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May 03, 1944 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-03

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War Council Positions Revealed at Insta lation


Groups Announce Heads,

(Continued from Page 1)
Gaffney will be in charge of awards.I
WAA Ieads NamedI
The interhouse manager will be
Barbar Fairman with Barbara Os-I
borne as the dormitory assistant andI
Jane Archer as the sorority assistant.I
Jean Brown will be the league house
assistant while Dona Guimaraes takes
care of the publicity.
Virginia Thomas was named presi-
dent of the University Women's Rid-x
ing Club and Emily Peters is to headl
Crop and Saddle. Heading the WAAt
clubs are Mary Perrone, archery;
Joan Kintzing, rifle; Lee Wellman,
outing; Patricia Daniels, softball;
Helen Masson, basketball; and Jeant
Parsons, dance.
The list continues with Martha Al-
len, badminton; Alene Loeser, pingI
pong; Patricia Dillenbeck, fencing;
Ann Barlow, golf; and Harriet Risk,
tennis. Dorothy Flint will head bowl-
ing while Ruthann Bales, Virginia
Brady and Rita Auer wil guide hoc-
key, la crosse and swimming, respec-
New Judiciary Members
Speaking for Judiciary Council,l
the new president of Judiciary, Nat-
alie Mattern, announced that Dor-
othy Pugsley, Alpha Chi Omega,I
and Cornelia Groefsema, Betsy Bar-
bour, were the new senior members
of the Council. Ruthann Bales,
Delta Gamma, and Harriet Pierce
were named as the junior members.
Patty Spore, retiring head of the1
Women's Glee Club, named Rita1
Christian, Delta Delta Delta, vice-
president, and Ruth MacNeal, Gam-t
ma Phi Beta, secretary. The treas-
urer and business manager will be1
Virginia Weadock, Alpha Omicron Pi,
and Eleanor Stewart, also Alpha Om-t
icron Pi, will be the historian. Ber-
nice Hall and Dorothy Gray will ber
the librarians.
First Lloyd Scholarship
Marge Hall, Cornelia Groefsema
and Edith Jean Richards were the1
recipients of the three Ethel Mc-
Cormick undergraduate scholarships1
of $100 each. Receiving the firstI
Alice Crocker Lloyd fellowship for
graduate students ever given, was
Barbara Smith. The fellowship car-
ries a stipend of $500.
Senior Society tapped Bethine
Clark, Ruth Edberg, Helen Newberry;
Lucille Genuit, Martha Cook; Cor-
nelia Groefsema, Betsey Barbour;
Marge Hall, Martha Cook; Doris Pet-
erson, Helen Newberry; Janet Peter-
son, Betsey Barbour; and Evelyn
Phillips, Adelia Cheever.
Recognize Freshmen
Mortar Board, national honorary
for senior women, started a new tra-;
dition last night, by recognizing
freshmen women active in campus
projects. Those recognized were Jean
Hole, Elaine Greenbum, Judith Ra-
do ,Ellen Vinacke, Doris Krueger, Ev-
elyn Hill, Jo Simpson, Lucy Stone, Es-
telle Klein, Elaine Raiss, Bobette
Ringland and Marcia Mellman.
Following the presentation of
freshmen certificates, Mortar Board
tapped 15 second semester juniors as
new members of the Mortar Board
chapter. Those presented with the



invitations to membership were Patri-
cia Coulter, Shelby Dietrich, Harriet
Fischel, Cornelia Groefsema, Marge
Hall, Betty Harrison and Mary Ann
Jones. The list continues with Peg
Laubengayer, Jean Loree, Natalie'
Mattern, Deborah Parry, Evelyn'
Phillips, Marjorie Rosmarin, Ann
Terbrueggan and Betty Wileman.
Members of Senior Society will be
seen wearing their distinctive white
collar and blue bow on campus to-
morrow, while Mortar Board neo-
phytes will wear their mortarboards
to classes.
Orientation Advisors 1
Freshmen Orientation Advisors fora
the '44 Fall term were announced as1
Ruthann Bales, Barbara Bathke,
Irma Bluestein, Jay Bronson, Mary
Broson, Kathryn, Burton, Pat Burt-;
on, Barbara Butler, Dorothy' Castri-;
cum, Judith Chayes, Carolyn Conant,
Dorothy del Siena, Marian Dunlap,1
Carol Evans, Jennie Fitch, Carol Gi-1
ordano, June Gumerson, Nancy Hoff-
man, Josephine Holmes, Manry Jane7
Janiga, Joan Kintzing, Rosemaryj
Klein, Joan Kistler, Jane Longstaff,I
Fern MacAllister, Nora MacLaughlin,
Ronnie Leitner, Glenn McDaniel;
Alma Nielsen, Nancy Northrup,
Ruth Mary Picard, Harriet Pierce,
Jean Richards, Naomi Schur, Mar-
garet Semple, Dorothy Servis, Shirley
Sickels, Marjorie, Siebert, Joyce Sie-
gan, Anne Stanton, Jeanne Storm,
Mary Jane Thielsen, Irene Turner,
Pat Tyler, Dorothy Wantz, Carol
Watt, Virgina Weadock, Beverly Wit-1
tan, Georgia Wyman, Mary Ellen
Zahrn, Dorma Zarbock, Betsy Perry,
Frances Glennon, Lois Kivi, Betty
Ann Kuchar, Gene Lane, Nancy Pot-
tinger and Joyce Shapero.
Those who were appointed as
Transfer Orientation Advisors include
Jane Archer, Elaine Bailey, Dorothy
Callahan, Margaret Farmer, Jean
Gaffney, Jean Glass, Naomi Green-
berger, Jean Harkness, Dorothy Har-
vey, Priscilla Hodges, Dorothy Hof-
mann, Marilyn Lyon, Natalie Ma-
guire, Jean Murray; Diane Perry,
Jean Pines, Joan Pullum, Nancy Re-
ber, Shirley Robin, Elizabeth Rosa,
Beaty Rosenblum, Betty Louise
Schloss, Ann Schummacher, Jane
Strauss. Nancy Tait, Florence Under-
wood, Betty Vaughn and Pat White.
Also Frances Danin, Betty Jones.
Dorothy Kittredge, Claire Macauly,
Jean MacKaye, Elizabeth Ann Tay-
lor and Nancy Townsend were ap-
The following will be Orientation
Advisors for the coming Summer
Janet Gray, Annie Hainsworth,
Elizabeth Hendel, Jean Hotchkin.
Elizabeth Jones, Joyce Livermore,
Mary Ann Olsen, Joan Shuchowsky
and Marjorie Weiss.
Mary Ann Jones and Betty Smith
will advise incoming Architecture
and Design School students. Helen
Masson will be the Orientation Ad-
visor for the Physical Education
School, and Roberta Booth, Eleanor
Brown and Jean Morgan will be ad-
visors for the Music School.

Student Qroup
Re-Opens Coed
Interviewing for the position of co-
ed co-chairman of the 1944-45 Bomb-
er Scholarship Committee will be'
held from 3:15 to 5:15 p.m. Monday
in the League, Jean Bisdee, '44, chair-
man of Bomber Scholarship, said yes-
terday in announcing the re-opening
of petitioning for women interested
in working on Bomber Scholarship.
The coed selected for the position
will jointly hold the chairmanship of
the new committee with a member of
the Union, and the rest of the com-
mittee will also be made up jointly of
League and Union members.
Sophomores, Juniors May Apply
Petitioning is open to sophomore
and junior women; who must bring
applications with them to the inter-
view. Petitions, which may be ob-
tained from the League social direc-
tor from 10 a.m. to noon and from
1:30 to 5 p.m. today through Friday,
must include plans for the position,
previous experience in extra-curricu-
lar activities, the date the applicant
expects to be graduated, and whether
or not she will attend summer school.
The purpose of Bomber Scholarship
is to raise a fund of $100,000 which
will purchase a bomber now and sub-
sequently provide special scholarships
for returning servicemen. Work to-
ward this goal has included sponsor-
ing dances, a concert, a carnival and
various other functions which have
brought this year's committee one-
fourth of the way toward its goal.
Plans Must Be Stated in Petition
Applicants for the new committee
should state plans for the possiblel
continuation of these functions, and
for potential new projects for the
raising of money, which is put into
war bonds.
Applicants for the co-chairmanship
should also formulate plans for the
composition of the rest of the com-

WAC OfficerE
To Interview
Lt. Rogers-Will Be Stationed
In League for Indefinite Period
Opportunity to obtain first-hand
information on the Women's Army
Corps has been brought closer to
campus coeds, as Lt. Barbara Bethel
Rogers will be stationed in the League
for an indefinite period beginning
Lt. Rogers' office hours are from
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and from
1:30 to 5:30 p.m. daily, and from
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday.
Women may be interviewed in the
evenings by appointment.
Appointments, for which Lt. Rog-1
ers suggests at least one hour be
allotted, may be made by calling
her at extension 7 at the League.
Establishment of the recruiting of-
fice on campus is, according to Lt.
Rogers, for the benefit of those wo-
men interested in assignment here
and abroad in the WAC, in which
many interesting fields are now open,
she said. Information may be ob-
tained from Lt. Rogers on the Army
service forces, Army ground forces,
and Army air forces, in particular the
air transport command, whose head-
quarters are at Romulus Air Base.,
Tickets are being sold for the
University - sponsored "Spring
Swing" to be held from 8:30 p.m. to1
midnight Saturday, May 13, with
Sonny Dunham's orchestra. Tick-
ets may be bought at Waterman
Gymnasium, at the Union and
League desks and in local book-
mittee, according to Miss Bisdee.
Other Bomber Scholarship positions
will be decided by the new chairmen.
Persons interested in other phases
of work may petition and interview,
and recommendation will be made
by the interviewing committee to the
new chairmen.

Union Finishes'
Dance Plans
Announcing the final plans for the
annual Union Spring Formal, Don
Larson, publicity chairman, yester-
day stated that the decorations would
be simple but in keeping with the
spring theme with white, green and
yellow streamers adorning the band-
stand and doorway.
The dance will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight Saturday in the Union
Ballroom which will once again be
open for the traditional Union af-
fair. Bill Sawyer and his orchestra
will be back at their old post to pro-
vide the music with Judy Ward and
Billy Layton on the lyrics.
The list of patrons for the formal
include Prof. and Mrs. Robert Robert
L. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Boys, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuenzel,
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Meyers, Mr. and
Mrs. Woodrow Olson and Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Wixon.
Either spring or summer formals
will be in keeping with the occasion,
the committee announced.
Grops Invited
To Rut hven Tea
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven will entertain members of
the student body, and especially men
of Company A and D of the ASTP,
residents of Stockwell Hall, members
of Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi and
League Houses of Zones VII and VIII
at a tea from 4 to 6 p.m. today in
their home.

'Rumor Has It' the Waltz Is Back
But Revival Is Only Temporary

That favorite of Mrs. Kickem's,
dancing class, the waltz, is coming
back . . . but its second life won't be
its longest.
Digging the 19th century's "hot"
style out of its grave in the "Side-
walks of New York" is the Co. D
show, "Rumor Has It." Rumor has
it that the musical comedy features
a beautiful song in waltz time called
"So Much in Love," complete with
whirling dancers and a five-part
The Co. D version of the waltz is a
mixture of the old and the new. The
melody and tempo are of the best
romantic tradition. But the harmony
will make Strauss stir in his grave
... and in the process he'll probably
sit up and take notice. And no doubt
he'll wish he had thought of it first.
Waltz Revival Inevitable
According to early previewers, the
catchy tune will probably catch Ann
Arbor as soon as the song is per-
formed, and the lyrics chime well
with spring, the Arboretum, and the
side of campus we don't see in the
daytime. So it all adds up to . . . yes,
a waltz revival.
But dancing the waltz in the
League ballroom is another matter.
Several problems will arise.
First of all, few Michigan men
know how to waltz. Some think they
are "divine dancers," and they still
dance the waltz the wrong way. "So
Much in Love" is written in the quick
tempo of the old waltz, ignoring the
modern trend to slow down the

dance. This tempo must be followed
correctly or not followed at all.
Takes Too Much Space
Secondly, the waltz takes space.
Those few who can really waltz need
the IM building to themselves, and
the League with several hundred
couples is no place for "So Much in
Third, waltzers twirl around in a
circle interminably, and it takes a
ballerina to waltz for even a short
while without finding the room up-
side-down. By the time the typical
Michigan couple reach the League
on a Saturday night, they are in no
condition to be made dizzier.
Position Important
But the payoff comes when we con-
sider the position in which the waltz,
the real, 19th-century waltz, is exe-
cuted. And it is this position which
will execute the waltz. The couple
should be at arm's length from each
other, and this presents the alterna-
tive of two problems. First, suppose
you're with a dud. When you're dan-
cing several feet from him or her,
you have to look at his or her face.
And they say four out of five, etc.
Second, suppose he or she is not a
dud. There's no reason why we
should have better imagination than
the reader, so we will go on to an-
other point.
Which is that the waltz will never
replace the two-step in Ann Arbor.
"So Much in Love" is a song which,
observers predict, will be a sensation.
But it cannot permanently, revolu-
tionize Michigan dancing. After a
short splurge, the waltz will settle
back in the attic and pick up the dust
of several more decades.
"Let's dance" . . . but it will be to
four-four time.





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FOR MOTHER'S DAY, give her our women's favorite
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.end 5.0





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