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March 25, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-25

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair, warmer
no chance of precipitation.

VOLLXXI, No. 124




,: 4 i


Legacki, Gillanders,
Clark Set Records,
By The Associated Press
MEATT-LE-Michigan swimmers are well on their way 'to an upset
victory in the NCAA swimming championships at Seattle by virtue
of spectacular first-place finishes by Frank Legacki, Dave Gllanders,
and Ron Clark.
Records tumbled in four of the five championship events last
.,Among the record beaters 'was Murray Rose of Australia. Swim-
ming for Southern California he added the NCAA 220-yd. freestyle
championship and record to the
title and record he collected
Thursday in the 1550 meters. Rose
swam the 220 in two minutes and
.'six-tenths of a second 'shaving
nine-tenths off the NCAA mark
set in 1957 by Richard Hanley of
f a.'Michigan.
Other record crackers were
Frank Legacki and Ronald Clark,
both of Michigan, in the 50-yd.
freestyle and the 200-yd. breast-
stroke respectively: and Charles
N F ' Bittick, Southern California, in
the 200-yd. backstroke.
SClarkheld the American and
NCAA record at 2:17.6 as a 1960
a ? souvenir and had beaten that with
a 2:14.3 clocking earlier this year.
IN Last night he stroked the 200
yards in 2:13.4 to eclipse all past
Placin second, Tom Kovacs of
RON CLARK Ohio State, also bettered the old
..,breaks record. mark in 2:16.3.'
.. k rBitick whipped the field by 25
feet in the backstroke with a
1:57.1 clocking, breaking his own
oldAlter NCAA and American record of
2:00.1 set last year.
Legackidefeated favored Steve
Wrld Court Jackman of Minnesota to win the
50-yd. freestyle.
Re Legacki, whose time was second
best in the afternoon prelimi-
naries, touched the finish three-
tenthsof a second ahead of Jack-
Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper (R- man in :21.4 seconds. The old
Ia) and New York lawyer Lyman National Collegiate Athletic Assn.
Tondel agreed last night that the record of :21.9 was set in this meet
Connally reservation might -be two years ago by Fred Westpahl of
modified, but differed subtly on: Wisconsin.
just what should be done and how. Jackman himself had been.
At a Law Club discussion of clocked at :21.4 earlier this year
the reservation's "pro's and con's" but could not match that speed
both argued from a position of tonight.
United States advantage. David Gilladers gave Michigan
another title when he swam the
(The reservation, passed In 200-yd. butterfly in less than two
1946,. has to do with United States minutes for the second time today.
participation in the world court, His clocking in the final was
reserving its right to be the sole 1:58.6, two-tenths of a second
judge of which matters that come slower than he swam his prelimi-
before the court are. "domestic" nary heat,
and out of the court's' jurisdic- In second place, aimed at 2:01.7
tion and which are not. Under was Gary Heinrich, Cincinnati
the court agreement, any other sophomore. Two members of
nation brought to the court by the Southern California's Trojans,
United States may also reserve who are favored to run away with
the right to unilaterally declare the team title, finished third and
the case domestic and outside the fourth-Kenneth Rounsavelle and
court's jurisdiction.) Lance Larson.
Hickenlooper, a member of the In yesterday afternoon's quali-
foreign relations committee, said fying heats Michigan placed men
the .reservation was necessary to in all six events.
protect American interests which Olympic diver, Bob Webster,
could be compromised through also remained in final competi-
court action, backed by- world See 'M,' Page 6
opinion. He said there is no leg-,


Cohen Gets
President John F. Kennedy's
nomination of Prof. Wilber J. Co-
hen of the School of Social Work
to the post of Assistant Secretary
of Health, Education and Welfare
was 'approved by the Senate Fi-
nance Committee yesterday..
Prof. Cohen is one of the origi-
nal architects of the United States
Social Security Act and is des-
cribed by Dean Fedele F. Fauri of
the School of Social Work as "the
most able and capable man in the
social securities field."
Speaking before the committee
Thursday, Prof. Cohen predicted'
that by 1970 social security bene-
fits will rise 50 per cent. However,
he said "people must realize that
if they want all those benefits,
they have to pay the costs."
Women Accuses
During the meeting, Prof. Cohen
was accused of belonging to three
Communist-front organiz..tions by
Mrs. Marjorie Shearon who said
she was appearing on behalf of
"The Coalition of Patriotic Socie-
ties of Ohio, Inc."
She charged that Prof. Cohen is
part of a "conspiracy" aimed at
nationalizing medicine in the
United States. She said he should
never be appointed because of
"moral turpitude and subversion."
Prof. Cohen denied her charges
and said he had been cleared five
times by loyalty boards. No mem-
ber of the committee appeared to
support the women's accusations.
'U' Investigated
In 1955 Mrs. Shearon sought to
block his appointment to the Uni
versity. Marvin L. Niehuss, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
said the University had made an
investigation at that time and
had found no grounds for her ac-
cusations. "The University Indicat-
ed its confidence in Prof. Cohen
by its ap ointment," he said.
Patrick V. McNamara (D-Mich)
remained at Prof. Cohen's side
throughout the two hours that he
was questioned.
China Walks
Out of Talks
NEW DELHI (P) - The Red
China delegation walked out of
the Communist-backed World
Council of Peace yesterday when
an Indian cabinet minister ac-
cused Red China of suppressions
in Tibet.
Humayan Kabir, minister for
cultural affairs and scientific de-
velopment, said at a cultural
meeting that just as the late In-
dian poet Rabindranath Tagore's
love for Japan did not preventI
him from crilecizing the Japa-
nese invasion of Manchuria, "the
great poet would undoubtedly
have regretted China's suppression
of Tibet's personality."
The Chinese delegation leader,
Liu Ning-i, said his delegation
was leaving because "while the
majority of Indian people want a
settlement with China some In-
dians are anxious to delay a solu-
tion and thus inherit the seeds of
British imperialisn."






1 18,

Melvin Skolnik, '62, said last
night that his company will no
longer provide note-taking service
in courses where the prior permis-
sion of the instructor has not been
Skolnik agreed to discontinue
the practice after a conversation
with Associate Dean of the Liter-
ary School James Robertson. He
said that being a student he "had
no other choice" than to comply.
"It is the University interpreta-
tion of last semester's executive
council ruling that distribution of
notes on a mass scale by an organ-
ized company is not permitted
without the instructor's consent,"
Skolnik explained. He had previ-
ously maintained that such per-
mission should not be necessary
because his company charged
nothing for the notes. They were
given, free of additional charge,
to students paying for a similar
service in courses where permis-
sion had been obtained.
'Leverage' Applied
Skolnik said that his status as
a student gave the University lev-
erage with which to pressure him
into compliance. "If I were an out-
side party, however, I believe I
would test the right of the Uni-
versity to apply this ruling," he
In accordance with a suggestion
by Robertson, Skolnik intends to
send letters of apology to the five
instructors in whose classes the
unauthorized service was oper-
ating. He said he also intended
to write Prof. Carl Cohen of the
philosophy department, one of the
five to protest the latter's brand-
ing of note-takers as "cheats and
thieves, punishable as such."
"Prof. Cohen's remarks verge
on slander. I'm investigating to
see if I have a legal case," Skolnik
Violates Copyright
Robertson said that unauthor-
ized note-taking, whether for
profit or not, violated a professor's
rights under copyright laws. He
said that a complete brief of the
Skolnik matter was being pre-
pared for presentation to Dean of
the Literary School Roger Heyns
at the earliest possible date.
Gizenga Asks
Ful Missions
regime of Antoine Gizenga yester-
day ordered four Western consu-
lates to leave Stanleyville unless
their status is raised to full-
fledged embassies, diplomats re-
ported. The four consular missions
represent Britain, France, West
Germany and the Netherlands.

Pealy Seeking Top City Post,

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is,
first of two interviews with
candidates for Mayor of Ann
bor in the April 3 election.
morrow's story will be on
cumbent Cecil 0. Creal.)


If Dorothee S. Pealy is elect-
ed Mayor of Ann Arbor on
April 3, it will be a remarkable
She is a Democratic candi-
date, and only two Democrats
have been mayor in the past
few decades.
She is a woman-the first;
woman to ever seek the post.
SJ4e is also a professional
scholar of municipal govern-
ment, and undoubtedly the
only candidate in the Midwest
this spring who wrote a doc-
toral dissertation on the char-
ter of the city in which the
election is held.
Impressive Credentials
Campaign literature on Mrs.
Pealy looks much. like an ap-
plication for a teaching job--
three political science degrees
from the University, a raft of
academic papers and 12 years
of directing research with such
groups as Citizens for Michi-
Intellectual background won't
hurt a candidate too much in
Ann Arbor, but Mrs. Pealy does
not emphasize this training.
She does have quite a bit to
say about the role of a woman
in politics, however.
As a wife and mpther of two
young children, she admits she
would not be a full-time may-

Mrs. Pealy's philosophy of
city government is that the
council should turn technical
matters over to the professional
career men in the departments.
"Council , should set guide-
lines within which the experts
operate, not legislate on every
matter. It should decide what
priorities are to be set up,
which groups are to be served."
Following this principle, she
criticized the council and may-
or for setting decisions on traf-
fic details in Ann Arbor, and
to show the cited the fact that
policies have been changed
Battle Over,
On the role of a woman as
mayor, Mrs. Pealy said, "I think,
the battle for women's rights
is over. Respect in City Hall
depends on the Job done; the
other is an inconsequential
"I'm running not as a wom-
an, but as a person concerned
with problems the city faces."
This concern has been ex-'
pressed in a torrent of speeches
which began"'early in the year.
While the' wording of her
statements has been harsh, she
is not as. interested in hurling
vitriolic words at her opponent,
incumbent Cecil O. Creal, as.
she is in criticizing city police
from her own point of view,
basically onle of broad plan-
While she admitted "the rou-
tine business of the city has
See PEALY, Page 2

. .. woman candidate
or. Citing the city charter com-
mission's intent, she said that
the mayor should not run the
day-to-day business of the
city, but leave it up to the City
Administrator and the various
"Every citizen ought to be
able to run for mayor regard-
less of position. The fact that
I will be spending time with
my family is an irrelevant
question. Presumably if a can-
didate is able to fulfill the du-
ties of the office, hp or she is
entitled to be mayor."

More Aggressio_

Give Protest
At Kresge's
Main Office
Approximately 80 members of
the Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
mittee and the Detroit branch of
the Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE) staged a two hour dem-
onstration yesterday in front of
the national headquarters of the
S. S. Kresge Corp. in Detroit.
Simultaneous protests at other
Kresge outlets occurred in New
York, Chicago, Boston, Cincinna-
ti, and Covington, Ky.
The picketing, sparking a drive
for 100 per cent integration of
Kresge lunchcounters, was held
while a delegation of CORE offi-
cials met with Arthur Fairbanks,
vice-president in charge of public
relations for the firm.
"Real progress in the comple-
tion of integration in the Kresge
chain seems to be in the making,"'
James Farmer, national director of
CORE, said.
Only three stores in the chain
are known to have definitely seg-
regated lunchcounters.7

islative control over the court,
which is, in effect, its own master.
Also, many court justices come
from nations where courts are
not independent of the govern-
ment in power, and might 'con-
tinue to serve their government's
However, he said it is. possible
to enlarge "step-by-step" the
court's jurisdiction, as long as it
is definitively specified and na-
tional interests are safeguarded.
Hence, the Connally reservation
might be removed, but other res-
ervations could still be necessary
for national protection.
Tondel, who chaired an Ameri-
can Bar Association.committee on
the subject, did not disagree that
some reservations might be neces-
sary but said that the United
States should remove the Conal-
ly proviso.
His basic argument: with in-
terests all over the globe, the
United States cannot afford to
allow other nations to .exempt
under the reciprocity clause of the
court agreement, any matters they
alone feel to be "domestic."
He also stressed the American
goal of a free world under the.
rule of law and said the reserva-
tion contradicts this. The court
offers one way to settle disputes
peacefully, and should be support-
ed with more United States con-
fidence than the reservation sym-
The Court, he said, has fol-
lowed international law and not
acted capriciously. The United
States position in the world is so
great that it must be' a party to
an~v cocnu as to .what :is in-

Missile Fails
In record Try,
An Atlas missile failed for the
second time in 10 days to fly a
record 9,042-mile course last
night when the rocket's booster
engines did not separate.
The Air Force said the missile
achieved at least part of its ob-
jectives in flying 4,500' miles, half
of its intended range.

Mnimum Wage Bill
Changed by'House
WASHINGTON (P)-President John F. Kennedy suffered a bitter
defeat last night when a coalition of Republicans and Southern Demo-
crats pushed through a scaled-down substitute for his minimum wageJ
A compromise bill carrying administration backing was rejected'
by a standing vote of 186-185 and the House then went on to approve
a less sweeping measure offered by Rep. William H. Ayres (R-Ohio).
_This would raise the legal mini-
mum wage to $1.15 from the pres-
ANola Leader ent $1 level, instead of to $1.25 in
stages, as Kennedy had asked. It
P iesalso would extend coverage to 1.4
million workers not now covered.
Kennedy was backing a proposal
LEOPOLDV]ILLE (JP)-An Afri- to bring in an added 3.8 million
can nationalist leader from Portu- workers.
gese Angola praised President Final approval of the coalition's
John F. Kennedy yesterday for his substitute was by a roll call vote
administration's policy toward Af- of 216-203.
The roll call vote for the substi-
rica. tute stood 74 Democrats to 142
Holden Roberto, president of the Republicans for and 177 Demo-
Angola People's Union, said the crats and 26 Republicans against.
people of Angola are proud to have Administration forces made one
contirbuted to the "reversal in more effort to send the measure
American politics regarding Africa back to the labor committee, with
and colonial empires." instructions to report back the ad-
ministration-backed bill, but lost
-' 224-196.
The cliff-hanging series of votes
came after a long day of maneu-
* vering by both sides, in which
'S an' ityKennedy came out firmly for the
compromise measure worked out
late Thursday by the House lead-
ership and Secretary of Labor Ar-
in the wrong place," he has tried thur J. Goldberg.
unsuccessfully every place in the The administration-backed com-
curriculum, promise bill would increase the
Illusionary Weed present $1-an-hour minimum to
Prof. Paul G. Kauper "operates $1.15 four months after enact-
under the illusion '(?) that Prof. ment, and to $1.25 two years later,'
Plant is a weed." "After forced for the 24 million workers now un-.
retiremenf at a e 40 from his on- der the act.

'U.S. Seeks,
Nehru's Aid
l ok.Fo r P e a c e "4 .
Of Pacific Forces
To Troubled Area
By The Associated Prpm
Pro-Western Laos charged yes-
terd'ay it has been attacked bh
Communist North Vietnames
troops. The next United Statei
move appeared to depend or
whether the Communists will cal
off the attack in the Southeas
Asian jungle kingdom.
The Laotian government charg-
ed six new Communist battaloni
moved across the border and. int
the fight against the already de.
moralized royal army.
The United States which ha
given the government $14 million
in aid and military advisers in i
fight against pro-Communist reb
els, announced 15 helicopters ar
,due in Laos to provide additiona
Depends on Kremlin
U.S. action, in the words of Sen
Alexander Wiley (R-Wis) depende
on "what the Kremlin will do r
the next 48 hours."
Wiley, senior Republican mee,
ber of the Senate foreign relationi
committee, made the remark tc
Washington newsmen as Presideni
John F. Kennedy awaited Sovie
reaction to his appeal' that th
Communist-backed offensive In
Laos be halted to clear the wa'
for international 'negotiations.
A British foreign office spokes.
man said the Russians had prom
ised "serious and urgent" consid-
eration of Britain's proposal fo
an immediate cease-fire to be fol
lowed by negotiations
Kennedy appealed to India'
Prime-Minister Nehru tohelpa
range a cease-fire lest the Lao
tian civil war lead to 'a United
States-Soviet military showdown
Wiley said India is playing "a
tremendous part" in negotiations
SEATO's military leaders mad
an open show; of solidarity, a_,
parently intended to squelch re-
ports there had been bickering
among the eight member ntions.
Close cooperation dis necessary,
their communique said, to "safe.
guard the freedom of the people
of the non-Communist states"' in
Southeast Asia.
But it was apparent SEATO is
following the new tough line 1in
Kennedy made a plea for a neu-
tral Laos and warned the United
States will honor its SEATO obli-
gation to defend the tiny nation
against Red aggression.
Senator Views
Peace Corps
Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper (R-
Ia) last night said the initial
selection of peace corps member
will determine its success.
In Ann Arbor for a debate at
the Law Club, he also explained
his close questioning of the ne
peace corps head, R. Sargent
Shriver, when Shriver went before
the Senate foreign relations com-
mittee this week on confirmation
of his appointment.
Hickenlooper couldn't lay down
strict criteria for peace corpes
members, but /suggested members
should possess "missionary zeal or
dedication" and be "morally and

mentally well-balanced." They
should "have their feet on the
ground . . .
They need not all be college
graduates, but should have ex-
perience, stability and' the desire
to do the job.
College sophomores or their
equivalents may be the youngest
members the corps should accept.
Young people who will "fit in"
better in other nations will give

Law Review Editors Challenge Teachers'

The student editors of the
Michigan Law Review have filed
in the county Probate Court a
petition alleging "that the (Law
School faculty members) are men-
tally incompetent to have the
charge, custody and management
of their person and estates, and
asking that a guardian be ap-
pointed of their person and es-
The faculty was subpeonaed yes-
terday to appear at the Probate
office at' 2 p.m. April 11 for a
hearing on the petition. "We rec-
ognize the majesty of the law and
will conform to the subpeona,"
Dean Allan Smith said.
The editors' petition to the

1) They have formed a corpora-
tion, The Michigan Law Review.
but have not distributed its stock.
2) They have devised this "cor-
porate sham" to confuse creditors
and to escape the Fair Labor Stan-
dards Act, which they violate by
permittin~g and suffering the edi-
tors to work without pay on an
article of commerce.
Violated Obligations
3) They "have deliberately, con-
tinually and joyously violated ob-
ligations prescribed for the peti-
tioners' and others' protection in
Among the articles of the declara-
tion that are being violated: "No
one shall be subjected to arbitrary
interference with his privacy, famn-

cupation as a model for baby
food ads," Prof. John Reed "has
been unable to adjust to the adult
The subpeonasy were served at
12:34 p.m. yesterday when a lone
city policeman entered the faculty
dining room where most of the
33 deans and professors were eat-
ing lunch.
"They think it's a joke," one

It would also extend coverage to
about 3.8 million workers not now
covered, although limiting their
wage to $1.
A Republican-Southern Demo-
cratic bill would limit the wage
increase to $1.15 and extended
coverage to 1.4 million workers.
SGC Defers
N" 1 Matan

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