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February 03, 1944 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-03

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110 -!a p l '. ,a 74. l~ - a aa 5

" ,Ya.,i . La L'

Harmon Credits
Survival to His
Footbafll Days
Take it from First Lieut. Tom Har-
man, football training helps.
Back home on a brief leave for the
first time since Christmas, 1942, the
former Michigan All-American of
1939 and 1940 is convinced that it was
his gridiron and general athletic
training that made possible his sur-
vival of two airplane crashes in the
past year.
"I'll argue with anyone who says
sports should be eliminated now or at
any time," declared Harmon upon
his return here. "It is principally be-
cause of their earlier athletic train-
ing that our pilots are better than
those turned out by Germany and
Japan. They have learned early what
it means to fight out of a tough spot
and, boy, up there in the air the chips
are really clown."
Men Turn to Sports
"On every fighting front where I
have been our men have always turn-
ed immediately to sports for recrea-
tion and relaxation whenever they
had the opportunity and have played
everything for which they had equip-
ment. In China we had organized
leagues in basketball, baseball, and
volleyball and even had competition
in basketball with Chinese teams.
"To eliminate sports back home
would be to destroy the basis of that
interest and a great means of train-
ing which I am mighty thankful I
had. Without my years of football
and the hard knocks I received, I
never could have lived through the
South Americanjutngle last sprint;,
let alone get back to my China'base
after 32 days behind the Jap lines ii
Flu Keeps Whitey lad
From Milirose Games
NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-(/P)- Lt.
Whitey Hlad, former Michigan Nor-
mal hurdler, was scratched from the
Millrose Games program today after
it was reported that an attack of
influenza yould prevent his making
the trip here from a Texas flying

Wolverine Grapplers Th Oppose
Oncei-Bilet Gophers Saturday



i -
G a9rya
bs't ,Ijotts Editor

A bbey H as Ke Injury

Minnesota will bring its once-
beaten wrestling team here at 3 p.m.
Saturday to meet the undefeated$
Wolverines in a Conference match in
which Michigan is the pre-game
Gophers Strength Unknown
The Gophers have only one letter-
man to use as a nucleus for this year's
squad, and that is Bill idworth of
football fame, in the heavyweight
division. The remainder of the team
is composed mainly of Navy men on{
campus. Eight of the 15 men now
training for the team are membersj


matches so far, lone apiece from the seems to have beaten out Aldworth,
Army All-Stars and Wisconsin, los- only holdover letterman. Gagne
ing to the powerful Iowa Pre-Flight made a name for himself in high
mnatmen. Their main strength is in school wrestling as a member of the
the 155, 165, 175, andl hevyweight Robbinsdale High School wrestling

Aster Outstanding
Minnesota boasts a strong wrestler
in Roddy Lister, 175-pounder, who
has defeated all three of his op-
ponents this year by falls. It will be
interesting to note whether Jim
Galles, Michigan 175-pound Confer-
ence champion, can break this win-
ning streak Saturday. Galles has al-
so won both of his matches by falls,
and this match shouldriprove to be the

team, winning the 175 pound state
title in his junior year and annexing
the heavyweight crown in his senior
The probable line-up for Minne-
sota Saturday will find Clark Wen-
gard at 121 pounds, Peter Perkins
at 128 pounds, Wayne Broch in the
136-pound division, Sheldon Curry,
competing at 145 pounds, and Dick
Nelson at 155 pounds. To round out
th e squad. Ivan Dose:ff will wrestle

of the Navy's V-12 program, highlight of the day. at 165 pounds, undefeated Roddy
The exact strength of Minnesota , Another outstanding Gopher is I Lister at 175 pounds, and Verne Gag-
is not known but they have won two Verne Gagne, a football player, who' ne in the heavyweight division.
IianaFi've Arrives f Se ries

Indiana's 12-man basketball squad The Hoosiers average about 6 ft.
rolls into town tomorrow morning ThHosesaegebut6f.
rdlls int tn tomrrogwn mrnin 1 in. with Center Dick Peed's 6 ft. 3
ad will rest nt the Michigan Union in. being tops. Barring last-minute
for the opening clash of the week- changes Indiana will start Claude
end series with the Wolverines at. Retherford and Paul Shields at for-
8 p.m. tomorrow in Yost Field House. wards, Peed at center and Ray Bran-
The all-freshman squad brings denburg and Sam Young at guards.
with it a record of five victories in Shields is Indiana's high-scoring
14 games this season. The last five forward with 143 points up to date,
defeats have been in Conference including non - Conference tilts.
games. Coach Harry Good's Hoosiers Retherford took over when George
,have yet to win a Big Ten clash. Tipton, high-scoring freshman, was


(Continued from Page 2)
tor of the time and place of his ap-
pearance in each course during the
period Feb. 21 to Feb. 26,
No date of examination may be
changed without the consent o
Classification Committee.

Events Today
Tea at international Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American stfliden't friends of foreign
stu1 dents.

inducted into the Marines. Rether-
ford is awaiting induction but will be
available for both games this week-
Flanking the 16-pound center,
Peed, will be Brandenburg and
Young, Hoosier guards. Young has
tallied 103 points this season and is
runner-up to Shields. He is a dis-
charged Army private, having served
six months at Fort Sill, Okla.
Amy T o SI I.
I-M Cage Card
In order to work the intramural
program in better with the Army's
academic schedule, all Army intra-
mural basketball games will be played
on Monday nights from now on.
The round robin tournament which
goes into the third round Monday
has eight teams entered. Each of the
six companies have a team plus one
from the Reserves and one from Sta-
tion Complement.
Four games are played each night.
All games consist of four ten-minute
quarters. The officials are supplied
by the companies themselves. Each
company provides a referee and a
Captain B. W. Jennings is in
charge of the program, assisted by
Lt. Garrick of Company E and Lt.
Reizman of Company G, who act as
tournament officials.
Monday at 7:30 p.mn. Company U
meets Company F on court one, and
uhe Reserves play Conpany E on
court two. On court three, Station
Complement comes up against Co. C
and on court four, Company D plays
Company G.

HOU GH they receive only slightl
publicity, Michigan's reserve bas-
ketball squad 11aysY picked opponentsl
in a prelirnina ry game beforc every
home Varsity till, ::tl 50 1i r 1o date
they ha vewonilIi u dily fromII eVery
At the ,.s inietime :,a ei''il Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilim heamt has been1
burning up the intramurai leagues, I
rolling up 92, 96, and 55 points re-
spedtively in its first three games,
while holding its rival to less than
3 each time. And in each, the
starting five played only a little
more than half of the time.
So a game between these two leamns,
scheduled either as a r(ireihmiary o
a Varsity tilt, or a Iheadliner in its
own right seems like a natural to us.
The reserves list several of the
players who have already seen ae-
Lion in varsity games: Bob Stevens,
Bruce Ifilkene, and Bill Oren, be-
sides a long list of potential first-
stringers: Art 'Reuner, Tom1 Paton,
Bud URankin. Al Pertile, aid Robb
T HE SAE's are paced by a former
reserve, Bob Caspari, andl Mike
Hobin, 6 ft. 4 in. center, who made
Georgia coaches sit up and pay at-
tention while prepping at Georgia
Military Acadepy, and won his fresh-
man numerals here l ist year.
Rounding out their staiting line-
up are Dave Post, dIl air y l ia rl i ag
and 11o1 Holbrook, with ('at Joltii-
son, Bob lixon, alid tWo4 Rtles
seeing plenty of actimi late in the
The latter quintet has already ex-
pressed its desire to play an exhi-
bition, and we, along with millions,
or at least five other basketball en-
thusiasts would like to se this prom-
ising battle take place.
Ftoriter IVI i('Ii I gait
Stars I('p f IA 'agne
Two former University of Michigan
basketball stars. Leo Doyle and Mor-
rie, Bikoff~, scored 20 and 22 points,
respectively, to pace Fiegel's 51-29
victory over East Quadrangle in the
City Industrial Cage League, and
give them a tie for first place.
Neson, MAcSpadeti it,
PHOENIX, Ar-iz., leb. 2. (A,) The
professional rivalry of Byron Nelson,
Toledo's superb golf star, and Harold
(Jug) McSpaden, the ace from Phila-
delphia, reaches its third 1944 round
this week-end when they vie for war
bonds in the $5,000 Phoenix open.

We have again loaded our Bargain
Counter witha large varfiety -of
Close-Out Books, priced from
9c to 99C




Vi e bI ',31 # T 's rsu Iile ri:'ht xv iug.
on Michigan',S hcky tam, st'to
te Lite(causne tof mu1ch ief1r4i i
coach Eddie Lowrey.
Abbey, who is on( t
was out of both the second and third
Michigan encounters when lie was
given a furlough and vent home.
Lowrey had to rearrange his two for--
ward lines to fill 1iie!, a made by
Abbey's absence.
Now the stellar lineman has sus-
tained an injury to his knee which
may well keep him out of Saturday's
contest with Paris, Ont. club. Abbey
has water on the knee,. a painful in-
.jury, and has been unable to prac-
tice with the squad. .

QIwv'eit Kisdtlil lil-ihc Abbiie y
w ill be'ack oun tht.e ibfoureSatum
day lowrey is a4ain, be ing bored to
swihtli around his fiist and second
lnes to arrange a wall tlhu will
cooperat-e to the best advantage. As
yet he has not determined who will
make the third mali on 11 starting
foltward line.
Possibilities are at least tlhree-fold
with Jack Athens, who played scrap-
py hockey in last Saturday's battle
Captain Bob' Derleth, who has been
slowed down by his recent leg iniury,
and Gordie Anderson. belligerent but
inconsistent wing, all fight ing for the
starting spot.







it 0
R 0 e d n9
" PQ


Time of
Exercise E?
Monday at
8 ...... Friday, Feb. 25
9 . . . .Monday, Feb. 21
10 ....Friday, Feb. 25
11 ... Tuesday, Feb. 22
1 ...Thursday, Feb. 24
2 ....Tuesday, Feb. 22
3 ...Saturday, Feb. 26
Tuesday at
8 . . . . Saturday, Feb. 26
9 ...Thursday, Feb. 24
10 Wednesday, Feb. 23
11 Wednesday, Feb. 23
1 .. . .Monday, Feb. 21
2 ...Saturday, Feb. 26
3 ..Wednesday, Feb. 23
E.M.1, E.M.2; C.E.2
....*Monday, Feb. 21
M.P.2, 3, 4; French
....*Tuesday, Feb. 22
Economics 53, 54
..*Wednesday, Feb. 23
M.E.3 ; Drawing 2
.. *Thursday, Feb. 24
E.E.2a; Draw.3, Spanish,
...." Friday, Feb. 25
....*Tuesday, Feb. 22

8 :00-10:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:001
2:00- 4:00
2:00-- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Hour, beginning at 7:45 p.m.
in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham
Building, will feature Haydn't Sym-
phony No. 13, Brahms' Symphony
No. 4, Strauss' Don Juan, and the
Shostakovich Piano Concerto. Ser-
vicemen are cordially invited to loin
the g , students at this concert.
Comning Events
Dancing lessons will be given every
Friday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 in
the USO Club Ballroom. The doors
of the ballroom will be closed at 7:30
p.m. Sunday afternoon dancing les-
sons will be held if enough men are
A duplicate bridge tournament will
be held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Veb. 6,
in the USO Club. All servicemen are
invited as well as townspeople. Come
with or without a partner. Each week
is a complete tournament. A small
fee will be charged.
Contract bridge lessons will be giv-
en every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the
USO Club.

Time or VarsityGlee Club: Regular rehear-
xaminatios sal tonight at 7:30 at the Union.

Don't leave lights burning


Ar4I 6W0 a I~'1

t " 5 '-
na _f p
:' ' its' i ,
1 ,ft i" '

Continuous from 1 P.M.

*This may be used as an irregular
period, provided there is no conflict
with the regular printed schedule
Palmer Christian, University Or-
ganist, and the University Choir, will
open a series of Sunday afternoon
programs at 4:15 p.m. on Feb. 6, in
Hill Auditorium. This is the first
public performance of the University
Choir during this term. The program
is open to the general public without


Wde Sehiee-

SAFFELL & BUSH wish to
call your attention to a
complete selection of
Men's fine All-Wool to
part-wool -hosiery . . . .
Dozens and dozens for
you to select your favor-
ite price rnd color.

. save

An unneeded light left burning in one
corner of a storeroom wouidn't matter
much in normal times. The cost is only a
fraction of a cent an hour -- for electricity
is cheap. But today ANY waste of elec-
tricity is serious because it vastes COAL
- as well as transpornatiuri.. iai-power,
and other critical resources. That is why
the Government as: y ou to conserve
electric power voluntrily, in your store
and factory and hom.
Even though electicitV, iot rationed
and there is no shortage in this area,
save whenever you can, ct much as
you can, because it saves coal.


electricity to

- -.... - .
l I

.there are many men who choose
their shirts with the same ctre and
.taste shown in selecting other treas-
ured possessions. To such we sug-
gest RITZ shirts styled by NELSON
PAIGE. They have beauty born of
superb craftsmanship - a distinc-
tion rare in the products of manu-
facture - an individuality unusual


Published in cooperation


fo $2.0()

with the




t- M'P



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