WEDNESD*~fAY. MAY 3. 1944&
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Mir4tgatt Bay
Fifty-Fourth Year
WLB Played Fair with Wards
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University y
day and Tuesdayd
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low .
3o Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall .
Marjdrie Rosmarin
Elizabeth A. Carpeni
Margery Batt .
ear, a
and every morning except Mon-
g the
summer session.
. .Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
" . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . . Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
ter . . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Election Issues
EMOCRATIC PEOPLE throughout the world
are watching the coming election in Novem-
ber not because they are interested in the so-
\clled domestic issues involved, but because they
now that the choice of president will help de-
cide the roll of the United States in the war and
in the peace to follow.
The people know Roosevelt and what he
stands for; they also know a part of the Repub-
lican party and what it stands for. They have
seen GOP actions in Congress hinder the ad-
mainistration's tax plan, the soldier vote and
other issues. Certain Republicans seem willing
to .block the country in its war effort by fighting
these bills; their sole purpose seems to be to balk
Roosevelt in their desire to get into power.
But the election is not a question of parties;
it is a question of the conduct of the war and
Ehe peace. Roosevelt has fought for a unified
war effort, but he has been hamstrung by a
reactionary Congress.
All issues must and should be issues concern-
ing the war. There are no issues outside of
these. The question of a high tax is a war issue,
for it means that we could pay for a part of the
war while the people have money. The question
of an adequate federal ballot for servicemen is
a war issue, and the question of truly demo-
cratic representation in the South is a war
issue. They would strengthen the war effort,
raise the morale of certain sections of the coun-
try by giving them a glimpse of democracy or
prepare for an economically stable peace.
WE MUST REALIZE that this election may
change the war, the peace and future of
the whole country. The war could be lengthened
by lack of cooperation. The future of collective
security and coordinated action with our allies
will be decided.
The whole war could change color and result
in an imperialistic peace-all if the wrong
man becomes president. These things hang in
the balance; we cannot risk the country's fu-
ture. We cannot risk the world's future, for it
still looks to the United States as an example
of progressive democracy.
We know Roosevelt by his actions; but from
the Republican party we hear vague promises
to appease the people tied to the end of resolu-
tions. And we see the actions of GOP represen-
tatives in Congress.
Knowing this, it is necessary to build a sin-
cere People's Front, regardless of parties. A
front standing for complete victory, a decent
peace, an extension of democracy, and com-
plete cooperation with our allies. A front with
Roosevelt as its leader, for his actions have
proven his worth.-
On the other side are the nationalists, the poll
taxers and those who voted down the soldier
vote bill. You find them in both parties; but
especially you find them in the Republican
ranks, and they must be defeated. These two
groups have two different ways of fighting the
war. They have shown it by their actions and
their speeches, in Congress and in their parties.
'This is the issue of the election-the war issue,
nothing else. -Lee Hunn
Nazi 'Socialism'
Many people underestimate the German Nazis.
National Socialism represents much more than
, 'Ti
A .
No Small Art Is It To Sleep'
Is It
Ud" Ilier Be flight
NEW YORK, May 2.-It is possible for almost
anybody to acquire "a sound foreign policy" now.
It doesn't take long; you can do it, easily, before
breakfast. All you have to do is say the standard
things; you want a four-power alliance, and, a
little later, you want a world organization; you
want all this to be backed with "force"; and you
admit that America can no longer live alone.
Having recited this form of words, you are
now the proud possessor of a foreign policy; no-
body can call you on it, and goody for you.
Our wonderful American instinct for stan-
dardization has operated in this field, as in
others, and it is now possible for any candi-
date for public office to assume a splendid
foreign policy in five minutes flat. He says
Historic Cycle
THE LATEST advices touching the physical
condition of Mr. Cleveland are very discour-
aging to his friends and the opinion is gaining
ground that the greatest fat man of his time will
not be able to enter the presidential race.
The other morning Mr. Cleveland took a
blue pill immediately upon arising. The in-
cident is fraught with significance. The fate
of the party hangs upon the probable action
of the blue pill.
At breakfast Mr. Cleveland spilled some coffee
into his boot and suffered a severe burn. Of
course if blood poisoning sets in it means a Re-
publican president.
While partaking of lunch, Mr. Cleveland swal-
lowed some fish the wrong way. le coughed so
violently that he ruptured his necktie and his
lungs are probably affected. If they are he will
surely not allow the use of his name at Chicago.
As Mr. Cleveland was endeavoring to retire
without lighting the gas or waking the baby,
he was so unfortunate as to telescope one of his
toes on a rocking chair.
- "Ouch," declared Mr. Cleveland, before he
Every effort was made to keep the remark
quiet, but it leaked out and is believed to indicate
that the ex-president himself is aware that he
is far too weak to endure the trials of a cam-
paign. Ann Arbor Courier, Feb. 17, 1892
Soldiers (ait Vote
Does anybody still believe that soldiers, in
important, numbers, will be allowed to vote in
this year's fateful presidential election? We
don't. From all over the country come stories
of the difficulty soldiers are having in getting
ballots, and of state laws hastily being patched
up, or being left in their present hopeless condi-
tion. You can paste it in your hat that when
the majority in Congress voted against a federal
ballot it did so because it knew that nothing
else would enable the soldiers to vote.
-New Republic
the right words, and, presto, he is in a position
to match his foreign policy against any man's.
Soon our instinct for slang, which is as strong
as our instinct for standardization, will take
over, and all a. candidate will have to say is:
"Me, too." We'll know. He means a four-
power alliance, etc., etc.
But to r'ecite the Gettysburg address, however
sincerely, does not make a man a Lincoln.
There is, therefore, a natural hunger on the
part of the public for further tests, to reveal the
depth of a candidate's foreign policy, in addi-
tion to its mere length and breadth. Does he be-
lieve in it profoundly, and does he understand
it, the way he believes and understands that the
world is round, or does he have only a confused
glimmer of it, such as he may have, say, of the
theory of relativity? Is his faith tongue-high
or heart-deep?
FOR A WHILE, Russia was the test. The more
skeptical portion of the audience would sit
up, ears sharp, waiting to hear whether the can-
didate would include Russia in or out. Russia
was regarded as a bitter pill to swallow, and a
candidate who got it down like a man was con-
sidered a bold and forthright fellow. But, hell,
everybody includes Russia in, now, so that's no
test any more.
An indication of how to test these attitudes
came out of Governor Bricker's speech last
week. Governor Bricker flunked, because after
advocating partnership with our allies, includ-
ing Britain, he then demanded American own-
ership of British island bases; i.e., he set up
offensive and humiliating conditions, such as
would make partnership impossible. In other
words, he pointed out the road ahead, and
then strewed it with tacks.
The test, therefore, is whether, after accepting
the right attitude, a candidate will also accept
the necessary and inevitable consequences of
that attitude.
If you're setting up in the business of pointing
out the road to the future, then you've got to
be willing to walk down that road.
Governor Dewey, for example, knows where
the road is, as well as anybody. "There it is!"
he said last week, pointing toward close rela-
tions with Russia. And then suddenly he
sneered at what he called "private" diplomacy,
and that could only have been a sneer at the
Teheran conference, and it was like a balk.
But can we have sound relations with Russia
without supporting the Teheran agreement?
And so one possible test of our candidates is
this: Since they have all learned how to say
"A," we must now see which of them are will-
ing to say "B," also, and sort those out from
men who are content with muttering "A"
alone, and stopping short.
To put it another way, we can test a candi-
date by our feeling as to whether he has
"adopted a foreign policy" in order to open the
discussion, or to close it.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
THIS being a political year, a good
deal more heat than light has been
generated in discussions of the Mont-
gomery Ward imbroglio, and the heat
seems to have been sufficient to break
many mental thermometers; for in-
stance, that of Hamiltonian Conserv-
ative, who, in Monday's Public Letter
Box, announced that a dictator had
made a mockery of the Constitution,
the Congress and its laws.
The fact is rather ,that not a
single sfep has been taken in this
dispute between the company and
the Government that did not rest
on a law passed by Congress under
its constitutional powers. The War
Labor Board was set up and em-
powered by Congress. When, after
a long course of defiance by the
company, it referred the case to the
President, it did so by unanimous
vote-that is, by the vote of its in-
dustrial and public representatives,
as well as of its labor members.
And the President, by virtue of
legal and constitutional powers, took
over the company's plant, not to de-
prive it of property and revenue, but
to protect both from the effects of a
strike-and chiefly, to prevent that
strike from spreading until it might
have involved a considerable part of
the national war effort.
* *
THE DISPUTE was originally be-
tween the company and the union
with which its contract had expired,
the company holding that the union
no longer represented a majority of
the company's employes, the union
insisting that it did. The matter
went to the U.S. Conciliation Service.
It failed to conciliate, and last De-
cember it referred the case to the War
Labor Board as one which, left un-
settled, might lead to a substantial
interference with the war effort. This
the Conciliation Service was directed
to do by law.
It found that the company was
connected with the war effort because
it owns four factories which manu-
WEDNESDAY, K11AY 3, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 125
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 330
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon, May 3, from 4 to 6
To Members of the University
Council: The May meeting of the
Council has been cancelled.
Deroit Armenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall,
Miss Bartington of the Goodyear
Aircraft Corp., Akron, O., will be here
today to interview girls for their
engineering training program as well
as their College Staff Training Pro-
gram. Interested women please call
our office Ext. 371 or stop in the
office 201 Mason Hall for appoint-
ments. Bureau of Appointments.
We have received announcement of
employment opportunities with the
County of Wayne from the Wayne
County Civil Service Commission.
Application for examination must be
postmarked no later than May 12,
1944. This particular examination is
for Personnel Assistant open to both
men and women with a pay range for
$1,920 to $2,400 on a 40 hour week
basis. For more details stop in at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Victory Gardens: Those employees
of the University who applied for
plots for vegetable gardens at the
Botanical Garden may now receive
their plot numbers by calling Mr.
Roszel. It is expected that the plow-
ing will be done within four or five
days, if weather does not prevent. To
provide for plowing,r acontribution
of one dollar per person (or group
using a single plot) is requested.
Co-ops hold applicant interview:
The personnel committee of Co-op-
eratives is holding a meeting tonight
for intervews of all those interested
in Co-ops, for the summer or fall
facture farm equipment, and one of
them also makes gun mounts, pro-
pellers and carburetors for military
The War Labor Board accepted
the findings of the Conciliation Serv-
ice, and went on from there-under
the laws made and provided by Con-
gress under the Constitution. In Jan-
uary, after a public hearing, it order-
ed a temporary extension of the
agreement between the company and
the union regarding the Chicago
plants, provided the union would pe-
tition the National Labor Relations
Board within 30 days for a determin-
ation of the basic question-whether
it was representative of a majority
of the employes.
The company refused to comply
with the order. The union did
comply. In March, the WLB held
another hearing, and decided that
inasmuch as the company had not
complied with its order, it had des-
troyed the conditions under which
the union had proceeded.
On April 5 the WLB issued another
order, demanding that the company
restore the broken contractual regu-
lation with the union, pending an
election. The company refused to
comply. The deadlock was complete,
and the WLB referred the case to the
President, who exercised the war pow-
ers he possesses under the law.
THE WLB appears to have been
eminently fair to the company,
The reason it demanded that the
union petition the National Labor
Relations Board was that it had ser-
ious doubts whether the union still
represented, as it claimed, a majority
of the employes. The WLB had nev-
er before made such a condition, and
it was entirely favorable to the com-
pany's contention. Meanwhile it ask-
ed that the status quo be maintained
under the old contract until the elec-
tion could be held. This the company
refused, apparently on the ground
that no election was necessary to
prove its point that the union was
no longer representative, and there-
fore was not to be bargained with.
The company also argued that
pending the election, the union
could demand that all employes
who had resigned from the union
be discharged. The WLB's reply
is that under its rules, such dis-
charges would be impossible.
Chairman William H. Davis of the
WLB has pointed out in a letter to
Senator Byrd of Virginia that Mont-
gomery Ward has refused to comply
with the WLB's orders regarding dis-
putes in Denver, Detroit, New York,
Portland and Oakland.
So much for the WLB's side of the
case. which, it seems to the Commen-
tator, has not been given the pub-
licity required before unprejudiced
judgments can be formed.
-W. K. Kelsey, The Detroit News
THERE are some words college stu-
dents just don't use. They offend
our academic impartiality. It's all
right to stay up all night with se-
mantics and transcendentalism, but,
at least until lately, one didn't dis-
cuss ways and means of clarifying or
activizing or simply doing. But be-
cause of the positive change in the
weather, we thought we might be
permitted to suggest a little action
today. It's neither new nor difficult,
but it requires a certain degree of ex-
We propose that students on
campus make plans to vote this
year. We raged over the soldier
vote bill, while few of us realize
that, as absentees, if we plan to
vote we have to register and apply
for ballots by mail. . . and quickly.
Since each of the 48 states has a
different method of distributing bal-
lots, and a different date for the re-
ceipt of absentee votes, this rather
fundamental right and duty of citi-
zens is not so easily carried out.
The Army and Navy, recognizing
the importance of voting to those in
service, have prepared short leaflets
describing the exact procedure for
exercising this right. These leaflets
have been sent to every camp and
barracks in this country, and sim-
ilar information is probably being
circulated among troops overseas. It
is proper that this action should be
And civilians had better hurry up
and follow the same procedure. Civ-
ilian absentee voting is even more
mixed up than that for servicemen,
and is complicated by the fact that
two states have no provisions for ab-
sentee voting at all.
PERHAPS the Women's War Coun-
cil. and the Union, in cooperation
with the Post-War Council, MYDA
and Inter-Racial Association, could
set up a Student Citizens Committee.
Perhaps this committee could set
up an information booth at diag
two or three times a week. And the
Speakers' Bureau could start dis-
cussions in dormitories on the im-
portance of voting . . . if you can.
Not only voting for president, but
especially for congressmen, because
it's Congress that passes those laws
which the President carries out, and
the courts decide on.
The only question left, we think,
is this one: with your Red Cross con-
tribution you get a sticker; with your
War Bond purchase you get a receipt.
The prize for voting is probably the
simplest of all to understand: in the
long run you'll have nothing left to
gripe about. -Ann Fagan
semesters. Applications must be in
at that time. The interviews will be
held at Steven's House, 816 Forest, at
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert held in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building will
be cancelled this week due to the
May Festival. The next program will
be held on May 11, 1944.
Academic Notices
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, In-
dustrial and Mechanical Engineering:
A representative of the Lockheed Air-
craft Corporation, Burbank, Califor-
nia, will be in Ann Arbor today to
interview graduating seniors for
positions in computing, drafting
(both detail and layout), flight
research, material control, stress,
weight analysis, wind tunnel research,
etc. The primary consideration of this
company is to seek applicants who
reached their twenty-second birthday
on February 1, 1944, and others who
are, or may be in the future, classi-
fied as not susceptible for induction,
such as 1-C or 4-F. Interested engi-
neers will please sign the interview
schedule posted on the Aeronautical
Engineering Bulletin Board, near
Room B-47 East Engineering Bldg.
Interviews will be held in Room 3205
Fast Engineering Bldg. Application
forms, which are obtainable in the
Aeronautical Department office, must
be completed prior to the interview.
Descriptive literature is also available.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
,mination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (directed teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, May
13, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in
the auditorium of University High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
Doctor Examinaton for Max E.
Chilcote, Biological Chemistry; the-
sis: "The Metabolism of Thiophene
and Some of Its Derivatives," Thurs-
day, May 4, 317 West Medical, at
9.a.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
May Festival Concerts: The sev-
eral May Festival programs will be
as follows:
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all six concerts.
Thursday, May 4, 8:30: Eugene
Ormandy, conductor. Beethoven
Symphony No. 7, and orchestral
numbers by Debussy, Strauss.
Friday, May 5, 8:30: Kerstin Thor-
borg, Contralto; and Charles Kull-
man, tenor, soloists, in performance
of Mahler's song symphony, "Song
of the Earth;" Eugene Ormandy,
Conductor. Mozart Symphony No.
Saturday, May 6, 2:30: Genia
Nemenoff and Pierre Luboshutz, pi-
anists; Festival Youth Chorus; Harl
McDonald, Saul Caston and Mar-
guerite Hood, conductors. Songs of
the Americas, orchestrated by Eric
DeLamarter, and McDonald's Con-
certo for Two Pianos; Suite from
the Water Music, Handel-Harty;
Roman Carnival Overture, Berlioz;
and Faure's Pavane.
Saturday, May 6, 8:30: Bidu Say-
ao, soprano; Saul Caston, Conduc-
tor. Arias and songs; Overture to
"Die Meistersinger," Wagner; Sym-
phony No. 6, Tschaikowsky.
Sunday, May 7, 2:30: Nathan Mil-
stein, violinist; Gregor Piatigorsky,
violoncellist; Eugene Ormandy,
Conductor. All-Brahms program-
Academic Festival Overture, A min-
or Concerto; and Symphony No. 1.
Sunday, May 7. 8:30: Rose Bamp-
ton and Thelma von Eisenhauer,
sopranos; Kerstin Thorborg, con-
tralto; Charles Kullman, tenor;
John Brownlee, baritone; University
Choral Union (assisted by Univer-
sity Women's Glee Club); Palmer
Christian, organist; Hardin Van
Deursen, Conductor. Mendelssohn's
"Elijah," a dramatic oratorio.
Beginning Thursday morning, May
4, the Hill Auditorium box office
will be open from 9 to 5, and after
7 o'clock in the evening.
Holders of season tickets are re-
spectfully requested to detach be-
fore leaving 'home the coupons for
the respective concerts,' instead of
By Crockett Johnson
TYI os. I'll be showered with deareesl
IThje~n for aiubfifle! "A Corn rleg
"Wh AnalyticonclusinsY~