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March 25, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-25

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The tables are turning Sema±nd

Ninety- Three Years _,I'I'ia ~j Coming back
Of ______ Spring is making a slow return,
Editorial FreedomW with sunny skies and a high near
Vol. XCIII, No. 137 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 25, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

shooting of
civil rights
Former FBI informant Gary Rowe
detailed the murder of civil rights
worker Viola Liuzzo in U.S. District
Court in Ann Arbor yesterday,
testifying that Ku Klux Klan member
LeRoy Wilkins fired the shots which
killed her 18 years ago today.
Rowe is accused of killing Liuzzo
while acting as an FBI informant on
Alabama Ku Klux Klan actions in 1965.
Liuzzo's children are suing the FBI for
$2 million charging that Rowe was
inadequately supervised and was
allowed to engage in criminal acts
while working for the agency.
ROWE TESTIFIED via a sworn,
video-taped deposition, which was
recorded last month. He has been gran-
ted immunity and is currently living in
Savannah, Ga., under the name Tom-
my Moore.
Rowe also said former FBI director
J. Edgar Hoover was inaccurate in ac-
cusing Liuzzo of "necking" with a black
man whom she was transporting in her
car on the night of her death.
Liuzzo was killed while driving bet-
ween Montgomery and Selma,
Alabama. The 39-year-old Detroit house
wife had taken the family car to
Alabama to paticipate in a voter's
rights march which stretched from
Selma to Montgomery.
ROWE, repeatedly said yesterday
that Klansman LeRoy Wilkins shot at
the Liuzzo car and killed her. "Wilkins
killed Viola Liuzzo," he said.
Rowe described the night of Liuzzo's
death in detail. He testified that he was
carrying a gun when he set out from
Montgomery the night of the shooting.

tax hike

Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Close to 200 supporters rallied on the diag yesterday to protest U.S. involvement in El Salvador. The banner and coffin
were later used to lead a peaceful procession to North Hall, ROTC headquarters.
Calls for unt ring at
El' Salvador peace rally

LANSING (UPI)-The Senate last
night narrowly approved a 38 percent
income tax increase urged by Gov.
James Blanchard as a cure for
Michigan's yawning budget deficit.
The action came on a 20-18 vote,
following an afternoon and evening of
exhaustive debate.
UNDER TlE bill, the tax will phase
out over time and as the economy im-
The bill now goes back to the House,
which earlier this month approved a
slightly different version of the bill.
The action followed rejection on a 19-
17 vote of a proposal that voters be
given the option of replacing the income
tax increase with a sales tax hike.
THAT MEASURE would have placed
a 50 percent sales tax hike on a special
election ballot.
State Treasurer Robert Bowman has
said the governor was not thrilled with
the Senate version of the income tax in-
crease as a means of eliminating $900
million deficit. The phase-out provision
"doesn't make sense from a fiscal point
of view," he said.
The hike in the state income tax from
4.6 percent to 6.35 percent would phase
out beginning in 19841 according to a
Senate formula which includes specific
dates for reducing the levy. Faster
reduction would occur if unemployment
levels are falling swiftly, with complete
elimination of all the tax if the jobless
rate drops below 9 percent.
MOST supporters believe the entire
tax hike will be gone sometime in 1986.
The income tax increase marks the
second proposal for a hike in the last
year. The Legislature voted in a one

percentage point increase last May
which spanned six months.
The Senate dumped a measure that
would have let voters decide on sub-
stituting the income tax with a 50 per-
cent hike in the sales tax.
The overwhelming 19-17 vote against
the alternative sales tax was far less
than 26 "yes" votes needed for ap-
proval. Reconsideration was pending.
The sales tax measure was con-
sidered key to winning the votes of
several senators.
The proposed constitutional amen-
dment contained a promise of residen-
tial property tax relief when the state
recovered from its $900 million budget
deficit and other debts.
"The purpose of having this issue
before the public is to have a forum at
which we can raise the issue to the
public that has been raised to us," said
Sen. John Kelly, D-Detroit, sponsor of
the alternative.
"The governor has made a bold move
in pressing us for a decision," said Sen.
Gary Corbin (D-Clio.). "He's asking
that we make a decision to stabilize the
fiscal needs of this state."
At press time last night the
House passed and sent to the
Senate *a sweeping $165
billion rescue package for
Social Security that raises
the retirement age to 67 in
the next century.

Chanting "No draft, no war, U.S. out
of El Salvador," about 200 demon-
strators carrying a wooden coffin mar-
ched from the Diag to ROTC headquar-
ters yesterday to protest U.S. in-
volvement in El Salvador.
The march and a 45-minute rally in
the Diag commemorated the third an-
niversary of the assasination of
Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero,
in San Salvador.
SPEAKERS AT the demonstration,
"A Rally for Peace," emphasized the
need for solidarity among anti-war

"We must unify movements against
issues such as military research,
nuclear arms, (and) ROTC, and break
across prejudices to build a broad
movement," said physics Prof. Dan
Axelrod. "The Pentagon is linked on all
these issues, but on the wrong side."
Anti-war groups have been effective
hethe pat, .id '4. 0aqji-wE
movement kept Nixon from winning the
Vietnam war," Axelrod said, citing
Americans' vocal opposition ;to nuclear
OTHER speakers drew parallels
between the Reagan and University
administrations. "Frye's redirection
plan is just a smaller version of

Reaganomics," said rally moderator
Ken Naffziger, an LSA senior. "We
shouldn't let our campus follow the
militarist trend of the government."
In between the speeches, Naffzinger,
two banjoists, and a guitarist led the crowd
in such songs as the "Draft Dodge
Rag," and chants such as "Stop the
arms race, save the..human raca," and
"Reagan, Reagan, he's no good. Send
him back to Hollywood."
Roger Kerson, who has been working
with the Michigan Student Assembly on
defense research, described U.S.
military research as "a fine mess."
"WE CAN BUILD a nuclear bomb to

law moves
to Senate

proposed 10-word constitutional
amendment to allow states to ban
abortions drew only the votes of
its author and two of his conser-
vative colleagues yesterday, but
that was enough to apply a Senate
subcommittee's unanimous
stamp of approval.
In a roll call as short as the
time it takes to read the amen-
dment, constitutional subcom-
mittee Chairman Orrin Hatch Hof
Utah and fellow Republicans
Strom Thurmond of South
Carolina and Charles Grassley of
Iowa sent the anti-abortin
measure to the full Senate
Judiciary Committee.

cini of Arizona and Patrick Leahy
of Vermont didn't show up for the
vote. That left the score 3-0.
The measure, sponsored by
Hatch, is an abbreviated version
of one with which he won 10-7 ap-
proval of the full committee last
year. But it was never adopted on
the Senate floor.
Hatch said he expected com-
mittee action shortly after the
Senate returns April 5 from the
Easter recess that begins this
HE SAID that because he did
not press for debate last year,
Majority Leader Howard Baker
Jr., (R-Tenn.) has promised him
the proposal will be brought to
the floor this time "before the end
of spring."
See ABORTION, Page 5

wins grant
to travel
Many people dream of a trip around the world.
LSA Junior Mark Zamorski has the chance to make
that come true-and it won't cost him a dime.
Zamorski is this year's recipient of a $5,000 grant
made available annually by the Circumnavigator's
Club, an international group of world travelers.
Each year, the club chooses one or more college
students from around the United States to receive a
grant for travel around the world.
WINNERS ARE chosen from applicants who
submit proposals for study programs of "global
significance," according to Zamorski. His prize-
winning proposal is to examine the cultural factors
affecting health care in Third World countries.
Zamorski, who is majoring in cellular molecular
biology, said he is interested in how health care in
other countries may be applied to the United States.
"On the fundamental level, the approach to health
care is free while the technology is cost-intensive.
"I want to find out how the attitudes and presen-
tations of health care in these countries helps
THE ONLY requirements that the Circum-
navigators Club makes of the grant recipients is
that they leave from New York City in one direction-
See STUDENT, Page 2

Lancelot Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Bruce Mair of Sigma Chi fraternity galloped in quest of winning Zeta Tau Alpha's annual Mr. Greek Week pageant last

Snow job
A JUDGE TURNED a cold shoulder to the pleas of a
defendant who claimed deep snowbanks in late
July forced him to walk in the middle of the road.
"It was extremely cold and snow was piled at
least four feet high on both road shoulders." Brian Correll.

that he had to brake hard and swerve to avoid hitting
Correll when he encountered the man in the middle of a
highway at 4:20 a.m. that July night three and-a-half years
ago. g
Holds up for 18 hours
THE ARMORED PELVIS of the Oklahoma City Zoo's
ambling Elvis may have made veterinary medical

years ago in airplanes. Keepers said they had considered
fitting Elvis with a tail wheel but figured that wouldn't last
long under the kind of beating that the 400-pound tortoise
would give it. D
The Daily almanac

attendance in literary college (LSA) classes was down 60
.1974 - The Democratic candidate for city council in the
2nd Ward admitted in a debate that she had eaten non-
United Farm Workers Union lettuce despite her support of
a boycott.
On the inside ...





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