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March 25, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-25

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VOL. XXXV. No. 131





- --

' F

All Members Requested To Attend In
Order That Necessary 600
Be Present
In a general mass meeting of allF
members of the Union on the campus]
which will be held in the main as-<
sembly hall of the Union at 7:15I
o'clock tonight, the question of chang-
ing the constitution of the organita-
tion will be proposed and voted upon.
In order that an amendment to the
constitution may be made, a total

Proposed European Conference1
May AidExisting Ills---Brown
With general security at a low ebb i impression that their unfortunate
in Europe,. and France, in particular, conditions would be made right by
crying hysterically for some remedy, some savior from abroad. By getting
the proposed :European conference for I down to real work and making a
the political reconstruction of Europe ' heroic effort to help themselves the
which the English and French govern-! countries of Europe will be greatly
ments favor holding in August of this benefitted by such a conference as the
year is a most expedient solution to one now proposed."
settle at least some of the many dif- !1Dr. Brown made plain that there
ferences now existing between the are many questions regarding secur-
countries of Europe, Dr. George W ity to be settled in Europe. "France
Brown, of the English history depart- was deprived of security by the Ver-
ment, stated yesterday in commenting sailles treaty by the action of the
on the contemplated conference. United States Senate and England in
Although this conference cannot be breaking up the proposed triple alli-
expected to produce remedies for all ance between France, England, and
the Wnfortunate security conditions the United States, and was again dis-
now existing in Europe it will, if appointed when she was not given the
held, undoubtedly be a big factor in occupation of the left bank of the
, Rhine. Then to make matters worse
alleviating many of them, Dr. Brown the Germans are failing to live up to
believes. He continued, "The coun- the disarmament clauses as set down
tries of Europe, I believe, aru now in the treaty. England on her part is
awakening to the necessity of self- I becoming alarmed at the great num-
help; hitherto they have made no real! her of airplanes that are being pro-1
drastic attempts to relieve their own I duced in France. .
dilemma but have lived under the (Continued on Page 2)l


Europeans Appreciate Student
Funds, Says Australian Soldier




Agreements Which W1Ui Supplement
Those Already Made Are
Washington, D. C., March 24.-1
President Coolidge's plans with re-

"I am heartily in favor of. the Stu-
dent Friendship fund, and am thor-
oughly convinced that all efforts in
the behalf of the students of Europe
are really appreciated," declared Tom
Skeyhill, Australian soldier and world
traveler, when asked his opinion of
the fund yesterday.
tDespite what has been said to the
contrary, I feel certain that the stu-
dentsofEurope suffer no loss of dig-
nity or loss of self respect by accept-
ing aid from their fellow students in
other lands. Conditions are such that
the students, especially in Russia and
Poland, are willing to accept anything
as long as they are allowed to retain
their ideals and get an education so
that they may fut*ther them. " Mr

as one of our foremost authorities on
that country.
Continuing his discussion of stu-
dent conditions in Russia and Poland,
he talked at length of the terrible
hardships that these men undergo to
secure educations. Many of them
sleep out of doors in the streets and
in doorways during weather that is
far below zero, he said, and are con-
tent as long as they are allowed to
retain their idealism.
More than anything else, Mr. Skey-
hill believes, these students want the
right to be skeptical, the right to
doubt. They believe that there is
something wrong with' their present
systems of government, and they want
the opportunity to study them so that
they may find their weaknesses.
"And because they realize the pres-
ent weaknesses of their government,
these far-away students do not ex-
pect their countries to materially aid
them in attending the universities.
They regard foreign aid more or less
as loans to their governments," Mr.
Skeyhill believes.

spect to cailing a supplementary naval Skeyhil said emphatically.
militia conference are taking more Mr. Skeyhill is a traveler and lec-
definite shape. By his direction Sec- utrer of some note, and knows the
retary Kellogg has initiated an in- conditions of Europe, especially of
tensive study of the minutes of the Russia, from first hand experiences.
le spent, on three trips, more than a
original Washington conference to I year in Russia, living with the peopld,
acquaint himself fully with what tran- ! investigating the conditions, and see-
spired in regard to those elements of ing the country from every possible


vote of at least 600 or a quorum of the I naval armament for which no formula ange, an he may wel be regarde.
Union members must be taken and of 0EOT FEL Vof limitation was found.
this quorum at least two thirds must The president feels that there is
vote in favor of the measure to pass it. opportunity now for a conference to
For this reason, Union officials urge 1 LV OJ P[U FH M take up and complete the work of the
that all members attend the meeting if D M R E CHF OC N I E C 11921j meeting which laid down the i E T N
possible. 5-5-3 rules as to capital ships and also
The amendment which will be pro- « found it possible to limit proportion-
posed relates to the method of nomi- 'the World's Econouic and Financial Discussion of Honor Courses lor ally air craft carrier tonnage and to
nating men who wish to run for any of j Situation" i sSubject of Seniors Was Purpose of fix the maximum size of auxilaryU
the various Union offices which are ss Conference craft and naval guns. A decision as and the Athletic Board
held by students. At present, the con- i to extending an invitation or even as Filled
stitution provides that a nominating HAS ENVIABLE RECORD MANY ATTEND MEETING to even informal sounding out of sen-
committee, appointed by the president, Itiment at foreign capitals with regardM
shal nominate all candidates from the r THIRD MEETING OF YEAR
list of men applying and it also makes "Plague, war, and catastrophe have Dean John Effinger of the literary to further conferences is unlikely un-
provision that any member who has I not tarnished the ideals of youth," college returned Sunday from a week's preliminary sury just undertaken. The University Senate, at its third
not been named by the nominating said Tonm Skeyhill, Australian sold- trip to the University of Iowa and The study probably will require dis- regular meeting of the current school
committee but who wishes to run for ier and traveller, in his talk on "The Chicago, where he attended two edu- cussions with the secretaries of the year last night, elected three mem-
an office may do so by presenting a Coming Renaissance of Youth," given cations] conferences. At Iowa city war and navy departments and with hers of the Board of Directors of the
petition signed by 200 members re- Yt. the naval and military experts of the Union and one of the Board in Control
questing the name of the man to be under the joint auspices of the Orat- he addressed an assembly of Univer- government so the president may be of Athletics, approved of the recom-
placed among the list of candidates. ( orical association and Round Table sity leaders on the Honors course, made fully aware of the practical and mendations of the Deans' conference
The proposed amendment. would club in University hall yesterday af- while at Chicago he attended sessions technical aspect of the supplemental regarding a change in final examina-
Change this provision to read, "All teInoon "It makes small difference of the North Central association of conference proposal. There has been tion dates, and adopted several me-
nominations of candidates for election whether the old order has failed," he Colleges and Universities. no time for such conferences as yet, morial resolutions.
to the above named offices (student In commenting upon the gathering because the data of the original con- Prof. Alfred O. Lee of the Romance
offices in the Union), whether made by continued, "so long as the youth of at Iowa City, Dean Effinger said that ference are so extensive that Mr. Kel- languages department was elected to
the nominating committee or by pe- the world remains whole and unbow- "It was the general decision that Hon- logg, with other duties requiring most succeed himself as a member of the
tition, must be approve(] by the Poard ed." ors courses can only be introduced of his attention, cannot complete his Board in Control of Athletics. Dean
of Directors at a meeting held on the The speaker declaredhis belief that vWhen an institution is so manned and examination for some time. j Henry M. Bates of the law school and
fourth day preceding the day s;t for the world is on the threshold of a equipped to make the work organized- Professors Henry C. Anderson of the
the 'election, and the name of no can- new era, the outgrowth of a conscious in that way profitable." ADEIers"Hery C. And Jose
didate for election to the above named( Some of the necessary features in IMAJ .1DEJCLARE'S I engineering college and Joseph ; -
dice sa laced to th e tna d striving toward an order in which' the eesa y himtoe Hayden of the political science de-
oies shall be placed on the election hatred and war will have no part the matter were stated by him to b A ERA GE IIFE partment were elected to the Board of
ballot without such approval by the atrdnc an warillaveno art good in laboratories, a good library, Directors of the Union. Dean Bates
Board of Directors." and men in sympathy with the move- I EN H EN I
T Boarcof Directors, to whch ance, he indicated, is afforded in the ent and well acqaite th it IS LENGHTENED and Professor Anderson succeed
it is proposed to give the final author- note of humanity and unselfish pa- features. "The general advice was, ' themselves. Professor Hayden sue-
ity in selecting candidates, consists of triotism, sounded i the war poetry of he declared, "to begin in a small way Miami, Fla., March 24.-Dr. Charles ceeds Prof. George W. Patterson, as-
epresentatives of the student bodyI Rupert Brooke, Joyce Kmer and Alan and extend the plan gradually." Mayo of Rochester, Minn., declared sistant dean of the engineering col-
from every college in the University, Gienfell. Mr. Skeyhill, referring to The Honors course plan, the Dean i yesterday that the average life oflege, who is now abroad.
epresentatives of the faculty an his experience as a soldier the' pointedout, has been furthest worked man, which ws 40 years in 1850, has The Senate approved the recom-
r nty World War, stated that the poets out at Swarthmore university, where been lengthened to 58 by the develop- mendation of the Deans that the final
pr~esenttives o. the almnexaminationnddperiodnviforothisalsemesters
In addition to voting upon the pro- ss it has taken in juniors and seniors ment of surgery and preventative examination period for this semester
posed amendment to the costitution, that the presence of a like trend in ad has been in operation for some medicine. He also asserted that the begin Friday, May 29, and end Tues-
e meeting wi be turned into a is the recent literature of England, time. More than 40 students are en- biblical promise of "three score and day, June 9, including Memorial Day.
cussion group to discuss Un a America, Russia, France, and Ger- rolled in the course this year. In gen- I ten" will be fulfilled soon. Three memorial resolutions were
and plans for the remaimnder of the many indicate that the awareness of eral principle the Honors course in This statement agrees substantially presented by the chairman of com-
cear. Refreshments will also be serv- the new movement is not confined to i the English department here is or- with the opinion of Prof. John Sund- mittees appointed for that purpose
ed at- the end of the assembly. any nation or race. ganized in the same spirit as that at wall of the public health department and were adopted by the Senate. Res-
Whether members intend to vote in "The old order is gone forever," he Swarthmore. who, in an interview recently, stated olutions were presented regarding
favor of the amendment or not, all continued, "exploded by the force of More than forty representatives of that "the average age of man would President Marion L. Burton, Registrar
umen on the campus are urged by the its own rottenness." Commenting on middle-western institutions attended reach 70 years if everyone applied the i Arthur . Hall, and Professor Emeri-
Uilfion to attend the meeting in order Mr. H. G. Wells, with whom he group- the sessions in Iowa. Among thelarg- present day knowledge in hygiene." tus Claudius B. Kinyon of the medi-
that the required quorum may b ed Lloyd George and Dean of St' er universities that were represented Professor Sundwall also said that to cal school by Professors Louis A.
present. If 600 men are not present, Pauls', as representative minions of were Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, (predict that 100 years will be the Strauss of the Englih department,
it will be impossible to tak- a vote the old order Mr. Skeyhill said, "They Wuoonsin, Indiana, Nebraska, Mis- 'average span of life would be going Fred N. Scott of the rhetoric depart-
aid the amendment will probably beI lost het when they saw the things r, Kentucky, and several others. beyond te present facts.ment, and John W. Scholl of the
lad sideunti nex yea. Iin which they believe and to which sumiKetcyan svrlohrsbyndhepsntat.
_ad aside until next year. I--w- they g e life i and whDr. Mayo also declared that the German department, respectively.
they had given their life, weighed and lengtening of human life had a de-
University alumni of Albany and found wanting." [teening of hu lfe ha ad-
Schnectady, New York, 'will be ad- Outliningg his conception of the fea- Icer. The reason was attributed to the
dressed April 25 by Dean John R. tures displayed in the new movement, fact that it is a disease which gener-L c rSert s
Effinger of the literary college at their Mr. Skeyhill indicated that it must inesrlder[tyo[h f ally chooses its victims among per-
dinner. necessarily differ greatly from that of sons past middle age.
the old Greek, Italian or English Ren- j Goitre is another disease which is Prof. John Lewis Gillin of the so-
Nashville, Tenn., March 24.-Fra- aisances, because of the differing con- Fifty men from Michigan to attend on the increase according to Dr. ciology department of the University
ternities at Vanderbilt University are ditions reflected in the present con- the student conference at Lake Gene- j Mayo. He said that this happened of Wisconsin will deliver a series of
in heated argument pro and con over dition of trebled population, great cit- va, Wisconsin, June 12-22, is the aim because agriculture and erosion were 4 lectures beginning at 4:15 o'clock
a system of deferred rushing, ies, an industrial society, the leveling of the Geneva club committee of this gradually exhausting the supply of tomorrow in Lane hall auditorium un-
influences of democracy, and the campus which' is arranging the dle- iodine in the soil. under the auspices of the Michigan
growth of knowledge arising romSi the gation to attend this year's confer- I Dr. Mayo remarked'that he believes School of Religion. Professor Gillin
ather~ a findings in the Natural Sciencsnce. , Thirty three students repre- that the increasing tendency of will speak on religion and social de-
sented this university at the confer- wealthy men to endow institutions for velopment.
SChampaign, Ill., March 24.-I nois ence last year. c nmedical research is the most encour- Lectures will be given tomorrow,
$T I university students responded to a The Geneva club, composed of stu- aging development of modern civiliza- Friday, and Saturday of this week.
call for aid for the tornado stricken dents who have attended at least one tion and culture. The final lecture will be delivered
HA~st t area of southern Illinois with dons-i conference, will bold an open meetingaI Monday, March 30. The general pub-
tions of $289 and 285 bundles of Iat 7:30 o'clock Wednesday, April 1, in Mna apli is invited.-
- clothing. Lane hall. WpIAN 1 uflA ' Rr1i n

L i

'FOR swims SUNDAY1
Following Interscholastic Swimming
Meet Saturday; New Tank Will
Be Opened to Members
I Following the interscholastic swim-
ming meet which is to be held in the
new Union pool next Saturday after-
noon and in which 110 entries have
been received, the tank will be open- I
ed for the use of members of the
Union at 9 o'clock Sunday morning.
This will mark the official opening of
the tank, after which the pool will be
available for swimming every day1
from 9 o'clock in the morning to 11
o'clock at night.
Certain rules will be enforced in
the operation of the pool to which' all
men using the tank will be required
to conform. As the person enters the
pool room, he will make out a writ-
ten application for a locker and file!
s this with his Union membership card
with the clerk at the desk. A mem-
bership card is absolutely necessary
to receive a locker and be permitted
to swim in the pool. After finishing
his swim, the person wlil receive his
card from the clerk again.
Drawers have been provided for
valuables and watches, money and
other valuable articles may be depos-
ited with the clerk who will place
them in these safety drawers. The
price of a swim, $.25, will be collected
before a locker ?will be assigned.
I Tickets from the books sold during
I the recent pool campaign will be ac-
cepted in payment for the swim. There
are a number of these books of tick-
ets left and they may be purchased
at the main desk in the lobby. i
There has been provided 100 lock-
ers and the number of peopfe swim-
ming in the pool at one time will be
limited to this number. Every swim-
mer will be required to take a show-,
er before entering the pool and at-
tendants will be in charge to see that
this. rule is enforced. No clothing
of any kind will be permitted to be
worn by anyone swimming in the
tank. There will be life guards sta-
tioned in the pool during the open4
hours and these men all have certifi-
cates as life savers.
Like the other parts of the building,
the tank will be for the use of mem-
bers of the Union only and a member-
ship card is the only means of being
permitted to swim.
Philadelphia, Pa., March 24.-
Twelve national fraternities at Temple
University have formed an Interfra-'
ternity Council.

Present Frontiers Would Be Assured,
British Secretary of Foreign
Affairs Claims
London, March 24.-(By A. P.)--
Austen Chamberlain, secretary for
foreign affairs, informed the British
parliament and the rest of the world
tonight that Great Britain will have
nothing further to do with' the wreck-
age of the Geneva protocol but will
seek to build permanent peace for
Europe on another foundation-a mu-
tual pact between Germany and her
late allied enemies. This pact would
guarantee the present frontier of
western Europe against change and
in it, Germany would renounce all
idea of ever going to war to bring
about alteration in her eastern bord-
ers as they were fixed after the last
With the pact Mr. Chamberlain en-
visages Germany's admission to the
League of Nations, with full fledged
{ membership in the council of that or-
ganization. This vision based on.
Germany's recent proposals will not
bear fruit, Mr. Chamberlain thought
unless Great Britain and the neigh-
boring nations across the channel
"can deal successfully and expedi-
tiously with the remaining obligations
of disarmament and the evacuation of
the Cologne area."
Since the war, no less than during
it, Mr. Chamnberlain asserted Europe
has been in two camps with fear
haunting the councils of every na-
tion, and the home of every continent-
al people. If this continues, sooner
or later Europe would be marching
to a new Armageddon, but in the new
proposal for a pact in which Ger-
many and her late enemies would
make mutual guarantees, he saw 'th''
possible dawn of a better day.
Favors fer the 1925 Military Ball
which have been selected by the com-
mittee will be different from those of
previous years. A letter opener in the
form of a small, heavily silvered
plated saber about eight inches in
length will be given to each ticket
holder. On one side of the saber
will be stamped "U of M. Military
Ball-1925." A small maize and blue
ribbon is tied through the hilt.
A limited number of these, however,
are still available and will be dis-
tributed to faculty members and the
student body from 1 to 5 o'clock this
afternoon, March 25 in the Union. Ap-
plicatioits should be- filled in and
mailed with a stamped, self addressed
envelope to Ralph Graichen, '25E,
416 Benjamin street, chairman of the
ticket committee.
Two high school basketball teams
will arrive in Ann Arbor this after-
noon in preparation for the Class B
and Class C state interscholastic bas-

ketball tourneys to be held here this
weekend. Lake Linden and Harbor
Springs will be the teams to arrive
today while the remaining entries in
the two tournaments will arrive to-
morrow morning. There will be two
games in each class tournament to-
morrow night while the other rounds
will be held Friday and Saturday, the
final games being scheduled for 5
C o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Two new entries in each of the two
ournamens have been received by
the authorities in charge. Alma and
Hart are the two new entries in Class
I B while Carson City and St. James,
of Bay City, are the additional en-
tries in Class C.
This year's tournament promises to
be one of the closest in the history
of the affair according to Kenneth
Seick, '25, who is in charge of the
arrangements. A number of teams in
the tourney will have met before dur-
I ing the regular season and their en-
counters in the race for the state title
will be more interesting and hard
I fought than otherwise.


says, he hopts it to be generally fair

--1---- 111 IIUII L 01I Ld 111;d I
Pershing Most Logical Choice LECTURE ON ESTHETICS'
For Tacna Arica Post---James
In the first of six informal talks on ,

New Pendleton Library Attracts
Many Guests At Formal Opening'

I am most pleased to have the
honor and probably the audacity
of advising the readers of THE
MICHIGAN DAILY of the best
means of advertising. You shall
hear from me every day. I wel-

That President Coolidge exercisedT
great care in selecting General John
J. Pershing as president of the Tacna
Arica plebiscite commission which is
to settle the ancient territorial feud
between Chile and Peru, and that the
executive could not have designated
a better man for the post, are some'
of the views of Prof. P. E. James of
the geography department regarding
' the recent appointment. "With the
exception of former Secretary of
State Hughes there is probably no

esthetics, Prof. Charles E. Whitmore
a soldier, and General Pershing's re- of the rhetoric department yesterday
cent trip to South America did much outlined his plans for the entire ser-
to bring him into personal contact ies to be held Tuesdays and Thurs-
with the inhabitants." days in Rom 3208, Angell Hall. Speak-
General Pershing, with a Chilean ing on "The Autonomy of Esthetics"
and Peruvian members, who are yet as the first topic, Professor Whitmore
to be appointed, will comprise the claimed that there was no general
commission whose duty it will be to principle by which a knowledge of
supervise and safeguard the plebis- one art would endble a man to ap-
cite. This popular vote by the in- preciate all the arts.
habitants of Tarata will determine "So long as man is interested in art
under whose sovereignty the much- and is convinced that the various
disputed territory will be placed, kinds of art have a common source,


Scores of people kept up a steady
stream into the new Edward Waldo
Pendleton Memorial library on the
second floor of the Union which was
officially opened yesterday afternoon.1
From 3 to 5 o'clock members of the
faculty and their wives and members
of the Union inspected the library
which is the gift of Mrs. Catherine B.'
Pendleton of Detroit in memory of her
husband, the late Edward Waldo
President Emeritus Harry B. Hut-
chins and Mrs. Hutchins, Acting-
President Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs.

opportunity which will be given toI
ladies to inspect the new room, today!
marking the opening of the library for
the use of members only. From now
on, the library will be open every day
from 11 to 11 o'clock. The room will
be in charge of an attendant. Over-
coats must be checked before enter-
ing the library as no outer clothing
will be permitted to be laid on the
chairs and furniture in the new room.
It is also requested that those using
the room refrain from smoking while'
in the place.
The obiect of the new library is to


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