around Ann
Arbor, the Sheriff's office reported,
but the County Road Commission
predicted that most snowbound farm
houses would be accessible by to-
Main highways in and outside of
Ann Arbor have been cleared, al-
though road travel is still hazardous
the Commissioner warned. Ann Ar-
bor's police department noted a 25%
decrease in automobile accidents.