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June 03, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-03

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Fifty-Fourth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . Editorial Director
Stan Wallace . . . City Editor
Evelyn, Phillips . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Hall . . Associate Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager

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Margery Batt .

Associate Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1'
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
'entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


y M .

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a cation' Wo1rk
ANOTHER CHALLENGE has been presented
to University women, as well as to women
throughout the country who are still trying to
find their place in the war effort, in the form of
a voluntee' Women's Land Army.
This organziation has been set up to aid
farmers who are unable to secure sufficient help
in harvesting. During July and August the work
will be mainly picking cherries and snap beans.
The food situation is one that affects all of us,
as well as the armed forces, so this job is equally
as important as one in an airplane or munitions
Pay is ample, depending on your ability to
reap, and what could be better than a summer
in the country? A goal of enrolling 500 women
students has been set and canvassing has already
begun. When you toss away your books for the
summer, put away all thoughts of idleness and
join the Women's Land Army.
-Shirley. Heilman
Stassen's Platform,
DEPITE the fact that Lt. Comm. Harold E.
Stassen has been in the Navy for over a year
and has thus been unable recently to present
his point of view on political topics, still we
find that he is the' most enlightened member
of the Republican party at the present time.
Before he resigned as governor of Minnesota
to enter the Navy, he made a series of speeches
in which he clearly outlines his political theories
which even at that time were far more progres-
sive than those which are held at present by
Mr. Dewey.
When Stassen was a candidate for public
office, he scorned at the policy which most
candidates follow of "let the public guess what
we think . . " He has a program and he is
willing to fight for it. He believes that after
this war we do not have to go back to our
old isolationism, but can take our rightful
place in international affairs.
Stassen's chances of securing the nomination
are not very good. There seems to be little doubt
in political circles that Dewey is the man. Dewey
seems to have discarded some of his old America
first ideas, but he has not yet replaced them with
any definite policy for America to follow in in-
ternational affairs.
Stassen, on the other hand, does have such
a policy. From two articles which he wrote for
the Saturday Evening Post before entering serv-
ice, we get a clear picture of the type of course
he desires America to take.
STASSEN proposes an international govern-
nent developed from the starting point of the
United Natior:. It would have an assembly
or parliament, which in turn would choose a
small council to perform the functions of an
executive. This government of limited powers
would function in seven major fields.
It would be in charge of temporary admin-
istration of Axis, backward or disputed terri-
tories; maintenance of a police force, regula-
tion of international airways, supervision of
sea gateways, stimulation of trade, promotion
of health and literacy and enforcement
through a court of a basic code of justice.
From this it can be seen that Stassen has a
definite plan. He is not the type of person who
waits for problems to arise before thinking of
solutions. Seldom in our political history has
there been a politician so willing to state what
he believes.

I'd Rather Be Right

Voting Apathy
F OR ONCE the GOP, in its pre-
election campaign, has come out
with something that makes sense.
John B. Quinn, a supporter of Lt.-
Comm. Harold E. Stassen, has de-
clared that it is "lamentable" that
many people are better informed on
the activities of comic strip charac-
ters than they are on the "qualifica-
tions and opinions of all possible
presidential candidates."
Quinn believes that there is a lack
of interest on the part of voters be-
cause presidential candidates have
not expressed their opinions on do-
mestic and foreign affairs. This is
partly true, for a voter must know
the candidate's platform before he
can vote intelligently.
Mr. Quinn, however, failed to
mention that the most important
reason for this apathy is the lack
of initiative on the part of voters
to learn the qualifications of the
candidates, even before they an-
nounce their platform. A candi-
date may have a progressive or
constructive program, but unless
he has the initiative, stamina and
courage to carry out his program,
he should not be elected president,
This apathy on the part of voters
has become a tradition in American
society. In previous years the Ameri-
can people as a whole paid little
attention to elections, and to the can-
didates, until the election returns
started rolirg in. Then, suddenly,
all their interests were directed to-
ward the elections, but it was too late
for it to mean anything.
Unless the American people show
some interest in the coming elections,
the most vital in the history of the
United States, all the statements by
candidates on political issues will be
meaningless and all the platforms will
be useless.--Aggie Miller
VOL. LIV No. 151
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the Faculty of]
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: There will be a meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts in Rm.
1025, Angell Hall, June 5, 1944 at
4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting
and the proposed agenda and reports
have been distributed through cam-
pus mail. 'Edward H. Kraus
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this college on Monday, June 5, at
4:15 p.m., in Rm. 445, West Engineer-
ing Building. The purpose of this
meeting includes: Nominations for
Executive Committee ,member, elec-
tion of University Council member,
and routine business. /
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The attention of students and fac-
ulty is called to the following regula-
tions of the College:
1. Students are in no case examined
at any other time than that set for
the examination of the class in which
the work has been done. In case of
unavoidable conflicts a special ex-
amination "during examination week
may be arranged for a class by the
instructor, with the consent of the
Examination Schedule Committee.

2. It should be noted that a report
of X (Absent from Examination)
does not guarantee a make-up exam-
ination. An instructor must, in fair-
ness to those who take the final
examination at the time announced
for it, give make-up examinaions
only to students who have a legiti-
mate reason for absence.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean,
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts
Notice to Men Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses who expect to move from their
present quarters at the end of this
term must give notice of intention to
move in writing to the Office of the

B y D R EW E A itS ON

WASHINGTON, June 2.-Some of
the smart boys inside the Republican
party are quietly urging that their
strategy during the coming campaign
take the line so powerfully laid down
by Senator Bridges of New Hamp-
shire, the other day, when he empha-
sized various deficiencies in FDR's
leadership for permanent peace.
Bridges is one of the Senate Re-
publicans who has a spotless record
when it comes to cooperation with
the President on the war and on
his entire foreign policy. Long
before Pearl Harbor, when other
Republicans were trying to ham-
string the Administration, Bridges
was out in front fighting for Roose-
velt's main war ideas.
For that reason, what he had to
say the other day was much more
effective. Bridges' main thesis was:
"The American people are not go-
ing to rest content with any issue
out of this present struggle which
results merely in a re-shuffled game
of balance of power politics. We are
not going to welcome any new fangled
sort of imperialism-will never ac-
claim any outcome of this present
cataclysm which merely sows the
seeds of another and more horribly
devastating war."
F.IDI"s Weak Point .. .
Senator Bridges then put his finger
on what some Republican strategists
believe may be the weak point in
Roosevelt's war policies, his appar-
ent lack of conviction that this war
is not just another war, to be followed
by more wars and more power poli-
"Why is it, Mr. President," asked
Bridges, "that you no longer talk
about a pease that shall endure? Is
this why the New York Times of Dec.
18, 1943, quoted you in your press
conference as saying:
"The Allied conferences were mo-
tivated by the general thought that
they did not want another war in the
lifetime of the present generation.'
"Does this mean," asked Bridges,
"that already you have been forced
to compromise the ideal of an en-
during peace?"
Bridges also quoted the Saturday
Evening Post's recent articles by For-
rest Davis on the Teheran conference
-articles supposed to have been ini-
tialed by FDR in advance and which
represent the President as believing
"that hereafter only countries with
an abundance of manpower and re-

sources plus huge industrial plants
can engage in the business of war."
Not only GOP strategists, but some
of the President's own friends believe
this may be a weak point in the
President's armor and, even more im-
portant,, a weak point as far as the
nation is concerned.
From the Republican viewpoint,
however, it is only a few men who
supported the President before Pearl
Harbor, such as Senator Bridges, who
can effectively criticize. Most other
Republicans can't very well throw
Polit ica l Propht L :uce ..
Every year Harvard University
awards the Nieman Fellowships to
newsmen for outstanding journalism.
A dinner is held when the awards
are made.
This year's dinner was attended by
Harry Luce, publisher of Life, Time
and Fortune, and more recently a
budding owner of an international
airline and of a radio network, and
a promoter of embryo Presidents.
After the dinner. Luce and others
sat around chatting. Among other
things, he declared that an anti-
Roosevelt trend was sweeping the en-
tire country. Then, paraphrasing
Henry Mencken's wisecrack of 1936
which he will never live down, Luce
"Roosevelt could be licked by a
one-eyed Chinaman."
A few days later, came the Lister
Hill-Claude Pepper victories in Ala-
bama and Florida; the Starnes, Cos-
tello and Dies exits from Congress,
and the victory of Wayne Morse, a
pro-Roosevelt Republican, in Oregon,
Unique Congressan... .
Rarely does a Congressman com-
plain about getting too many Gov-
ernment contracts for his dictrict.
But that was exactly what Repre-
sentative Richard Welch, California
Republican, did the other day dur-
ing a Congressional hearing on ship
repairs which took place in New
"It is pretty hard to understand
why men should be transferred from
here (New York) to the West Coast
to build ships," Welch said. "Now if
a New Yorker can build or repair
ships on the West Coast, he can do
it here . . . I always felt that New
York did not get its just proportion
of the shipbuilding ."
Welch is not opposed for re-elec-
tion this year.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

NEW YORK, June 2.- One thing the President
has done, and that is to get himself rid of the
charge that he is an idealist. The Republicans
used to take pleasure in picturing the President
as a softy, who just couldn't keep from giving
milk to the Hottentots. It was a strange failing,
but there it was; every time he saw a Hottentot,
he would give him some milk, and a quart here, a
quart there, when you some to the end of the
week, it mounts up.
A change must have taken place somewhere
along the line, because now the argument against
the President is that he has become a tough fel-
low. They say he wouldn't give a small nation
the time of day. All he cares for are those big
nations he has been going around with lately.
From the more idealistic circles in our na-
tional life, like the Hearst press, you learn that
the President absolutely refuses to break off
our affair with Russia, in order to protect Po-
land, whereas to risk our national future in
order to protect Poland is exactly what the
Hearst press has always advocated, or are we
both dreaming?
Anyway, the opposition uses both versions of '
the life and character of Vranklin Delano Roose-
velt, and in one he wears a big smile, and scat-
ters flowers out of a basket, and hums a wordless
tune, and whenever he sees any foreigner whose
name he doesn't know, why he puts him on the
WPA first and finds out his name afterward.
In the second version, the President is pictured
as knocking the heads of the small countries
together something fierce, and treating them like
dirt, and as for scattering flowers, that is all
wrong, because poison ivy is what he gives the
small nations, except on Thursdays, when they
get arsenic, too.
This second picture is building up fast, and
we have Demaree Bess saying in the Saturday
Evening Post that the President has a "'grand
design" of making America the balance-wheel of
the world, and. to hell with small countries. The
idea seems to be that when Britain is too fresh
we will leap over to Russia's side, and when
Russia gets funny ideas, we will run like the wind
back to Britain.

The President will sit there, watching world
events, his eyes shining like anything, and when
somebody gets out of line, he will crack the
ruler, and everybody will have to freeze where
they were.
DON'T THINK any of this is especially so.
Eleven years of observing the President have
given me the impression that he has a kind of
genius for taking a sound six-month view of the
future, that he has a deep instinct for feeling
his way to a short-term move that will make later
moves possible, but that he does not care for
long-range apocalytic visions, because, in the
first place, he has too much sense of humor,
and they make him laugh.
But, anyway, to get back to my first point,
this kind of stuff is going around, and it has
pretty well killed off the earlier picture of the
President as a softy idealist. This is a great
blow to the isolationists and to the Chicago "na-
tionalists." They wanted so desperately for the
President to be another Wilson, so that they
could fight Wilson a second time.
Well, the President is taking his time about
being a Wilson. He is doing what has to be
done today, and letting the public lead him on
the questions of tomorrow. And so it is the
isolationists who have been jockeyed into a
kind of sour idealism; it is they who are rais-
ing the rights-of-small-nations issue, and be-
coming Poland's advocate, etc. In fact Mr.
Hearst, when he gets going good on the rights
of small nations (against Russia) sometimes
sounds remarkably like Mr. Wilson himself,
which is another way of saying that he is so
og-balance his ear is scraping the side of the
That is what happens when you tangle with a
master, and sometimes, on a clear night, I think
I can hear a chuckle reverberating from the
White House all the way to here.
(Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate)
Less than half of the American people own
War Bonds. Supposing only half of our army
decided to fight? Let's all back the attack with
extra War Bonds.

Dean of Students on or before noon,
today. Students terminating con-
tracts must vacate their rooms be-
fore 6 p.m., June 24 and rent shall
be computed to include this date.
Students may obtain forms for term-
inating contracts at Rm. 2, Univer-
sity Hall.
Assistant Dean of Students
C. T. Olmsted
Tickets - Graduation Exercises:
The Graduation Exercises will be
held at 2:30 p.m., June 24, in Hill
Auditorium. Tickets will be ready
for distribution at the Information
Desk in the Business Office on and
after June 5. Candidates for degrees
who will march in the academic pro-
cession will need no tickets, but upon
presentation of identification cards
they may obtain tickets for families
and friends.
The American Youth Hostels, In-
corporated are . sponsoring a bicycle
trip to Mexico from July 2 through
Aug. 18 at a total cost of $155.00.
More detailed information may be
obtained from Miss Janina Diedbala,
Petitioning: Positions on the sum-
mer Women's War Council, including,
the president, personnel administra-
tor, secretary, treasurer, Surgical
Dressings chairman, and Judiciary
Council, will be open to senior and
second semester junior women. Posi-
tions on JGP, Soph Project, and
Frosh Project are open to women in
these respective classes and three
USO colonels will be chosen from
women in any year. Petitioning began
Friday, June 2, and will continue
until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 7,
at which time all petitions must be
turned in to the Undergrad Office at
the League. There will be no inter-j
A cademic Notices
English 128 will not meet today.
A. L. Bader
Doctor Examination for Sister Mary
Petronilla Francoeur, Latin; thesis:
"The Relationship in Thought and
Language Between Lucius Annaeus
Seneca and Martin of Braga," today,
2009 Angell Hall, at 9 a.m. Chairman
J. G. Winter.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the facilties and advanced doc-

will include compositions by Weber,
Kern, Gould, Sousa, Wagner, Padilla,
Holst and Paganini, and will be open
to the general public.
.Events T oday
The Michigan Sailing Club will
meet in the Union at 1 today.
Formal Fun: The USO does it
again with another formal dance!
There will be an orchestra for dan-
cing, and it's a good one. Junior
Hostesses, orchestra, refreshments-
who wants more?
'Coming Events
Avukah will present "Palestine
Night" at its final meeting this sem-
ester. The evening will include mov-
ies, folk-dancng and refreshments.
"Palestine Night" takes place Sun-
day, June 4, from 8-10:30 p.m. at
the Hillel Foundation.
Unity: Sunday morning at 11
o'clock at Michigan League a dra-
matic reading of man's ultimate
quest. Henry Maday, Detroit radio
artist, speaker. Subject: "The Ulti-
mate Frog." Study group at 8 o'clock
Tuesday evening at Unity Reading
Rooms, 310 S. State St.
University Lutheran Chapel's Sun-
day Service begins at 11 o'clock.
Trinity Sunday sermon by the Rev.
Alfred Scheips.
Student's Evangelical Chapel: Rev.
L. Verduin, Pastor, 218 N. Division.
The regular worship services will be
held at 10:30 a.m. and at 7:30 p.m.
with the Rev. L. Verduin preaching.
The chapel is sponsored by the Chris-
tian Reformed Church.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 11 a.m., Morning worship. The
Rev. Parker Rossman will speak on
"Non-Essential Religion." 5:30 p~m.,
Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Stu-
dents, servicemen and their friends
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street, for a social hour and
refreshments followed by a vesper
Wesley Foundation: The group will
leave the church today at 1:30 p.m.
for swimming and a picnic. Call 6881
for reservations before noon. Small

Yes... 've done remarkable
things since I've taken over at
the factory. I dare say the good
reports are speeding your dad
along the road to recovery.,..
a We11.. .

By Crockett Johnson

Pop didn't act so happy
when I said the plant
is doing better while
he's sick, Mr. O'Malley-
// Cushlamochree!

Oh, how thoughtless of me! Of
course! Under the circumstances,
he's receiving all this good news
with mixed emotions. I've put him
under a psychological strain.. .




'' r?

And in his rundown condition,
Barnaby, anything can happen!
Schizophrenia might set in!..,.
I must do something!,. .. At once.
But, what?
oc CE T
HNSo ~



, a ;a ,

Hello, m'boy. . .I've fixed things.
No longer will your dad suffer

I've removed a factor which has
gravely complicated his illness.
U .r Jr.n {ie a ainv L.. .

Don't try to express gratitude
for my magnanimity, Barnaby.
wt ._ .. ., c.:... r...rs,, .

Yes. My "E". .. But when you
learn where the prodvction

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