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August 03, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-03

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WA VE Recruiters Will
Interview 'U' Women
In concurrence with a nation-wide recruiting drive on the second
anniversary of the WAVEs, Lt. (j.g.) Helen Stewart and Harriet Simonson,
Sp (R) 2c will be in the League lobby today, tomorrow, and Saturday
to interview women interested in enlisting or applying for officers' candidacy
in the service.
In a message to the 72,360 members of the WAVEs, President Roose-
velt this week announced that in 500 shore establishments of the fleet,
women in uniform took over the work of Navy men. "They released
enough of them," he said, "from non-
combatant duty to man all our land-
ing craft in two operations: the Nor- Forner Daily
mandy landing on June 6 and the in-
vasion of Saipan on June 15. Editor I j re
"The Women's Reserve will con- -11111 ureu
tinue to speed the victory day by effi-
cient performance of vital duties At Italian Front
ashore," the message continues. "As
you women of the Navy work to back Word received yesterday from Lt.
up our fighting fleets during the re- John A. Erlewine, managing editor
maining years of war, the pride and ohe a in1, andgno er
trust of a nation is with you." of The Daily in 1943, and now serv-
Admiral Praises WAVES ing in the Italian Theatre, revealed
Admirel Paihes WAVEs hthat he was injured July 12 in fight-
The part the WAVEs have played ing nrho oe
in the war was further lauded by nor ith V.Erlewine 818 Church,
Adm. Ernest J. King, commander in motherofthe'former 'Daily eir,
chief of the fleet, who said that the siEewine wsrecovy editor,
hav beomea vtalpar ofsaid Erlewine was recovering from
WAVEs have become a vital part of lacerations and dislocations suffered
the' Navy and have "won the ad- as the result of shelling.
miration and warm approval of te Hears From Former Editor
entire service." HasFo omrEio
Erlewine wrote Lee Gordenker,
WAVE officers and enlisted per- city editor of The Daily in 1943,
sonnel have invaded almost every "Your letter of the 26th of June ar-
field of noncombatant duty. Among rived just a few days ago. That...
the billets which should be of espe- was a momentous day. I still re-
cial interest to college women are member sitting in the command post
statistics, linguistics, bookkeeping, watching the shells on the road out-
library science, commercial art, crypt- side, reading your letter between
analysis, diorama and art, cartogra- bursts and contemplating another
phy, physical sciences, education, pub- jeep trip down that road.
lications, music, film reviewing and "Particularly I remember laughing
editing, magazine writing, account- over the last line of your letter:
ing, drafting, aviation, photography, 'Does the headquarters company ad-
painting, and sculpturing, dress mean you are slightly off the
Officer Fields Listed front lines?' That night, with a
Of the above, many employ both watchful eye for the dramatic mo-
officers and enlisted personnel. Spe- ment, I got hurt, of course."
cial fields for officers include ac- Likes Army Hospital
counting, administrative assistant- "I'm in a nice hospital now, spend-
ships, aerology, cartography, chem- ing 23 hours and 55 minutes per day
istry, communications, cryptanalysis, in a lovely bed ... I'm not seriously
educational services, institutional injured. Just a couple of disloca-
management, law, library science, tions and a resounding rap on the
mathematics, office management, skull which left a few minor lacera-
personnel and physics. tions."
Also, purchasing, radar admini- Shortly after graduation in 1943,
strative, statistics, supply corps, wel- Erlewine, a member of the enlisted
fare and recreation, writing and edit- reserve corps while on campus, en-
ing, bacteriology, helminthology, par- tered officer candidates' school. He
asitology, serology, dental hygiene, went overseas after completing ma-
medical research, occupational ther- neuvers in Mississippi early this year
apy, physical therapy and physiology and participated in the capture of
are listed. Rome. While on campus he was also
Specialists Needed Now a member of Scabbard and Blade and
A particular need for specialists the University ROTC.
between the ages of 23 and 30 was -
recently announced by the Detroit
Bureau of Naval Personnel. Special-*Can-Openers To
ists act as personnel supervisors,phy-
sical education instructors, security n S v
supervisors, and recreational super- i Sa v g
For these positions women are Permission to double the amount
needed who in civilian life were phy- of iron and steel used in the manu-
sical education teachers, camp coun- facture of can openers has been
sellors ,welfare workers, lawyers, po- granted by the War Production
lice, detectives, art supervisors, pub- Board, George H. Gabler, chairman
lic relations administrators, musical, of the Washtenaw County Salvage
dramatics, or dancing instructors. Committee, announced yesterday.
The government order doubling
WLB Orders Lockout production of the utensil,dGabler
At Kelsey-Hayes Ended added, will make can openers one
of the few household items manu-
DETROIT, Aug. 2.-(AP)-The War factured 100 per cent of the pre-
Labor Board today described as a war quantity.
"lockout" the dispute involving 4,000 "We cannot," he stated "emphasize
workers in two plants of the Kelsey- too strongly the fact that we are
Hayes Wheel Company and ordered rapidly approaching a serious tin
the company to resume work imme- shortage which can be prevented only
diately. by a sharp increase in the collection
The WLB action was taken at the of tin cans."
close of a show cause hearing in a The pew can openers will be avail-
dispute over working hours. able trough local retailers shortly.

Local Camera Club To Take
Servicemen's Pictures at USO


WALTER H. JUDD, (left) principal speaker at the opening session of the Chinese Conference yester-
day, who discussed "China and America Face the Future." Dr. George W. Sheppherd (center), an asso-
ciate of General Chiang Kai-shek, will speak at both the morning and afternoon sessions today of
the.Conference on China. T. T. Brumbaugh (right), director of Wesley Foundation in Kobe and
Tokio of 15 years, who will take part in the roundtable on "Mission in China" from 10 to 12 a. m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. See complete story on Page One.

- - - - - - - - -te_




This column will run twice weekly for
the purpose of acquainting the present
student body with the traditions and
purposes of the Michigan Union, and to
announce Union events. The opening
column is a message from the new Union
The University of Michigan Union
was established in 1904 with the fol-
lowing purposes: "To furnish a Uni-
versity social and recreational center;
to provide a meeting place for facul-
ty, alumni, former students and resi-
dent students of the University and
to help in fitting University of Michi-
gan men for the performance of their
duties as good citizens."
The greatest of the problems seems
at present to be furnishing entertain-
ment for the servicement and stu-
dents on campus. Such things as
the Hour of Fun, G. I. Stomps, and
the recently-inaugurated outdoor
dancing have all been presented by
the Union. Union members are at
present forming plans, in coopera-
tion with other campus groups, for
summer dances, and the organization
is looking forward to promoting a
series of dances which will begin
with the football season.
Also, the Union is endeavoring to
provide the use of its facilities for
the servicemen in the nature of a
post-exchange and canteen.
The main governing body of the
Union is composed of members of
the faculty, alumni members, stu-
dent vice-presidents, and is headed
by a student president of the Union.
The officers and executive council
direct the Union's campus activities
aided by the sophomore staff.
-Thomas E. Bliska,
President, Michigan Union
Recital To Be
Given Today
Soprano, Pianist Will
Present 20 Numbers
A program of 20 numbers will be
presented by Jacquiline Bear, so-
prano, and Mary Evans Johnson,
pianist, at 8:30 p. m. today in the
assembly hall of the Rackham Build-
Opening the program will be "Star
Vieno" by Rosa, "Ah Quanto e Vero"
by Cesti, and "Dormi, Amore," by
Gagliano, "Invocazione de Orfeo" by
Peri, "Addio del Passato" from Ver-
di's "La Traviata" and "Harmonie
du Soir" by Ivanoff.
The works of French composers
will be heard in Debussy's "Nuit D'-
Etoiles," Chausson's "Le Celibri" and
Pierne's "Le Moulin." The "Chanson
Norvegienne" by Fourdrain is also
included among the selections.
Five selections from Brahms will
be given next: "Liebostreu," "An Die
Nachtigall," "Der Tod, Das Ist Die
Kuhle Nacht," "Die Mainacht" and
"Botschaft." Concluding the pro-
gram will be "Vocalise" by Rachman-
inoff, "Shy One" by Clarke, "White
Peace" by Bax, "This is the Shape,
of the Leaf" by Johnson and "My
Lover, He Comes" by Clough-Leiter.
Hillel Picnic
To Be Sunday
The annual summer picnic spon-
sored by the B'nai Brith Hillel Foun-
dation will be held this Sunday at
Saline Valley Farms in conjunction
with the Ann Arbor B'nai Brith or-
The group of approximately 75
students and servicemen will meet
at the Foundation at 11 a. m. and

will proceed to the picnic grounds
where a picnic lunch will be served.
There are facilities at the Saline
Valley Farms for swimming, volley-
ball and softball.'
Transportation will be provided
for the trip with some cars leaving'
the picnic grounds at 6 p. m. for

Teixeira States
In War Again
"Brazilian naval and air bases,
which are strategically situated on the
road from the United States to Italy
and North Africa, are playing a
vital role in smashing the Nazi war
machine," Dr. Egbero L. Teixeira
of Brazil said yesterday in a talk
at the Kellogg Auditorium.
Dr. Teixeira stated that Brazil
was the first Latin American coun-
try to send a completely equipped
expeditionary force to the Euro-
pean theatre of war. "Just recent-
ly the first contingent was an-
nounced to have arrived in Naples,"
he added.
Brazil was totally unprepared for
war when it came to our shores in
the form of a treacherous attack by
Nazi submarines," he continued. "The
Nazis sunk many of our ships, mo-
mentarily isolating the northern and
Shapero To Speak
At Hillel Services
"The Motive Behind Persecution"
will be the sermonette to be delivered
by Martin Shapero, '45, at the con-
clusion of Hillel religious services to
be held at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at the.
Hillel Foundation.
The services will be conducted by
Harvey WeisbergA-S, and Melvin
Rackoff, '47E, and will be followed
by a social hour at which tea, cookies
and sandwiches will be served.
(Continued from Page 2)
Michigan Historical Collections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan in
Rackham Galleries: "Scenes and
People of the Caucasus,'(this week
only) photographic exhibit circu-
lated by the National Council of
American - Soviet Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5
and 7-10 p.m.
Rackham Exhibition Rooms: Each
afternoon during theConference on
China this week, there is on display
from four to six p.m. an exhibit of
Chinese objects of art, with a collec-
tion of articles in everyday use, which
have been loaned for this occasion
by the Museum of Anthropology of
the University and by private collec-
tors. The Institute of Pacific Rela-
tions will have on display books,
publications and educational materi-
als of particular interest to teachers
planning a China program in the
school curriculum.
Events Today
A Conference on China is beng
held at the Rackham Building
through Saturday evening, Aug. 5.
There are special panels, luncheons,
lectures by renowned speakers, and
Chinese exhibitions. A complete pro-
gram for the conference may be
secured by anyone interested at the
Summer Session Office, 1213 Angel]
Hall, or in the Rackham Lobby.
Phi Delta Kappa membership meet-
ings will be held Thursday and Fri-
day at 4 p.m. in Rm. 1021, University
High School.
Mathematics Club will meet this

afternoon at 4:15, in the West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Professor Rainich will speak "On
Line Geometry and Dual Numbers."
A program of "Dances of Our Pio-
neers" will be conducted by Grace
Ryan and Ted Benford, co-authors
of a book by that title, from 3 to 5
p.m. today in Rm. 2292, University
High School.

sBrazil's Role
st Nazi Enemy
southern parts of our country." k
Discussing the internal situation
of the country, Dr. Teixeira stated
that the fundamental problem con-
fronting Brazil was the lack of
efficient means of communication
between the centers of production
and those of consumption.
To prepare the country for recon-
version, the Brazilian government
has introduced an excess profits law,
Dr. Teixeira stated.
Union, War Councils
Will Have Banquet
Renewing a custom which has been
discontinued for over a year, the
members of the Union Executive
Council will hold a banquet for the
Women's War Council at 6:30 p. m.
tomorrow at the Union, Tom Don-
nelly, in charge of arrangements, an-
Representing the War Council will
be Pat Coulter, Peg Morgan, Peg
Weiss, Pam Watts, Beverly Wittan,
Helen Alpert, Barbara LaSha, Jean
Hotchkin, and Billie Jones.
Members of the Union who will
attend are Tom Bliska, George Dar-
row, Jim Plate, Sandy Perlis, Dick
Freeman, Bob Precious, Dick Mixer,
Bob Grandy, Bob Lindsay, Glen
White, and Donnelly.

Servicemen interested in sending-
pictures home to their families or
sweethearts may have their photo-
graph taken by members of the Ann
Arbor Camera Club by bringing a
self-addressed envelope to the USO
today, Mrs. Robert Burton, USO di-
rector, announced.
They will receive, by mail the print
and negative so that they may have
other prints made, Mrs. Burton ad-
Tomorrow, the club will hold its
Bill Layton Will
Play for Odonto
Ball Tomorrow
Bill Layton's orchestra will make
its last local appearance of the seme-
ster at Odonto Ball which will be
held from 9 p. m. to midnight to-
morrow in the League Ballroom.
Members of the faculty of the
School of Dentistry may obtain their
complimentary passes at the School
office, where students may purchase
tickets for the affair. Eligible to at-
tend are dental students, members
of the dental faculty, and persons
who will enter the School of Den-
tistry in the coming fall term.
The committee in charge of the
affair is headed by Samuel Krohn,
"44D, who is assisted by Gordon Mc-
Dermaid, '45D, and Frank Wehr,
'46D, class treasurers. The chair-
man will attend with Pearl Epstein.
Patrons were yesterday announced
by the chairman. They are Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Buntley, Dr. and Mrs.
O. C. Applegate, Dr. and Mrs. R. H.
Kingery, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Kruska,
Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Moore, Dr. and
Mrs. R. O. Nissle, Dr. and Mrs. R.
W. Clements, Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Bar-
row, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Faust, and
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Garner.
The list continues with Dr. J. W.
Bean, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Huber,
Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Williams, Dr. P.
W. Meagher, Dr. and Mrs. L. H.
Strong and Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Cohen
Ace Blood Donor Named
NEW YORK, Aug. 2-(AP)-The Red
Cross today acclaimed Ben B. Hof-
stadter of Brooklyn as the first per-
son in the United States to give 24
pints of blood-three gallons-to the
armed forces.


at 9:30 p.m. All members are
to attend.

usual Friday night dance from 8 p.
m. to midnight, preceded by a danc-
ing class from 7 to 8 p. m.
The USO has scheduled several
events for Saturday. Servicemen
may sign up for the swim to be held
at Whitmore lake at 1 p. m. or may
attend a picnic which will be held
at Saline Valley Farms. Coeds and
servicemen should register for the
latter at the USO as soon as possible.
The picnic at Saline Valley Farms,
under the direction of Helen Wollaver
of Regiment U, will feature a va-
riety of activities including swim-
ming, dancing, baseball and volley-
ball, with the only expense being for
transporation charges. Hostesses at-
tending the picnic are expected to
bring a box lunch for two.
t A- -j -
Beautiful Hats
for Foll.
Anya of THE HAT BOX has
just returned from 'a millinery
and women's appai'el expo-
sition with beautiful hats,
blouses and handbags and all
kinds of flowers. Come in and
let her show you fashions to
suit your fall outfits.


A Chinese Tea will be held at the
International Center today from 4 to
5:30 p.m. Students, faculty and
townspeople are cordially invited.
French Club: The fifthtmeeting of
the Club will take place today,
Thursday, Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Miss Lois M. Gun-
den, Grad., will speak on "Mes ex-
periences en France ,de 1941 a 1943."
Group singing and social hour. All
students of the Summer Session and
the Summer Term as well as all ser-
vicemen are cordially invited to the
weekly meetings of the French Club
which are free of charge.
Charles E. KoelIa
The French Tea scheduled for to-
day at the International Center is
cancelled. Charles E. Koella
Sociedad Hispanica: The club will
not have its usual Spanish conversa-
tion table at the International Center
at 4:15 today. All members are invit-
ed, however, to attend the Chinese
tea which will be held in the Center
at that time.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held at 7:45
p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the

Rackham Building. The program will
feature three more new albums pur-
chased recently: the Suite for
Strings, by Arthur Foote; Beetho-
ven's Archduke Trio, and the Second
Symphony of Sibelius. Graduates
and servicemen are cordially invited
to come and bring their guests.
No more crayon sketches until
some time in September. Sorry. We
know you liked them. But from 8:30
to 9:30 on, Thursday nights you may
have your photograph taken. Gratis,
for nothing, won't cost you a cent-
the pix are to go on post cards to
send to friends if you like. Worth
'Coming Events
Latin-Greek Coffee Hour will be
held in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League Friday, Aug. 4, at 4:10.
All who are interested in the Classics
are invited.
Pi Lambda. Theta is arranging a
program by Harriet Harwood, radio
book reviewer on Hudson's "Minute
Parade" for Saturday, Aug. 5, at the
Michigan League. The program is
open to the :ublic without charge,
A display of children's books pub-
lished in 1944 will be a feature of
the talk.

1 t
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Flowers for You . .
Flowers are the perfect re-
membrance. We have bouquets
to suit every occasion. Don't
let the day slip by unnoticed
simply because you didn't know
what to send.
Pretty you .
Fresh after a long day at
school or at work. PERC
CREAM in natural corale con-
tinental roseglow castellion
copper will give you that fresh
as a daisy look all summer .. .

i p I




- #

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You'll look and feel cool and frag-
rant, like a rose, after a luxurious
bath and a "powdering" with a Le
Ponier Powder Mitt. They're refill-
able. Priced at $1.00 and $1.25.
Also the Little Miss Powder Mitt by

= = _'
. "





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