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March 25, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-03-25

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One hundred f ive years of editorfrl freedom

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March 25, 1996

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Vgh e ld
to show
support of
By Katie Wang
Jaily Staff Reporter
More than 200 students and local
residents gathered on the Diag on Fri-
lay night for a candlelight vigil to
;how support for Thiwan. Carefully
holding their candles, the participants
died together in the cold weather
saluted "peace, love and democ-
"We're concerned about what's hap-
pening in Taiwan," said Medicine stu-
dent Dean Tsai. "We want to be sup-
portive of (them in) any way we can
since we're not there."
Since China began its missile exer-
cises in the Taiwan Strait two weeks
ago, the University's Taiwanese com-
munity has been actively showing its
port for the island. In addition to
t evigil, students circulated petitions
to be sent to Congress and held a
demonstration Friday afternoon on the
"We thought being here (at the vigil)
can contribute some thoughts of sup-
port," said 'Music sophomore Annie
Chang. "We are concerned about our
country, and we hope nothing serious
will happen."
*he theme of the vigil, "Peace, Love
and Democracy," was chosen to sym-
bolize support for Taiwan as it held its
first ever direct presidential election
Saturday. Although China tried to in-
timidate Taiwanese voters to elect some-

MSA staffer
Wolverine candidates fined

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Questions about campaign ethics are
circulating around the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly headquarters, even be-
fore students cast their ballots in this
week's election.
MSA administrative coordinator Lou
Stefanic, a University employee, was
suspended Friday after accusations that
he used MSA resources to aid the Wol-
verine Party campaign.
The MSA election staff declared Sat-
urday that Wolverine Party members
Andy Schor, presidential candidate.
MattCurin, vice presidential candidate,
LSA Rep. Michael Nagrant and LSA
Rep. Erin Carey will be fined $25 each
for violations of the election code.
"Lou violated the terms of his con-
tract," said MSA Vice President Sam
Goodstein. "We made it explicitly clear
that he could not work for any political
party on MSA."
Roger Fisher, University student ac-
tivities associate, confirmed that the
University suspended Stefanic pending
an internal review and disciplinary hear-
ing. Fisher said Goodstein brought the
concerns to his attention.
Goodstein said a printout of an e-
mail message Stefanic sent to Schor,
Curin, Carey, Nagrant and Wolverine
Party member Aaron Williams was
found at the MSA office in the Michi-
gan Union. The message detailed cam-

A candlelight vigil took place In support of "peace, love and democracy" for Taiwan. More than 200 people participated,
including children of all ages.

one other than incumbent president Lee
Teng-hui, Lee still won, capturing 54
percent of the votes.
"Seven years ago when the
Tiananmen Square (incident) occurred,
we also supported the justice and hu-
man rights of the students," said Uni-
versity alum Wenlang Tsai. "China is
always trying to use its military. We
shouldn't keep silent."
Many of the participants came from
the Ann Arbor community and still
have family members in Taiwan.

"My parents and sisters are still there,"
said Ann Arbor resident Bor Chen, who
says he is worried about them.
Ann Arbor resident Bernie Huang,
who came to the United States from
Taiwan two years ago, said, "China is
just trying to scare Taiwan with its
missiles and war games."
Business senior Chao Yun Huang
said that although he can understand
why the Taiwanese are protesting, he
can also understand why the Chinese
are "flexing their muscle."

"In the past, Taiwan was a part of
China, but because of imperialist pow-
ers, it was taken away," he said. "Now
they want it back."
Chao Yun Huang also made a dis-
tinction between democracy and inde-
pendence, saying that "democracy is
not at stake," but the real issue is
China's refusal to allow Taiwanese
"All ofus united, we shall overcome,"
Bernie Huang said."We will have peace
and democracy in Taiwan,"

Students living and learning together in programs

By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
For some fans, the University means
Maize and Blue, Hail to the Victors and
young athletes scoring points in front of
thousands of spectators.
For some patients, the University means
patient-centered state-of-the-art health fa-
cilities amidst a nationwide move toward

University are smaller classes and more
faculty-student interaction.
Duderstadt also said one of the more sig-
nificant changes has been improvements in
outside-the-classroom education.
"I believe we are significantly improv-
ing the quality of life intellectually within
the residence halls," Duderstadt said. "Most
of(a student's) time is spent in a residential

managed care.
For some students, the
University means quality
education at the No. I pub-
lic research institution in
the country.
At a University that
spans more acres than
any other school in the
nation and serves a di-
versity of people, under-
graduate students may
feel lost in the shuffle.
"People are realizing
that undergraduate educa-
tion is an absolutely es-
sential part of this institu-
tion," President James
Duderstadt said in an in-
terview earlier this month.
Assistant Dean for Un-
dergraduate Education

In Undergraduate

environment. That
should be a learning
U ..
Tom Weisskopf,
who will take over in
July as director of the
Residential College-
the University's model
living-learning pro-
gram, said these com-
munities enable stu-
dents to spend more
time learning in non-
traditional settings.
"There are many
ways that people can
"The living-learning
community draws on

paign strategies for the final week of the
campaign, and referred to "the newest
software courtesy of MSA."
"This was caught soon enough that it
didn't violate the integrity of the elec
tion," Goodstein said.
While the party members were
charged under the election code clause
stating that "anyone using MSA facili
ties to conduct a campaign may be fined
...", Schor said the Wolverine Party has
not violated those guidelines.
"The Wolverine Party has never used
MSA resources for any part of their
campaign," Schor said.
MSA has no plans to take further
action, said Election Director Meagan
Newman. However, a signed statement
from the MSA election staff stated that
the assembly would not hesitate to dis-
qualify or revoke the positions of Wol-
verine Party members if further evi-
dence of violations is found.
"If everything does prove to be true,
we wished that the language of the code
allowed for us to take harsher steps,"
Newman said.
Schor said that although he has solic-
ited advice from Stefanic in the past,
Stefanic has not actiely participated in
the Wolverine Party's campaign.
Several of the party members who
received the e-mail were confused about
the extent of its contents, Schor said. In
light of past incidents involving e-mail
See MSA, Page 7A
speaks to
By Megan Schimpf
Daly News Editor
DETROIT-With sharp witaimedat
Republicans and soft reminders about
the American people,former Texas Gov,
Ann Richards spoke at the Michigan
Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-
Jackson Day Dinner on Saturday night.
"We can rememberthere is much more
riding on this election than political am-
bition.or personal achievement,"
Richards said. "There are real people
with real lives counting on us. We Demo-
crats will not, cannot disappoint them."
The dinner, held in conjunction with
a daylong issues seminar, was attended
by about 2,000 people. The $125-a-
plate fund-raiser garnered more than
$250,000 for the party.
Richards, known for her caustic
speeches and humor, spoke on the
changes in America and politics, from
the perspective of a former insider.
"I can tell you one fundamental truth
we have lost sight of," she said. "I can
remember, you can remember, I'm sure
even Jesse Helms can remember when
the word 'crackpot' meant something.
"It's getting harder and harder to tell
where the mainstream stops and the
lunatic fringe begins."
The crowd reacted with cheers and
standing ovations throughout the speech.
"She's such a motivational person for
the Democratic Party and all women,"
said LSA junior Jae-Jae Spoon, presi-
dent ofthe University chapter ofCollege
sign books
star, he went on to excel in academics
and athletics at Princeton University.
In August of last year, after three
terms as a senator, Bradley announced

his decision not to run for re-election.
In his memoir. he discusses issues of
concern to today's voters and ad-
dresses rumors that he will run for
president, which continue to circulate
despite his imminent retirement.
Bradley has made an effort, both in
his book and his life, to'reach out to
voters disenchanted with the current

Latanya Washington, LSA first-year student and member of the Women in Science and
Engineering program, gets help before here Math 116 exam from tutor Brian Stein.

. eToday: Living-learning programs

David Schoem said recent trends show that
during the last decade, more efforts have
been geared toward improving the educa-
tion of undergraduate students. In the early
1980s, he said, this was not the case.
"In the last 10 years, the experience for
undergraduates has changed," Schoem said.
"The sense that Michigan was a large, im-
personal institution was truer in the early
1980s. It is not really true anymore."
Schoem said some obvious changes at the

many modes of learning. A good learning
experience has to have a great deal of variety."
The University's history of living-learning
communities dates back to 1962 when the
Pilot Program was developedasa"pilot"to the
Residential College, which began in 1967.
Since then, living-learning programs have
expanded. There are currently five living-
learning communities, including the Hon-
ors Program, the Residential College, the
21st Century Program, the Pilot Program

and the Women in Science and Engineering
Program. A section of the Undergraduate
Research Opportunity Program willjoin the
group in the fall.
A living-learning task force is now con-
sidering the most effective ways to expand'
the programs. William Zeller, director of
Housing and chair of the task force, said
Thursday that the committee plans to rec-.
ommend that all first-year students be re-
quired to join a living-learning community.
But, for now, the University hopes students
will choose to join the programs. Along with
the other materials incoming students receive
from the University, future students will now
also get a "Michigan Learning Communities"
book in their mailboxes.
The handbook provides a comprehensive

look at all the living-learning communities
and a general application for interested stu-
dents. In the past, separate programs sent
out their own brochures.
Residential College
Weisskopfsaid many University students'
educational experiences can be equated with
those of a mechanical employee.
But living-learning communities like the
RC, he said, can change that concept of
"It really enriches students so it is not just
a matter of punching in at the classroom and
punching out at the end of a lecture,"
Weisskopf said. "If it is just a matter of
checking in and checking out, you are not


Tickets hope to impact MSA

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Without the backing ofan established
name or funds, two small parties and
one independent ticket are taking on the
Michigan Student Assembly in this
week's elections.
The platforms of the Liberty Party,
United People's Coalition and the inde-
pendent candidates include plans to re-
form MSA and reach out to develop
close ties with constituents.
While these three tickets do not have

Party member. "You have a chance of
making one of the larger parties lose."
Vance said that while the chance of a
minor party winning is slim, it can influ-
ence other parties' future platforms. S
The TEA Party announced yesterday
that it is endorsing the Students' Party
in the MSA presidential election.
Running an "all-students-of-color"
slate, the United People's Coalition is the
only one ofthe three minor tickets to have
previous experience with the assembly.
UPC candidates sponsored candidates in

demand for representation of interests
as well as election of minority students.
Geoff Tudisco and Adam Mesh, in-
dependent candidates for MSA presi-
dent and vice president, respectively,
said they decided to make a bid for the
offices because after numerous talks
with administrators, the University
"didn't take care of what we thought
were important problems." MSA should
have solved that problem, Tudisco said?
"We want to act as lobbyists for the
students," Tudisco said.

Bradley to1
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Sen. Bill Bradley (D-New Jersey), a'
Rhodes scholar, Olympic gold medal-
ist and former New York Knicks cen-
ter, will sign cop-
ies of his latest
book, "Time
Present, Time Past- F
A Memoir,"at7:30 -7
tonight at Borders
Books and Music.
Bradley's third


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