Wolverines Face Strong Penn Eleven in Renewal of
Michigan Seeks Fourth
Consecutive Win in Tilt
Crisler Elevates Lund and Chubb to Starting
fackfield to Replace Wiese and Nussbaumer
A 33-man Michigan football squad
will leave Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. today,
bound for Philadelphia and a clash
with a youthful but strong Penn-
sylvania eleven at Franklin Field in
what promises to be one of the most
hotly contested intersectional tilts
of the 1944 grid season.
The Wolverines will be seeking
their 10th ,victory against seven de-
feats and three ties in this 20th
renewal of the Michigan-Penn series
which began back in 1890, and their
fourth straight triumph over the
Quakers under Crisler. A victory will
give the Maize and Blue gridders a
rate Michigan a slight favorite by
virtue of their smashing triumph
over Purdue last week. Both squads
are in good physical condition and
both should be mentally "up" for the
occasion in view of the extreme
rivalry between the two schools.
Crisler expects to adhere to the
same lineup which started the Pur-
due game with the exception of the
fullback and wingback positions. Don
Lund and Ralph Chubb will fill in at
these two posts in place of the de-
parted Bob Wiese and Bob Nuss-
baumer. Tom Peterson has been
elevated to the second-string full-
back role, and Warren Bentz will
understudy Chubb at wing.
With these changes the first string
backfield will present Joe Ponsetto
at quarter, Eugene Derricotte at tail-
back, Chubb at wing, and Lund at
full. Derricotte, who holds the dis-
tinction of being the first freshman
ever to start in a Wolverine back-
field, will probably carry the bulk of
the Michigan offensive load.
All men interested in trying out
for the track team should meet at
the Yost Field House on Monday,
Nov. 6 at three o'clock. No experi-
ence is necessary and all are urged
to partieiate.
season's record of six wins against
one loss, while the Quakers will be
gunning for their fourth triumph
against one lone setback, last week's
defeat at the hands of a power-
packed Navy aggregation.
Tenn Has Impressive Record
Michigan has picked no soft touch
Saturday as the youthful Pen houtfit,
coached by George Munger, has set
itself up as one of the powers of the
Bast. The Quakers started off with
one of the most startling upsets of
the season by tripping a highly-
touted Duke team and followed up
this victory with wins over Dart-
mouth and William and Mary. While
they lost to Navy Saturday, they
gave the Sailors quite a tussle and
with a few breaks might have pulled
off another surprise in their giant
killer's role.
Wolverine coach "Fritz" Crisler
sounded the keynote for the Michi-
gan squad by declaring vehemently
that "we won't have an easy time."
"Penn looks like a very fine team,"
he commented. "They are young,
but so are we. Penn has a couple of
excellent backs in Tony Minisi and
Al Sica with a heavy line to go along
with them. They will give up plenty
of trouble."
Michigan Rated as Favorites
In spite of the acknowledged power
of the Quaker eleven most experts,
NUSS'S FAREWELL---Bob Nussbaumer, brilliant Wolverine scatback, scampers 61 yards to the Purdue
1 foot line. Michigan threw a monkey-wrench into the Boilermaker machine to the tune of 40-14.
7ait9 the C'unt
AN OLD AND COLORFUL football rivalry, interrupted since 1940,
will be resumed tomorrow when Michigan and Penn clash in one of the
nation's feature grid attractions at Franklin Field in Philadelphia.
Tomorrow's game marks the twentieth meeting between the two insti-
tutions, with the Wolverines enjoying a nine to seven advantage for the
overall series. Three of the games have ended in ties.
Probably the most pertinent point in the minds of - the Michigan
adherents is whether the Wolverines minus the services.of their "one-two"
scoring punch, "Bob" Wiese, and "Bob" Nussbaumer, can still maintain
their effectiveness.
A quick glancv at the official tabulations reveal the value of these
two men. This high-stepping twosome scored eleven touchdowns in six
games and contributed 978 of- the 1620 yards that Michigan rushed in the,
first half of the season. Captain Wiese's 41.2 yard punting averge was
also of considerable assistance in respect to the defensive side of the
Coach "Fritz" Crisler has selected two excellent ball-players, Don
Lund, and Ralph Ghubb to fill the existing vacancies. Lund is one of
the remaining 5 lettermen from last year, while Chubb, an Ann Arbor
product will be starting his first college game for the Wolverines.
Lund has proved himself a capable performer, defensively speaking,
but his offensive chores have been greatly curtailed because of Wiese's
presence. In fact he has carried the ball on only 7 occasions this year.
CHUBB, A NAVY TRAINEE began the season at fullback, because of his
linebusting ability. However, in a move designed to build up added
reserve strength, ,:hubb was shifted to the wing. Appearing infrequently
Chubb, nevertheless has racked up 60 yards in 13 tries, giving him a
formidable record of almost five yards per attempt.
Remaining in the Maize and Blue backfield to carry out their
offensive and defensive assignments, will be Eugene Derricotte, hard-hitting
172 pound Negro freshman from Defiance, Ohio, and Joe Ponsetto who has
done such a splendid job at the quarterback post.
Derricotte has averaged better than 5 yards per try in 59 attempts
at rushing this season. The flashy Negro sensation has scored 3
touchdowns and in addition has accounted for 316 yards from scrim-
mage in 6 games.
OPPOSING this revamped Wolverine squad will be a youthful Penn
eleven, which has three wins against one loss to its credit. The Red
and Blue's lone setback was suffered last week at the hands of a power-
laden Navy team, 26-0. The victories were chalked up against William
and Mary, Dartmouth, and Duke, with the latter regarded as the most
impressive of their triumphs.
Despite the shellacking bty Navy, Michigan scout, Bill Barclay
named Anthony Minizi, Penn freshman, as one of the finest backs
he has watched all season. Minizi, a left-handed passer and an
excellent open-field runner, starts from the wingback mosition.
Rounding out the Quaker backfield is Al Sica, tailback, Ed Lawless,
blocking back, and Harry Edenborn, the fullback. Jack Rosenthal, rated
one of the East's best wingmen, and Walter Stickel, a tackle, are the
main cogs in the Penn line.
With both the prestige of the East and Big Ten at stake, tomor-
row's crucial struggle should provide the fans with plenty of scoring
thrills and excitement.
Wally Weber, wrestling coach,
urges that all men interested in
trying out for the team this year
report to the field house at 3:30
p.m. next Monday. He requests
that candidates bring their own
gym shoes.
Orange Bowl
Uses Secret
Scout System
MIAMI, Fla., Nov. 2.-(AP)-Don't
look now; college football teams, but
an Orange Bowl scout probably is
watching you play.
Maybe you recognize him-but not
as a sort of unofficial representative
of the committee which stages the
annual New Year's Day gridiron
show in Miami.
He may be the coach of the oppos-
ing team, a spectator, a sports writer,
an athletic commissioner.
No matter his. identity, he is a
qualifiedobserver to whom chairman
Charles F. (Jack) Baldwin and the
members of the schedule committee
can go for a frank, off-the-record
appraisal of your play.
Rickey Shows His Faith in Brooklyn Dodger
Future By Buying Big Piece of Stocrk in Club
NEW YORK, NOV. 2-(A)-Well,
we always had the idea that one way
to keep from losing your job is to
own the business, and Branch Rick-
ey seems to be headed in that direc-
tion, in his "purchase of a sizeable
hunk of stock in the Brooklyn Dodg-
Not that Mr. Rickey was in any
particular danger of losing his job,
as he's really a know-it-all when it
comes to basebatl, and the men who
hired him know it, even if some of
the Dodger fans think he ran a ball
club into a shoe string this year.
The fans just can't get over the
dismal season, and they put the
finger on Mr. Rickey for his disposal
of capable players and his failure
to spend money lavishly for new tal-
ent of acceptable ability.
They just can't reconcile them-
selves to the bunch of bobby-soxers,
out there in Brooklyn uniforms
toward the end of the season, with
the accepted idea of the Rowdy-
Personally, we .have tremendous
respect for Mr. Rickey's business His system always has been to pick
ability when it comes to baseball them out of the pastures himself,
and his far-sightedness. His record educate them in the classrooms of an
in St. Louis shows he's a man who intricate farni system, and graduate
builds on a solid foundation. It may them into the big show when ready.
take a little more time than it would The soundness of this long-range
take to set up a pre-fabricated af- program is demonstrated by the cur-
a, butinshe longe runyou'vedgo rent St. Louis Cardinals. But, as
so et in the long run you've got mentioned before, the Dodger fans
are an impatient lot, and although
Larry Macphail, Mr. Rickey's pre- Rickey probably can see batting
decessor, virtually bought a contend- champions and leading pitchers a
ing team and a pennant winner ready few years hence among the callow
made, purchasing established players lads his scouts have been picking up
and throwing them into the race. It here and there, the fans don't wear
was effective, if expensive, and the the same bifocals.
result was all the fans cared about. Anyway, the fans should take
They didn't 'want results 10 years heart over the fact that Rickey has
hence. They wanted them right now, bought into the organization. A man
and MacPhail gave them what they with his own furniture in a house
wanted. isn't going to set fire to the place,
MacPhail's assembled machine was even if it is insured, unless he's
beginning to wear thin and come slightly balmy, and Rickey isn't.
apart at the seams when Rickey took
over and, the man-power situation
being as it was, it wasn't so easy to
get good players by waving a check-
book. Besides, that wasn't Rickey's
way of doing business.
All freshmen interested in bas-
ketball please report to the Field
House at three o'clock on Monday,
Nov. 6.
m - -- - - -- m