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February 03, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-03

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U' Coeds Supervise Children's Playtime

Pictured above, complete with' miniature beds, blankets, and sheets, is the sleeping room at the
Foster School Nursery. Coeds Jean Murray, '45,,of Philadelphia (left), and Bernice Blaufarb, '46, of
.1oughkeepsle, N.Y., are shown putting the children to bed for their afternoon naps. This is just one of
their many tasks in caring for the pre-school age youngsters at Willow Run.

Allied Forces
D rive Ahead
Into Cassino
U.S., French Smash
Through Entire Width
Of Nazis' Gustav Line
By The Associated Press
ITALY, Feb. 2.-American troops
after smashing with French forces
through the entire width of the bit-
terly-defended Gustav line battled'
their way through German "sacri-
ficial squads" today into the out-
skirts of Cassino, gateway key to a'
broad highway to Rome.
Drive Slow but Steady
The Americans' progress on this
front 80 miles below the capital was
slow but steady in the face of a heavy
tank, artillery, mortar and small
arms fire put up by the German
defenders in a bloody last-ditch
stand, it was disclosed by Associated
Press Correspondent Hal Boyle in a
dispatch dated "at the edge of Cas-
Nazis Resist Violently
American patrols had battled to
within 300 yards of Cassino last
night, but were thrown back by the
Nazi "sacrificial squads" which gave
no quarter in their death-defying
tactics to delay the Allied advance
every moment possible. They re-
sumed the push today, some infan-
trymen fighting for as much as 20
hours without rest, encountering still
more of these determined German
rear guard units.
Despite the imminent loss of Cas-
sino, principal bastion of their south-
ern defenses, the Germans continued
to draw crack troops from that front
and from northern Italy as they
assembled a powerful force around
the Allied beachhead on the west
coast, one of whose tentacles was
within 16 miles of the Eternal City.
Red Diplomats
Score Success
New Autonomy Given -
16 Soviel Repubics
MOSCOW, Feb. 2.-(P)-The So-
viet Union is regarded as having
scored a great strategic success in di-
plomacy, matching some of the Red
Army's best efforts in strategy, by de-
ciding to grant a new measure of
autonomy in foreign relations to its
16 constituent republics.
It is felt by some diplomats here
that the Russians have scored bril-
liantly, no matter what the imme-
diate developments may be.
The new status of the 16 Soviet
republics is expected to give Moscow
great bargaining power in foreign re-
lations, and it 'is believed the Rus-
sians will seek to realize as much as
legally possible from the reconstruc-
tion period.
(In London it was suggested that
Moscow, by announcing autonomy
in foreign affairs for Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania along with the other
constituent Soviet Republics, was
making an effort to solve the prob-
lem embodied in the provisions of the
Atlantic Charter stipulating freedom
of action and decision for small na-
tions. The Soviet governments of
these three Baltic states have not
been formally recognized by the
United States and Great Britain.)
If the usual policy is followed, for-
eign nations should be informed
shortly of the new development in
the foreign policy of the Soviet Un-
ion; meanwhile the new diplomatic

set-up of the U.S.S.R. is causing in-
tense speculation.
Soviets Smash:
Into Old Estonia
LONDON, Feb. 3, Thursday.-(P)-
The Russians have smashed across
the old Estonian border near the
mouth of the Narva River, capturing
more than 40 towns on the ap-
proaches to Narva, Moscow announc-
ed today.
Berlin reports, meanwhile, told of
a new Sdviet breakthrough in the
Dnieper Bend and a new Red Army
drive upon Rovno, 30 miles inside old
One Soviet spearhead yesterday
reached to the town of Venkule, five
miles across the pre-war frontier
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Soldier Vote
Bill Proposed
Group of Republicans,
Southern Democrats
Offer Substitute Plan
compromise armed forces voting
plan, making a federal ballot avail-
able only to soldier-citizens of states
which do not provide for absentee
balloting was introduced in the Sen-
ate today by a group of Republicans
and southern Democrats.
The substitute plan was put for-
ward under the leadership of Senator
Taft (Rep., Ohio) after backers of a
federal ballot had beaten off a series
of opposition efforts to alter the Ad-
ministration bill.
The Taft proposal would allow the+
states until June 1, 1944, to arrange
absentee voting under these terms:
1. Absentee ballots may be used
without registration in person.
2. The ballots shall be ready for
mailing 45 days ahead of the elec-
3. State ballots shall not weigh
more than 1.2 ounces.
The proposed federal ballot could'
be used only by military voters whose1
states failed to provide state ballots
under the above terms.
The measure provides that qualifi-
cations of military voters shall be de-'
termined by state law-a concession
to "states rights" advocates amongt
the southern Democrats-but estab-
lishes specifically that the states
must waive local restrictions as a
prerequisite to voting by the armed
forces. Those requiring payment of1
poll taxes could continue to do so.I
A vote on this measure is expected
to furnish the major test for the Ad-
ministration federal ballot bill and,
may come late tomorrow or Friday.
By agreement, the Senate will limit
debate beginning at 2 p.m. (EWT)I
tomorrow. After that hour, no senat-
or may speak for more than 20 min-9
utes o a bil Q 20 minutes on an1
-. .
Literary School
Elects V-Ball
In what was termed last night by
a member of . the Men's Judiciary
Council "one of the heaviest elections
in recent years," Stan Wallace, Pat
Coulter, and Marjorie Rosmarin were
elected to the V-Ball committee rep-
resenting the literary college.
Yesterday's election was a recount
of last Friday's ballot which the
Men's Judiciary Counci disqualified
after irregularities were discovered.
Col. Frederick C. Rogers, comman-
dant of Army units in this area, ap-
pointed 1st Sgt. Hickley Waguespack
of Co. D and Pfc. Bennett Yanowitz,
ROTC, as the Army representatives
on the committee while Capt. Rich-
ard Cassidy named a/s Calvin John-
son and Pvt. Robert Harris, USMCR
for the Navy unit to the committee.
In addition to these members the
committee will consist of Fred Beltz,
Rupert Straub, chairman, and Henry
Schmidt representing the engineer-
ing school; and Betsy Post and Har-
riet Boyer for the combined schools.
This 11-man committee will now
procede to formulate plans for Mich-
igan's second edition of V-Ball to be
held March 3 in the Sports Building.

WillUe Slams
Tax Proposals
Claims Congressional
Measure 'Unrealistic,'
Asks Increased Levies
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Feb. 2-Wendell L.
Willkie urged tonight that taxes be
boosted now "beyond any limit that
we have hitherto imagined possible"
in order to prevent a national debt
which he said "would jeopardize thej
very things for which we fight."
"I know that in the opinion of
Congress, as evidenced by the bill on
which the Senate and House confer-
ence committee has agreed, the eight
billion dollar Treasury proposal is
too high," he said in an address pre-
pared for the first of a series of
meetings arranged by the New York
Times on home-front problems. "If
we are to be realistic, it is far too low.
Asks Realism
"If we are to be realistic, we should
aim to raise in additional taxes more
than doupble that proposal."
When peace comes,. Willkie said,
taxes must be "minimized rather
than maximized" in order to stimua-
late the flow of goods, the taking of
risks and the creation of millions of
"We must solve the postwar tax
problems," he said, "not by imposing
the biggest possible rates on our in-
come, but by creating the biggest
possible income on which to impose
relatively modest rates,"
'Confusion' Claimed
Willkie blamed Congress and the
Administration for "a state of con-
fusion"- of tax legislation.
Willkie said that the Treasury pro-
gram to raise an additional ten bil-
lion, six hundred million dollars- was
not realistic and also was misleading.
Pas &l Calai's
LONDON, Feb. 2.-(JP)-Four-en-
gined American Liberators charged
across the Channel today and smash-
ed again at the military installations
the Nazis have built to hold their
grip on the invasion coast of north-
ern France.
Military objectives in the Pas de
Calais area-the so-called rocket-
gun coast-were again the target and
a U.S. Army communique announced
that "no enemy fighter opposition
but considerable flak was encounter-
Two of the Liberators failed to re-

initial landings Monday were on tiny
spots of land near Roi, Namur, and
Kwajalein Islands.
Warships Support Attack
Action was progressing favorably
at all points, the communique said.
Both Marines and infantry partici-
pated in the new invasions, supported
by American warships and planes
and by artillery quickly set up at the
original invasion spots.
Some prisoners have been taken,
a spokesman for Admiral Nimitz said,
Oddly, the most important immediate
opposition was that from huge fires
started by the preinvasion bombard-
ment and aerial pounding. There
had been considerable rifle, machine
gun and mortar fire, however, when
Kwajalein island was invaded.
Land Based Bombers Used
Neutralization of other enemy
strongpoints in the mandated islands
was being carried out systematically,
the spokesman said. Land-based
bomber and fighter planes of the
American Seventh Air Force ai-'of
Fleet Air Wing Two were conducting
this phase of the invasion.
Carrier-based planes, coordinating
their bombing with artillery and
naval shelling, covered the landing.
* * *
Japantese Flee
Allied Troops
Thursday.-(A)-Japanese troops :in
the vicinity of Reiss Point, on the
northeast New Guinea coast, are flee-
ing into the mountains in an effot
to escape advancing Allied troops,
the high command announced today.
The Australians, advancing north-
westward toward American troops in
the Saidor area, found dead Japan-
ese who apparently were the victims
of starvation.
Flight of the enemy, and discovery
of the starved dead, eloquently be-
spoke the effectiveness of efforts of
Allied light naval units and aerial
forces which have been harassing the
New Guinea coast in recent weeks,
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique also reported that 80 Jap-
anese had been killed1 and 20 pill-
boxes destroyed by American troops
with tank support in an enlargement
of the Allied perimeter at Empress
Augusta Bay,
Ruthven Invited
To Conference
Education in Americas
Is Subject of Meeting
For the first time an international
educational conference between the
Americas will be held Feb. 24 and 25
on the campus of the University of
New Mexico and President Alexander
G. Ruthven has been invited to de-
liver the principal address, it was
learned yesterday.
The conference will center about
"Mexico's Roll in International In.
tellectual Cooperation" and is spon-
sored jointly by the Institute of
Latin-American Studies of the Uni-
versity of Texas and the School of
Inter-American Affairs of the Tni-
versity of New Mexico.
Commenting on the forthcoming
meeting, President Ruthven said yes-
terday that it aims "at an improve-
ment of inter - cultural relations
through education."
The meeting will bring together ed-
ucational leaders from Mexico, Mex-
ican consular officials in the South-
west, and state and federal officials
of this country.
Twelve-Year-Old Girl Is
Awarded U.S. Citizenship

Twelve - year - old Dorothy Jean
Johnstone was one of the group that
rercivedi their citizendin navers here

Yanks Seize Airport
In Marshalls Drive
Associated Press correspondent
PEARL HARBOR, Feb. 2.-American Marines have captured strategic
Roi Isbland and its important airfield in the Kwajalein Atoll on the western
Marshall Islands in the new and fast breaking Central Pacific offensive
launched Monday, and have invaded two additional islands in the same atoll.
Capture of Roi, first piece of the pre-war Japanese Empire to fall,
and the new landings were announced today by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz,
supreme commander of the mid-Pacific area. These successes were attend-
ed by "modest casualties," he said, and without loss of any ships.
The new landings were made Tuesday on Kwajalein islet, at the south-
ern end of the atoll of the same name, and on Namur isle, at the northern
-- - - - - tip. Namur is adjacent to Rol. The

The University coed in the picture above is Kay Burton, '46, of Detroit. She is one of the women who
has volunteered for Child Care work at Willow Run. Here she is shown supervising the play of a group
of children at the Foster School Nursery. As soon as the play period was over, Miss Burton assisted the
nursery school directors in giving the children their mid-afternoon snack. -washtenaw Post-Tribune Photos

Coeds Care for Children

Caring for children of war workers
at Willow Run is one of the newest
tasks undertaken by University wo-
Comments from the coeds who have
assisted the directors of the nursery
schools indicate that this is one of
the most interesting war jobs they
have had. At the Foster School,
Nursery, where there are more than
30 children between the ages of two
and six enrolled, the coeds aid the
directors in feeding the children and
supervising their play.
Strilwrs Ignore
New Work Order
DETROIT, Feb. 2.-(A)-An estim-
ated 1,500 employes of the Chevrolet
Gear & Axle division of General Mot-
ors ignored a back-to-work call from
_"I , F 4- -- Ai.fm il

Many of the children, who begin
to arrive at the school at 6 a.m., stay
a full 12 hours while their parents
work. As soon as they arrive, they
are given a hot breakfast prepared in
the Nursery kitchen, followed by a.
nap and play period.
In addition to the work with these.
children of pre-school age, University
women aid in leadership of Girl
Scout troops, the high school Youth
Club which meets Tuesday nights,
and playground activities of teen-
agers. Any women interested in
working at Willow Run are requested
to sign up at the League, specifying
the activity for which they are best
Doiubrowski Resigns
Seat, Will Testify
LANSING, Feb. 2.-(A)-State Rep.
Stanley J. Dombrowski, removed

Taxpayers' Aid
Plan Is Blocked
Treasury Refuses To
Compute Low Returns
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.-(A')-A
propsoal in Congress that the gov-
ernment compute 1943 income taxes
for some 30,000,000 small taxpayers
ran into immediate opposition today
from the Internal Revenue Bureau
which said it didn't have and could
not get enough people to do the job.
The suggestion was offered by Rep,
Robertson (Dem., Va.) as the House
Ways and Means Committee began
hunting ways to simplify federal tax
He proposed tha t taxpayers with
incomes below $3,000 in 1943, who
elect to file form 1040-A, the short-
form tax return based on average
exemptions, be permitted to report
only gross income, credit for depend-
ants, family status and victory tax
exemotion. The internal revenue

Lethargy of the Americans
Incurs Wrath of Lt. Harmon

I was never madder in my life
than I am at the appearance and
attitude of the American people,"
Lt. Tom Harmon said in a speech
sponsored by the Post-War Council
last night in Hill Auditorium.
In his talk entitled, "The War
Front Reports to the Home Front,"
Harmon stressed that the American
people "haven't the slightest realiza-
tion that a war is going on."
Too Much Hilarity
His first impression of the country
after a year's absence was formed
during a three-day stay in Miami
where he landed. The former grid-
iron hero said, "I have never seen so
much hilarity and spending money
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attitude about donating blood to the
blood bank."
The greatest experience of all,
Harmon said, was witnessing the
fighting spirit of the Chinese people.
He told stories of Japanese atrocities
and commented, "If any man ever
laid a finger on my mother or sweet-
heart, I'd cut him to ribbons, no
matter who he was."
Harmon noted that there has been
a great change in the campus and
that "there sure are a hell of a lot
more women." He suggested as a
reason for this that the "girls might
be interested in the angle of the ser-
vice schools."
Soldiers Will Run U.S.
Referring to the attitude of fight-
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