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February 03, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-03

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TTI SDAY. FE.. 3. 1944

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George D. Hall Selected as
International Center Assistant



ages Now



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Original New York Costumes
To Be Lent to PlayProduction

George D. Hall, who was born in
Panama and is a graduate of the
State University of Iowa, has been,
chosen to succeed James A. O. Crowe
as Assistant to the Director of the
International Center, Dr. Esson M.
Gale, Director of the Center, an-
nounced yesterday.
Crowe left Monday for service with
the RAF. He held the position for
about two years.
Lives in Panama
Having lived for many years in
Panama, Hall speaks Spanish as well
as English.
After leaving Panama, Hall attend-
ed high school in Philadelphia. He
received his B.A. degree from -the
State University of Iowa in 1943 with
a major in economics. He then start-
ed graduate work in psychology.
Advises Foreign Students
In 1943 he was employed as a
special adviser to foreign students at
the State University of Iowa. C.
Woody Thompson, director ofstu-
Will Talk Today
Donald E. Montgomery and J. F.
Yaeger, who have just returned from
Washington where they worked on
the food subsidy problem, will be the,
principal speakers at a forum on'
"AreFood SubsidiesaDesirable?" at
8 p.m. today in the auditorium of the
Ann Arbor High School.
The discussion, which is sponsored
by the Ann'Arbor Commupity Forum,
will be opened by Prof. Harold Dorr,
of the political science department.
Mr. Montgomery, who is Director of
Consumer Relations for the Interna-
tional UAW-CIO, Detroit, will speak
in favor of subsidies, and Mr. Yaeger,
Director of Public Relations, Michi-
gan State Farm Bureau, Lansing, will
present the opposition view.
Following these three speakers,
there will be questions and discussion
.from the audience. The meeting is
open to the public.

dent affairs at that university, prais-
es him as having done "an excellent
job" in that capacity.
To Work with Students
"Mr. Hall's work," Dr. Gale said,
"will be in connection with student
relationships and with the promotion
of programs of the International
Center which are carried on by the
students themselves, such as round-
table discussions and recreation and
sports programs."
Clubs Formed
A number of recreational clubs
have recently been formed at the
International Center for foreign stu-
dents on campus and their American
With the exception of the camera
club, the organizations are now dir-
ected by staff supervisors. Within a
short time, however, they will elect
their officers and will be purely stu-
dent organizations.
The camera club has already got-
ten started with a program of round-
table discussions, "picture-of-the-
week" contests, courses for begin-
ners, lectures and out-door practice.
Officers for the club are Carlos Plaza,
president; Lili Rabel, treasurer, and
Nien-Tsu Hwang, secretary.
Uho Tsao, Grad., is the temporary
chairman of the chess club. The first
meeting will be held at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in the Center.
The stamp club is now under the
direction of Robert Klinger, Assis-
tant Director of thehCenter. Their
first meeting will be held at 7:30 to-
morrow at his home.
The folk dancing club is directed
by Violet Oulbegian and the folk
music club is headed by Harriet Por-
The hikes club is directed by Ship-
ley Crawford, and Lili Rabel is in
charge of the bridge club, which will
give tournament instructions to be-
ginners in bridge.

Because of the manpower shortage, the Michigan legislature has
hired girl pages, the first feminine messengers employed by it in 30
years. Alberta Waters (left) and Katherine Curtis of Lansing are
shown with Senator Harry F. Hittle of Lansing.

If the next offering by Play Pro-
duction of the speech department
which will be "The Comedy of Er-
rors" smacks slightly of "The Boys
Oan Campus .. .
Sports Club Opened
Members of the Badminton Club,
sponsored by the WAA, have extend-
ed an invitation to male students,
both servicemen and civilians, to play
the game at 8:30 p.m. today and ev-
ery other Thursdayafter at Water-
man Gymnasium.
Dentists To Hold Dance
The Odonto Ball, annual dental
formal, will be held from 8:30 p.m.
to midnight tomorrow in the League
Music will be furnished by Bill
Among the patrons are Dr. and
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dr.
and Mrs. Albert C. Furstenberg,
Col. Frederick C. Rogers, U.S.A.,
and Capt. Richard E. Cassidy,
Riders To Dine
Members of the Crop and Saddle
and the University Women's Riding
Club will hold a joint supper meeting
at 6 p.m. today in the Russian Tea
Room at the League.
The supper meeting will take the
place of the regular rides usually
scheduled for the clubs this week.
* * *
House Heads To Meet
The last meeting of the semester
for house presidents will be held at
5:00 p.m. today in the League,
Marilyn Mayer, '44, president of
Women's Judiciary Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
All represetatives of dormitories,
sororities and league houses must
be present at this meeting.
Interviews Today
Interviewing for the six positions
on the central committee for Assem-
bly Recognition Night will be held
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today
and tomorrow and from 9 a.m. until
noon Saturday, according to Doris
Barr, '44, president of Assembly

from Syracuse" there will be a very
legitimate reason, for the costumes
will be the same.
Elaborate Costumes Worn
Local audiences will probably be
impressed with the unusual and elab-
orate costumes worn by the actors
in the campus production of Shake-
speare's farcical comedy. Well, it all
cane about in this manner: a rumor'
reached the ears of the producers
that the original costumes of the
recent New York hit "The Boys from
Syracuse" were available and so-a
phone call, a bit of persuasion, and
the complete outfits are due to arrive
in Ann Arbor this week.
"The Boys from Syracuse" was the
gay musical take-off on "The Com-
edy of Errors" which brought Eddie
Albert to the front ranks of enter-
tainers. The costumes were created
in the Roman and Greek motif rather
than the older and more conven-
tional Elizabethan period which has
long become associated with Shake-
spearean productions.
Twins Cause Dilemma
"The Comedy of Errors" is a
drama centered around the confu-
sion caused by two sets of twins. And
to top it off, romantic complications
set in to deepen the confusion for the
twins, Antipholus of Syracuse and
Antipholus of Ephesus, and their
twin servants, the two Dromios.
Opens Wednesday
Opening Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre "The
Comedy of Errors" will run for five
performances, closing with a matinee
and evening performance Saturday,
Feb. 12. Tickets for all performances
will be placed on sale Monday morn-
ing at the box office, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.

Barret To Give
French Lecture
North African Culture,
Art To Be Discussed
Maurice Barret, special lecturer in
the ASTP program, will discuss art
and culture in North Africa at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Barret said yesterday that the lec-
ture will be largely the description
of a trip he took to North Africa in
1937. The speech will be supple-
mented with records of African mu-
sic and lantern slides on North Africa.
"This trip," Barret said, "was prob-
ably the most amazing experience its
my life. I was the guest of the Pasha
of Marrakech for eight days and had
an opportunity to see many things
that the tourist would not be able to
He said he would try to emphasize
in the lecture, "the fact that North
Africa is not a wild country, but the
best example in the world of the
last vestiges of an harmonious life,
still not spoiled by modern civiliza-
Barret left France in 1940 with a
government permit to come to the
United States.
Hillel Foundation
To Hold Services
For the first time in recent years
both a Reform and a Conservative
service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Fri-
day by the Hillel Foundation.
The Conservative Service will begin
at 7:30 p.m. led by Elliot Organick
while the Reform Service will begin
one hour later led by Madeline Lev-
Following the services, the Rev.
Joseph Mayne, Director of the De-
troit Roundtable of Christians and
Jews, will lead a fireside discussion
discussing "Adventures in Good
Will. -

SNOUJ means
Jarm and Colorful

. r g "'. r' JQ

Army Sales Up
'U' Bond Drive,
Griffith States
Aided by a large push from the
Army, University bond sales have
passed the $100,000 mark and are
still going strong, R. Gordon Grif-
fith, chairman of the drive, said yes-
The total maturity value of war
bonds sold by. the University com-
mittee from Jan. 18 through last
night is $100,200. Of this amount,
$32,800 has been solicited by JGP
"bond belles." Within the 11 remain-
ing days of the Fourth War Loan,
some $60,000 must be invested to
make up the $160,000 goal.
"Bond belles," stationed at the pay
table in the Judge Advocate General
School Tuesday. sold approximately
$1,668 worth of bonds in the space of
a half-hour. The JGP members will
also be in the law club lounge at the
noon hour during the rest of this
week. The bonds bought by members
of the Judge Advocate General's
School Tuesday were the first ones
sold through the school although
there have been regular pay check
allotments in the past. Sales were
continuing yesterday with a total of
approximately $500 for the day.
Alas, lNoor Woni !
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.-(P)-New
girdles and garters of synthetic rub-
ber moved several months further
away, industry sources said today,
propelled by an order from the Office
of the Rubber Director forbidding use
of Neoprene for any except a few
critical civilian items.

Students Will
Visit Clnton
World Organization
Is Discussion Topic
Representatives from the Student
Speaker's Bureau will travel today to
Clinton to lead two symposiums on
"Plans for World Organization,"
Mary Lee Grossman, '45, Chairman
of the Bureau announced yesterday.
Elizabeth Hawley, '44, Dorothy
Murzek, '46, and Joyce Siegan, '46,
will speak at both a high school
assembly and at the Rotary Club of
This trip is the first in a series
planned by the Bureau, working inj
conjunction with the Post-War Coun-
cil, to. provide student leaders for
community discussions of community
and post-war problems. Representa-
tives from these organizations will
visit various towns and cities within
a thirty-mile radius of Ann Arbor.
Dr. Harold McClusky, member of the
Advisory Committee of Post-War
Councils, is in charge of placing the
speakers in the towns.
Vail .Perniis To Be
James Van Pernis, graduate of
Rutgers University and of Union
Theological Seminary, will be the
director of student work and the new
assistant to Dr. W. P. Lemon of the
First Presbyterian Church.
A former student at Chicago
Christian Church, Mr. Van Pernis
was pastor of a church in New York
City last year.
He replaces Willard Lampe, who
left in August to serve as a chaplain
in the Navy.



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for S6'rinq

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bif1' /f

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
WANTED to rent or buy: phono-
graph or Victrola. Call Michigan
Union, Room 100, after 3.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
LOST-Gold identification bracelet,
Wednesday, with initials C.H.G.
Reward. Call Charlotte Golden,




Bright NEW DRESSES to greet the
Spring. Gay prints and soft pastels ...
just right for that big date, or a dance
at the USO.
For casual sports wear, there is
nothing better than one of our finely
tailored suits with a smart blouse to
set it off.

1 it

for t"




THE University clocks may be off
but mine's a darn good wristwatch


11 1I


El U

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