Titt -i~iPii
Works of Bach
Will Be Played
'U' Symphony to Give
2nd Concert Sunday
Devoting its entire program to
works by Bach, the University Sym-
phony Orchestra under the direction
of Eric DeLamarter will present its
second concert of the year at 8:30
p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
Three numbers will be performed
on this program. The first selection
will be the "Overture in B minor"
with Jean Jeffrey, Ruth Wehner and
Lynette Spath as solo flutists and
Arthur Parris on the solo bass.
With Nancy Plummer Faxon of the
music school singing the soprano part,
the orchestra will present as the sec-
ond selection of the concert the can-
tata, "Praise Jehovah."
All senior class dues must be
paid before next Wednesday, ei-
ther at the Union between the
hours of 3 and 5 o'clock or at the
League anytime.
** *
The January Gargoyle may be
purchased today at the Student
Publications Building.
Classroom Changes Announced
Dean Lloyd S. Woodburnc of the literary college yesterday an-
nounced that limited space facilities on the upper floors of Mason
Colle g
Hall and South Wing have
room changes for the spring
in either the regular literary
Anthropology 162; 225 A.H.
Astronomy 36; 209 A.H.
English 2, Sec. 5; 203 U.H.
English 2, Sec. 11; 25 A.H.
English 32, Sec. 8; 206 S.W.
necessitated the following. emergency
term. These changes are not included
college catalogue or the supplementary
Mathematics 11; Sec. 2; 16 A.H.
Mathematics 12, Sec. 3; 5 Ec.
Mathematics 12, Sec. 5; 3017 A.H.
English 45, Sec. 2;
German 36, Sec. 1;
History 11, Sec. 2;
History 12, Sec. 1;
History 12, Sec. 2;
History 12, Sec. 3;
History 12, Sec. 5;
History 12, Sec. 6;
History 12, Sec. 24;
History 50, Sec. 2;
225 A:H.
3056 N.S.
229 A.H.
301 S.W.
229 A.H.
1018 A.H.
209 A.H.
2016 A.H.
2016 A.H.
12, Sec. 6; 16 A.H.
13, Sec. 1; 2231 AH
13, Sec. 2; 231 A.H.
13, Sec. 3; 225 A.H.
14, Sec. 2; 4054 N.S.
14, Sec. 4; 305 S.W.
14, Sec. 5; 4203 AH
53, Sec.;1; 4054 N.S.
53, Sec. 2;'3017 AH
54, Sec. 2; 304 U.H.
103, Sec. 1; 4208 AH
German 36, Sec. 1; 3056 N.S.
Japanese 148; 2019 A.H.
Japanese 150; 10 & 3 o'clock sec-
tions; 305 S.W.
Japanese 150; 11 o'clock section;
208 U.H.
Mathematics 2, Sec. 1; 16 A.H.
Mathematics 7, Sec. 2; 2054 N.S.
Mathematics 9; 3011 A.H.:
Mathematics 11, Sec. 1; 4014 N.S.
Mathematics 202; 3116 N.S.
Mathematics 215; 209 A.H.
Philosophy 31, Sec: la; 1035 A.H.
Philosophy 31, Sec. 2; 301 U.H.
Philosophy 31, Sec. 5; 203 U.H.
Philosophy'33, Sec. 2; 18A..
Philosophy 33, Sec. 3; 201 U.H.
Philosophy 37; 303 U.H.
Speech 31, Sec. 3; 4203 A.H.
Speech 31, Sec. 11; 2013 A.H.
Speech 43 ;4208 A.H.
Speech 165;2013 A.H.
Student Book Exchange to Open
Operating as a non-profit enter-'
prise for the benefit of the studen ts,
the Student Book Exchange will open
Feb. 6, according to Rupert Straub,.
'45, Union spokesman.
The Exchange is maintained for
students who wish to buy or sell used
text books. A five per cent fee, half
of last year's figure, is charged to.
cover the costs of handling.
The League and the Union spon-
sor the Exchange and all operations
are carried on in Room 302 of thel
Union. Books may be brought in to
the Union Student Offices any time
next week.
Students turning in books for sale
may indicate whatever price they
wish the book sold for. In this man-
ner all benefits are directed to 'the
Actual sale will begin Feb. 6 and
will continue for five days.. Last year
more than 850 books were received
and all were disposed of.
FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1943 e
VOL. LIII No. 82i
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office 'of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-1
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.]
Classes in all schools and colleges
will be suspended on the morning of
Saturday, Jan. 23, to permit students
and faculty members to attend the'
Midyear Graduation Exercises. :
-Alexander G. Ruthven
Midyear Graduation Exercises:
The Midyear Graduation Exercises
for all students who are candidates to
receive degrees at the end of the fall
term will be held in Hill Auditorium
at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, January 23.
The members of the faculty and of
the graduating classes and the audi-
ence should be in their seats by 9:50;
a.m. in order that the Exercises may:
begin promptly as scheduled. Aca-
lemic costume will be worn but there
will be no preliminary procession.
Further details will be announced
Ticket Distribution - Midyear
Graduation Exercises; Hill Auditor-
ium, January 23: The admission tick-
ets for the Midyear Graduation Ex-
ercises are ready for distribution now.
Each of those whose names appear on
the list as entitled to receive a degree
at the end of the fall term should pro-
cure one ticket for himself and he
may also have two others for relatives.
or friends. Apply at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Please present your
'identification card.
-Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Request of Federal Bureau of Im-
migration and Naturalization: In or-
der to comply with instructions of the
tion authorities, there will be at-
tached to each payroll check at the
end of the present month a blank
which may be disregarded by every-
one who is a native born or natural-
ized citizen of the United States. All
ethers should fill out this blank and
return it promptly to the Business
-Shirley W. Smith
To All Employees Paid from Special
Employment Time Reports: All hour-
ly time reported to the Business Of-
fice on Special Employment Time
Slips will be paid on the 10th of each
month beginning February 10. This
change is necessitated by the new Vic-
tory Tax requirements.
-S. W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of the value of the prop-
erty, the Investment Office, -100
South Wing of University Hall, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such
financing may effect a substantial
saving in interest.
The Navy is interested in commis-
sioning men who have some know-
ledge of the use of audio-visual aids
in education. It is desirable that they
also have teaching and administra-
tive experience. Any interested per-
sons are invited to communicate with
-B. D. Thuma,
Army Service Representative
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Stu-
dents: All students who eventually ex-
pect to apply for entrance to a medi-
cal or dental school are requested to
register in Room 1009 Angell Hall as
soon as possible.
-Burton Thmna,
University Armed Forces Rep.
Mathematics Department Staff:
There will be a meeting of the staff
members of the Department of Math-
wiIh that "MALTESE FALCON" team
Matinees 25e Sunday
Evenings 40e "You Were
ineluding tax Never Lovelier"
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 word.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Intrease
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.+-
Contract Rates on Request
FOR SALE-Portable typewriter in
good condition. Inquire Mrs.
O'Conner, 1402 Hill St.
LOST-Key ring with 4 keys. J. F.
Cline. 109 W. Engineering. Call
ext. 573.
LOST-Gold chain and initialed
Michigan Seal between S. Fifth and
E. Engineering. Call 8367.
LOST-Pair of pink rimmed glasses
around Hill Auditorium. Reward,
call Jean Pines, 2-5232.
LOST-Gruen seventeen jewel wrist-
watch, illuminated dial on Geddes
or Observatory. Reward. Call
ROOM and cooking facilities. Rea-
sonably close to campus, for mar-
ried couple. Call 2-4726.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at lw price.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 5. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
MIMEOGRAPHING--Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
TYPEWRITERS-All makes bought,
rented, repaired. O. D. Morrill, 314
S. State St., phone 6615.'
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
Xoon, formerly on faculty of the
University Music School. Call
2-3354 '
FOUNTAINEER-Pay above average.
Hours' 10 p.m.-12 midnight. Mar-
shall Drug.
BOY to work for room and board.
Must be able 'tp dhrive. 343 Fifth.
Call 6018.
COLLEGE or high school students to
deliver Michigan Dailies. Good sal-
ary. Call 2-3241, ask for Mrs.
HELP WANTED-Male or female;
two meals for 2% hours, no Sun-
days or holidays; Lantern Shop,
EMPLOYED GIRL or woman to
share apartment. Small expense,
near bus. References. Phone 2-2887
after 5:00.
ROOMS-Single front, close to cam-
pus, inner-spring mattress, I.E.S.
light, reclining chair, large closet,
warm, reasonable. Phone 5460.
ematics (with the exception of teach- -Fina
ing fellows), on Wednesday, Jan. 27,
at 4:15 p.m., in 3201 AH.
-T. -H. Hildebrandt
German Table for Faculty Mem- Time o
bers next meeting Monday, 1Feb. 8, at
12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room,
Michigan Union. Members of all de-
partments are invited. Mr. Melchior
will speak on the Hague Tribunal.
Automobile Regulation: The Uni-
versity Automobile Regulation will be
lifted from noon' on January 30 until
8:00 a.m. on Feb. 8 for all schools.
Exceptions will not be made for indi-
viduals who complete their work in TUESDAY
advance of the last day of class exam-
-Office of the Dean of Students
Seniors in the College of LAterature,
Science and Arts, graduating in eb-
ruary, 1943, are hereby notifled, to
pay their class dues of $1 at the English 1, 2; E
League Student offices or 4t the Un- E54,I0 1, . .
ion Student offices, between three
and five, any day this week, or to any Botany 1; Zoo
member of the Finance committee. Psychology
Spanish 1, 2, 3
Identification Cards: All students 1, 32; Music
reregistering for the Spring Term in
February will be asked to show their Political Scien
Identification Cards at the time of Speech 31, 32;
Registration. The presentation of this 51, 61, 62, 91
card will save the time of both the Soigy 51
student and those in charge of reis-
tration procedure.
ROTC Seniors will wear uniforms of Lr. and A)
to graduating exercises, Hill Auditor- e
ium, January 23. of the courses an
low which will u
Students and Faculty, College of indicated:
Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Math 7, Sectio
attention of students and faculty is Math. 7, Section 3
called to the following regulation of Math. 7, Section
the College: Math. 8, Section
It should be noted that a report of Math. 9, Bradsha
X (Absent from Examination) does 11, Section 1, Eld
not guarantee a make-up examina- 11, Section 3, Ann
tion. An instructor must, in fairness 11, Section 4, Ny
to those who take the final examina- Math. 11, Sectio
tion at the time announced for it, Univ.H.; Math. 11
give make-up examinations only to 3209 A.H.
students who have a 'legitimate reason Math. 12, Secti
for absence. -E. A. Walter Math.13, Section
Math. 13, Section
The University Bureau of Appoint- A.H.; Math. 13, S
ments has received notice of the fol- A.H.; Math. 13, S
lowing: 225 A.H.; Math.
United States Civil Service: Statis- 2013 A.H.; Math.
ticians-Until needs of service have der, 405 S.W.; M
been met, $2,600 to $6,500 plus over- Cote, 3209 A.H.;r
time; Accounting & Auditing Assis- Anning, 2219 A.H
tants-February 23.1943, $2,000 plus
overtime; Traffic & Transportation 4, Eilenberg, 2203
Specialists-Until needs have been ers, 22, A.H.
met, $2,600 to $6,500 plus overtime;
Economists & Economic Analysts-- Honors in Lib
Until needs have been met, $2,600 to amination, Thur
$6,500 plus overtime. a.m., Room 16, A
State of Michigan Civil Service:"
Boys Supervisor C-February 3, 1943, I will be in m
$100 to $115 per month; Boys Super- 10:30 to 12:00 fo
visor B-February 3, 1943, $125 to not be able to ho
$145 per month; Prison School Super- afternoon.
visor II-February 3, 1943, $200 to
$240 per month;Prison School Super- To students fin
visor II-February 3, 1943, $250 to School and Child
$310 per month. fo lowin new
Further information may be had planned' by an
from the notices which are on, file in committee and i
the office of the Bureau of Appoint- tion for the Spri
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours Education D1
9-12 and 2-4. Methods. The co
-Bureau of Appointments the preparation o
and Occupational Informatlon school and child
structional mate
from studies of c
A cademiC NodCes trition, health, W
Pre-medical Students: The Medical course will be c
Aptitude Test 'of the Association of sions for theca
American Medical' Colleges will be children in the I
given today at 3:00 p.m. in the Lec- school. There w
ture Hall of the Rackham Building. the relation of th
Any student planning to enter a med- problems created
ical school, who has not previously employment of
taken the test, should do so at' this in nursery schoo
time. There are still some tickets provide familiar
available at the Cashier's Office. for guiding the
Please present your cashier's receipt young child in p
at the door. Be on time. rend the daiy r
dressing, eating,
University Choir (Ensemble 50): course is open to
Male voices are needed for the spring psychology soci
term. Membership is open to students with the approvi
in any school or college of- the Irni- The following sta
versity whether electing the course ous department'
for credit or not. Rehearsals Monday the course: Marl
through Friday at 11 o'clock in ane G. MacKaye;Li:
Hall. Sacred and secular as cappella Olson,'and.Athi
literature comprises the material for Firestone will s
study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen, of observation a.
the director, Room 223, School of Spring Term.
Music Building. hrs. observation
hrs. credit Room
History 49: Final examination, Sat-
urday, Jan. 30, 8-10. Adam-Post;,
Room B, Haven Hall. Roberts-Woods,
229 Angell Hall. -V. W. Crane Mathematics 1e
:. lus, will be. offere
History 11, Fin.l, 'eaination of term MWF at 8:
lecture group 2 of History 11: Discus- fessor Hildebrand
sion sections of De Vries; Monks and This course is in
Slosson in C Haveh Hall; discussion who have"ahead;
sections of Long, Meier and Scholes; n calculus and
including those formerly taken by view of the tech
Hansen, in Natural Science Auditor- tions.
ium, Friday, Jan. 29, 24 p m.
-P. W. Slosson MathematicsF
will be offered' h
Room Assignments, German 1, 2, byrofessor Car
31, 32: Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2-4 p.m. 'term, in two secti
German 1. Diamond and ?llert: B
Haven Hall; Gaiss and Willey: C Ha-
ven Hall; Van Duren and Winkel-
man: D Haven Hall: Philippson and
conomics 51, 52, 53,
Logy 1; Music 1;
31 ................
1, 32; German 1, 2,
31 .................
f .Literature, Science, and The A as
Examination Schedule
January 25 to January 30, 1943
f Exercise Time of Examination
at 8 Tuesday, January 26 ... .10:30-12:30
at 9 Thursday, January 28 ....10:30-12:30
at 10 Tuesday, January 26 ...........8-10
at 11 Friday, January 29 ............8-10
at 1 Saturday, January 30 ..........2-4
it P2 Friday, January 29.......... .2-4
at 3 Friday, January 29.....10:30-12:30
at 8 Wednesday, January 27 .10:30-12:30
at 9 Monday, January 25 .. . .10:30-12:30
'it 10 Saturday, January 30 .......:.8-10
at 1 Saturday, January 30 10:30-12:30
at 1 Thursday, January 28 .........8-10
at 2 Wednesday, January 27 ........2-4
at 3 Monday, January 25..........2-4
will be held in the
s, with the exception
d sections listed be-
se the special rooms
n 2, Elder, 229 A.H.;
, Raiford, 2029 A.H.;
7, Dwyer, 229 A.H.;;
3, Craig, 3011 A.H.;
w, 2013 A.H.; Math.
er, 229 A.H.; Math.
ing, 225 A.H.; Math.
swander, 3209 A.H.;
n 6, Bradshaw, 201
1, Section 8, Raiford,
on 2, Coe, 2231 A.H.;
1, Anning, 225 A.H.;
n 2, Rainich, 2003
ection 3, Craig, 2203
Section 4, Eilenberg,
13, Section 5, Myers,
13, Section 6, Wil-
Aath. 13, Section 7,
Math. 53, Section 3,
.; Math. 53, Section
A.H.; Math. 54, My-
ral Arts: Final ex-
sday, Jan. 28, 8:00
Angell Hal.
y office today from
r consultation. I will
Ld conferences in the
-R. C. Boys
terested in Nursery
Care Programs: The
course has been
s available for elec-
ng term.
51b, Nursery School
urse is designed for
f workers in nursery
'care programs. In-
rials will be drawn
hild psychology, nu-'
nd the family. The
incerned with provi-
re and education of
home and in nursery
ill be discussions of
ie care of children to
by the War and the
women. Observation
is in Ann Arbor will
ity with techniques
experience of the
lay, music, language,
routines of washing,
, and sleeping. The
a students in health,
ology, and education
al of their advisers.
aff members of vari-
s will participate in
tha G. Colby, Lavina
la Miller, Willard C.
ur E. Wood. Myrtle
erve as coordinator
cid instruction.
T., Th., 3:00 plus 3
L to be arranged. 3
a 2431 UES.
B. Edmonson, Dean,
ehool of Education
L01, Topics in Calcu-
ed during the spring
in 3017 A.H., by Pro-
dt, three hours credit.
Mtended for students
Ly had a first course
require a rapid re-
niques and. applica-
20, Air Navigation,
for four hours credit
ver during the spring
ions meeting at 1'and
2 o'clock respectively. Both sections
meet MTuThF in 3003 A.H.
Cost Accounting (Bus. Ad. 111-
first term of cost accounting) has
been added to the program of spring
term offerings in the School of Bus-
iness Administration. Students in any
school or college who have satisfac-
torily completed a course in Account-
ing Principles are eligible to elect this
course. Time: TThS at 9:00.
Doctoral Examination for Vernon
Brown Kellett, field: Germanic Lang-
uages and Literature; thesis: "Her-
mann Conradi: A Study and Inter-
pretation of the Uebergangsmensch,"
will be held today in West Council
Room, Rackham, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, F. B. Wahr.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present. -C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Adolph
Gustav Strandliagen, Engineering
Mechanics; thesis: "Analysis of Vi-
bration of Beams by Means of the
Laplace and Sine Transformation,"
will be held on Saturday, Jan. 23, in
411 West Engineering, at 10:00 a.m;
Chairman, I. A. Wojtaszak.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present. -C. S. Yoakum
Chamber Music Festival: The Roth
String Quartet: Feri Roth and Sam-
uel Siegel, violin; Julius Shaier, viola;
and Oliver Edel, Violoncello; will give
(Continued on Page 4)
Continuous from.1 P.M.
Today and Saturday
ce 1, 2, 51, 52.......Monday, January 25 .......8-10
French 1, 2, 31, 32,
, 92, 93, 153.........Wednesday, January 27 . . 8-10
............... . . Thursday, January 28.. .2-4
Monday, January 25 ......2-4
Thursday, January 28 . .. .2-4
Tuesday, January 26 ......2-4
Friday Evening at 8:30:
Quartet in D major, Op. 76, No. 5 ..........Haydn
Quartet in D-flat major, No. 2 ............Dohnanyi
Quartet in F minor, Op. 95-...............Beethoven
Saturday Afternoon at 2: 3
Quartet in D major, No. 2 ..;..........Borodin
Quartet No. 4.....................Quincy Porter
Quartet in B-flat major ...-. . '.......Mozart
Don't forget the beauty of flowers just because
winter has buried the garden. Your selections
from our grand flower offerings will add much
to the attractiveness of your home. Come in
- Coming Sunday -