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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorijl Staff,
Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho
. Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
sports Editor
1;, '.._
,> .
Medical Gro
WILL follow that system of
regimen which, according to
my ability and judgment, I consider
for the benefit of my patients ..,
With purity and with holiness I will
pass my life and practice my art ...
While I continue to keep this Oath
unviolated, may it be granted to me
to enjoy life and the practice of the
art, respected by all men in all times!
But should I trespass and violate this
Oath, may the reverse be my, lot!"
Every physician in America has
sworn to keep the Hippocratic
Oath. But today the medical pro-
fession is in great danger of losing
the respect of all men in our time,
of being dragged from its honored
position. Although there are many
doctors who, individually, are try-
ing to live up to their social re-
sponsibility, they seem to be com-
pletely in the minority when
compared with the many medical
societies which refuse.
The Emergency Maternal and In-
fant Care (EMIC) was originated by
the U. S. Children's Bureau March,
1943: it has handled 300,000 cases
already, and gets 40,000 new ones
each month. Its function is to proide
maternity care for wives of men in
the four lowest pay brackets in the
armed services, and care for infants
under one year old. It is admini-
stered by state health departments
under standards set by the Children's
The federal government, through
ups Block Maternal Care
EMIC, pays physicians a maximum
of fifty dollars in obstetric cases; the
serviceman's wife is not allowed to
add to this sum, since that would
disrupt the program and "up the
rates" to wives unable to supplement
this amount. Likewise hospitals may
not accept the federal funds as par-
tial payment on private rooms. The
plan was instituted primarily so that
servicemen, far from their wives at
that critical time, could avoid finan-
cial worry, and so that their wives,
many of them inexperienced and
away from family advisors, would
not depend on unqualified or quack
doctors just because they charged
low fees.
ALTHOUGH the American Medical
Association officially favors EMIC
many state and county societies just
as officially oppose it. The Albany
County Society voted last fall to re-
fuse the plan as an infringement
upon "the individual rights and
freedom" of wives receiving the bene-
fits. (No complaints from wives have
thus far been forthcoming.) The
Michigan Medical Society polled its
members on their attitude toward
EMIC. "This 'impartial' poll was
accompanied by a letter delicately
warning members that approval of
the plan was contrary to dictates of
the AMA and the State Society."
(PM, May 30, 1944)
Perhaps the worst indictment of
that portion of the medical pro-
fession which refuses. to "consider
Business Staff
Lee Amer
Business Manager
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $515.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Once There Was a Giant -
AUG. 3, 1944
No. 22-S
France's Free Press
THE FRENCH National Federation of the
Underground Press is taking steps toward
a healthier newspaper system, one removed from
control by vested interests.
In a recently adopted resolution, the Federa-
tion states its purpose:
"The National Federation of the Under-
ground Press, being of the opinion that the
eistence of a free press, independent of cap-
italistic influences, is one of the prerequisites
for any political undertaking aiming at re-
building the country, and that no start can
even be made if there is a possibility of return-
ing to a situation where newspapers are con-
trolled by feudal capitalism, declares that it
considers the following measures indispensable
and publicly demands them."
These measures include the surrender of the
ownership of all press concerns, notedly subject
in France to corrupting influence, and reorgan-
ization of them under a National Publicity
Office established by the Ministry of Informa-
The resolution demands the prevention of
control of the press by "money power." Under
the plan newspaper stockholders would be limit-
ed to an investment of 10,000 francs.
THE FRENCH have found that the newspapers
controlled by money interests are the same
ones that are now collaborating with the Ger-
This development is significant in that it
marks a departure from the old conception
of a free press. The French are aware that
government control is not the only danger to
freedom of the press. Where newspapers are
controlled by the wealthy, either directly or
indirectly, they reflect and protect the inter-
ests of the group holding a virtual monopoly
in disseminating news (as in the United States
where 95 per cent of the press is so controlled)
A newspaper necessarily reflects the interests
of those who own or control it.
Freedom of expression demands the repre-
sentation in the press of all interests. The
recognition of this principle is not new, but the
proposal by the Federation of the Underground
Press which aims to put it into practice indicates
that the French, at least, are going to demand a
truly free press.
-Betty Roth
GI's Don't Care
THE ENDLESS discussions about the effect of
the soldiers' vote in the national elections
continue despite the fact that a VFW com-
mander reports that the troops are not con-
cerned about the elections. After touring numer-
ous Aimy units in Italy, the commander said
that they "show an utter lack of interest in the
November event and are interested primarily in
going home.
While that is the first desire of everyone
whose life has been disrupted by the war,
this statement shows that there remains the
problem of arousing enough interest among
the soldiers so that they will be concerned
about the political events in their country.
While certain restrictions, notably those im-
posed by sections in the federal soldier-vote act,
hamper getting information and 'political propa-
ganda' overseas, a new amendment is before
Congress which would relax the rules.
T HE AMENDMENTS as proposed by Senators
Green and Lucas would nermit broadcast of
TRANSLATION of the Scriptures into any
other medium is fraught with danger. Rev-
erential treatment and dramatic technique are
both required in any modern version of the
Passion Play. They can seldom be united suc-
cessfully without being anti-climactic on the
one hand or disrespectful on the other.
Maxwell Anderson's "Journey to Jerusalem,"
presented last night as the third offering of
the Michigan Repertory Players, is a case in
Anderson, who has written dialogue of
almost Shakespearean proportions, did not
reach the pitch of exaltation necessary to
carry this play out of mediocrity.
I wonder whether an all-girl cast was neces-
sary. It is indescribably eerie to see a curva-
cious Herod listening with mock-male terror to
the words of a lithsome, but bearded soothsayer.
With two strikes against it, the cast performs
commendably enough. Ruth Branscon is effect-
ive as Jeshua, Clara Behringer has a bright
moment on stage as the beggar, Claribel Baird
does Ishmael with the proper conviction.
But, just as there is a certain evenness
about "Journey to Jerusalem" itself, so no
role stands out with particular brilliance.
The ideas pregnant in this play are never
quite born through its two acts ands seven
scenes. The Israelities were a constant thorn
in the side of mighty Rome. They alone har-
assed Augustus when most of the Empire was
tranquil. There were profound reasons for
this condition. Anderson hints at them. But,
after two hours expired last night, one got the
feeling that he had witnessed the prelude in-
stead of the denouement of this problem.
" JOURNEY to Jerusalem" never quite gets to
grips with the historical forces at work in
this period. Judea was divided into two camps
over the attitude to take towards tyranny. Some
counciled resignation to it; others, the spiritual
descendants of the Maccabees, preferred death
to docility. Slaves they would not be, and
with their faith in the arrival of a Messiah
unbroken, they took to the hills. They fought
guerilla fashion and waited.
Then Jesus arrived on the scene to medi-
ate between these factions, to advocate rend-
ering unto Caesar those things which were
Caesar's, and unto God those things which
were God's. We have a suggestion of this,
but nowhere is there sufficient character
delineation to show the real philosophic under-
currents at work on the minds of these
Much effort must have been put into this
production. The settings are elaborate, and
Lucy Barton has devised costumes that help
to conceal the sex of some less feminine char-
acters. Elizabethans were used to watching
young boys act in female parts. Ann Arborites
can now get a taste of young girls playing old
"Journey to Jerusalem" is the mid-point be-
tween the grandeur of "Winterset" and the intel-
lectual drabness of "The Eve of St. Mark."
-Bernard Rosenberg
Be Specific
NEW YORK, Aug. 2--From now on, I do not
wish to hear anyone say that he is an inter-
nationalist. It's too dull. If a man wants to
say he is for the Bretton Woods plan, I will
listen to him. If he wants to say he is against
it, I will listen to him. But if he is going to
make one of those standard, empty, vague
speeches about how he is an internationalist,
ignoring Bretton Woods as if it were poison, I
am not going to listen to'him; I am going to
yawn in hisface, and rattle a newspaper where
it will disturb him most.
It is Time They Went
If all a man has to say to us in that he wants
to travel toward the brave new world of inter-
national cooperation, our answer ought to be:
Don't tell us. It's a bore. We want to know just
how he intends to travel. Is he going to get on
that Bretton Woods bus, or is he going to miss
Too many of our internationalists, especially
the more recent converts, have been standing
around in the station for months now, pinning
back our ears with stories about the wonderful
trip they are going to take to the brave new
world. Some of us are beginning to think it is
time they got on some kind of vehicle,
The Bretton Woods plan is a precise and
detailed plan for an $8,800,000,000 currency
stabilization fund, and a $9,100,000,000 world
bank. It is, roughly, a plan for insured loans,
whereby each country in the world can obtain
credit toward meeting its postwar needs, but
with mutual indemnification features, so that
no one country will take the loss in case any
one country defaults. The existence of this
plan alters our entire debate on world colla-
All Aboard That's Going Aboard
Since it has been agreed upon by the repre-
sentatives of 45 nations, and since these nations
are not likely to agree on any other plan, this
means that you ride on this bus, or you don't
ride. If you don't take this particular bus to
the somewhat better world, that means you
don't want to go; this is the only line that's
running. It will do no good to pretend you're
waiting for a helicopter.
W HAT! it will be asked, don't we, as free
American citizens, have the right to discuss
the details of the Bretton Woods plan, and to
study them, and to quarrel over them? Don't
jump like that friend; of course you have
that right. But the essence of international
collaboration is the reasonable exercise of rights;
the matching of rights against possibilities;
never forgetting that 45 nations have agreed
on this plan, which therefore represents that
most precious thing, an accord.
It is perfectly permissible for any American
to stand upon his right to advocate a different
kind of world monetary plan. The point I
am making is that such an American cannot,
in the precise context of today, continue to
call himself an internationalist. You cannot
make up your own kind of internationalism, out
of your own head; it has to be-well, it has
to be international.
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-.
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
fSummer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding Its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. inN
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Aug. 3. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with'
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams'
Assistant Registrar
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh-
man five-week progress reports will
be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van -Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselorsy
The five-weeks grades for Navy and'
Marine trainees (other than Engi-
neers and Supply Corps) will be due
Aug. 5. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office ot the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.;
Arthur Van Duren3
Supervisor, Navy V-12
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
State Civil Service Commission An-
nouncements for Civil Service Exam-t
inations for War-Duration Appoint-,
ments have been received in our
You Do or You Don't
The sight of one man, standing
up for his own personal and limit-1
ed point of view, is not an inter-]
national spectacle. What I mean 1
is, no man who takes it upon him-1
self to tell 45 countries that theyl
are out of their minds can also1
campaign for election this summerf
on the ground that he is an inter-t
In other words, the meaning of
"international collaboration" has be-
come much sharper, much more spe-t
cific, since Bretton Woods. The9
phrase has become at once narrow-
er, and richer. Either you take the1
plunge into international collabora-1
tion, now, or you don't. We have
passed the day on which we could
be much impressed by the man who
climbs the lofty platform, makes a
brisk speech on behalf of the merits
of high diving, and then climbs down
it and walks away, as dry as he came.C
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
office. Examinations will be given
for Supervisor of Field Service, Sen-
ior Field Representative, and Field
Representative. Salaries ranging
from $3,456 to $4,200. Applications
must be filled in the offices of the
State Civil Service Commission before
Aug. 18, 1944. For further details
stop in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instructors
are requested to report absences of
freshmen on green cards, directly to
the Office of the Academic Counsel-
ors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards
should be used in reporting sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 47 of the 1943 -44 Announcement
of our College. E. A. Walter
Today: Professor Shih Chia Chu
will not lecture on this date, but will
lecture as previously scheduled, on
Aug. 10.
Today: "Interpreting China to the
West." Dr. 'Arthur Hummel, Chief,
Division of Orientalia, Library of
Congress. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The public is cordially
Friday, Aug. 4: "China Hopes and
Aims." Dr. Y.- C. Yang, President of
Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Monday, Aug. 7: Dr. John Somer-
ville of Cornell University will speak
on "Soviet Russian Education" at
4:10 p.m., in the University High
School Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Monday, Aug. 7 through Friday,
Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw,
Librarian, Swarthmore College, will
present a series of five illustrated
lectures on contemporary typogra-
phy, "Seeing Things in Print." The
lectures will be held each evening at
8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Everyone is invited to attend.
Tuesday, Aug. 8: Professor Preston
W. Slosson will present his weekly
talk on "Interpreting the News" at
4:10 par.., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Wednesday, Aug. 9: Miss Elba Mo-
lina of Porto Rico will speak (in
English) on "Where Two Civiliza-
tions Meet-Porto Rico," at 8 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspi-
ces of the Latin-American Society
and the International Center.
Thursday, Aug. 10: Mr. Shih Chia
Chu of the Library of Congress Ori-
ental Section will present his last in
a series of lectures on Chinese Civili-
zation. The title of his lecture will
be "China Today and Tomorrow."
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited, admis-
sion free.
the benefit of its patients" is the
letter from the President, Polk
County, Ia., Medical Society:
". . This obstetrics thing was
slipped over as a 'patriotic duty'
... No one is compelled to accept
these women for delivery. The
press of work may make it neces-
sary to say, "No, so sorry . . ."
The same pattern has been repeat-
ed in all parts of the country, with
some few exceptions.
THIS official policy is handled very
neatly in individual cases, as il-
lustrated in a letter we received from
a friend: "The doctor does not re-
fuse to deliver babies for soldier's
wives, but his office girl tries to
discourage people from taking ad-
vantage of the government arrange-
ment: 'If you feel you can afford to
pay the bill yourself, we think it's a
little nicer that way. The doctor
will charge you just fifty dollars.'
(But the patient will still have to
pay the hospital bill, plus this fee.)
'Now you go home and think it over.
You understand that the hospital bed
will not be in a private room, but in
a 4.bed ward. All the patients will
be obstetrical, but we can't guar-
antee what kind of people will be
there-maybe even Negroes!' She
tells you the things she thinks should
scare you good and proper-and make
you feel like a reliefer thrown in . .
Doctors say in one breath that they
can't afford to deliver babies at fifty
dollars per, and in the next admit
that it's the 'regimentation and so-
cialization of medicine' they object
,One thing is certain: the more the
medical profession, in violation of
its Oath, refuses to serve the citizens
of this nation because it is afraid of
socialized medicine, the more the
people are going to demand just that.
EMIC and the Murray-Wagner-Din
gell Bill will not satisfy them in the
at 8:30 p.m., admission free. Every
- student interested is urged to attend.
,Academic Notices
Zoology Seminar: There will be a
meeting of the Zoology Club on Fri-
day, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m. in the East
Lecture Room of the Racklam Build-
ing. Robert Miller will speak on "The
Fishes of Death Valley."
Visual Education Class and All
Students Enrolled, in the School of
Education: Film topics for the re-
mainder of this week, held in Kellogg
Dental Institute Auditorium, are as
Thursday, Aug. 3, 2-3: Geometry
in Action, Micrometer (2 reels). 3-4:
Engineering, Steel Rule, Origin of
Friday, Aug. 4, 2-3: Solar Family,
Exploring Space, Exploring the Uni-
verse. 3-4: Transfer of Power (2
reels), Elements of Electrical Cir-
Student Recital: Miss Jacqueline
Bear, soprano, will present a song-
recital this evening at 8:30 p.m. in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Her program will include
compositions by Verdi, Debussy,
Brahms and Rachmaninoff. Miss
Bear will be accompanied by Miss
Mary Evans Johnson, pianist. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play the
music of Gluck, Raff and Glauser, as
well as familiar American folk songs,
as his usual Friday evening recital,
Aug. 4, at 7 p.m.
All Russian Choral Evensong: First
Methodist Church Choir, conducted
by Professor Hardin Van Deursen,
School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie
Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and
Harriet Porter, Contralto; organist,
Irene Applin Boice. Russian instru-
mental selections will be rendered by
Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Ruby
Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday,
Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First Methodist
Church. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend.
String Orchestra Concert: On
Tuesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8:30 p.m.,
the University of Michigan String
Orchestra, under the direction of
Gilbert Ross, will present a concert
of music of the 17th and 18th cen-
turies. The program will feature Dor-
othy Ornest Feldman, Soprano, and
Jeannette Haien, Pianist, as soloists.
Mrs. Feldman will sing the Cantata
"Idolo Mio" by Alessandro Scarlatti,
and Miss Haien will play Haydn's
Concerto in G major, No. 2. The
orchestra will present the music of
Vivaldi, Frescobaldi, Mozart, and
Sammartini. The public is cordially
invited to attend the concert which
will be given in Pattengill Auditor-
General Library, Main Lobby. In-
fI -fliall
By Crockett Johnson
That McSnoyd! He followed me]
bac tod the mamusm n nork
Luckily, he became interested ]
I h tsl at machine near the
Their traditional excuse is a
need for ransom in case of I
.Have you seen the newspapers?