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Soldier Girls
WAACS March With Precision Into New Custer Quarters
Prove Ability
At Fort Custer
WAACS Occupy New Barracks;
Do 'Man-Size' Duties With Skill
And Don't Neglect Hair-Curling
FORT CUSTER, Jan. 17.-- (R-
General George A. Custer's ghost
would have had a severe shock had
he chosen this past week to pay a
visit to Fort Custer, Mich., the Army
Post named after him. For, of all
things, -he would have discovered a
group of women ensconced in new
barracks there and all. set to stay for
the duration of a long war.
The .152 WAACS who arrived
Wednesday at Fort Custer was the
first contingent of the women's, army
to be stationed in Michigan. Termed
"fun loving but serious kids" by their
commanding officer, Janet C. Jenk-
ins, the WAACS take their duties ser-
Husbands Are in Forces
"They didn't join for the glamour
of belonging to an army," Lieut. Jenk-
ins, who is a native of Saginaw, said.
'"Many of them are doing the same
jobs they did before and for much
less money. They all feel, as I do, that
this is the best way they can help win
the war. Many have brothers, sweet-
hearts"'and even husbands in the
armed forces," she continued, point-
ing out the company's first sergeant,
Judy Pratt, a pretty, dark-haired girl,
as an example.
Judy's husband has been overseas
for more than a year now and is sta-
tioned in New Caledonia. Another
WAAC, Auxiliary Evelyn Goig, said'
her husband enlisted at the same
time. He is in the Air Force.
Live Like Soldiers
Except that each barracks has a
laundry room and two bathtubs, the
WAACS live much the same as en-
listed soldiers. The one concession to
the WAACS as women is sheets for
the bunks rather than just blankets.
In addition to the three new bar-
racks, WAAC headquarters includes a
mess hall, officers' quarters, and a
recreation hall which boasts an un-
equipped beauty parlor. All buildings
are painted white on the outside but
are unpainted inside.
Answering the ever present question
in the minds of both WAACS and ci-
vilians, Lieut. Jenkins said the girls
will be allowed to have dates. Ar-
rangements ae already being made
by post service clubs to welcome them.
Beauty Isn't Neglected
Despite the strict military restric-
tions governing them, WA4CS man-
age to live much the same as any
other group of girls. Jars of cold
cream miraculously appear at night
from neat wall lockers, and most of
the girls spend the usual 10 to 30 min-
utes in "pinning up" their hair before
going to bed. Lights must be out at
9:30 and first call is at 6:30.
The question to salute or not to
salute was in the air Thursday. It was
decided, finally, that WAAC auxiliar-
ies would continue, as they had been
trained, to salute Army officers. Whe-
ther or not the officers return the
salutes is up to them, they are not
required by post regulations to do so,
nor are Army enlisted men required
to salute WAAC officers.
Many of the WAACS, clad in G.I.
ski pants, regulation long underwear,
woolen blouses, mufflers and hats,
will start their active Army career to-
morrow moning by driving two and
one half ton trucks around the post.
Women collecting nylon or silk
stockings in dormitories, league
houses and sororities are asked to
bring their collections from 4:30
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow to the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Governor To'
Head Patrons
Bob Chester's Band To Play
For Annual Army-Navy Ball
Patrons for the Army-Navy Ball, to
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday
at the Sports Building, have been an-
nounced by Cadet Col. Charles That-
cher, '43, publicity chairman for the
Heading the lists of these guests
are Gov. and Mrs. Harry F. Kelly,
followed by Pres. and Mrs. Ruthven,
Vice-Pres. and Mrs. Shirley W.
Smith, Vice-Pres. and Mrs. Clarence
S. Yoakum and Vice-Pres. and Mrs.
James D Bruce, Regent and Mrs. R.
Spencer Bishop, Regent and Mrs. Al-
fred B. Connable, Jr., Regent and
Mrs. Franklin M. Cook, Regent and
Mrs. David H. Crowley, Regent and
Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert.
Chester to Play
Continuing the list are Regent and
Mrs. Harry G. Kipke, Regent and
Mrs. John D. Lynch, Regent and
Mrs. Edmund C. Shields, Hon. and
Mrs. Eugene B. Elliot, Capt. and Mrs.
Richard E. Cassidy, and Col. and Mrs.
William A. Ganoe.
Playing for the affair will be Bob
Chester and his "Nation's Sweetest
Sensation" band, featuring Betty
Bradley and Gene Howard at the
vocals. Tickets for the affair may be
purchased at ROTC or NROTC head-
quarters or from any members of the
central committee.
To Divide Proceeds
Proceeds for the affair will be di-
vided between the Military Science
Department, Naval Science Depart-
ment and the Bomber-Scholarship.
Decorations, consisting of military
equipment, have been donated for the
party, and other expenses are being
kept to a minimum.
Formerly open to advanced corps
men only, this year all members of
the ROTC and NROTC, including the
basic students, are invited to attend
the Ball. As many of the advanced
corps men are graduating seniors and
it is possible that some basic students
may leave at the endof this semes-
ter, also, the dance will provide a last
get-together for many of the mem-
bers of the two military reserve
'Canteen Corps'
Runs Cafeteria
To Replace Men
Thirteen women, under the direc-
tion of Ann MacMillan, '44, have ral-
lied to relieve the manpower shortage
by forming a "Canteen Corps" which
has taken over and is running the
University Club cafeteria in the Un-
,The wonen work either of two
shifts, from 11 a.m. to 12:45 a.m. or
from noon to 1:30 p.m., on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, or on Tues-
day, Thursday, and Saturday, and re-
ceive regular Union wages. They act
as bus boys, serve the food, and do
the cleaning -up. However, they are
not required to do any heavy work.
Although at present the unit is rel-
atively small, plans are being made
to organize a large group next semes-
ter. Miss MacMillan expressed the
hope that enough women would sign
up to enable the corps to have at
least eight women Working each day.
Students, who would like to work
between semesters, are asked to sign
up immediately as their services are
urgently needed. Women interested
in working between semesters and
those interested in working next se-
mester can leave their names and
phone numbers at the office of the
Social Director of the League.
All-Campus Party
To Be Held Tuesday
A pre-final fling, especially honor-
ing the BMOC's on campus, will be
held from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday in the
Union Ballroom.
Recordings of the country's leading
bands, including those which will be
featured at Victdry Ball, will furnish
music for dancing.
Such notables as Ben Douglas, '43,
Ben Smith, '43, Homer Swander, '43,
Bob Matthews, '43, Don West, '43,
Harry Anderson, '43, and Jim Lan-
ders, '43, have been invited to at-
tend this informal affair. Ed Perl-
berg, '43, Ed Holmberg, '43, Bob
Templin, '43, John Fauver, '43E, Paul
Wingate, '43E, Norton Norris, '43, and
Alex Canja, '44, will also undoubted-
ly be present.0
Swinging proudly toward their new barracks, 152 members of the 35th WAAC post headquarters
company prepared to take over assignments at Fort Custer near Battle Creek. The women will be
assigned to desk work, motor maintenance and mess halls to relieve soldiers for combat duty.
Coll ege Coeds
Begin Training
As Engineers
NEW YORK- (AP)- Move your
drawing board over, brother, the lady
has designs.'
Believing women may prove as
skillful aviation engineers as they are
assembly workers, the Curtiss-Wright
Co. has selected 400 young women
,from 100 American colleges for a 10-
month course in six engineering
schools. They will be known as "ca-
"No glamour girls need apply,"
warned C. Wilson Cole, engineering
personnel supervisor for the company,
when he announced the plan. He add-
ed, however, that beauty was not a
bar if the girl had brains.
Miss Ruth Cleverly of Boston, who
studied engineering at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and served as
campus interviewer of the cadettes,
said that the students selected had a
general average of betters than B in
their college courses. Their high mo-
tives were evident, she said, in the
fact that they were giving up covet'ed
college degrees to enter the new field.
Cole said the company promises
the new women engineers equal pay
with men and an open-minded policy
concerning their retention in jobs
after the war.
They will train at Cornell, Purdue,
University of Minnesota, Iowa State
College, the University of Texas and
Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Winner of the "B" tournament
in basketball is Collegiate Sorosis,
and they have already challenged
the runner-up of "A" tournament,
which'has yet to be decided. That
decision will come at 5:10 p.m.
Tuesday at Barbour gym, when
Chi Omega plays Stockwell No. 1
for top honors in the "A" tourna-
Under new rules, if the winner
of the "B" tournament should beat
the runner-up of "A", they may
then challenge the winner in "A"1
for top honors in the entire tour-
Figure Skating Club: 3:15 p.m./
'Tfuesday, Wednesday, Coliseum. I
Badminton Club: 5 p.m. Friday,
Rifle Club: Will hold regular
shooting periods Monday through
113 PAGE l
! -_
Just a warning, everybody! You'd
better shop now, 'cause the cards
are all stacked against you. Stocks
are going, but fast!
Despite the shortage . . . Revlon
SHOP got a big shipment of 'em
.. . refills, 'n all! We really liked
our introductory box of personally
blended Doraldina face powder,
only $1. Their beauty prepara-
tions include cleansing, nite, spe-
cial purpose creams . . . lipsticks,
lotions, and lovely bath luxuries.
su ebb°iebs
(Continued from Page 4)
Free public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St. open every day ex-
cept Sundays and holidays from 11:30
a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Saturdays until
9:00 p.m.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship,
Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister.,
7:00 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening
Hour. Mr. Gale Potee from Pendra
Road, Central Provinces, India, will
speak to a joint meeting of Congre-
gational and Disciple students at the
Congregational Church on "Christ-
ians in India." A social hour and re-
freshments will follow the program.
First Congregational Church:
Church School departments meet at
9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Service of public
worship at 10:45 with preaching by
Dr. L. A. Parr. Sermon subject '"Doing'
the Impossible!" At 7:00 p.m. there
will be a joint meeting in the church
parlors of the Student Fellowship and
the Disciples Guild. Gale Potee of
Pendra Road, India, will give a talk
on "Christians in India." Students
Tea will be held in Pilgrim Hall on
Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
The First Baptist Church: 10:00
a.m.: Roger Williams Class will meet
in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron St.,
to study the Gospel of Mark. The
Graduate Class will meet in the
Church to discuss "What Can We Be-
lieve about the Church?"
11:00 a.m.: Sermon: "Victory
through Christ," by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
7':00 p.m.: Roger Williams Guild
will meet in the Guild House, for its
regular evening forum meeting. Miss
Gertrude McCullough, recently re-
turned from China on the Gripshold,
will speak on, "What Christianity is
Meaning in the Orient Today."
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
Church Service. Sermon on: "Our In-
heritance," by Reverend Edward H.
8:00 %p.m. The Liberal Students'
Union. Discussion on: "The Negro in
War Work," led by Mr. William Jones,
Director' of Carver Community Cen-
ter, Ypsilanti.
Unity: Sunday service at 11:00 a.m.,
"More Things We Can Do;" Young
Peoples Discussion Group at . 6:00
p.m. Regular Monday Night Study
Group at 8 o'clock discussing "The
Master's Way of Love and Happi-
Zion Lutheran Church Services will
be held at 10:30 a.m. today with the
Rev. E. C. Stel orn speaking on "Je-
sus' First Mirac~le."
Trinity Lutheran Church Services
will be held at 10:30 a.m. today, the
Rev. H. O. Yoder preaching on
"Thirst for Eternal Life."
Lutheran Student Association will
meet at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper will be served at
6:00. The speaker for the meeting
will be Prof. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto on
"Shintoism and Confucianism."
The Ann Arbor Friends Meeting
(Quakers) will meet for worship Sun-
day at 5:00 p.m. in Lane Hall. At 6:15
a discussion meeting will be led by
George E. Rundquist, Executive Sec-
retary for the Resettlement of Japa-
nese Americans, Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America, and
Bernard Waring, Chairman of the
Social - Industrial Section of the
American Friends Service Committee.
All interested are cordially invited.
I' I,
Your beloved Suits and Blouses. The
"suit look" is the most important fashion
trend of '43. For undercoat now, later
into spring.
. ._
Rayon Gabardines'
Our first Posy Pringles for '43
. easy-going "pick-me-ups"
for winter - weary wardrobes.
Two new variations of your fav-
orite shirt-frock style, nicely-
tailored, highlighted with unus-
- ...,... ...
ual saddle-stitched details. Sizes
9 to 15 in these clear, fresh
; '.;.colors ..,
.. V
.:..: ... Ty. 7q. " }r'~": ahv
. with a long future
Made to last almost the duration-
their style is timeless, their fabric and sturdy. Casual boy-.cot
in Lustrelaine fleece, man-tailored
suit in pastel cluster checks. Twin
them now-blend them later with
anything in your closet!
Earl-Glo rayon lining.
for the girl who lives in her suit.
We stake our reputation on our
blouse department because we know
you can't find a wider selection, bet-
ter quality, or better values anywhere.
From washable crepes and rayon shirts
to those fragile Bemberg, Joan Ken-
ley sheer.
Also groups of WINTER SUITS
reduced to 10.00 to 19.95, were to
We've classics and soft types in
'mmy pastels, nayy, black & brown, /
bardines and twills. From 16.95 to
.95. :f
Here's a coat that will be your most price-
less possession now thru spring. We have
it in camels hair and wool, or of herringbone
From 29.95 to 49.95
Also button-in and zip-in lining coats- of
tweed and shetlands, fitted reefers, and box-
ies (left).
{r 5 January clearance price
19.95 to 39.95
'')Were 29.95 to 49.95
Spring's in the air! We mean
the wonderful selection of pastel
spring suits at the A US
SHOP. All soft wool .. . flannels,
tweeds, 'n plaids. Especially smart
are the orchid, yellow, and aqua
suits . . . There"s an aqua, brown
and beige plaid for only $22.95,
with tailored lines, youthful but-
Spring hats .to match your
suits! Anya showed us the first
Af the straws in THE HAT SHOP
... perky, too! Black breton sailor
with blue bow . . . white brims,
red, 'n blue. Turbans, multi-col-
ored and rich pastel shades. And
the felt hats are selling out.
Still plentiful . .. pajamas at the
The selection is amazing .. seer-
sucker and cotton pajamas, all
colors, all sizes, $1.95 and $2.95.
The spun rayon P.J.'s are super
soft . . . only $2.49. What with
spring coming, we could all use
Ever see really delicate jewelry?
BRANCE SHOP . . . earrings,
brooches, pins, hand made out of
graceful, many-colored shells. And
they have slews of 100% wool
sweaters . . . pastel colors for the
hand finished pullovers. Toast, a
luscious new color, comes in the
cardigan, too!
. .$25.00
.... $29.95
Others $17.95 up
ec r