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March 25, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…'crag News: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years ofeditoralfreedom Wednesday March 25, 1998 I l'i'll'IJl Jill! 1 : Ji m li; lil: ;:!;; 1 mom= Four die in Arkansas 'school shooting JONESBORO, Ark. (AP) - Two boys in camouflage lay in wait in the woods behind their school, then opened fire with rifles on classmates and teach- ers when they came out during a false fire alarm yesterday. Four girls were ilied and 11 other peo...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…JE ar *ri Weather Today: Cloudy. High 44. Low Tomorrow: Sunny. igh 53. 22. One hundred eight years fedftoriadfreedorn Thursday March 25, 1999 ------------------------- I Bill would prohibit multiple ddrew By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter University students who are regis- tered to vote in Ann Arbor but have a residence elsewhere in Michigan will soon have to choose exactly where home is if a bill passed by the state ate is signed ...…

March 25, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven years ofeditorialfreedom ti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Monday March 25, 2002 i E I> i i 11 Many first tume wms awarded at Oscars By Jeff Dickrson and A f a be f Dal rs dtr The 74th Academy Awards was full of surprises, Sept. 11 rhetoric and the breaking down of racial barriers. The big winners of the night were "A Beautiful Mind" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring," which...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos repres...…

March 25, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…WOMEN'S HOURS: MANDATE FORCHANGE See editorial page IY4r SirA6 ~~3Ait& ALMOST SPRING Hlgh--54 Law--37 Showers or thundershowers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Party By GREG ZIEREN D ly News Analysis EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first part of a series examining the views and policies of candidates for Ann Arbor's April 3 City Council and Mayora...…

March 25, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…UNITY NEEDED IN MIDDLE EAST? See Editorial Page Y Sir i4 4au ~!aiti460 LIGHT SNOW High282 Low-1Q Cloudy with light snow likely Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 25 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES , BOMB SCARE: ELI Roommate Rule: A Case Study Threats Disrupt Teach-in By ROBERT MOORE, JOHN WEILER, ROBERT BENDELOW and DAVID PAULS Two bomb scares last night in- terrupted what was ...…

March 25, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…OSA: POLICY OR EXPEDIENCY? See Page 4 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :4Ia ity PARTLY CLOUDY High--2 LOW-37 Not much change in temperature. VOL. LXXII, No. 126 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES umni De Settle Stalemate InFund-Raising Board Accepts Recommendations; Groups Recognize Interdependence By NEIL COSSMAN An 18-month stalemate over the relationship between the Alumni Association and the ...…

March 25, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…SCHEUB REPORT1 DOESN'T STIR SCHAADT- see lPage s Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iai41 SUNNY High--55 low-34 Fair, warmer no chance of precipitation. VOLLXXI, No. 124 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1961 FIVE CENTS' SIX _ ,: 4 i -.- NCAA SWIM FNALS: Legacki, Gillanders, Clark Set Records, By The Associated Press MEATT-LE-Michigan swimmers are well on their way 'to an upset victory in the NCAA swimming championships at...…

March 25, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…THE RESEARCH REFERENDUM See Editorial Page Y ilkW Iaii DISMAL High-32 Low-10 Cloudy, chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 25, 1971 Ten Cents 'U' budget requests face legislative oppo By MARK DILLEN lators, it is likely to intensify the lature and was given a standing committee (with 16 members) and Meanwhile, other legislators only to have the appropriations Daily News Analysis long-smoldering issue of Un...…

March 25, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…SGC RE-GROUPED See Editorial Page YI rL Mfri~gau :3a ii4 SPARKLING High-42 Low--35 Cool and clear Vol. LXXXII, No. 132 REGENTS' OK NEEDED: Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 25, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages Eight Pages Healt cause plan tuition might hike By GENE ROBINSON The Regents may be as at their April meeting to a prove a continuing $11 to tuition hike, to be used to p vide more free medical care the University Health Servi ...…

March 25, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…MSA FUNDING See editorial page L IE- ian Eigh ty-inie Yea rsvI; (4 itorial lFree domn Ila SPRING-STOPPER High3Os Low-250 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 139 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 25, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplements n0 Carter blasts business for ignoring guidelines From Reuter and AP ELK CITY, Oklahoma-President Carter last night accused the heads of many large business firms of pushing up prices by refusing...…

March 25, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…PUBLISH OR PERISH See Page 4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :43a*1I PARTLY CLOUDY High--32 Continued cold, wind decreasing. ?41'/'V f 1 '! i. h Vl C VOL.. LXX. No. 124 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1960 FIVE CENTS EIGHT FE I fr M o r SURPRISE SECOND-Bill Darnton, Michigan sophomore, pulled a mild surprise by finishing second in the 1500-meter freestyle event in the NCAA Swim Championship at Dallas yesterday. Willia...…

March 25, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…VOTE TODAY .. . Lilt iAa ~~IAiti .T .INSGC,CLSA STUDENT ELECTIONS WoI. LXXX, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 25, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages STRIKE OF LSA RC UNIT CANCELS CLASSES By LARRY LEMPERT Support for the Black Ac. tion Movement grew yester- day, as the number of Uni- versity groups endorsing BAM's demands and class . strike continued to increase. One spokesman for the Coali- tion to Support BAM claimed that ove...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michig-an Daily IO.xvi. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY MIORING. _MARCH 2. SCHOOLMASTERS HOLD CONFERENCE THIS WEEK GREATESTi MEET OF SAO Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Meets in Ann Arbor o Thursday, Fr- il dy W NYand Saturday. 1(ji G R RE 'hiwek Ana Ailor iS to hinvadd_________- - hb a Ie'toll of school tacheri. Sern-' victory foi gti abd toiuiilvmmgitieeon jtltn((hIf Relay Race Decides the Big Meet in (t unl foi u(11(111 sweeti lountigsfreshti...…

March 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…l e 1. of , . a l . VOL. V. NO. 125. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. VO.Vto 2. NVRIYO ICIAMNAMAC 5 85 RIETRECNS A MASTER OF THE VIOLIN. M. Ysaye is playing, a" yet his tech- nical dexterity is marvelous, but it -. EUGENE YSAYE AT UNIVER- is so absolutely subjugated and made SITY HALL TONIGHT. the servant of his artistic conceptions that only at times, whn one is as- Program to Be Given-Favorable toishe...…

March 25, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

… YOUTH FESTIVAL WORTH ATTENDING See Page 4 Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 4bp :43 t t- CLOUDY, COLDER ,,. _ llmv lk1v'rlZ]A r VOL. LXIX, No. I26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1959 FIVE CENTS E~IHTPAC I Peace Restored In Tibetan City r Red China's Troops Stem Revolt; Rumors of Guerrilla War Persist NEW DELHI, India (P) - Peace was reported restored yesterday in Lhasa, the two-mile high capital of Tibet. Amid indi...…

March 25, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…FISHBOWL See editorial page . P Sic ian tti BLUSTERY See Today for details Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom XC, No 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 25, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages U.S. warns against hostage punishment MSA may dole out $15,0001 to revamp flishb owl' By MITCH STUART Fifteen thousand dollars in student funds - taken from Michigan Student Assembly fee assessments - may be spent on a Fishbowl renovation project if MSA ...…

March 25, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…MARIANAS ISLANDS* See Editorial Page :Y S!I :43A6F t9 EBULLIENT High-TS8 Low-36 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 25, 1976 10 Cents Ten Pages U I . v-!/t2B : .-...%:i:: - - ...%%1i'- - ! Ford Incij SEE NES HAMCL 6'M l Cliffhanger Police and firemen cordoned off Main St. be- tween Liberty and William yesterday afternoon when a building under renovation threat...…

March 25, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…Ninety- Two Years of Editorial Freedom C I tr Mitttt]9Ua IEIUIIQ BRIGHT Partly sunny today with a high in the 40s. AlIT Vol. XCII, No. 137 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 25, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages 'Begin predicts fall elections for Israel County coliege I from AP and UPI JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Menachem Begin said yesterday new elections, in Israel were inevitable, possibly in Novembe...…

March 25, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom Ak igan 1E aiI SPRINGY' Clear today with highs in the low 50s. Vol. XCI, No. 141 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 25, 1981 Ten Cents Eight Pages Reagan won't speak at May 2 commencement Inflation By BARRY WITT Contrary to rumors from administrators and students and despite an invitation from the Univer- sity, President Reagan will not speak at the May 2 comme...…

March 25, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…-qw SUNDAY MORNING See Editorial Page M Y Ltia &titF STABLE High- O Low-38 For details, see Today Vol. LXXXIII, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 25, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages Ten Cents Ten Pages 1 ffiw FYOUSEE NEWS HAPPEN CALL76-DIY Labor for Mogdis? While the traditionally Democratic United Auto Workers (UAW) colnty leadership has given its blessing to Bendix-em- ployed Democratic Frank Mogdis' candidacy for city may...…

March 25, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…I, .. / 'V TU FUNDING See Editorial Page i t A ait CONGENIAL High -48 Low -- 32* See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVii, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 25, 1977 Ten CentsT Fen Pages IF'YOU SEE NL'WS$APPEN CALL) vY Bunny look-alike It was just one of those incredible coincidences, but it sure got an LSA co-ed into un-bare-able trou- ble with her folks. Last Friday, the Detroit Free Press ran a photo...…

March 25, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…Druggist gets trip for suing Edison Co. By DENNIS SABO Copyright 1978 The Michigan Daily Second in a two-part series Southfield drug store owner Lawrence Can- tor, whose suit against Detroit Edison will end the firm's light bulb exchange program, was solicited as a client and received a ski vacation from his lawyers in exchange for lending his name to the lawsuit, according to sources close to Cantor. The practice of soliciting clients and ...…

March 25, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…'DUM DUMS' DENOUNCED See Editorial Page :Y t 4igait A6F 4006 Sp :43 =1 aw REGRESSIVE High-35 Low-20 See Today for details Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedo n Vol. LXXXV, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 25, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages i ~ VV PRG takes city of r'!*5EtI4~clzyu Postage mortem If you're already paying through the nose for tuition, tack on another 10 cents for Uncle Sam. Cashiers envelopes, once posta...…

March 25, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…Housing: The tables are turning Sema±nd Ninety- Three Years _,I'I'ia ~j Coming back Of ______ Spring is making a slow return, Editorial FreedomW with sunny skies and a high near Vol. XCIII, No. 137 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 25, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Informant details shooting of civil rights worker By GEORGE KOVANIS Former FBI informant Gary Rowe detailed the murder of civil rights worker V...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…InWeekendMagazine: " Spring Fashion '88: Dressed for 0'D.O.A' stress * The List 0 John Shea e Fat Al Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 25, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily PIRGIM loses By RYAN TUTAK Unofficial results from the Michigan Student Assembly's general elections indicate that the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan will lose its funding through the ...…

March 25, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Thursday, March 25, 2004 Opinion 4A Sports 9A Steve Cotner writes about growing up The hockey team heads to New Hampshire A guide to Ann Arbor's music scene ... Weekend Magazine 4£ i i4i Weather HI: 63 T :53 TOMORROW: One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 120 ©2004 The Michigan Daily A2crime rate falls, but thefts increase By Adhiraj Dutt Daily Staff Reporter While the ci...…

March 25, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…Wether Tuesday March 2, 2003 @2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 117 One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom l t t t TODAY' Light rain during the day with winds from H41: 56 the west at LOW: 34 11 miles per hour. 40128 is 1:1 lia limi lig im 11; 11 limm liffi Iii; u p ig im ilgi I;! i;:; 11 g lag I Ili:: ::;j:I;::j:j 1:1 1:i: : I I I Bioterror info project * to network physicians By...…

March 25, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…Friday, March 25, 2005 Weather Opinion 4 Jeff Cravens defends the Greek system Arts 8 The Decemberists' latest album shines it aug HI: 39 TOMOR ROW:71 43/2S One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorial freedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 105 ®2005 The Michigan Daily Engin dean to step down By Karl Stampfl Daily Staff Reporter With more than a year remaining in his term as dean of the College of Engi- neering, Stephe...…

March 25, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…MILLER & ROSENBAUM: POLITICS OF POWER See editorial page Y , ir4igaYt :43 a it SNOW High-45 Low-34 Cloudy and windy with showers changing to flurries Vol. LXXIX, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 25, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages I. .,, , . 1 ' fiscal crisis: Scrounging around for EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series on the pressing fiscal problems facing the University. Today's article discusses the general f...…

March 25, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…MIDDLE EAST RENAISSANCE See Editorial Page Ii L~ii igau :4Iai1AH COLD High-35 Low-25 Generally fair. increasing cloudiness Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Conflict Resolution Center Plans ExpanS By DAVID KNOKE "The Journal of Conflict Resolu- structured and advisers enlisted to as those of the center itself. The years have come from private many and Switze...…

March 25, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The Michi anDa ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRID \\ S1I SRi.If 2y,110.No. 123. VOL. XX. HIARD WORK FOR ___ COE HIT>OU;F B S BL MNins last nights ply a th Uionbrid tournametit with a score of 2886. The Coach Rickey Gives Men Hard iacers aditephienomenal score of Conditioning Practice--Expects 1358 firsthlisniglt's lt. Towers and Elitott te it secod sitaeesoils a total to Select Nine Saturday. sf 2778 Pay was tttsutsally heay - totstitmanse largeiac...…

March 25, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four Years of Editorial Freedom :1- £irv 1tItiQ Setback Showers possible in the morning, and cooler, with a high of about 43 degrees. Vol. XCIV-No. 139 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 25, 1984 Fiteen Cents Eight Pages Helicopter crash in S. Korea kills 18 US.soldier From AP and UPI SEOUL, South Korea - A U.S. helicopter crashed into a rugged moun- tainside before dawn yesterday, killing all 2...…

March 25, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…cl it itgIan Ninety-six years of editoria/ freedom i1ti Vol. XCVI -No. 118 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 25, 1986 Shapiro foresees "producti By AMY MINDELL Duderstadt emer and CAROLINE MULLER candidate for the University President Harold Shapiro during the natio yesterday announced that he will Frye's replaceme recommend James Duderstadt, dean The president used of the College of Engineering, for...…

March 25, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…11 Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom VOLUME XCVII - NO. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'U, Regent Sarah Power falls fro By STEVE BLONDER and REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN University Regent Sarah Goddard Power (D-Ann Arbor) died yesterday after falling from an eighth-floor window of Burton Memorial Tower. : Power was pronounced dead on arrival at University Hospital yes - terday. Ann Arbor...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…mrik - AAl F>, r ASSOCIA DAY AKN I PRES , '4 SANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922' PRICE I I - IT HERE OF HARVARD, DUTIES IN NCY LEFT TH OF ADAMS' Pointing Ad. cement 'was made late' yes- om the President's office of ntment of Prof. Edmund E. larvard university, to head >mics department at Mich- ofessor, Day will become a ssor of economics, and will his official title "chairman partment of economics, and Af the curricula ...…

March 25, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…IN U r Sit 43UU :EI aitj, A"SSOCIAT ED7 PRESS DAY AND NIGHT "IRE SEUVICE I I' 'LTRE I I XXI. No. 121. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1921. PRICE FIVE C PRICE FIVEM BYOITii GENERAL SALE OF RE FOR 15TH UNION4 11EVDLTI - IN Tickets to every performance of "Top o' th' Mornin' " were turned .over DS to the Whitney theater last night for the general box office sale which starts GE this morning. Despite the biggest ad- vance s...…

March 25, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER RAIN AND COLDER TODAY I AdL- A6 r tr t an gAitF UNITED PRES DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXVII. No. 124. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1917. PRICE FIVE YOST IN' FAVOR Of WESTERN GAMESI Union Opera Ends Home engagement Cast and Chorus Retire Until Performance at Detroit April 9 Next Says It Is Neither Desirable Practicable tq Be Half East and West Nor "Fools' Paradise" is no more for Ann Arbor audiences. ...…

March 25, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…Women swimmers take 15th at NCAAs. See SPORTSmonday * Page 1. ItpIUU4 Ut TODAY Mostly sunny; High: 52, Low: 32. TOMORROW Increasing cloudiness; High: 60,clow:in38. Since 1890 Vol. CI, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 25, 1991 Communication rifts separate by Henry Goldblatt Daily Administration Reporter communication between students icy-making. However, the two sides act are brought forward. They should decisions, butn 'U' not...…

March 25, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertislng: 764-0554 It l t ll till One hundred six years of editorilfreedom Tuesday March 25, 1997 I I -.' "i':~ r i acuity says t wants trong ties oBollinger Janet Adamy ly Staff Reporter Members of the University faculty are extending an olive h to President Lee Bollinger, calling for a closer rela- i hip between the faculty and the new president. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs embers said yesterday the...…

March 25, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…It f One hundred f ive years of editorfrl freedom NBather ronight: Mostly cloudy, Nhance of snow, low 21%. romorrow: Cloudy, chance )f snow, high 34°. Monday March 25, 1996 019 TeMchgn at Vgh e ld to show support of ihiwan By Katie Wang Jaily Staff Reporter More than 200 students and local residents gathered on the Diag on Fri- lay night for a candlelight vigil to ;how support for Thiwan. Carefully holding their candles, the participants...…

March 25, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…To date, the University administration has had three people arrested for their alleged conduct during the last month's deputization protests. But is it pursuing justice or targeting scapegoats? Read an interview with Matthew Sweet, the alternative popster who sings about Winona Ryder and claims to possess a "Madonna Document." With two coaches and a point guard making their return trips to Lexington, television announcers should have no trou...…

March 25, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…FRIDAYFocu 11Page 3 V f 4 1 F* tr "Iilg One hundred three years of editorial freedom Vo iN.13AnAbr,.cia rdy ac 2., 194019 TeM ;ia DI.y I I Michigan Party .wins in landslide. Neenan, Stern to lead MSA The Michigan Party retained control of the MSA presidency in this week's elections. LSA junior Julie Neenan was chosen as the new president, along 'with running-mate LSA junior Jacob Stern as vice president. They captured an unofficial 38 ...…

March 25, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The University announced its plans to cut the men's gymnastics program because of gender equity. But there are other ways to reach equity besides eliminating men's programs. With spring just beginning, you need to know what the latest clothing trends are. Check out this year's Spring Fashion issue. The reaction to Michigan's decision to eliminate its men's gymnastics program has been negative. Other Big Ten coaches voice their concerns about...…

March 25, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…IU fTfE DAILY $1.00 NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS d ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916. LI Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TIJEGRAJPH SERVICE BY TW NEW YORK SUN PRICE FIVE CENT VOL. XXVI. No. 122. __________________ - - _________________ _-. _-------i i r ENGLISH STEAMER " " Pili TORPEDOED VHI f Picks Almni 1' inNu11 fien "oior1 ''u{ty l CROSSING CHANNEL i ~ _'lection of the alumni melrmb)crs ofl R'>! TIEPOII'r1...…

March 25, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 131) • Page Image 1


March 25, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…ith t40 ttij a PRESS SERVICE -1 00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. .PRICE, THREE ,RCEHE RY TRE TYY....: r ' DEBATING SUA GOE TOMADISON- Negative Team Will Meet Wisconsin Tomorrow Night on Industrial Question AFFIRMATIVE DEBATERS WILL CONTEST ILLINOIS TEAM HERE } - - ,. ", GHOOVER ADHERENTS IORGANIZE TONIGHTI A NOW ATION aas Declares Congress rer to Pass Pact Over sident's Veto. ssociated Press) March 24.-With pl...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…, I NO TEMPERA. ECHANGE B krwaur :43 at IRRPF'Wl' 4; LEASED WIRE S WtESTEIN (ONFI EDITORIAL ASSOC . No. 130 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FI y M I 'S ILLNESS' ACTION OFi rY GROUP -ATION 0 E STINSON CASE WILL BE RESUMED AGAIN SOON Sunmumons Sent Out To Morris, Sharp, And Co. For Records On Smith Estate Washington, March 24.-(By AP)-- One section of the congressional mill of ...…

March 25, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 123) • Page Image 1


March 25, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…LOCAL le Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE N0 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1915. PRICE FIVE .. YOU TS V6-OUT' Il Hold Three-hour erry Field as door Work , ason TODAY Forum meets at Union, 7:30 o'clock. Classical club meets in room A Memo- rial hall, 4:00 o'clock. Alpha Nu banquet at Union, 6:00 o'clock. Professor Lloyd speaks at St. Andrew's church, 4:30 o'clock. Architectural society gives a "Spring Hop" at the Packard academy,...…

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