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December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…'R14 Y Sir 43rn1 DiaiIi WEATHER Fair and warmer with increasing cloudiness VOL. LV., No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruthven Supports Post-War Program Of Preparedness, Questions Value of Compulsory Military Training, Favors National Service Plan By STAN WALLACE President Alexander G. Ruthven took a stand in favor of a broad program of national preparedness following the war, said "the nature of the ...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1944 First Post-War Council Panel to Be Wednesday 'Big Five, Little Fifty' Is Discussion Subject "The Big Five and the Little Fifty" is the title of the first panel on the Dumbarton Oaks Conference to be presented by the Post-War Council at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Mich- igan League, Gloria Rewoldt, council president, announced yesterday. The panel will form a miniature United Nations council....…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…DEC. a, 1944 THE I'P R I r N n -A T:T PAGE THRE a a si-1 "1T.! aTT111 1"N11 IA1TTVM 1 t1 L' nly m i' :0 Police To Open Winter Safety cnapin Here Mortenson Warns All I Pedestrians, Drivers Of Weather Hazards Announcing an intensified state- wide pedestrian protection campaign, Police Chief Sherman:H. Mortenson said yesterday, "It is our job to save everyone from injury-all students, Army, Navy and civilian, must be doubly cautious now tha...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUrNDA , DEC. 3, 1944 THE PENDULUM: On the Russian Revolution DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-c...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…TH -.- .- .. - . .AGaA to N' aa.WaAs . a.a. I .T.. ..,.a s ir T1 se, SS . '11 _9flA1TLYA 'U' Women Urged to Turn In Christmas Boxes for Veterans < - I All Christmas boxes for veterans stationed at Percy Jones hospital must be turned in at the Office of the Social Director of the League by Dec. 15, according to Deborah Per- ry, 45, chairman of the drive. Although the committee expects to surpass last year's mark of 300 boxes, none hav...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX T E ICIGNtA SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1944 Army Whips Navy, 23-7, to linch ationalChampi unship . Cadets Finish Season Undefeated; Win Nine Walterhouse Sets Plack-kicking Record; Davis Becomes Individual Scoring Champ By FRITZ HOWELL Associated Press Correspondent BALTIMORE, DEC. 2-(,P)-Army's magnificently equipped team hit the heights of gridiron greatness today, clinching the national football cham- pionship with a thrilling 23 to 7 v...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 7

…tY, DEC. 3, 1944 TI-.MlrTI AaDY. 'p d t"! ! C' i"i''(T' i 1 T a. as :. ", ley i: . ii a v t-s 1 L t31 L i .F~t~b )1L V E v Wolverine Cagers Over whelm l _. ___ r _ __, Mustangs Top Horned Frogs In Big Upset Cellar Team Outplays SouthernCbamnps, 9-6 D4LLAS, TEX., DMC. 2-(1P)-The Southwest Conference football race ended on a sour note here today as Texas Christian's Champion Horned Frogs were toppled 9-6 by lowly Southern Methodist. T...…

December 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…rAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 3, Wallace Visits Michigan State EAST LANSING, DEC. 2-(/P)- Vice President Henry A. Wallace, here to study Michigan State College agriculture and its new basic college curriculum, said today he had made no plans for after Jan. 20, when his term expires, and that his visit to the college had no political implications. When asked if he were a willing partner in an attempt to groom him as a 1948 presi...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… IN 'N Y lti 4 mwrn aitl Weather Scattered showers toi cooler, fresh to strong a VOL. LV, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1944 PRICE FIVE azis Smashed in Land, Aerial Battle Honor System To Be Partly Dropped Freshman, Sophomore Engineering Classes Will Have Proctors at Exams By RAY SHINN The Honor System of Examination will be practically eliminated from the more populous freshman and sophomore engineering classes...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…TilE MICHIGAN fAIL FRIDAY, NOT. 3, 19. of. Newcomb Open Hillel iks Tonight Five Students Will Fill Top Positions on The Michigan Daily Speaking on "Politics and Propa- ,nda," Prof. Theodore Newcomb, cently returned from working with e OWL, will open the weekly series talks and discussions which will low Friday night services at the nai Brith Hillel Foundation this 11 at 8:30 p.m. today in the Foun- tion Auditorium. Prof. Newcomb, before l...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THE MIChIGAN DAILY PAGE Wolverines Face Strong Penn Eleven in Renewal of classic Michigan Seeks Fourth Consecutive Win in Tilt Crisler Elevates Lund and Chubb to Starting fackfield to Replace Wiese and Nussbaumer By BILL MULLENDORE A 33-man Michigan football squad will leave Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. today, bound for Philadelphia and a clash with a youthful but strong Penn- sylvania eleven at Franklin Field in what promises to be one of the mo...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOV Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Farming Easier than Columning DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I , -. , ' WI lited and managed by students of the University ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control tudent Publications. Editorial Stafff lyn Phillips a Wallace' tDixon Ot Mantho e Loewenberg ris Kennedy Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor * . . Associate Sports Edi...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…THE MIClIG AN fDAILY QaE PAGE ' : . rI ay BACK FROM FRANCE: AP Photo Editor To Headline Press Club Program Nov. 10 E. K. Butler, photo editor of the Associated Press, recently returned from France where he took pictures of the entire French campaign, wild headline the program of the 27th annual meeting of the University of Michigan Press Club to be held here, Nov. 9-11. Butler will address press clubmem- bers at a dinner meeting to be he...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FRIDAY, NOV. 3, Homecoming To Re turn to M ichigan Campus .1 I£ First Celebration Since War Scheduled for Next Friday {.\_ Qrid Shuffle Will Be Held Michigani's first wartime homecom- ing will be the spotlighted celebration scheduled to begin with a pep rally next Friday, Nov. 10, at the Yost Field House. The fete will be an entire weekend affair, its purpose to revive some of thle University's pre-war college ...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 7

… r s g 'AGE SEVEN JGPC rCom ittee Plans Extensive Program for Year I _ There's Still Hope If WACs :=r .: . : ' k .', . ffi? i".: 't. ; . .'..,.',.. i'N! ' ~jam > y .. '~ + n LkL ,, fit.. ,_;. .. ' s r ., _. ,. " .. .. ' The JGP central committee got off to an early start in planning its campaign for the selling of war bonds and stamps when it met for the first time this term at 4 p.m. yesterday in the League. JGP has decided to have its...…

November 03, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 3) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY EU WAY, r [ ORAI NION CONCERTS 1944-HlLL AUDlTORIUM-1945 Sch edlule a o 7ceIrt Evenings at 8:30, unless otherwiise indicated. HELEN TIRAUBEL SOPRANO............................................. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA GEORGE SZELL, GUEST CONDUCTOR ................ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 7:,00 P.M. (This concert will be broadcast over the Mutual System and by short wave) FR...…

August 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…j , I / itP 4 aiI Weather Thundershowers . I-, ABC GHY U, VOL. LIV No. 22-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1944 PIEFV ET PRICE FIVE CEN'.I"Si Armored Troops Race Acro Turkey Breaks Of Relations with Germany Iss Brittany Bradley's Force Is Split Asked By British, Americans Turks Still Hope To Avoid War TWIN OFFENSIVE: White Russian Army Nears East Prussia. By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, Aug. 3-The Third White ...…

August 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE M1CHIC A INT. 11 AIIV mH'IRDaY_ AirTc i'TRT R_ 14AI 1T1 1/ 111 1 1 1IYLAN f iLA"IIV rj1fl,'pvf &I~rT A 7 is VTQ j 9 1 3iA A 2'2: Fi-Fuirt gae ai F f ty-Fourth Year /k y.,. .. _A j "n lei ~ S iN .y, l ^v > G _ f ' V .q t.Y. ." ..ssT4'. : T r n f '? 'ti'+K +: f in2 x a tl fir ' Y .'tii aK . .) y, F._ l ! u t ' F _ ! :' _ e .. t _ i' ,__ -,> .. . _c Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the auth...…

August 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Falkenburg Wins in National Tourney St. Louis Browns Lead 1 Juior Circuit Race By The Associated Press St. Louis boasted a 5%-game lead in the American League today after brushing off Eastern opposition in 11 of 16 starts to pace the Western clubs to a decisive triumph in the fourth intersectional series of the season. While the Browns operated on home soil, the traveling Cardina...…

August 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MTCTTTG A b VTT.Y THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1944 aTs e M nTCUa ieaT'A i L2iiA lTHRSAYEAIGTS 21 S .i t./.iva..xi.#.s;iiy fi il Vkid A7 .i Vl. JLVZ2 JOIN THE NAVY:- WA VE Recruiters Will Interview 'U' Women In concurrence with a nation-wide recruiting drive on the second anniversary of the WAVEs, Lt. (j.g.) Helen Stewart and Harriet Simonson, Sp (R) 2c will be in the League lobby today, tomorrow, and Saturday to interview women int...…

June 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… iri 'i! i t 4aii Oneather Occasional Rain VOL. LIV No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, JUNE 3 1944 Yanks Blast Last-Ditch Defenses of 13 PRICE FIVE CENTS ~ome American Fortresses Make Shuttle Raid on Romania Planes Land in Russia after Dropping 7,000 Tons of Explosives By The Associated Press LONDON, June 2.-Forging a powerful new link in Allied air superiority, U.S. Flying Fortresses and escorting Mustangs made an historic shuttle...…

June 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICH IGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1944 U, - Fifty-Fourth Year ''? n ' " ,. ,. ," , w : - y.., r z... 1 '' .. , a .a.. ." t ., t :j ' ,. .t >,,.. '. # R r ;' t ' ° _ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant . . . Managing Editor Claire Sherman . . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . City Editor Evelyn, Ph...…

June 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

… TNT', Tf .T- T( ' A:N Tl A TT.' ' sar a n m rar w . ..._ , ,:: . ,..__.. .a Ta , ~a i.[ ..R t IC 1. t fl l aTT WIA1W iWITI.Atx m H EEa Baseball Michigan Squad Enters 2 Suffers Second Defeat of Season <*, wo Men in Track Meet Hume Twins Will Run in Central Collegiates at Great Lakes Today Illini Thinclads To Try To Retain Team Title; Coach Doherty Decides To Disband Squad By HANK MANTHO Michigan's high-stepping Htlme twins,...…

June 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…G F4U . SlHE I IICHIGAN JILY D r " JL' y'E 3, 194 LGE ~OTJI~ SATUI~DAY, JUNE 3, 1944 McNutt Order Will Regulate Nation's Labor All Hiring Handled By WMC; Essential Jobs Get Preference WASHINGTON, June 2.- ()- Practically all the nation's male workers were placed under strict new job controls today as the War Man- power Commission moved to channel more labor into war industries. Extending its "priority referral" plan to blanket the coun...…

May 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

… , A E ~i IL: A~aiti; Weather Showers VOL. LIV No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Three-Day -1 1 AttackRocks Truk, Carolines British Heads See Churchill Rulers Hear Prime Minister on War By the Associated Press LONDON, May 3.-Prime Minister Churchill, welcoming Empire prem- iers to 10 Downing Street, told them they were here " in the most deadly climax in the conflict of the nations, at a time when a...…

May 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…I# PAM IMO TUT MICHIGLAN fIATI WEDNESD*~fAY. MAY 3. 1944& a as ... 1114111 V'1"a 1\ L 1m 1 iJ 1 ~ YXlu1Va1!4q VIAA.i r Mir4tgatt Bay Fifty-Fourth Year WLB Played Fair with Wards Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University y day and Tuesdayd Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace E...…

May 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

… WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE War Council Positions Revealed at Insta lation Night Groups Announce Heads, HonorariesTap (Continued from Page 1) Gaffney will be in charge of awards.I WAA Ieads NamedI The interhouse manager will be Barbar Fairman with Barbara Os-I borne as the dormitory assistant andI Jane Archer as the sorority assistant.I Jean Brown will be the league house assistant while Dona Guimaraes takes car...…

May 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…m PA7CF F TillE M-I I . ,1 DiE IN'i T, . 1944 I - WEDNE3t~Y M.4T ~. 1944 Drive Against Accidents Will Be Launched Police Chief Requiess Owners To Maitain Cars in Good Condition Alarmed at a threatened state- wide increase in traffic accidents, Police Chief Sherman H. Mortenson issued a warning to motorists yester- day that both State and local police are launching a vigorous campaign in May against motorists guilty of driving with faulty...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

… I a} u- CL, a- U) U) 0) ci) 49 I (0M m <0a mJ- U :z a I" 0m 0 U 4m) 0 I@m 0 -p cU 0 0 0 C VON c') 0 k.- '. CL L 0 C 0~ 4-I ~0 0 0 c 0 LI) c.. N0 o P4 a C)+ 41 Q 41 I .) 4- cd C~) C to k4 4 -4 4. e a' °4 aS a ) 84-) > C 4d d ..4 r c . a p ~4 o { CdC .5 C) Q bC) rnC - > Oo2 ~45) .14~5 . 0n >)4 ) C vC o? o 44.4 C < to 4-1 c3 'C.) C) 4 -4 ~4 4 W ( -4 Wr - C) .4- C 4- q Vt0 40 W 44)4.) 45 4.41 44 (3) q)3 cd4)) P4AC ;.4 ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridci , 1'. . arch 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAII V Brown, Henderson Swing Out Tonight r r i I t L., I Y i l ,,, 1 1 1 'd 7 /" . I L.l f"\ I L. T I I Feet Serve Music Masters Give Out Tonight As the Best Men, Overrun by B Pin Brigades, Seek Les Brown-Sweet and Novel- Marks '44 V-BalI High Spot Les Brown, with his sensational band, and Fletcher Henderson, "the colored king of swing," with his ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…Page Thirty, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, Mor'ch -3,1944 Friday, arch 3, 19,44 THE ICI I C H I GAN ESA I LY P e °hr,.:TI WEr-CHIYAN D ILY FrdoSMl 'h 3f194 ,.iay,.: a..h3..144.T FM..,r'" 7 °+! lLASSIF1ED ADVERTISING WANTED-A man to pick me up MASSAGE AND BATH. Health- No Foolin' ~much Ado About Nuttin' Or the Pointed Pen Dulls Members of VaoniteeI and take me to V-Ball, I'm all, ready and have been stood up. Am blond, beautiful and dyin...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY it r I R R V I Y I 11rr I I I V! -.R \ yr s r v, -r Tf-IF MICI-ICAN DAILY Fiday, March 1944 Frida,,Mrh3 94TEMCIA AL a tion Brecthless osFDR Flips Coin Fourth Term Decision, Still Remains Doubtful Voodoo Magic. Loading Charged Figuring in Our Political Scene Cabinet Quits As Roosevelt l (z-. Reelected By Astonished Nat By MONROE FINK WASHINGTON, D.C...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…f' Page Twenty-Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridov. March 3 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Nazis Routed In Kpmnsvkr Basin Battle Soviet Communique States German Manpower Reaches Negative 4,000,000 Figure By PERCY McBEEBEE Disassoc. Press Correspondent (Special to The Daily) PSIAKTROUMOQNOVSKUVOS, March 3.-Red forces, sweeping through the Kpmnsvkr Basin to- ward the key city of Minskipitsk, Soviet rail center held by the ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…i , _________________ H MT Cb .. . , ,' v - :3- 1 : ° ,:%a F s . ,. ,yd: tr .:. . _ ' it Rr,".v, /:. :'o . .. . . } 9Y , ,_., .r. . -h. 0 U) _S- d3 L) I, OF 0 -e m1 CD U) -r. -'- mD U, -,- -,. CD U) - O V) 0 O 'O Ca -,. i~ ~0 -o 0. "' w 0' CD 0 CD CD c c*0 +'0CLG 0 G P cn 0 U) 'CDU CD 01 _ ____C4 Q a0 C n' C+ C. -CD0 O (D0 CD I iv 1D 0 t co cn < 0 K C n D 0o O D V : C CD w SP M S m CD 0W 3 i i U) 4-i CDU)~D ~:S ~iW a* 0 ~ 0...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

…Ol) O CL _J U w T. m u a LL.I 0114 0 0Q Nm Ni ItC 0 U QI a) ~ ,~ -~ *~ ~P2~ 4: a) ~ 0 ~.. 0 ~ o ' 0 Cu ;-' *~.0 ~ I ~ c~ ~ ~h4 ~ Cu 0 0) .5c 0 *- 0 0 H, U1.) 0-; 44 k( A o. )~ bo 114 4- " -/n u M 0C w0Cu C ,dC -+ ObU 5 ' Q rrs +' cd ) iv , c 0 . 0 bn 0 c3 , "+ . btu'v1" ) "4- Q Z by O ' -Z0a) t Q b534 V 04 C2 4W .p ' H -b a) a) a) a) a) bfa) e$-4a) to ZV ~Q) v O m W v '020 Z/QCu C bp b CDt (ID (9 p4 a) 02 E ' _J .. .r , _ "v - ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 8

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3 1944 Frdav p ttcac 3 P . 1944 -P THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEMCGADALFrdyMac3,14 rrI t lutylIVIU,4, .r I Q44 THF M%-ICRI yA%1'% il Y1 V-BALL STAFF CO-EDITORS Stan Wallace, Jennie Fitch BUSINESS MANAGER Elizabeth Carpenter CIRCULATION Celia Elson CONTRIBUTORS Ray Dixon, Marj Borradaile, Claire Sherman, Jane Farrant, Dcna Guimaraes, Mary Strauss, Doris Peterson Vwtforv Ball1 has After the ball is over, Alter t...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 9

…!' Pcine Twenty-Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3,1944: THE MICHIGAN DAILY { # V 4.. #TT41 iar .#v{A! i ."..r "......r. .. v. .. ... .. .. _. _. .. _.f. A Woman Marine Works Coeds Help Keep the Wild Ducks Tame THE TALK OF THE" C4MPL Daring Facts Are, Revealed I To Wise Public For 'some time past, the USO has been holding regular Friday evening dancing classes. At the risk of having their toes mashed...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 10

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, j944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY D-.. Te.. -gin.-HMCHGN ALYFda.Mrh3194FiaMrh3194TEMCGA DAL a Wastebasket Reveals Secret Calendar for Of How the Irish Skunked Us Spooning under The following story was resur- rected from The Daily files (the wastebasket) after the last Notre Dame football game. As yet, we have not been able to discover the author of this masterpiece of sports reportin...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 11

…Poge7wenty-Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fhdoy, Morch_ 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pd '.. x FP Vx'S.f'F4-V r Te x M.iCHIGANex DAxLYr Frrsd...... 3.,f194FkVM rh3 94TH MCHIA D IL _FL _ _ GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty True Story Tells Havoc, ' } "At! It's a pleasure to give all I got without having to fill out a return for doing it!"- INVEST IN VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS Ing You'll find a captivating 100% white wo...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 12

… Pnna TwPlva y THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 33, m1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Elyse fidvises Frustrnted emales- wiw Iw wwll- Iw IliWllwllwllll I X1111 II I IIIIwwllblll lllwrwll Ywww l Ili wwll I I11Ylllwlll wwll wwwwlwwwlwll®IIIIIIp11P 1 11w Illlwll w THE TALK. OF CAMPUS Who Will Win The BaGlor Knows fll, Tells It fill, To Lovesick Coeds a Dear Elyse, FOR PROFESSIONAL reasons I' had to interview a very charm- i...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 13

…age Twenty THE MICHIGAN RAIL Fr-ivMac3,14 1rdvMac3.1 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r ~ge Twenty - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridav March 3 1944 rridnv Mnrch ~ 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY F .i i t 1. %j y, l Y iV i yi i A, 1 ./.. 1 F': Ensian Life D1aimed To Be Corn' Variety Male Editor Reveals Jam Packed Life Saga Lived In Thrilling Four Months By ALFRED SRERE Do not let anyone tell you that fe on the 'Ensian is not pleasant. and mares eat oats, and does ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 14

… Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 Friday, March 3, i 944 F049y, March. 3, 1:944 THE :MICHIGAN DAILY PQeForee H MCIGNDAL ria, ach3 94 ria, ac 3 94 HEMRIGMfi j I Dear Diary: A Man, That's. Bostula Ostenpheffer Reveals All What I Need--Any Man! The Sad Saga of a Blind Date; Don't We All Know It Well! 1944 Edition Details - Economics 51 -Murder Three Weeks Before V-Ball Dear Diary: Why doesn't he call? The tickets will be gon...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 15

…Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY '"I! -t Is There Isolationism in Leap Year? ,.._ hL Coeds Submit To Chemist's Brews I U -1 Coed Tells Her Plans InUnnigManhunt maPW ,.I J", You can't find a better problem than a woman, no matter where1 you are, so yesterday several chem- istry students went to work on the subject, and her is their lab- oratory report: CHEMISTRY OF MI...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 16

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday,, March 3>1944 Friday.. March 3. 1944 THF MICRIGAM DAIlY IRIL. Ir1l-"I 11Vl\ \ Wine, You Fellows Had Better Be Nice, Or Else Acacia: Alice Ashcraft, Detroit; Jean Holforty, '45; Janet Johns- ton, '44; Georgianna Sager, '47; Mildred Weeks, '47. Alpha, Tau Omega: Peggy Ber- ry; Lorna Fleming; Dorothy Kit- tredge. Beta Theta Pi: Thea...…

February 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

… , * t 1 0 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 111 Imillolloolm Ar 41 t r g1mr,"wn 4 ~ALl Weather I . .. VOL. LIV No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1944 trategic RoiIslandCapturedbyMar PRICE FIVE CENTS 'ines U' Coeds Supervise Children's Playtime Pictured above, complete with' miniature beds, blankets, and sheets, is the sleeping room at the Foster School Nursery. Coeds Jean Murray, '45,,of Philadelphia (left), and Bernice Blaufarb, '46, of ....…

February 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…*THE MlICHIGAN DAILY, TrS Tr t --S, Z!144 4T I Et1g u it Fifty-Fourth Year NO MORE OIL: $4 k o- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday durig the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en...…

February 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…1944 110 -!a p l '. ,a 74. l~ - a aa 5 " ,Ya.,i . La L' KEEP'EM PLAYING-: Harmon Credits Survival to His Footbafll Days Take it from First Lieut. Tom Har- man, football training helps. Back home on a brief leave for the first time since Christmas, 1942, the former Michigan All-American of 1939 and 1940 is convinced that it was his gridiron and general athletic training that made possible his sur- vival of two airplane crashes in the past y...…

February 03, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

… FOUR~..d riTE MItC11tc N "DAtv TTI SDAY. FE.. 3. 1944 M. 1 At/ li X+ 11 1i.!142. - iI -'S- L .a saisav vs- a! .a vp iIW-ALW w TO ACT AS ADVISER: George D. Hall Selected as International Center Assistant Girl P ages Now Serve Legislature _ C _w 'COMEDY OF ERRORS' GOESGREEK.-r Original New York Costumes To Be Lent to PlayProduction George D. Hall, who was born in Panama and is a graduate of the State University of Iowa, has been, ...…

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